6mm ARC - Light bullet tests (58-90gr)

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all right folks welcome back it's time for our next six millimeter arc video it feels like we're still just getting started with the six millimeter arc we've done a couple videos trying out various heavy bullets and then we worked on a hunting load with 90 grain sierra tipped game king so far everything is going great with six millimeter arc and you know every video we seem to find at least one or a couple combinations of powder and bullet that seem to be wanting to shoot really well so today i want to try a bunch of light bullets all the way down to 58 grains and then back up to 90. so here's the lineup of 10 bullets all the way to the left is our lightest guy the 58 grain vmax and we've actually got four different v-max's in this test we've got the entire hornady six millimeter v-max lineup the 58 grain the 65 grain the 75 grain and the 87 grain so hornady is very well represented today so the second lightest bullet is going to be the 60 grain sierra varminter we've got three different sierra bullets today that 60 grain varminter we've got a 70 grain blitz king and we've got an 85 grain game king now next one up we already mentioned the 65 grain vmax the next one up is the 68 grain burger flat based target so these next two bullets the burger flat base target and then the next one is the 68 grain bartz ultra the 68 grain flat base target bullets in six millimeter are are what they use in the six ppc for bench rest competitions this is primarily the style of bullet that we've shot in my six ppc videos so interested to see how these two 68 green bullets do moving on up we've got the 70 grain blitz king that we already mentioned then the 75 grain vmax that we already mentioned the 85 grain game king the 87 grain vmax and the last one here on the right is the 90 grain nozzler ballistic tip so i feel like this is you know this is a pretty good selection of light six millimeter bullets and should give us a lot of feedback so that was our ten different bullets we're also shooting ten different powders most of which we have not tried yet in the six millimeter arc i did pick stuff from the list you know from the hornady load data and the hodgdon load data on their website all of the data i used today comes from one of those two two places and here is the big the big list of load data a couple interesting powders i'll just mention are the first one we're using accurate lt 30. i think this is the first time i've used this powder um i think lt 32 is more popular in 6ppc and i've been wanting to pick up some of it to try but lt 30 i think i had originally bought this to try in 300 blackout for subsonics i think but well found low data with the 50 58 grain vmax decided i'd go go ahead and open this can and try lt 30 for the first time i think most of the rest of the powder list are you know a lot of our old favorites we haven't seen ram shot x terminator in a little while but you know it's been on the channel a few times this is the same stuff as accurate 2230 so you look at the load data for accurate 2230 and x terminator they'll be pretty darn close to one another let's see powerpro varmint h322 benchmark 8208 xbr n133 blc2 cfe223 and lev revolution yep all of those are powders we're pretty familiar with tell you one thing so we've already kind of found in my gun it seems to have a short throat which i think is pretty common you know like it's a thing people are running into you know back to our our first six arc video the factory ammo the hornady black ammo wouldn't even fit in my gun it hit the rifling we had to seat those i think 25 thousandths deeper or something to get them to run in my gun well whenever i was picking out overall lengths with these 10 bullets the main ones i had load data for were the hornady right so all four of those those vmax bullets i had to load them shorter than the hornady load data specifies so if i would have just gone by the manual picked that overall length and loaded them up for my gun i would have a stuck bullet most likely so i wasn't really all that careful about how far off the lands i was or measuring exact amount of jump with any of these i just kind of you'll see a lot of common numbers on the load data 2.050 2.150 i just you know kind of made sure i was well short and wasn't going to hit the rifling with any of these loads that was kind of the main the main thought behind those so let's see what else talk bullets we talked powders primers we're going to use cci number 450 primers now for brass we are using 100 pieces of brand new hornady brass so same two packs of brass that i've had since we got into the six millimeter arc now is finally the time to fire those for the first time get them fire formed so that's going to be our brass for today however i split the brass into two groups of 50. so for one box i used the hornady lock and load classic single stage reloading press you've seen me use this press a ton over the last couple years i have lots of confidence that it loads good ammo so that's the first box of 50. the second box of 50 i loaded with the lyman all-american 8 turret press this press i'm not so confident in just because the last time i was using it in some videos man we loaded up some bad ammo like we we just landed on some crappy powder and bullet combinations and and the groups kind of sucked and like in for some reason in the back of my mind like you know the press was still new to me i'm like man seems like since i switched to this press we haven't shot any good groups so that's what i'm going to do today i loaded up 50 rounds with the lyman i don't expect any differences but i thought we would do a blind test so out on the range actually i left it up to the people watching live on twitch i was like do you want to like leave this a secret or do you just want me to tell you which press is which and they wanted to go ahead and leave it a secret so on the range we'll be shooting two groups with each with each load each one loaded on a different reloading press so you know there's going to be minor differences in well especially with the seating operation you know i had to move the die over and completely reset it for each bullet so there's going to be a couple thousands up to a couple thousand and of course the battery dies in my audio recorder where were we what did i talked about we were talking about brass right we were talking about our two presses we were talking about the lyman press that i don't really have high confidence in yet at the same time i really don't have any hard evidence whatsoever to say that it's given me any problems so i thought this would be a good chance to line it up next to a press that i have confidence in oh okay i think i know what i was talking about out on the range the people who were watching it live on twitch wanted me to keep which press was which a secret so out on the range we're gonna we're gonna refer to one box as press a and the other box as press b and once we get back from the range i'll reveal which press was which so i think that pretty much covers it not gonna show any reloading i was dealing with 10 10 bullets 10 powders and two different presses so i wanted to keep my focus didn't even have the camera turned on so all right let's get out to the range it's a pretty long range trip so let's get it started okay folks time to get started we've got a target at 100 yards we're using the shot marker electronic target system up there where you'll see the shots come in you can follow the group size and all that junk in the top right hand corner the gun is an odin works barrel an 18 inch odin works barrel with a one in 7.5 twist 24 power scope we're getting velocities with the lab radar chronograph we're shooting with the silencerco omega suppressor and i think that's just about all of the important stuff so first bullet we're going to start light and work our way heavy our first bullet is the lightest the 58 grain hornady v-max with 28.0 grains of accurate lt 30. now one thing i'm wondering with these light bullets and the really fast burning powders like lt-32 whether it's going to run the gas system okay because this is already uh with the extra long gas system on this barrel and all that and the settings i've got currently on the adjustable gas block this this gun shooting very smoothly right now so it'll be interesting to see how it does with these faster powders all right so the first five shots are going to be from press a our first press hopefully i can keep all this crap straight and hopefully my notebook doesn't fly into the creek okay so our chronograph is armed see if these will shoot okay our first velocity was 33.30 i wasn't sure how much point of impact shift since uh this gun is sighted in with with heavy bullets so it doesn't look like much assuming it's going to group halfway decent i don't know let's find out yep got a malfunction looks like it ejected the last one and just failed to feed the next one which it got a little bit of a a little bit of a snake bite there at the shoulder but nothing too bad i'll try it again yeah this is this is kind of expected and it's not something i really want to worry about adjusting my gas block for because within a couple more groups here will be in powders that i think will you know have a little bit higher gas port pressure and probably start running the gun so i don't expect to shoot a lot of these sorts of powders so i don't want to adjust the gas system for him does that make sense hopefully it does okay that didn't go off so i'm assuming hang on was that five shots where the hell is my fifth shot oh it's in the chamber but for some reason the extractor didn't huh didn't get over the rim or something that was weird yeah that was really weird man we got a pretty good little group going on over here don't we let me zoom in a touch nice all right let's not screw it up put this last shot right in the middle yeah well yeah that's right where it went opened it up a touch that's still not too bad trying to decide whether to do separate velocity series for the two different uh loads yeah i think i will so okay our press a group was .82 inches not too bad average velocity 33 24 extreme spread 21.2 or i'm sorry standard deviation 21.2 extreme spread of 56. so i probably should have checked that brass for pressure signs looks like i did get a little bit of work on that brass a little bit uh a little bit of a smear on the ejector nothing i'm going to freak out too much about yeah the rest of the brass looks the exact same way let's see so what we'll do is we'll hide these shots on the on the shop marker that way we can more easily compare them oh hide hot there we go so here we go another five shot group this time with press b it felt like a yep well i didn't think the first shot dropped that low yep there it is now i see it it's too too close to black in the center i didn't see it yes this one jammed up a touch but doesn't look like it's in too bad a [Music] shape what in the world that is crazy like that's a pretty massive difference folks that fourth shot went all the way up there holy crap i did not see that coming all right let's pay the people which press has the better group press a right yep that's the one man i am i don't even know what to say right now all right so the fourth shot came in as 7 323 feet per second the funny thing is that it's also the one that went way super duper high so yeah we're gonna have to delete that shot that brings the average velocity to 33.26 which is within two feet per second of the last group let's see what's our total well our total group is going to be the same size as group two because all of these guys yep ten shots into two point three five inches i mean of course that ninth shot by far the worst and then that other shot there was a problem the other eight went into 0.82 inches so just interesting that both of those flyers came from press b very strange okay so our next bullet is the 60 grain sierra varminter this is a flat base bullet where our last bullet was uh was a boat tail so we've got several flat base bullets in our test today so we'll see if maybe they shoot better or worse than the uh then the boat tails in general our powder is ram shot x terminator uh 32.0 grains and we're shooting these down at 2.015 inches of overall length now i'm reversing the order of the rounds we're shooting so these are the ones loaded in press b so just in case i don't know some there's some effect where the second group is worse than the first one you know in general we're going to switch back and forth so this time it's press b going first let's see if they'll group first velocity was 33.50 all right that's not too bad that's not too bad at all i was a little bit worried about press b after the second group with that last bullet so yeah 0.83 inches is not too bad okay so we ended up with a 0.83 inch group average velocity 3346 standard deviation 13.1 and an extreme spread of 34 that is not too bad so let's hide these first five and we'll move on to press a yeah the brass on that stuff looks exactly the same little bit of smearage i tried not to go overboard when picking these loads but might have went a little bit a little bit overboard there all right so this is the same load these were loaded with press a which was our better group last time let's see what happens what we do 0.79 inches i'll take it so once again press a is a little bit better except this time it's just a little bit better last time it was an order of magnitude better this time just uh just a little bit 0.79 inches all right 33.47 is our average velocity and that is one f one foot per second faster than the first five so that's good 13.7 standard deviation versus 13.1 with the others and extreme spread of 28. good so that time pretty darn close okay moving right along our next bullet is the 65 grain hornady v-max uh this one we're shooting 32.0 grains of uh alliant power pro varmint and we're switching back the first group here are the rounds loaded in press a all right let's see if they'll group ah screwed it up just a little bit there at the end didn't i yeah how bad did i make it ah we went from 0.75 inches up to 1.07 inches still not the worst thing in the world alright so our group size 1.07 inches velocity was 31.89 with uh standard deviation 19.2 extreme spread of 54. watching the group on paper i thought it was i thought it was looking better than that but a little bigger than i thought it was gonna be yeah looking at this brass it is exactly like we've been seeing all along it might just be you know the softness of the new brass like none of them are raising up burrs or anything just getting a little bit of a little bit of an ejector smear all right let's hide these first five shots and move on to the next five that were loaded with press b see if they do any better okay just barely better 0.99 inches man except for that third shot the other four in that group went into 0.46 inches so that kind of sucks but you know what overall that's not a bad 10 shot group right i mean yeah that's not too bad at all this is the first time i've seen a a significant velocity difference between the two so our first five shots here with the 65 grain vmax were 31.89 and then the next five were 32.36 so it was at 47 feet per second seems like a big difference you know a slight difference in seating depth or whatever doesn't seem like it would account for that much difference huh interesting pretty weird all right so the next two bullets are our 68 grain flat base pinterest bullets so i'm interested to see how these are going to do the first one is the yeah the 68 grain burger flat base target our powder is h322 we're shooting 29.0 grains of it let's see what happens misfire that time this thing's not really running that hard i guess it just didn't pick up that last that last shot we're still on four right yep still on four all right don't screw it up ah oh crap bull crap i blame the misfire and the break of cheek weld that's what i blame it was definitely wanting to group let's see that was press b our velocity was 3153 standard deviation 23.5 extreme spread of 53. man thought that was going to be a good group okay let's hide the first five all right press a yep unlocked all the way back yeah i don't think it buggered it up there we go all in one hole press a about to show us how it's done [Applause] yeah malfunction there doesn't seem to be boogered up too bad yeah these are all hitting low aren't they i guess we could move that down just a little helps to close the bolt all right that should be the last powder we have function issues with h322 because i think the next uh well we still got vitivori n133 yeah i don't know we'll see what our group look like 1.13 inches that bullet like it was i think there's something there right like that's uh i think we maybe just caught a really bad load or something with some of this vertical stringing yeah i don't know that seems to show promise but it's pretty ugly when you just look at it by itself with no context our average velocity 31.25 so once again this is 28 feet per second slower than the last load that i'm not sure i have a explanation for that standard deviation 16.7 extreme spread 43 pretty close okay let's take a break for just a second and then we'll move on to the bart's ultra okay so next is the bart's ultra 68 grain uh flat base bullet this is another like this is a purpose-built bench rest bullet for six ppc so uh let's see what happens they're very similar to the to the burger flat base we just shot a little bit different but pretty close the powder on this one is benchmark 29.5 grains of benchmark let's see what happens this is press a so the first group are the rounds loaded with press a yeah forgot to move my target over so you guys could actually see what the hell is going on okay sorry about that man the first shot went low then the next four went up high man without that first shot what were we looking at yeah the next four went into point three three inches but one makes it a point six three inch group not too bad i'll take that all right so our group was .63 inches velocity was 3015 feet per second standard deviation 10.5 extreme spread of 28 good i like that one all right here's the bart's ultra with press b see what happens yep i need to hide my first five man i don't know what shop marker says but that that group on paper looks freaking amazing looks amazing oh yeah nice so those five went into a 0.43 inch group that is good stuff all right so the press b group was .43 inches a little bit better than the 0.63 inches with uh press a but to be honest i think that was just pure luck i think this was yeah they all just kind of packed right in there our velocity was 3026 feet per second in the second group it was 3015 before so 11 feet per second difference standard deviation 22 extreme spread of 43. sweet so yeah so that's 68 grain barts looks like a really good candidate to play around with some more in the future it's a very impressive group all right i want to take a break for a minute and then we'll move on we'll see what's next next is the 70 grain sierra blitz king okay so our next bullet is the 70 grain sierra blitz king at 2.15 inches of overall length uh the powder we're shooting is 29.5 grains of imr 8208 xbr the wind's kind of picking up on me a little bit here i'm going to try and wait it out a little bit but we'll see how it goes okay 1.06 inches we've had worse we've had much worse okay so our group was 1.06 inches average velocity was 2934 standard deviation 19.8 and an extreme spread of 46. so not great i i will say one thing about these 70 70 grain blitz kings like as i was seated in the bullets i i was having this feeling like man i should be seating these a little bit deeper i didn't quite get that much bullet neck you know contact you know i didn't get enough didn't get enough contact surface between the bearing surface and the neck of the of the case i didn't feel like so i'm just wondering you know going through this action whether you know whatever maybe the bullets are moving around or something affecting accuracy but i mean you know 1.06 that's not the worst thing in the world we'll see what it turns into once we shoot the second group okay moving right along these are the rounds that were loaded with press a yep so this is press a's group okay where the hell did that first shot go oh there it is down low yeah it's kind of ugly i could see it through the scope as i was shooting like yeah these these 10 shots are not looking well looking that great i don't think the gun likes that bullet yeah i agree with you mr paco it's like we found a dud or like i mentioned you know where i was seating them out pretty far maybe that bullet's just not quite stable enough to make it through the ar action without getting bounced around a little bit maybe you know things are getting jacked up that way and opening up the groups i don't know okay so with press a our group was 1.36 inches average velocity 29.36 which was two feet per second faster than the other group so pretty much the same yep rest the velocity statistics looked really close 22.1 standard deviation 57 extreme spread pretty close on that one okay moving right along our next bullet is the 75 grain v-max hornady v-max and we're shooting vitivori n133 28.3 grains of it this bullet i did have some problems uh during bullet seeding where my uh seeding stem didn't quite fit the bullet properly and i got some deformation on the jacket of the bullet i don't think it's terrible i've done this before and still shot good groups with the rounds so i'm hoping that's going to be the case here but then again maybe that ruined everything and this is a completely invalid and stupid test only one way to find out we're starting off with the low with the loads uh loaded on press a so let's see if they group i don't think that loaded the next round that felt like a very weak uh very weak hit there low recoil impulse weak recoil impulse i guess i should say with uh yeah vitivore n133 this might just be a little bit too fast yep now hopefully we can get through them without a bunch of uh failures to feed that are gonna mess with our rounds we'll see yeah that one kind of jammed in there see how hard it got hit got hit a little what's our group look like so far not too good 1.21 inches i'm not going to worry too much about this then ah gross all right so that ended up being a 1.21 inch group of average velocity 3025 standard deviation 9.5 extreme spread 24. okay yep so the next load is the exact same stuff that was loaded on press b let me hide the shots on shot marker all right let's see if press b did any better that one didn't even didn't even eject tell you what this load right here is probably showing more pressure signs on the brass than anything else that we've done so far [Applause] oh man more garbage all right so our group with press b was 1.33 inches velocity 3038 which is 13 higher than it was with press a not a big deal standard deviation 7.8 extreme spread 17. so the group was garbage but those are the best velocity statistic numbers we've seen today as far as extreme spread and whatnot so that's good so yeah next time i load up that bullet definitely going to have to be much more careful in my bullet seating operation and try not to damage those jackets i mean without a good you know a good seating operation that we feel comfortable with this you know these results don't mean a ton so i don't know all right so our next bullet is a sierra game king this is a hollow point boat tail so it's the 85 grain hollow point bowtail game king and we are shooting 29.5 grains of blc2 we are starting out with the rounds loaded with press b let's see what happens that shot like a mile low like i mean a mile low like what in the heck is that crap i don't think we've ever seen a point of impact shift that dramatic with this gun huh let's see if it's a group or if it's a shotgun pattern wow okay really crappy group way down low double check my suppressor make sure it didn't come loose on me or something oh it kinda did like it kinda did crap yep i'm thinking that might have been what just happened was the suppressor came loose a little it's what you get for putting all these ridiculous accessories on your gun you know crap comes loose you know who never had that problem the guy who never buys a suppressor because that crap's complicated now here's what's funny so the velocir the uh you know the group sucks 1.35 inches and our average velocity 2690 standard deviation 8.0 extreme spread of 19. and yeah looking down at the target top right of the shot marker target also shows you velocity and sd at the target and looks like it was really low down there as well all right here's the same load from press a but this time with a tight suppressor i'll be interested to see what happens to our point of impact here let me hide these first five yeah and we'll just see what happens here yep it was all suppressor holy crap how about that garbage you know i'm lucky that doesn't happen to me more it's something i should probably check more often during my during my tests forgot to arm my chronograph just realized that all right maybe i should uh check my suppressor between every group that's a good looking one 0.72 inches i like it all right so our group with the a loads 0.72 inches average velocity 2681 which is just 9 feet per second different than it was with the other press loads standard deviation 3.0 extreme spread of six they'd see like the the sd at the target sometimes sometimes we get this mismatch where you know our muzzle velocity muzzle standard deviation looks good but the target standard deviation looks crappy don't really have a good explanation for it because i think shot marker's taking accurate readings down there there's just something yeah i don't know sometimes we see this but feeling a whole lot better about blc2 now i had a feeling it would be you know the sort of powder that gave us crazy low standard deviations like lever evolution and cfe 223 which are coming up those are the next two powders we're going to test something about these slow burning ball powders for this cartridge that seemed to just yeah i don't know man the sd numbers are insane [Music] i was like do we have five more to shoot like doll no they're like you know six inches down the target that's where they're at so let's see that was press b we're definitely not going to hold that against press b we had our uh suppressor malfunction user error so what was that that was the 85 game king pretty good shooting bullet looks like all right so our next bullet is the 87 grain hornady v-max we are shooting 30 grains of cfe-223 this is a powder we've already had a bunch of success with in the arc in our testing with heavier bullets so have a feeling it's going to do pretty well here with the 87 v-max we are starting off with the rounds loaded in press a [Music] let's see what happens ew that doesn't look good gross okay well that group's just strung out all over the place not too good at all all right so there's nothing impressive about this whatsoever the group was bad at 1.57 inches velocity 2719 uh standard deviation 17.5 and extreme spread of 37. i was expecting better from both that vmax and cfe223 not great okay next up is the exact same load loaded with press b all right let's see what happens i need to clean up the target don't i forgot to do that there we go that's better all right 1.18 inches it's like that third shot got us yep sure did without that third one the others went into .46 inches so that's good all right so a little bit better numbers this time 1.18 inch group velocity of 2743 which is 24 feet per second faster than it was with the other ones standard deviation shrunk to 8.2 extreme spread of 19. all right so that gives me a little bit of hope for for the 87 grain v-max i would really like for that to be a good shooting bullet you know that this gun likes it's not like you can control that sort of thing but you know it's okay to dream it's okay to wish and i wish that bullet would uh get along well with this gun because i'd like to i'd like to have a load you know like a heavy hitting varmint load for coyotes or something i think that 87 would be awesome for something like that all right one more bullet to go the 90 grain nosler ballistic tip let's take a little break then we'll move on to that okay so we got one more bullet to go it is the 90 grain nozzler ballistic tip so this is the uh yeah so this is the standard ballistic tip so this is like a medium game bullet where i think they've got a ballistic tip varmint that's just a little bit lighter than this one if i'm not mistaken but whatever today we've got the 90 grainer that's what we're testing the powder is hodged in lever evolution 30.0 grains of lever evolution first up these are the rounds loaded with press b looks like good group .65 inches i will take it nice yeah that's good one that is a good one happy to have it okay so our group was .65 inches average velocity was 2807 standard deviation 15.1 extreme spread of 34. not too shabby i can i can live with that all right so let me hide these real quick to clean up our target a touch and let's see what this these next five do these were loaded with uh yeah press number one so these five are press number one let's see what happens all right well the 10 shot group down there doesn't look too bad on paper so 0.72 inches okay 0.72 inch group average velocity 2818 which is 11 feet per second different from the last one so pretty close little worse velocity statistics 21.8 standard deviation extreme spread of 60. so that's not too bad that was pretty good performance out of the 90 grain nozzle ballistic tip not a huge surprise right we did work up that hunting load for six arc with the 90 grain uh sierra game changer which is a similar-ish kind of bullet i guess you know so maybe this gun likes 90s i don't know pretty happy that the nozzle ballistic tip is one of them all right so let's see yeah let's get packed up get back to the bench we'll uh talk over the details so let's have a look at some brass and this will be a good time to reveal that the lyman press was the a press and the hornady was the bee i don't think there was much going on there we'll talk about it a little bit more here in just a minute but i don't think there's going to be a whole lot to talk about to be honest with you there were a couple of these loads they were all kind of hot like here here's a here's one from our second group the 32 grains of ex-terminator see if i can get the sun shining just right yeah look at that see that big old honking smear there so the primers still look you know nice and rounded and all that we just got a little bit of shininess that i wasn't really expecting and it got worse a couple times and we actually raised up some burrs on some of this brass yeah i think this row is the worst so let's see that's the seventh load so this yeah this was the 75 grain v-max with vitivori n133 so look at that big old nasty burr that got raised up and a little bit on this side as well oh you see that that's nasty so that's not good and to add insult to injury this this load was one of the ones that wouldn't run the wouldn't run the action so vidivore n133 awesome for a bolt action ppc or probably even a bolt action 6 arc but i'm going to need to open that gas block a lot for it to have any hope of working so i don't know but yeah so uh watch yourself and you know that kind of just that's good general advice that i probably would have been better off to listen cl a little closer to the faster burning powders actually if you look on low daddy you'll usually find there's not a huge window like the window from minimum charge to max charge a lot of times is pretty narrow and fast powders can get away from you quick you know a load that you're kind of working up will be fine fine fine and then out all of a sudden it's bad so things can get bad really quick and that yeah that definitely happened you know whenever i picked these loads i really i thought i was trying to stay well off maximum and take good care of the brass but i didn't quite accomplish the mission with a couple of those loads so the exact same thing here in the other box with the uh with the hornady press same exact stuff we're not going to worry too much about it let's get back out to the normal view all right so we don't have a ton to talk about here right i mean the video is long enough as it is but a couple things to bring up the press comparison accomplished its goal we loaded a lot of good uh good ammo on the lineman press so big boost in confidence it was funny like of our we shot a total of 10 10 groups that were under an inch five of them were with press a the lyman and five of them were with press b the hornady there were only a couple bullets where the groups with both presses were under an inch the first one is this old box of the 60 grain sierra varminters check out the price tag on that one two dollars this is still as far as i know this is the same bullet they make still to this day so they shot pretty good for two cents a piece the next one was the uh the bart's ultra which i've got quite a few of these from my grandfather's old stockpile for a six ppc so those were i think those were the two smallest groups of the day shot with that same bullet let me double check that yeah looks like it a .63 and a .43 were the two best groups of the day and they were both fired with that bolt with that bart's ultra bench rest bullet so we'll play with that some more in the future no doubt and the only other bullet that shot two groups under an inch yeah the other one was the uh was the 90 grain nozzle ballistic tip yeah these old guys this is another pretty old box of these guys i would say just in general i was not happy to see that none of our vmaxes really shot well we've shot a couple decent groups but on the whole the v-max's just weren't that impressive we'll be working some more with them at the very least i want to spend some more time with that 87 to give it all all of the opportunity to succeed that we possibly can and i think that just about covers it i mean is there anything else we need to talk about we've got so much more work to do in six millimeter arc and we're going to be getting back to it really soon so we shouldn't be waiting very long on the next six millimeter arc video not sure exactly what it's going to be yet but i know it'll be soon so thanks for joining me i appreciate it very much i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 36,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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