Planting the Chicken Coop Flower Bed, the Hartley End Caps & the Pond Berm! 🌸🌸🌸 // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so today is going to be another day full of planting we've got several locations that we haven't finished yet I think we're going to actually start with the chicken CP which is where we left off the other day I've got a couple of flats to go out in the cut flower garden we're just going to be all over the place today I stopped right here in the shade so we could have a good look at these plants before we get started but we've got some gorgeous stuff we've got the Violet KN lobularia orsum such an amazing landscape perennial and for containers too we've got some of the Maverick Apple Blossom geraniums which I want to say that this is probably the favorite of mine of all the ones we started from seed I like all of the varieties I mean we just planted all the beautiful ballsy salmon behind the heartley but this one just has such a delicate color to it I just love it and right in front of that we have the superbells double Twilight isn't that the most beautiful color it kind of would remind you of a Bordeaux or a Priscilla super tunia in color and we're going to continue our experimentation with planting super bells in the ground which is kind of a daring thing to do I think just because you hear over and over and over again how super Bells should not be planted in the ground they need good drainage um and they just will not perform well I tried it last year because I had some left over from other projects we were working on so we just popped them in random areas out in the South Garden and they did so beautifully and I liked how tidy they were they didn't run a muck like super Tunas can run a muck depending on what variety you're planting uh because they just get so big and sometimes you don't have the space uh for one of those but you kind of want that look so that's what I'm intending to do with these we'll give it another shot then we've got a couple of flats of things we started from seed there are five varieties of status we'll plant Out In The Cut Flower Garden three varieties of sosia for the cut flower garden then we have the stratosphere white gar which is an amazing plant for containers or landscape and we've also got the carolly petite pink and then we've got Salvia playing the blues these are pretty together aren't they look at that so I think how we'll work it today because it's not too windy it's a bit Breezy but I don't think it's supposed to get bad today I think we'll just go to each individual area we'll take a look at it and then I'll plant it and then we'll tour it just one at a time instead of doing a big tour at the end of the day that way we can just enjoy the process a little more the other day when we were planting oh my gosh I thought we were going to get blown away there's some of those apple blossoms right there so beautiful okay so here we are at the chicken coup I do have some perennial things and shrubs and and such in this area but I always like to leave the little section right in front because I like to put annual color in here and I usually go with purples most of the time uh because they go really well with the zephrine pink rose and they go well with the this is the oh so easy peachy cream rose right here you can see the color it's absolutely beautiful I don't think they grow this variety anymore but I'm so thankful I got a hold of it when they still did they're just loaded up with buds I also have a couple of dalas there's one two three we planted these in here last year they were extras and they came back isn't that exciting and you know I might even pop a couple more in here like right in here just to have like a trio this is of Miss Violet budia and it does get quite large it will fill in this space beautiful dark purple blooms but I've got a little room for something like right in here and I can either do maybe a purple fountain grass which would be a beautiful texture or another Dalia now that I say it I think a purple fountain grass would offset the color the texture would look really good right there we've also got a weeping Colorado BL Spruce in here there's some Sedum Salvia um there's some dayes which Bloom kind of a soft yellow and then I think we will be taking the Evergreen out of this pot so we can coordinate our window basket and the container and then this is the north side of this building so usually I think I will do some colus in here anyway that's going to be our first project so let's get it laid out planted and then we'll take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I absolutely love how this turned out it might be my favorite to date look at how gorgeous the colors are and I mean the geraniums are barely in color so imagine when each group of these geraniums is in full color and the uh annuals have spread out a little bit and see this is why I wanted to do super Bells here because I don't have an enormous amount of space and I did do one two three four of the alysum and those will get big like they'll crawl all the way back underneath the roses and they will crawl forward and I don't mind the annual spilling over the edges a little bit but if I planted super Tunas in here they would be all the way out here so I think these will be perfect if they like the location like they did last year when we planted them out in the South Garden they just kind of clumped up and thickened up uh and they became a NIC looking drift but they didn't like get really really wide and you can see here the uranium kind of go behind this is an indiglow girl Salvia that the honeybees absolutely love and I did decide to pop a purple fountain grass here and I've got one right back here so in no time at all we'll have a beautiful red foliage interest there and then continued on with the super Bells actually had the perfect amount I put three in the window box along with three of the geraniums and then in this container you have to ignore the spruce here i' have Paul Come yank it out it was so heavy I couldn't even budge it so I put a piece of this cloth down because I knew that we were going to need to go dig a hole and all that and I didn't want the root ball exposed so we've got it all wrapped up so it won't dry out super fast we'll go tackle that probably here in the next little bit but I love how this container turned out look at how gorgeous this is I think this might be my favorite annual maybe ever super Junia Priscilla Violet night labia three of the apple blossom geranium and three of the plain the blues Salvia now the plain the Blu Salvia get here I know I mean 2 to 4T tall not that wide but they do get quite wide as well and you could get away with one for sure in fact I would recommend only planting one in a container this size with all the other stuff we have around them however this container is positioned in a location that gets our West prevailing winds and it's it gets kind of the brunt of them and the Salvia when they get big this the uh branches can become a little brittle it's kind of like colus and if they get nailed too hard with wind they can snap off so so I figure if I have more than one plant in here I have a more likelihood of making it to the end of the season with that centerpiece still intact also positioning other things around them kind of help uh bolster them up a little bit and I don't have a huge problem with it happening but I just know it could be a problem in this spot so I am hedging my bets with three rather than one but this combination I'm just such a fan of kind of tonal Arrangements nothing super high contrast I mean I like that too but I don't know last couple of years I favored this more simple color palette of course it looks beautiful when the zephrin Are In Bloom and they just started to bloom they're full of buds at the moment so anyway I just think that this flower bed is going to be a joy to watch grow this season hey chicken where the other girls oh here we go [Music] hello where's the third one is she laying an egg oh there you are hey chicken you want some treats come on girls these girls are a little bit more tentative than Bev was bav would eat out of my hands occasionally I mean these will get right up next to me and let me kind of touch them occasionally they'll peack out of my hand but not often next time I need to not put as many on the ground huh all right there you go girls are you following me yeah bye okay the next thing we're going to plant are the end caps on the heartley [Music] [Music] [Music] all done with the planting and the endcaps and I went ahead and planted a few extra gar underneath these Julia Child tree roses I think it's going to tie together beautifully and it's going to be a really interesting combination so coming up on the heartley right here you can see the four Stratosphere whites around the base of each one of these Julia Child roses which are absolutely enormous I was just looking at this one it's kind of weighing down this side because this is the way our wind comes so we need to stake it back just a little bit but I think having this really wispy white Bloom underneath it is going to be beautiful now the stratosphere white grows about 24 in tall and spreads out just about a foot so it's not a massive plant but it just brings a lot of movement and it's very different from everything around it so same on that side you can see I got them all watered in and then for our endcaps I used a mixture of plain the Blue Salvia which are on the small side right now but they won't be and the stratosphere white and I did kind of just a checkerboard of those two plants and I made sure to place one of the plain the blues right in front of our electrical panel because you know they get upwards of 4T tall it should cover that I'm hoping but won't this be gorgeous to have kind of this more bold plant kind of big in this whole area and then have the stratosphere white just kind of working its way uh in between those Salvia I think this is going to be a really pretty one and here it is on the other side looking exactly the same it's honestly kind of nice that the end caps are on the east and west side of the heartley because I know that each side will get a good block of Sun so we can plant them exactly the same so it just looks balanced and the cold frames are on the South Side uh so they get all of the uh Sun all the time which we you know wanted on purpose well one to face the house but um two we wanted in the winter time for all the sun to kind of concentrate where the cold frames were these artichokes are spectacular Okay so the next one I want to plant are the Carly petite pink gar and they are going to go on the BM in front of the pond because I think this gar has a wild flower enough look to both fit in with my kind of more mountainy Pond area but still bring that annual color so that there's something really interesting to look at so I think we'll head over there and then before we go out to the cut flower garden I've got a water everything so that'll have to take like an hour break to do that oh and we've got to get that Evergreen planted too hopefully we will make it to the cut flower garden today it might be tomorrow my nephew's birthday Pary is in a few hours so we'll see what we can get done [Music] all right there it is all done and planted so I just did little groupings there's a grouping of three and then there's one five kind of four and then one sort of on its own four right in here you can kind of follow the water line grouping of three and then I tucked a few in around this beautiful stone I think that'll be a perfect just little touch of color on this BM okay so now before we head out to the cut flower garden we've got to go water the green houses and Benjamin did daddy hook up the augur uh yeah he's coming is he coming yeah they're done okay we're going to also get that Spruce planted as well it is warming up I'm not sure what degree it is out here it's 70 right now which is still not that warm but I don't want that root ball sitting out there exposed to anything it doesn't need need to be or want to be exposed to you want to come with me we're going to go to the plastic greenhous first okay time to get chores done [Music] [Music] all right I just got all my watering chores done so I wanted to show you where that Norway spruce ended up while we were out here we also dug four additional holes for the arbiv vas that are in the barn pots currently I still want to get those planted up with some annimals not today but at least the holes are ready uh since we had the augur attached and all that it just kind of made sense so we're going to be planting those there's three holes here equally spaced apar is and then there's a fourth hole back over there by that fence post kind of in between the pine and the Birch and then there's the little Norway spruce which will get big same type as that big one right there but it'll take it quite a long time so anyway it was just nice to get another little thing planted out here and that is one of the wonderful things about using Evergreens or perennials and containers because we got to enjoy those all winter long we had Christmas lights on them and they were so beautiful and then we get to use them forever more hopefully it likes its spot and it lives on right there for a long long long time okay our last job for the day is to get the status and the sosia planted I just looked them both up for spacing guides again because I can never remember from year to year so the status were going to be spacing 12 in apart from one another sosia it said 6 to 12 in I'm going to go six uh because I am going to be running out of room in there here fairly soon okay I think the status I want to plant right here and we might just carry on with the sosia right down the way from it we've got our Gina and straw flowers already in and then rhubarb at the the far end of that row and hopefully in the next few days we'll get after the dalas then the only spot we're going to have left well we've got four rows over here that will open up once the bulbs die back the Tulips and the daffodils I mean they're getting there it looks like it's going to probably be another week or two or who knows I want to give them plenty of time uh but that's where zenyas and Cosmos are going to go I'm going to direct seed those and we can just have a later crop of those okay let's run through varieties really quick and maybe we can pop a picture up on the screen um so you can see what they look like for our status We have forever happy forever silver yellow uh Seeker purple and and pale blue and for our sosia we have rose gold lemonada and sangria mix love it when I can read my own handwriting well these rows have already been worked up with uh compost and uh biotone starter fertilizer so I'm just going to get them planted and watered in [Music] and all done doesn't look like much right now but these are going to be so pretty and I wanted to make sure the status ended up close to this aisle because the status looks so good for so long it's one of those flowers that looks good dried or fresh it almost looks the same dried or fresh uh so have having it right here kind of framing in maybe I should have done a little bit on both sides but having something like that close to the Flower Shed I always like that look and we ended up with just a little space at the end but I've got a few more Flats of things in the greenhouse to plant out yet in fact I've got a few craspedia plants left which wouldn't fit at the end of another row uh I've have already planted out the majority of those but I do have a flat of marigolds there's a flat of Sweet Annie Artesia and I do have a flat dalas but those will need to go over here but now that these two rows are done we can mulch this area I but we may wait till the delas are all in and then we'll mulch this whole quadrant I love the look when it's all mulched up we use compost where the crops are and then we use a h chunkier bark mulch for the walkways see how different it looks it's like kind of all white on that side and this just looks so much better and you guys that is going to do it for today's projects boy I'm happy with everything we got done plus all the watering everything's good to go for the rest of the day and I think I ended up with time to actually take a shower which is nice but for my nephew's birthday party yep perfect thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed seeing all these things go in I cannot wait to show you what that chicken coop looks like in particular after a little while oh and the encaps of Harley all of it all of it will be fun anyway we will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 143,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: Y1eGvCQ4i4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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