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[Music] hi I'm Stephanie and this is my home the sixteenth century château de la la la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of French royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by King Louie the 15th to greet Marie Antoinette on her arrival in France but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home I live here all the time and I'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to Lalande a chateau filled with life love and laughter sips gone for a little walk so she's not on her eggs so I want to go and see if I can spot them because I've only ever seen her on them I haven't seen the eggs themselves Wow there are five oh look at that I hope she's coming back better not disturb her by staying near here oh yes she is looking for four isn't she five eggs the huge Wow she's got everything she needs she's got food she's got water so that's not why she's out and about I think she just missed thore showing a whale of a time [Music] she is the weirdest noise I still have my ear sings inside rose cuttings doing well all of them but I've still have these to do so I was going to plum them in earth perhapses for a change I want to point out the beautiful American pink jazz to make you look how beautifully they have come along yes I want to plumb the amount today I I cannot bear heat to have them here and the Brad atomic great are doing extremely well too as you can see so they'll go out today but I have hundreds and hundreds of seeds to sue but some of them I am too much on the limit of simmer yeah so we will have to wait for autumn I will take a chance with sunflower teddy bear that's pretty and companion of course which we know I love yeah in the night scented stock also i plumb those in here but I'll save some for the still think I saw three lights because it might be late the tide gate from America is doing extremely well in fact most of it is outside oh yes show me what's been happening in the garden mummy you see this side of the garden which was naked is growing like this the potatoes are coming along beautifully the new archers are looking great squashes oh I love those yes oh boy and look at night please the peas have started to look at the butterfly oh no we don't want these butterflies out go away cabbage fly butterfly I was thinking how very pretty it was go away what we have here is a human scarecrow look two of them meeting creating yet more turning each other we've got to match them they're so happy mummy did you see all the young wow dude don't do that yes what a job what so beautiful now yes so I was thinking that the compost heap will go against the other wall as we come in and then we'll have a nice walkway all along here it's looking beautiful your garden mummy what a transformation yes yes one day of Dan makes a big difference and of course sand mop building my sinks and then filling them yeah it's a good thing I can smell it from here and if you come in the evening in the garden you can smell it it is beautiful I could make cut cheese and perhaps all over the place mummy of the roots yes yes make lots of cuttings because this isn't oh they'll be lovely to have some planters at the base of the chateau so that people get that smell through their windows definitely at the bottom of the terrace oh yes oh yes so anyway now we can start think I know now I can really plan now but it's wonderful wonderful wonderful this is a yellow rose please you know mummy I bought that last year and I think we got two or three raspberries from it last year and look the difference one year makes they new runners from it just delicious these are wonderful the red ones aren't ready that's a pity there might be one I think I found one Logan berry I see you create an anti peacock measure it's really sweet then you've covered one half for us and you've left one half free for the peacock share and share alike oh these are getting ready they're getting pink oh the gooseberries oh one of these he will have the radishes from America who black radish which was already eaten that's why it's so empty then beautiful I don't want to pull them out well I will oh yes because they're not sharp but they're crunchy nice and clean all the people radishes oops I should have picked it up before all the flowers are starting on the beans that's going to be so pretty and what do you think of my plan for this part of the garden that would be lovely your idea we're thinking creating a pergola here a wooden frame and then have the vine growing over the top and clear this area and have chairs and table in there and that way their gardener mummy can sit here and just survey the garden coming up with new planting schemes from inside a beautiful pergola area yes oh so many exciting ideas at the moment things are happening yes for years it's all been ideas and now to see them coming where true coming to life yes oh here comes Mary Poppins bringing out your American Tomatoes okay let's have a look I planted flowers and I plan she does that sigh so I'm going back to the kitchen with the radishes but on my way let's check on our peahen she yes she's all settled hello darling you're doing a great job we're all rooting for you ask it to see you working in here so MA yes this bed was a right State lose that yes hmm [Music] they're going to make the missing sides yes because we try to attach the end to the actual bed but obviously that's not the long-term solution yes which would be fantastic yes it will look better higher be really grand lovely high bed Oh fantastic I'm so happy you're working on this summer this is another Ian we're so lucky with Ian's in this house he in the plasterer he's come to fix the beam in the entrance hall finally so yeah what are the little the little screws that you've added yeah that's more straight into the beams to hold cracking anymore that's great do is fill them all in and then it's solid yeah plastering is like witchcraft to me it's so amazing I don't know how you do it yeah you're so talented with it so let's look at the bad bit that's this bit here isn't it yeah cuts all that out great you've made it super neat already and that's where you had to go back to go back so like loose falling off sauce yes all the way back there and then screwed all the way up and then rebuild it and then posture I'm just gonna make a mold for the corner area because you want to call this back yeah so get that done fantastic that's going to look spectacular I'm going to do the same thing okay I didn't realize that and then do exactly the same with this like so if you start fixing all the cracks in this house you might be here for some time [Laughter] now it's not a Christmas garland some people think I've left my Christmas garland up it's the spring garland it's a summer garden it's nice change I took the Christmas decorations up it's didn't I yeah well you know if you don't take it down by the 5th of January to leave up all year well that's what we're doing otherwise it's bad luck so the reason I can take you down is just look so bad here without it and I was wondering was possible to do like a plaster shelf there I know I'm positive doing by the fireplace thing yeah exciting times I'm I'm just going to add some mozzarella to the top before it's completely set because I'm going for a picnic with Michael we're going to go to the ruined mill he hasn't seen it before so we'll go doing that it's such a beautiful day today I hope it lasts yes we are so very lucky with the year wizza this is a tuna mozzarella kind of fashioned black olive quiche well I think that looks pretty nice look invented one of ago that's true I used what we had in the house yes that's right so you look very pretty and in the pink on such a nice day oh the apron you know but yes you haven't seen this dress before oh he's denied food it was a gift from a good friend of mine JC and mommy I don't know what you think but I like it so much I'm thinking of ordering it myself in the blue as well didn't you would see you wait dear would you like one yes why don't you try this on and see if it fits you I will try that okay not now keep it on give me done there present I really sincerely hope that no one walks in right now because I'm currently wearing just my underwear and mummy's fleece cardigan trainers mummy I knew it I knew it would look good on you I see oh you look beautiful and there's a sale on so I think the least I can do is get you that dress oh sweet dot you don't need to you don't need too much if you want but I swore back into these plays but actually have to go and get change because we'll be going into the long grass for the picnic and I don't think this is the best idea for that I had a quick change because whilst it looks as I'm wearing a light summer dress still I'm in fact wearing complete thick body armor it's thick tight and this is a body over the top of that and I'm just put a dress on top of that because we have ticks here so it's okay in the very beginning of the year in winter but now they must be active so in the garden we're fine we can wear what we like but when we go into the woods or into the long grass then we need to protect ourselves from ticks French sparkling water because it's Michael's blog day today so don't think it's a good day for wine at lunch time it's too much to do this afternoon this is a really very beautiful sight there's Michael Patrick a quiche at the top of a chateau and a ruined mill it's a lot of good things in one shot this is perfect seriously if it's gonna work work quite well actually sir tuna mozzarella and black olive here what's the verdict it's perfect Stephanie thank you love it this place is huge there's just so much here and we always find a treasure every time I really like that so do i and it's all tin as well the tins in quite good condition was it's really nice over an open fire is that what it was for because it's like yeah we're gonna open fire are you cooking it it's not really really good actually how much is that 25 whoa that's good thinking about buying that you should over the cottage can you imagine Beatrix Potter cottage well I'm not gonna have an open fire so I'm looking for copper pans with a cottage but that's no good but it's got a split in it okay so not also you see the base it's gone concaved yes it needs to have a perfectly flat base to make full contact with a cast iron pot plate okay what about any of these anything here no the search continues I think I buy it for when we do off the basement kitchen in the Chateau that's gonna have an open fire in it and it will have a hook that you can hang a Coulter on perfect perfect honestly such a great fire suits and things see this big thick and bound rump yeah what they've done is they put an iron ring and iron hoop in there and they've turned the copper over it and that indicates that it's older and worth more money you know how do you know everything oh my goodness you found another one that's three you're joking did you like these I do like that how much are they 10 years apiece I've got one at home haven't I the same it's so what company is that is it French so I mean no yeah yeah yeah yeah they're lovely do you actually really like this you've fallen in love with Joan of Arc is that during hot so I mean it does look like a woman holding that under our cue Joan of Arc glory on our liberty and country it's old it's got to be Victorian at least it's going to be at least a hundred years old maybe more much is what you're wearing so wedding dress Michael no not today not in the mood for a wedding dress today my size ah drat I like looking at all of the lovely old sheets the French really specialize in beautiful sheets look at the embroidery on that one two meters eighty by two meters 20 hand embroidered it's 20 euros there are more lovely embroidered ones here this is s B often they have monograms on a really minty soft green I quite like that actually and here there's a 12-person service with lots of little embroidered napkins 25 euros and they're really pretty things on the tablecloth as well I'm not going to unwrap it it's a good price this is always my favorite section I just love coming and looking at all of the plates here these are quite lovely 20 euros for 16 of them they're French nunavut called English style hand engraving under glaze that's quite charming I can come here to get them would you reckon Michael I think they're quite nice yeah I'm just imagining a nice table outside and in the garden maybe in summer and then one of these every place setting ready for chilled gazpacho soup made with mummies from the garden Oh lovely 16 420 that's quite a lot yeah it's quite a lot of plates that money for anything now tell me about your 40 year old pair of shoes usually nearly 500 euros each chair that I cut you in for some reason we've got these amazing designer shoes there today do you think he'll it's got sword on the sword yeah I like them yeah I'll show me the back of the shoe I just love the heel and the underneath with a little dagger on it well they're fantastic that is a very unexpected fine in the local charity shop because we thought what it would be like with tights on I think we'd like so all right now so they're from 400 to 40 amazing yeah yeah they like them made from metal or something we need to go I don't know maybe there's your floaty dress with these I mean because let's face I never leave the shot a so I'm not too sure what these are for but there's got to be a reason one day cut them all right I'm gonna get 40 euros to my tortoises and I think mummy would really like these the heels not too high it's a really pretty color it's very mummy so I think I'm going to get those for her we've popped into the hair shop so that Michael can finally fix my roots this is the moment I've been waiting for for some years now feels like three months yeah nine and ten that's for the moulding you know to come across P so how do you make that just for the card yes plus the card and then what I do is I go on I've got some metal yeah it's all and then that's like a template it's a great idea on and then not alone push it in like that fantastic so that'll be next week I'll be next week yeah might be Friday that I'll email in yeah if I'm getting really I will do okay great dude that's all done I can't have cracks in there all done now so just this better fantastic nice and tidy in the meantime and I can't wait to see it next week yeah that's what lies that goes up like so yeah and then across there then you get the same beading fantastic okay so bad so you're going to try to make with checking dates dates thanks to the ten it's good so you broke it I'm gonna plug the 8th to the 10th yes yes and we'll have two shows the opera is going to happen twice and we're going to make a minivan one that's our idea of a operatic Festival in summer love at last yes all we have to do now is to organize the weather yes the way that would be fantastic about 15 minutes from yes it's called like a knowledge or piano which is the piano barn because he has so many beautiful piano Searles a concert pianist who won the big 12 lab music which is a huge prize in France and he won through is it Mendelssohn yes and so his home is a barn with a stage inside and an area for the public and lots of amazing pianos so we could use that as the backup if we have bad weather yes but we will not have we will not have bad weather larger figure here will be a Dilek it will maybe have a fantastic cast with the best singers the young generation all gathered by David Stern who incidentally is Isaac Stern son who lives in Paris and learn a big program with a beautiful cool very exciting yes the picnic mummy [Laughter] yes is for you I don't know if they're going to fit I don't I'm worried they might be a bit big well that's precisely why I bought the mummy ah what a transformation I like the way there you go with a little bit of fleece that's just poking out from the other fleece well the elegance they've actually lovely lovely daddy thank you Oh Percy we love those oh yes look at that Selma you have a beautiful partner now she's got dancing shoes every time I'm so happy they fit mommy I knew they would see you the color is so pretty I just knew it okay I don't if it'll come across but there's something magical about the light isn't there mommy so beautiful just in the rain oh it's just magical hello mr. Peck I didn't see you over there oh can I come join you saying there's not enough room under your this umbrella for you and me sorry this umbrellas taken sorry look at that light it's gorgeous isn't it so gorgeous and I've just walked up to my bedroom and there's the rainbow ending right in our woods the ones that we took a picnic to the other day well we just need to go and dig up the pot of gold now a huge thank you to all of our patrons at Leyland who are making this vlog possible especially on Marquis and Marquis of Lowell on Alice Allen Anna Daniela Dan banded a nalbana kovitch Jason and Valerie best Veronica Castillo Sakura Dennis Laura de marido tjak E Ellison Caroline first to Brenda Gibbons abigail grant Brenda Harris d'Alene Holbrook Anthony hindmarsh Laurel care Jacqueline Holmes Hallam Jacobs Gatorland Jimmy Kemp David in Somaliland Shannon Maitland Meredith verse Amnon tell Nina Meza Kathleen re JC Award Maureen Parma Tanya Renee rjb Bettina rojeck Barbara Schmelzer span Schreiber Jennifer shanks Patti sue who Susan Steve and Sarah Thornton Killeen Troy tomislav la image brandy Walton Erin Windish Greg word Brian Woodward David Young and Laura V codes ordinate zone and thank you to all of you [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 153,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau, chateau renovation, doing it ourselves, escape to chateau, diy, cooking, potager, brocantes
Id: 8elhOzGFzhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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