15 Interior Design Trends YOU Hate in 2024! Farmhouse, Shag Carpets, & Olive Trees

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if you do not have a sense of humor do not watch this video because today we're talking about the interior design trends that you hate and when I submitted the form for this you guys ate me up you guys humbled me you humbled every interior design creator that has ever graced planet Earth we are starting Out Swinging with number one and I'm choosing one that hurts me so that you know nobody is safe not one person is safe in today's video the first interior design Trend you guys hate is the fake Olive Tree and those fake tan crusty planters that felt personal so here's what I want to say to the fake floral haters if you hate us that's fine you know we're not for everybody but we don't put fake flowers in our house thinking that you're going to think that they're real of course there's no water with those flowers okay they've looked the same for the past six years every time you've come over I know that you know that they are fake but I think it just adds like a little bit of liveliness a little bit of pop of color that we're not going to get from anywhere can people just recognize that they people who just can't keep plants alive okay and when I first started YouTube someone left me a comment and they said they brought a tree from the outdoors indoors and they got suers that day I said leave those flowers at Trader Jo's leave those flowers at the florist your spouse does not need flowers for Valentine's Day you can show your love in a different way because no I understand why people don't love the fake Olive Tree they don't look super realistic especially since most olive trees or faux olive trees have the really white underneath it's like they didn't even try they said you get fake tree on the front and you get white paper on the back and I can live with that but totally makes sense that people don't love it the Planters though I don't understand the planter hate let me know down in the comments what your thoughts are I like the big rustic planter it makes me feel like I've gone to Europe without spending $5,000 which is great because I don't want to spend $5,000 on that right now I even made a video saying the Olive Tree was canceled so I don't know what I was expecting I guess I was just living in denial the next interior design Trend that people hate is Farmhouse and I get it I know we don't we don't even need to talk about this but I'm going to talk about this I can't believe Farmhouse is so hated that people are still talking about it like 5 years later when was the last time you even saw someone with Farmhouse that didn't live in like Texas and like in Texas I feel like it's fair because they actually are living on farms that is the qual with Farmhouse interior design people don't like it because people will do farmhouse in the middle of New York City honey where are your cows if you live in a place where a farmhouse would make sense if you live in a place where there are wild animals sure go ahead and build your Farmhouse I think it just comes down to having design Style that makes sense for where you live and I've fallen victim to this I still have a wash and dry sign in my laundry room I keep it hoping that it will motivate me to do the laundry but there are still 15 buckets of laundry on my floor and that's not your business that's my business but I know there's someone already commenting but what about if that's what I love if that's what you love go ahead and do it right this is this is this is a conversation where we're critiquing ourselves and we're having a little bit of fun so if you can't take the joke that's fine that's fine do what you love design your house in a way that you love and if you don't believe me I grew up in a home that was literally rain bow and I support my grandmother in that I helped her do it I don't want to live like that but I support it and it looks great for her and she lives wonderfully in it and every time she comes into my home she's like o it feels like a m Li in here this is so offputting and I'm like that's super fair so Everyone's entitled to their own opinions before you guys get upset the next interior design Trend you guys hate is the spray foam this is what the commenter had to say why are we putting spray foam on things what the heck was that and I sadly have to agree you guys are putting spray foam on thing without put on a respirator you guys were using home insulation as decor and I just want to know why there are so many other ways to get fun Furniture there are so many easier healthier more accessible DIYs that was a trend that just kind of left me thinking the next interior design Trend you guys hate is pompus grass it's pompus grass this person wrote in it's giving side of highway and I commend her for honesty because she's not wrong have you ever driven down a highway and you're like oh what beautiful grass and it's pompus grass and then the store has the audacity G to charge you $20 for it when you could just get it off the side of the highway that may or may not be illegal so this is not advice this is not legal advice this is not design advice I'm just saying it's for free on the side of the road mhm what's wrong with embracing nature people don't say oh why do you have that uh branch in your home or why do you have that tree or faux Tree in your home of course those come off the side of the road or they came off the road they come from nature right everything comes from nature so I think it's funny the pomp is from the side of the road but I don't really agree that like that's why it shouldn't be in I think it's one of those things that was overdone and can we talk about the fact that pompus falls everywhere you look at pompus funny and you've got pompus rggs all over the floor it's like playing with that fake snow have you ever tried to like DIY an ornament around Christmas time do the do the girlies on YouTube kind of like get you to do those DIYs yeah me too I know my name is DIY with KB I get sucked into it right and then my whole house is covered in fake so it's like when you're putting together your Christmas tree and you got flocked because you wanted to be on Trend and you're like dear God why my entire floor is covered in fake snow my dog won't stop eating it all my clothes are now white it looks like I have horrible dandruff yet I think that that also happens with pompus which is why it gets a bad wrap the next interior design Trend that you guys hate is The Chopping of pillows The Chopping of pillows people don't like it because it feels too forced and that makes sense because there was a lot of force that went into it when I chopped it I was taking off my aggression from the week on my pillow because I didn't make it to the gym why didn't I make it because I didn't feel like going but in all reality I think people just don't like when houses feel too scripted too well curated too intentional people like the relax look these days now at the same point everyone wanted their home to look like a designer catalog 5 minutes ago right we're talking about Trends these things change but now everyone's into the relax and the organic making it feel lived in and in a lived in home you're not walking around chopping your pillows every 5 minutes minutes or maybe you're not because I am I personally just like the way it looks because I think it helps the pillow fill out the pillow cover a little bit more but you do you people hate it I think for the modern organic the wabisabi the japandi the mid-century modern the more relaxed design Styles it makes sense to not have Cho pillows but for the design styles that are a little bit more curated the Glam the Contemporary the modern now this one I want to know why you even felt the need to write this in because who does this this but the next I saw this one like 10 times the next interior design Trend you guys hate is carpet in the bathrooms I want to know who's doing this I want to know let's sue them let's Sue this person because they had it out for you and they did this in your home they didn't say rugs in the bathroom they said carpet in the bathroom so they mean wall to wall upholstery on the floor that's immediate jail time if you do not hate this trend there is something wrong with you the reason why people don't like this should be very very obvious there is pee there is excrement there is uh soap there is everything that you do in the bathroom in that floor I don't care if you think you're the cleanest person in the world I don't care if you close the toilet lid before you flush okay great you're better than everyone else I love that for you but there's still stuff on the floor you're getting your floor wet when you get out of the out of the shower there's so much mold and mildew and Gunk stuck in that floor and it is disgusting it is disgusting so there's no way this could ever be in fashion but I just know I just know some Kardashian or some rich person is going to do it and it's going to be a trend and I I there's going to be an uptick and carpet cleaners that is going to be the new industry to get into so everyone start their businesses register your LLC because it's going to be the time as soon as a famous person does it but I don't think this means that you should eliminate rugs in your bathroom you should be strategic with where you place rugs in your bathroom you should be intentional with the type of rugs you use use washable rugs so you can put them in the washer right um use datam mous Earth do this do that don't put like your $5,000 oriental rug in the bathroom because that is ludicrous and really stupid because you can't put that in the washing machine but you can still use rugs in there just please clean them please clean them that's all you need to do you just need to be able to clean them and then you're good to go you're Gucci now this next one is an attack on me and I totally understand why you're saying this but Open Glass showers I do not need to see or be seen cold and NY so first of all I want to say let's embrace the human body okay all bodies are beautiful bodies in my opinion but it it's cold as hell it is cold as hell so when I designed our bathroom I really wanted it to be open and then I kept slipping on the floor period so it actually wasn't even because I was cold it's because I was clumsy so I did put in custom shower doors I will include a clip of them here they're really really great you can barely see them it is a hazard it's a hazard so all the people and all the hotels and all the designers who are doing it I want to know did you also install one of those bars to make sure that you don't slip because I did and this next one is just plain funny no I have no anecdote about this says besides plastic fruit and bowls too much disappointment I'm sorry that someone hurt you the number one interior design Trend that you guys hate is the sign and signs appear very heavily in Farmhouse so it's kind of an extension of what we talked about before but people have signs and they just hate them and someone even sent me a picture of one I'm going to show it to you is a picture that says fart poop pee above the toilet in case you were unaware of what you were supposed to do in the toilet in case you thought you were supposed to be making toilet wine no that is not the case you supposed to be farting pooping or peeing I want to know why someone was compelled to make that okay I actually don't think all signs are bad I like the little Farmers Market sign I think it could be cute I like the one that's like the little Wi-Fi password thank you I didn't want to have to climb into your closet and find the router um I like the ones that tell me like the little measurements because like I don't know how many tablespoons there are in 1/4 cup I don't know and I don't want to have to it up so I like those signs I don't hate them all this this one this is too extreme the bathroom signs I don't like I don't like that but I will say my grandma has a sign in her kitchen it's been there for how old am I 27 years and it says dinner options take it or leave it and I feel that as an adult I really feel that and I respect it so I like ones like that they're kind of funny sometimes the next design Trend you guys hate is the use of the shag carpet every time I see a shag carpet I think of Honey I Shrunk the Kids have you guys seen that movie or series of movies they had like 50 million of these videos movies I was like why do you keep shrinking your damn kids why did you shrink yourself just stop making shrink raids my guy but sha carpets are just the worst they hold memories they hold like all of like your hopes and dreams and like sad experiences they just like collect dust like no other I think that's why they get a bad rep and they look so dirty they look those mop dogs they look like a mop when you don't maintain it doesn't matter if you got a pink one it still ends up brown and crusty looking like a mob so that's why I don't like shag carpets either I think when they're beautifully clean and y taken care of they're wonderful but they just tend to have really thick pile and they get really dusty crusty and they get stuck in your vacuum so even if you try to clean them they still end up looking awful so I understand why you guys hate this one the next design Trend you guys hate is the open concept home and the only thing I have to say in response to this is what is your venmo what is your cash app are you going to zel me because I understand the hatred of the open concept you're like oh it's hard to break up spaces well if you don't know how to do it subscribe to my channel because I give tips on how to do that but also what do you want me to do build a whole wall because you don't like it are you going to help me pay for it are you going to I think there are pros and cons to open concept homes versus closed concept homes I mean buy the one that like you kind of fancy but I think open concept can be really nice for like community building and like I'm not even being factious I was in a relationship once and there was a closed concept and I'd cook dinner and they'd be sitting in the other room and I was like oh my God I'm sitting here slaving and you're doing what not talking to me and now I have an open concept home in a relationship in which I'm married and I can't can't help but think I cannot help but think that the open concept may have led to this happy marriage because you could just sit and talk while you're doing a task where you're do laundry while you're cooking while you're cleaning while you're Etc while you're doing Etc and I think that that is very lovely if you don't like open concept homes simply do not live in one um but I think that they can be really great for community building and spending time together especially when people are like doing their own things and living their own lives I do think it can be kind of nice but I also see the mirror in just like wanting a dining room to be a dining room and a kitchen to be a kitchen and I think having clothes concept is really good for like smells so good for smells and for having guests because I used to hate I hate when like my spouse has like a friend over and I don't want to hang out with that friend that is not my friend but I can't just like casually sit in the dining room right it's an open concept if they're sitting in the living room and I'm in the dining room I have to be part of the conversation right and I hate that for me as an introvert I hate that for me and my spouse hates that for themselves too so like don't come in the comments say oh my God you hate your spouse's friends I don't just like I'm not I'm int I just want to spend time on myself so I do really like that about close concept homes um but let me know what you think down in the comments and I wasn't expecting this one I wasn't expecting this one but the next in design one you guys hate is the slat wooden wall now you guys already hated the accent walls accent walls were already canceled they were canceled in 2021 canceled again in 2022 but now someone came out with wood slidding people said hey those 80s basements you know those ones from King of Queens let's bring it back let's run it back and do a little bit of a remix it very much so was just creating more places for dust to build up I love it I just think that it was overdone and now people are doing it in a peel and stick capacity which is actually what this person was talking about they were like I hate this this is not it for me I think it can look nice I think it's just one of those things that's overdone which makes sense that people are starting to hate this trend people also hate the all beige the all gr and the number one one of the number one or number two ones I'm actually not going to bother to count them ones that I saw in my comments was the gray floor when I moved into my home they put down gray floors before I had a chance to decide and that's fine I'm going to live with what I got but the gray floors they just like they're like hey are you feeling sad let me make you sadder because this is cold and Barren and sad you can see every piece of dust and debris on it and I want you to work more and I want you to feel sad in your home and I think that's what gray wood floors do and they just have a hidden amount of blue in them that just makes you a little bit sad you're just starting the design off sad so you really have to warm it up with like Reds and yellows and just like warmer colors and I understand why people hate them because they really do scream Farmhouse and again we don't live on a farm and I hate to say this one I just I'm going to I'm going to read it out loud so I'm not the one who says it someone else says it I'm just reading it everybody's doing the modern natural look like the new version of Farmhouse she said it not me I didn't say it I didn't say it and the last interior design Trend you guys hate that we're going to talk about today is the extra L furniture and this person says extra low Furniture because these knes are no longer well oiled machines she sounds like the modern day Shakespeare I have low furniture and I know that Ka in 30 years is going to be like ma'am get a cane because our furniture is too low it's not good for your knees it's not good for your back choose Furniture that's a little bit higher profile for your legs for your own comfort and so that there's some variability in your home if everything is at the same level it's just like not a very fun experience the design stops at like 24 in what about the other six ft wall right what are we doing up there nothing up no we need to add Decor we we want visual interests we want different experiences and we want our backs to be okay there just isn't enough Icy Hot in the world for all of this but that is it for today's video those are the interior design trends that you guys hate my feelings were hurt I'm sure your feelings were hurt but this was all in good fun and games everyone is entitled to your their opinions and the best part about this is I've had different opinions on these throughout life you've probably had different opinions on these and our opinions will still continue to evolve and grow and change and I just use the same word just using synonyms but that is okay that is the fun with interior des and I hope you guys left some funny comments and that we were having great respectful discourse down in the comments and if you like today's video please consider smashing that subscribe button because I have new videos every Monday and Friday I cannot guarantee that I will be as funny as I was today I was just in a particularly good mood but I will promise that we will have really really good discussions and will share awesome inter design tips and products with you each and every week thank you so much for watching today's video and until next time have a beautiful day [Music]
Channel: DIY with KB
Views: 12,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design trends, interior design trends I love, interior design trends I hate, interior design trends you hate, 15 interior design trends you hate in 2024, 2024's best interior design trends, 2024's worst interior design trends, the end of farmhouse, diy with kb, kiva brent, interior design trends of 2023, interior design trends to try in 2024, 2025 trend predictions, 2024 interior design trend predictions
Id: 2FuWcnsJB8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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