No Brainer - Sh. Yusuf Estes

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that's right Oh every day ever do you think Islam is like Hinduism prove it to me do you think it's like Christianity do you think it's like Judaism Buddhism it's not I don't believe here what's the evidence I don't see anything what can I prove I got here anything tells me in the Quran it's not me who guides him that's not my job I've delivered a message this book tells me in adina-in de la Hill is now therefore it doesn't exist it's a choice for us to accept or reject it's as simple as that Naza for bismillah alhamdulillah was selected Salama rasool allah wa alikum wa sahbihi ajma'in I said well a ilaha illa-llah who at the lodge Ricola well i said when muhammad abdul rasul my bad salaam icon tonight we're going to be talking about one of my favorite subjects it's lamb it's my favorite subject everybody likes islam does anybody here doesn't like islam huh I dare you to stand up in front all these terrorists I mean Muslims I meant to say Muslims actually the subject tonight is kind of big and the subject we're talking about now it's going to be about science and a lot of times people in the religion business don't want to go there they want to talk about science because it could mess up what they're trying to say some real obvious things happen when you get into science science basically meaning what what are we talking about we talk about science we're talking about proving things with testable evidence can I use this term is that okay I'm not trying to redefine anything but will everybody except proving something with testable evidence gonna use that will say that science okay all right the first thing that happens in the religious business is there's not a whole lot you can prove there's not what do you improve and I remember when I first came into Islam I wasn't I had no idea I was coming to slam I was trying to convert remember that a Muslim to be a Christian and he said I'll go to your religion it's great he said if your religion is better than my religion he said but you're gonna have to have proof uh-huh religion by the way that's one of my degrees happens to be in theology and for sure religion it's not about proof it's about faith faith you gotta have faith you know like that not about proof what's that I said faith is religion he said no in Islam we have both I said both how can you have both how can it be that you're going to tell me that you have faith and proof how and then I challenge him are you going to tell me you can prove there's a god now stop and think what kind of question that I just asked him what a man preaching a religion is asking somebody else to prove my point I'm out here talking about God right I'm saying there's a god right every preacher is saying there's a god there's no religion on earth it will tell you well we're not real sure we're just kind of like having fun with you today no there's God there is God is there any proof and then the preacher in himself will go no there's no proof how could I be asking him can you prove it I'm supposed to be a preacher they send Islam that's absolutely provable testable evidence the science starts right there where does science start in Islam immediately where's the proof who Allah d.holic Asama Watty well art he's the one who created the heavens and the earth Allah Kollek in Arabic the Creator no scientist wants to start with that creator mom well logical conclusion testable evidence go back to science if there's a creation there has to be a creator yes or no yes or no I just want to know that if there's a creation there's a greater yes or no okay so ask a scientist isn't that true if there's a Greece and there's a greater he'll say no so why he said there's no creation whoa ah what's this what's what what's in front of you don't you see anything now if you go to philosophy anybody know what's philosophy what's philosophy philosophy my limited knowledge right but it seems to me philosophy is proving you don't exist anymore because that's one of the things they asked you can you prove you exist that's philosophy for you huh I know I don't want that so you can't prove you exist are you sure what do I walk up and smack you and you go hey ah I don't exist I don't like that deal testable evidence is there a creation yes or no let's solve that tonight it's hot up here excuse me everybody's got your eyes open right do you see anything around you okay then it's there can we accept that if you see stuff in front of you I'm going to say it's there all right and if you hear something is anybody here right now you can't hear what I'm saying now that's a real stupid question isn't it huh come on think about it anybody here cannot hear me duh so if you can see and you can hear that that's something yes or no all right so we were going to use that for testable evidence do you see anything yes you hear anything yes therefore something is there so it exists you accept existence okay I accept that now we want to talk about where did it come from well everybody knows human beings came from monkeys what we did okay easy one for you this easy I'm not going to stretch your brain too hard you're going to tell me we came from monkeys how does it work is this evolution what is evolution evolution means something evolves it's at one stage and then it evolves to another stage by the way most religions don't accept evolution religions don't accept evolution evolving from this to this they said there's this big mass a rock floating in space and it blew up what made it blow up I don't know when did it blow up I don't know how did it blow up I don't know what was it before it was a rock I don't know but you tell me evolution so the Barack must have come from something else I don't know but anyway there was a rock all right and it blew up and it blew up okay and then and then everything happened after that oh really everything come from a blowing up all right it's trying to get the idea how it works and from the blowing up came Stars how did that happen from the blowing up excuse me I don't want to bother you with your thinking but we're Muslims and you can pick up any newspaper or listen to any television channel on earth and you will find we're the experts on blowing up okay - don't tell us about blowing up when you blow something up is it a mess or it's real nice which one organized or miss okay I'm gonna use the word chaos meaning big mess chaos or organization okay just real slow blowing up chaos organization which one okay but just to be real sure in case you for god look out with your eyes look out as far as you can see at night especially and look at the Stars is it pretty it's so beautiful it's such a beautiful mystique kind of a thing that a human being goes whoa is so overwhelming that a young boy would like to take his new wife his bride out his girl and take her out just to look at the Stars they do it all the time cuz it's so romantic and so you're just looking at a bunch of fires if all you believe in it is this what you said evolution Lord it gets fires man just got lights and matches and get excited but no you like to look at those and there's patterns in their or their patterns or no do people follow those patterns and figure out how to go from A to B yes or no okay so there's something of organization and it came out of a blowing up hmm amazing now if I took a glass and I walk out to the cement and I drop it boom what am I looking at am I looking at six eight ten twelve little small glasses all filled up with water or am I looking at a mess chaos which one all right let's do another one I'll drop another glass maybe that one will make the six glasses or eight glasses huh No and another and another and another and another how many glasses will I drop before it will split up and make a nice little small set of glasses for me and it will never ever ever happen yes or no and suppose a cyclone or tornado goes through where all the old cars you know where you put the old cars when they're no good anymore junkyard and a big storm goes through and stirs them all up tsunami goes through and there's them all up and when it goes away a brand-new car is sitting there or chaos that's strange in it you can see that and you're so smart you're such a big scientist but you can't figure out that this is a creation why well because if it is then there's a creator and you don't want to know about that that's the real problem in it is that the problem you don't want to know so you the scientists you supposed to bring me the evidence testable evidence can I see any kind of evidence for what your argument is anything just show me something they said well human being looks like a monkey well uh hold on hold on I do have a brother-in-law and he does look like a monkey you're right but that doesn't mean that human beings came out of monkeys and even if they did even if they did that doesn't prove your theory that there's no God where the monkey come from and excuse me I don't like to hurt your philosophy but if it's evolved something is here if it comes better so it's not this thing anymore is it it becomes that yes or no and then that becomes the next thing and the next thing and according to the pictures they show you in the books written by atheists it shows you that there's this little creepy thing comes out of the water hmm and then the creepy thing becomes like a little small I don't know what and then it becomes like a marmoset the marmoset becomes some kind of a little small monkey a bigger monkey then it becomes an ape of some kind then it becomes a chimpanzee looking thing and then a gorilla and then a man looking thing and then father there's Homo Sapien right right that's what they show yes or no okay even if we go with this theory humans came from monkeys why are there still monkeys oops okay well you don't understand yeah I don't want to understand let you understand I really don't I like I like being real simple-minded I like it cuz everything works but still for the benefit of those who got a little too much education they got so much education they can't think straight anymore we're going to try to help them a little bit with what we call testable evidence I want to give you a little scenario and let you think about this and I'm gonna play the part of a professor he's a philosophy professor at the University one of these big fancy you Versa T's of higher earning and misunderstanding I mean higher learning and understand sir anyway and his name is I am kapa Dora and he's the professor of philosophy now he has some students that are new this is the first year so when he gets started he's going to have a good time with the newbies you know so he goes in hello class hello at all okay so do we have any new students here yeah we got several okay great son do you know what philosophy means well I want you to think about something see what you can prove and what you can't prove can you prove you're here right now I don't know oh can you prove you exist oh I don't know if there was a tree on a desert island nobody's there no animals no birds nothing is there the tree becomes old in it rots and then it falls over one day and hits the ground will the tree make any sound if there's nobody there to hear it hmm hmm and son have you ever thought about a chicken where did she come from come from an egg or did the egg come from a chicken but where did the chicken come from an egg and where did the egg come from a chicken so which one was first the chicken or the egg the chicken but didn't it come out of an egg oh yeah but where did the egg come from I don't know oh sit down boy many believers here with us any young man like to talk to me about belief one little Christian boys me me it's terrible yes sir son you believe in God yes sir yes sir I do okay so your God is good yes sir yes sir God is good your God can you do anything yes sir he sure can yes sir God God he can do anything good and your God is good yes sir is there any evil in the world yeah so your God he can do it did your God create everything yeah he sure did so your God created everything and there's evil is that right yeah but your God is good yeah the people died yeah people get sick yeah do people suffer yeah are people in pain and agony yeah those are prostitutes in the street yeah drug addicts over here yeah people in jail yeah murder rape death is that existing storms like tsunami is this happening yo your God is good huh son are you good well I like to think I am but you're a good boy yes sir all right now if you saw somebody over here was suffering wouldn't you help him out yes sir a victim of some kind of a tragedy would you go to them would you help them yes sir I would I would do that sure you would son you're a good boy but you said your God is good and he can do anything yes sir so why doesn't he do something about that Oh we'll see sir uh son where could evil come from from your God did your God make evil oh well no sir no sir God is good he wouldn't make any evil so where did it come from oh the the devil made it the devil made evil so the devil has power huh oh yeah so your God's not the only God there's a good God in a bad God huh two gods well not two not exactly well uh so I heard you guys have a Trinity but now it became a square you got a new one in there how does that work sit down boy another hand goes up ah who's my new student over here sir my name is Mohammed I'm and you're one of the moslems yes sir well why don't you speak some wisdom to us here today Maya fine Muslim friend you have something to say sir I'd like to ask you a question oh you want to ask me something go ahead boy bring it on sir is there such a thing as light you trying to be funny boy knows I'm just asking a question of course there's light there's light all over the place open your eyes light is everywhere yes sir yes sir I understand second part of the question sir is there darkness well now son if there were everybody knows there's darkness there's light and there's darkness no sir there's not huh what are you talking about sir there's light there's light all over the place here we have watts of light megawatts of light light from light bulbs candles lanterns flashlights matches the Sun the moon there's all kind of light sir but what kind of darkness is there you can bring me a light a light bulb a flashlight a match but sir can you bring me a bag of darkness I fail to see your point son what do you have to say and get it said and get it done sir what I'm saying is there is light but there's no such thing as darkness there's an absence of light an absence of light that we call darkness but that's our perception that is only our perception we gave it a name but it doesn't really exist it's the lack of light what exists is light and if it's not there then there is nothing so you have light or nothing I fail to see your point son sir I would like to ask you one more question ask is there heat now there's he everybody knows there's heat it's getting hot in here yes sir yes sir is there cold son you are pushing yourself I don't know how you got signed up in my class you don't know there's cold of course there's cold no sir there's not we have heat and we measure heat in BTU British thermal units we measure heat in degrees on a thermometer we have hot we have very hot we have the hottest of hot but Sir you can bring heat but can you bring cold because there's no limit on how high heat can go according to your testable evidence but there is a limit on how cold cold can go 452 degrees Kelvin after that it doesn't get any colder than that that's it that's the coldest cold there is according to your science your testable evidence what's your point boy point is sir we give a name to something to describe how we perceive it but it doesn't mean it exists sir what's your opinion of God you asking me there ain't any God why what do you mean why where can you prove as a God show me your God anyway hey God why are you oh the blood remember I'm just doing a part okay sir why don't you believe in God that simple boy because we're talking about testable evidence here if I don't hear it if I don't see it then I don't smell it if I don't taste it if I can't fiddle with my hands if you don't exist oh really sir is there sound you're pushing me boy you're pushing me very sound yes yeah all right so there's sound that is very quiet medium loud very loud louder than loud yes or no yes sir is there something called silence I'd like to have some if there is any right now no sir there's no such thing as silence it's the absence of sound again it's a perception that we give it boy you're pushing my buttons but what I'm saying son is this there ain't no God coz I don't see nobody I don't hear no God I can't smell it ain't tasting can't pay them and I can't even imagine a God therefore there is no God really sir you earlier mentioned something to us about God being good but isn't good something that we give a perception to to answer isn't it true that every human being is born is gonna die sooner or later so how do you know what's the best way for you to live or die what would be your evidence for that what would be your evidence for where you came from and when you look to the stars when you look to the constellations when you look to the planets and you look at how they're designed and they're all in a pattern are they in a pattern yeah oh where did the pattern come from no answer sir aren't there spheres round things going around and other spheres round things going around them sir isn't that what's happening out there so what is it true yes and those are in patterns and they're all working together moving in the universe like a big huge something moving turning who designed that it's not a design what you're going back to the glass that you drop on the ground going back to this idea if you drop it on the ground it breaks into a lot of pieces yes or no I don't see your point just think sir because isn't it also according to your science something called molecules yes and aren't they little round things yes what is your theory of the atom is it a round thing so what and doesn't it have little round things going around it to something you call the proton neutron electron and don't they kind of work all together so what so you can't see either one with your naked eye it wasn't until scientists invented the telescope that we knew what planets really were right and it wasn't until the study of the planet itself by looking at other constellations and planets we began to realize that our planet was also kind of moving around something to do with that visit so what and sir it wasn't until somebody invented the microscope that we could see anything like molecules and come up with the theory of the atoms is that true or false so what but all of this is organized all of this is having patterns and you said yourself the testable evidence so we have very good evidence of some kind of organization who organized it who put it in this pattern that you see who did that did you no answer sir you talked about God being good you talked about the things that happened to human beings and we already said that this is what we perceive but we don't really know what is good we don't know what's best for us but if there's a creator of everything that has been created and then he's the one who's taking care of everything he's the sustainer and then he's the one making things happen it's up to him to decide what's the best for his creation yester no no answer obviously he's not going to answer that because he doesn't want to accept it does he sir I'd like to call your attention to something this book son don't be bringing any religion in my class I don't want the book in here I don't want you in here I don't sir sir excuse me this has science in it what there is no religion book belief out there that's got any testable science okay sir then that means if this does have testable science in it then this means that you'll accept this as a science book and not a religion book no answer okay first of all I want to begin with the way it came to our prophet sawa Lila with someone the first words from Almighty God do prophet muhammad sallah live asylum or something like this I would even let him in a shirt on yo regime bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim ikura bismi rabbika alladhi Holika Holika in Sangamon allah co-occur oh well rebuking Akram holiday on our mobile come on allama l-insana ma lam ya'lam the class becomes totally silent they've never heard anything like this before it's something beautiful even some people feel like a tear coming to their eye they don't know why they don't know Arab but something they feel what was that he read professor is like a statue he's not moving at all anymore and the boy continues he said sir the words you just heard came 1,400 years ago from the creator of everything that exists and he explains about science in those words he gives an example in those words and he tells the human being a lot about himself it says bismillahi r-rahman r-rahim eka raw which means recite by the way by the way don't say read everybody here repeat after me recite one more time it means don't say read anymore because it doesn't carry the right meaning in English anymore used to a long time ago people used to read poetry meaning they did it from memory they don't understand that anymore say recite ok back in the distorted monka so in this story he saying it means recite in the name of your Lord recite what and he's saying something your Lord who created whoa this is the creator of all of this he created in son the human being min alaq from an Alec what is an Alec he created the human being from a leech because it says in the Maori the Arabic dictionary a leech that's a little thing in Amazon River that if it gets on you it sucks your blood a reach it also said a nighlok is a clot when you get a blood clot you get cut and it clots up that's a plot clot a latke is a clot and also alec means something that cleans hangs on okay do you I don't know if you have it in India but in my country we have something called refrigerator magnets and it's on the front of every refrigerator door the kids put those magnets up there until you can't see the door anymore it's all magnets those are a lock they are clinging alik elite ilyich a lot of blood I like something hanging on and now in the last couple of decades they discovered I'm talking about now not 1400 years ago that under a microscope they can they can now prove exactly what a human being looks like when he's conceived in the womb of the mother at the point of conception he is microscopic you can't see him with the naked eye but he is clinging to the wall of the universe and he's hanging on there shaped like a what a leech and he forms a clot of blood right there and every time I ask any doctor of gynecology about this he said that's exactly the description and dr. Keith Moore in Toronto Canada the Tuck embryologists in the world said these same words over a decade ago and we have it on our website is lamda Morrow calm I've worked my commercial right into them sorry it's long tomorrow calm is L AM t om o Double R o WM we're open 24 hours a day in plenty of free parking back to the program in progress okay so here we're back in the professor's University the boys telling the professor back on track okay the Alec described here is mentioned by dr. Keith Moore and it is in the video on the website go listen what he said he said the description in the Quran of the formation of the fetus inside of the uterus is exactly what we've come to know now is no longer a theory it's testable evidence and the shape of this the way it's shaped and then when Allah speaks about the continuation of the development to the stage of an Alec mudra nutfah all of these things that Allah mentions exactly fit the description what we know today and he said who a non-muslim who is the doctor of embryology for the world and he said it's impossible that anybody at the time of Muhammad sallallahu sallam knew such as this therefore he said this Quran must be from who Allah and he said the word in Arabic Allah so please if you're going to preach to me from your scientific point of view please use your own testable evidence maybe you never heard of the Quran before maybe you don't know insert the Rockman 55 verse 33 he talks to us about the other side outweigh from ourselves to the universe and beyond anyway is it says o you assembly of jinn and mankind go ahead and try to go through the layers the zones of the atmosphere of the heavens and the zones of the earth and try to get out beyond that go ahead try to go to outer space go ahead but you will never transgress those zones in those layers ever you're never going to go to outer space you look asleep on except by a mighty power and authority and the english word sultan is from sultan it means authority or power I'm gonna ask you a question sir professor hello you with us sir when you buy your fuel for your car how do you buy it well what do you mean how do you buy it what quantity will i buy about the leader okay in the United States it back by the yelling yes and what's your point well it costs a lot of money sir yes it does but do you know whenever at NASA when they buy fuel for those rocket ships to put them in outer space and to put those satellites up there they don't buy it by the leader they don't buy it by the gallon they buy it by the ton ton and they fill up those huge cylinders that they attach to the side of the rocket ship and then when they light it and it goes up so much fire comes out so much what what comes out Sultan so much power coming out of there to lift that thing up up up up up up and then when he gets up there they throw away those cylinders because they're through those layers now they don't have to do that anymore when he gets up easier then a little small jet and sent it up but when did this come this didn't come last week did it wasn't news week last week it didn't come out in Life magazine in 1950 it didn't come out in Colliers magazine in 1930 this came in the Quran 1400 years ago in the desert to a man that didn't know how to read nor write go ahead transgress the bounds the layers and zones of the earth and the heavens and go out into outer space if you can and you can't until you have this authority from a law and this power that's going to put you up there who said that prophet mohammed salah light of a son well son I just still don't see your point I don't get it the Sun right sir we'll go slow for those who are not paying attention in this same book it uses the word outside outside means what well I happen to know that one son I've studied some Arabic all right what does it mean it means tent pegs dump you stab down in the ground you know steaks or nails in the ground good it's exactly what it means but Allah used it to describe the double what is double well that means mountain boy you're right it means mountain and Allah describes that the roots are the tent pegs coming down off the mountains go down deep deep like tent pegs into the ground something that nobody knew until the last century and it's in the books of geography and it's on our website commercial it slam tomorrow calm you can go see it they're talking about the Quran the science in the ground check it out and what about when Allah tells us about the bahrain two seas where the two seas come together same surah same chapter he tells us about that but they don't mix they can't mix and when Jacques Cousteau the eminent scientists from France discovered this amazing amazing situation where the Mediterranean feeds off into the Atlantic Ocean these two big seas coming together but there have two different salinities different amounts of salt two different temperatures two different densities two different life forms not the same and when they come together that one stays inside of the other but they don't mix and when he got ready to talk about that he had a Muslim on the boat with him and he said we already know that that's in the Quran 1400 years ago OOP yeah we won't make that then into anything leave it then when this book talks about when the river of sweet water pours into the salinity of the salt water and they don't mix and you go to the Mississippi River and you find the same thing that it says right here and it talks to us in here about the Stars it talks about the moon and the Sun and the earth and everything that Allah created and describes them in detail and tells us that the earth is doing what Cowie turning turning the same thing like when you'd make a turbine Cowie turning the earth is turning and nobody believed that back then because you don't feel the earth turning do you so we assumed that the earth was the center of the universe and that the Sun was going around us what we thought but it mentions that even the Sun is in orbit the earth is in orbit how could the Sun be in an orbit but guess what we found out it's in an orbit the Sun has an orbit it's not being still and the Earth is going around the Sun the same way the Moon is going around the earth all of its moving swimming and all I use is this swimming swimming who is telling us this the rub bailout I mean the Lord of the Worlds I don't see your point son I didn't think you would I didn't expect you to I'm not doing this just for you I'm reminding myself and anybody else that can hear because I'm not trying to guide you if your Lord once you got it he'll guide you but he says in this book you not the unbelievers see it take a look at this book if it were from other than a law you would find within it what many contradictions find one we're waiting 1,400 years were waiting and so far all they come up with some goofy websites that they put up today and take down tomorrow the only reason they stay there's cuz stupid Muslims keep passing around the wrong websites our website on the other hand is a slam tomorrow calm which you're free to pass around or come do that I'm over it yet watch out for Texans by the way you know you're either with us or never mind that's another speech just go back to the classroom and here is this boy this young boy talking to professor's like paralyzed he can't think anymore he never heard anybody talk like that and he keeps pointing to this book and talking about the Quran the Quran says if you're in doubt about it bring a book like it 1400 years nobody did it died now I'm going to digress just for a minute and let you think I have visited on many campuses throughout the United States and Canada and in Mexico and in Pakistan Egypt and in Turkey I've been around the world HMDA aloud coming here is a great experience for me here in India and I thank Allah for that and I'm telling you that everywhere I went I asked people the same questions everywhere I asked about the subject of Revelation I got the same answers the Quran is still existing in the original language of court on the language of recitation in which it came lagu arabia is there it exists today people still speak it they still understand it Beit house but duck yong-dae all of these things your nose right there cz you don't have to be a rocket scientist to appreciate the Quran but if you are a rocket scientist then the knowledge that you have for going into outer space was there fourteen hundred years ago and while we're on the subject of science and scientists it was Muslim scientists a thousand years ago that offered us the testable way to find out what is true who are the ones who came up with the idea of decimal evidence in the first place if it wasn't Imam Bihari Robert alo'lay who was dit that's the evidence before you put it down did he do that yes or no that's the evidence the evidence used in Scotland Yard uses the same premise that was set out by our great Imams twelve to thirteen hundred years ago the same way they rate you on the internet to determine your creditworthiness on eBay is based on the same premise that these scholars use to test the RO while the chain of narrators to show us which hadith are real and which ones aren't the e jazz' of Quran is the evidence in itself of what the science of testable evidence and you never had a university whatsoever like you have the day until you copied it from the universities in Spain when it was under Muslim rule and you never even knew what a university like this was until you visited it rock and saw them there and when you visited it Cairo and saw what still today the oldest universities still operating on earth al-azhar hamdulillah Allah let me go there and be there and sit with the olomana and when I'm going to use the word Allah mouth say Allah my Allah a person who has knowledge is a alum alum right and what do you call somebody who graduates from a university if you don't call him a what somebody graduates either alumni from what word oops oops now you know and they still wear the long black robe and it's not Latin it's Arabic alumni from eylem and the long black robe or did come from and go to Turkey right now and watch the Imams when they're going to leads the lot they go in their little cubbyhole and get their little cap and put it on then he gets his black robe and he's wearing the same one they're wearing today in universities because they're copying the way of the scholars of Islam 1,000 years ago you want to talk to me about testable evidence we'll talk all day long as far back as you want to go good sir do you know anything about algebra of course I do good what does it mean well it's the science of using a number that's represented it's unknown number represented by a letter who thought it up I don't know algebra it's a terrific it came from the Muslim scientists what about the numbering system didn't it called the Arabic numbering system and who taught it up who came up with a zero the Muslim scientists right here in the India only they called it Arabic because they didn't want to call them Muslim so they said anybody became Erebus sighs they didn't want to say they became Muslim and how do you account for the fact that every single one of these evidences here is irrefutable and there's no mistakes in this book how go ahead show me I brought something that's testable evidence it even tells me that people like you who don't want to believe whether I warn you or warn you not logg you mean you're not going to believe because the law has placed the seal on your heart he placed the seal on your hearing a place to see over your seeing another seal who did that your Creator because you don't want to know him and until you want to know him you're not gonna know him because he didn't need you professor don't have anything else to say he's already thinking I'm gonna get this kid out of my class that's it finish just sit down Oh sir one more thing I just have one last question and I'm go sit down good what's your question a sir you told us to you the testable evidence is something that you can see that's right something you can hear that's right something that you can smell or taste something you can feel something you could imagine that's right so all of these things are testable evidence to you that's right sir can I ask you one final question just one go ahead sir has anybody ever seen your brain has anybody ever heard your brain has anybody ever smelled your brain cases your brain felt your brain or imagined your brain no well then sir according to your testable evidence you don't have a brain Sokolov have said for for sharing this knowledge with us hamdulillah I do not want to deprive you of Q&A even though it's too late I urge all of you to stick to the topics so that no it will be all connected and then we can go forward inshallah certain law here I'm Sachi Andhra so you are converted from Christians into Islam please explain this in detail is it a spiritual transformation or is it testable evidences it takes about a hour and 40 minutes I don't know if you really want that one right now but I'll tell you where you can get this meal at home do that first of all I want to tell you something thank you for taking your time to be with us and share and please I'm from Texas and we have attitude in Texas we don't really mean anything by it but it's kind of like a pushy attitude so when I do stuff I hope you'll understand it's just a bad habit that I have and I want to really greet you in the right way and treat you in a good way okay and you have good questions and certainly I have myself when I was very much younger had some of the same thoughts that you've had how could there be a life after this life when you don't see anything and how could there be a god when I don't see any God so what's the evidence and this is really what it keeps coming back to what can I prove but there are people that no matter how much you try to prove to them they're not going to accept it they say I'm a seeker of truth how many people here have you met somebody said I'm a seeker of truth we all have but when you bring them the truth and they grab it I don't want to accept that then why so many of the people who claim to be scientists and following scientific testable evidences when we show them real proof with estable evidence when it doesn't go with what they already want to believe they refuse to accept it I recall just a couple years ago in one of the scientific journals that I picked up in one of the airports there was an article talking about the scientists had come across some study under a microscope in a laboratory to realize that there was a particularly form that actually had been here in the same form since forever in a day but it never evolved it is still exactly like it always was and they don't have any precursor for it it just showed up one day on the earth and therefore they decided this broke their idea of evolution and they came up with something and they called it this is a design and it has intelligent pattern behind it Eydie intelligent design when they came up with this and a number of other professors began to agree with it there was one particular professor in Colorado whom they quoted in their journal when he heard what they had said that there was some intelligent design without examining their evidence without considering to read the material their thesis that they had produced he totally debunked it with his statement he said this is a bunch of bull and he used the word that we use in excess all the time that was his answer and he was one of the top professors in his field in Colorado but when it didn't agree with what he already wanted to believe he doesn't even need to read it he doesn't need to study it he just knows already doesn't work is he a seeker of truth yes or no is he I don't think so because a seeker of truth is willing to look at all evidence in fact it is not a logical person who takes testable evidence and sets it aside for his own preconceived notions sir I'm going to guess that you've been exposed to religions that have a lot of mistakes in them that you can prove those religions are wrong and I'm going to agree with you in fact I'm going to agree with you and that I'm going to say there isn't any God anywhere in this universe there is only the God that created the universe and he's not in it then I'm going to agree with you if you said there's no religion that is correct I'm going to say you are right no man who made religion can be correct because we're not God but sir if there is a religion it has to come from God and this book tells me in adina-in dollar he'll Islam which means in Arabic to English more or less that Allah the creator and sustainer of the universe is not going to accept any man-made religions he's going to only accept the way of life which he has asked us to follow it's a choice for us to accept or reject it's as simple as that now as regards the idea of estable evidence I gave you a little scenario there but I have one ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters here today I want to share this with you not that I'm trying to teach you anything but rather something that you can use to you for the children because I'm very worried about our children and I'd like for them to know that we have evidence that's testable and I use this when I go into the schools elementary schools and visit with them and I want you to think about what I'm going to say and remember I'm directing this to a child's mind not a big scholar just a little child I tell them there's a story I want to share with you let's have some fun and the kids like to have fun now I'm going to ask you guys to help me make some noise so whenever I say the whistle I want you to go whoo-whoo and all the children will do that so you help me out whoa all right now I'm gonna say the Bell I want you to make the sound of a bell clang clang clang ding ding ding Bell okay now I want the sound of a train coming make the noise for me here stomp on the floor with your feet boom okay and they'll do it they're having fun now let me tell you the story one day you and I were walking along and we come across a place where is a railroad track and somebody has put a tent on top of the railroad track and we say oh my god and we go to me say sir who are you you said I'm new here well is this your tent yeah what are you gonna do about it no no but well you're on a railroad track he said what a railroad track sir he said I don't know what you're saying railroad track cut railroad track he said on what you're talking about yes a railroad track yeah it's kind of nice hidden it that's why I'm set up here make some little bars on the side to keep the bugs and stuff from away from única no no no no sir this is for a train or what a train what's a train you know what's a train who never heard of a train you know what's a train he said I know what you're talking about it's really big it's huge you see bigger than a mosquito no it's big big bigger than a dog it's huge sir it's really a train is something big I don't know what you're talking about sir this train is gonna come through here you need to move your tent because this train will be here in about 15 minutes I don't believe you no sir there's a train and it's gonna come I don't believe you I don't see anything I don't hear anything I don't feel anything therefore it doesn't exist sir please move your tent no you want me to move my tent so you can take this good spot I found it go get your own this thing is long you can go that way you know that way I'm not moving that's my tent I ain't movin and you can't make me sir I don't care about that but this is a lovely little place right over here or right over there but Sir you have to get off this you can't make me sir this is a railroad track no it's not then sir tell me what it is what is this if it's not a railroad track these are designed for wheels to go right here on these two things called rails and then these boards hold it in place what do you think it is well these are steps they're steps yeah then what is this little rail he said this is steps for a - hold on - that's Israel sir if I can give you any evidence will you listen to me any evidence at all will you believe me sir if you hear the train coming if you hear the bell okay then will you believe yeah okay and if you hear the whistle will you believe and if you feel the ground moving will you believe said yeah okay in a few minutes sure enough the ground starts moving do you feel that sir do you feel it he said no don't you feel it that shaking it that that's shaking he said it's another earthquake it's a tremor from the one we had on 26 December he said sir I told you it's gonna happen it's time the trains coming it's coming around there it's big it's gonna hurt you it's gonna kill you sir please move off the track you don't believe you but you said you would listen listen there's the Bell listen he said that's the ice-cream man what am I gonna do with this guy listen there's the whistle listen to the whistle oh he said that's a sick owl owl you know the bird okay what can I do what can I do to convince this man are these not the signs of a train yes or no these are the signs of a train you have shown him the signs yet he refuses to believe analog tells me in the Quran it's not me who guides him that's not my job I've delivered a message now it's for me to get off the track and get away far away so I don't get all this on me when the train hits him step away sir we've produced evidences here tonight that are testable I'm sure that you didn't have time to go through all of it tonight but you can visit our web site and test the evidences for yourself prove these evidences to be true or false either way that's up to you my email is wide open ask Islam at and I can publish your question and answer right on the internet so anybody can see what you have to say and what I have to say about it and you're most welcome but be sure you read the evidences first because otherwise I'm just going to send you the links and send you right back to it okay as slam tomorrow comm check it out for yourself I'm not trying to guide you to what I have it's not my religion it belongs to him if you like it it's your relationship with him and you will never have it until you go in your own heart clean away your prejudice get rid of all the things misconceptions hatred that you already have clean your heart and then challenge God I challenge God 13 years ago when I put my head on the ground the only thing I said was God if you're there guide me listen to the statement if you're there is that not a challenge that doesn't sound like somebody that's really that convinced all of a sudden does it so probably you're not convinced that's fine and I'm not telling you to make a prostration and put your head on the ground either I'm not saying that I did because I admit a gentleman who I really liked a lot and I saw what he did and I felt like he was doing a good thing but all you need to do is go inside of your own heart and if you're sincere and you really mean it if you said god you're the one who created me if you are there then you ought to know what I'm thinking I don't have to even move my mouth prove it to me go ahead prove it I dare you and if nothing comes hey you didn't lose anything did you but if you see anything after that you have really seen signs it makes sense I'm going to finish with that if you have anything else send it to me an email really appreciated it anybody else have anything tonight let us know I am Pratap I'm doing my final engineering I really want to know if Islam is the only way for our salvation let's consider two cases though in the first case let us take a Muslim very pious person who does prays five times a day and he's really good he does good to the society and all that and he lose a very normal life and he dies not many people know about him and we are sure that he's going to reach him am i right yeah then we will take the case of people like Gandhiji our mother Teresa and they are not Muslims and they have lit such a precious life and what is their fate and I hope even they end up in heaven so my question is is Islam the only way for our salvation similar and hamdulillah will our Tomsula Hey what's your name Pratap Chandra I'm a Hindu okay well anyway you're welcome and thank you for a good question yes thank you all right first of all you use the word in Arabic language you speak Arabic you can just shake your head I don't need the only here you just you don't speak Arabic okay you know what a Salam means that's leme Salam no okay so when you use a word you don't know what it means it wouldn't be fair for me to give you an answer in Arabic would it because my answer in Arabic is nom nom now what does that mean and what am i answering and you don't have a clue so is it okay with you if I translate some words so you know better what I'm saying is everybody accepting that right what is its round do you think Islam is like Hinduism do you think it's like Christianity do you think it's like Judaism Buddhism Taoism huh it's not because it's a verb but as well as being a noun it's a verb what's a verb action something you do it describes what you're doing got me what is it based on a rule nah nah nah soon from this roots in we do have all the other words that I just mentioned to you a lot of Muslims make the mistake of saying Islam is peace man Islam is peace but it's not because when we greet each other we don't say it's Lama I like whom we say said a malecon right or wrong so what is this lamb this limb means something its action I'm gonna give you five of the things to think about surrender somebody pulls a gun on you surrender submit you're gonna have to do something now huh obey since there you have to do these things in sincerity and peace and it's action pointing in a direction without mentioning the subject action pointing if I said to you go go I don't I don't move I just say go what do I want I want you to leave if I say come come what am I saying to you come on I don't have to give you everything I don't have to say I want you to come to me I can just say come alright make sense okay it's LOM its LOM I'm telling you do something Islam this this town man you going I don't get it it's because it's an urban but if I said you submit oh okay yeah surrender okay what do you give up obey all right I'll do it but do it sincerely hmm that's the hard part and do it in peace oh my god you can really make it tough because that's what it's about and it implies and points to the direction of who allah along not to mean not to a government not to a nation not to an ism but to alarm to do what do what god wants you to do huh do you agree that a human being should not make up his own religion until God to accept it do you agree with that I do do you agree that if God shows you a way to go that you should take that over some man-made way yes or no do you agree that a human being should submit surrender obey God on his terms sincerely and in beads do you believe it yes or no well see you're already saying I like Islam and you didn't know that now maybe you don't like some Muslims and guess what there's some I don't like either and but that doesn't mean that I don't like his mom in fact if I don't like its lamb I'm saying I don't want to do what God wants me to do mm-hmm we have any Christians with us today don't be afraid we're not going to hurt you I promise any Christians any even one you don't have to come up here just just want to know if you're here okay relax relax we got a couple christians christians will tell you they know something about the bible usually i want you to think about this there's a passage in the Bible in the New Testament Testament meaning that you bear witness testify to something and in this Testament this New Testament it says that someone named Jesus our Issa told the people how to pray and a beautiful part of that prayer says God I want your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven your will be done on earth as it is in heaven any Christian here ever heard that before please raise your hand you heard it God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven oh you didn't read your book well it's there it's actually in two places in the New Testament in the Gospels God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven and what does that mean that means Islam that means Islam that's what it's talking about according to the book that still exists today it tells them that Jesus did not cancel any of the Old Testament in fact he was specific about that that he doesn't cancel the Torah or Old Testament it says in Matthew chapter 5 verse 17 18 and 19 think not don't think that I came to destroy the Torah the Old Testament the law they call it law in English I did not come destroy the law and the prophets their teachings but rather to fulfill and not until all things are accomplished sell a single dot jot or iota be in anywise lessened from the law whoever breaks the least commandment listen to me whoever breaks the least commandment the least and teaches this he's going to be the least in the kingdom but whoever keeps the commandments and teaches this he'll be the highest in the kingdom does that sound fair how many Muslims agree with what I just said we got to do what God wants us to do yes or no the Muslims are agreeing with that that means Islam God's commandments believe in God and do what he wants you to do well my only rule a little yabba-doo Elohim oficina latina who neva why you came Estella why you to syke without a Kadeem okay Emma Allah said in surah bayyena the people before us from the Jews and the Christians were not ordered anything more than tubal in the law and keep the religion pure for him the worship is pure for him establish regular worship the Salah and pay the charity the zakat and this is the religion of Allah most clear so I'm going to ask you now and I want you to think you mentioned Gandhi he's a nice guy did you know that he said very good things about the Prophet Muhammad SAW the light of a supplement it's on my website Islam tomorrow calm I couldn't help it I had to put in there one more time it talks about the Prophet Muhammad SAW a light of a Salam and Gandhi is a big endorser of Muhammad and he's talking about him as being a great religious teacher and that his religion of Islam is good so if you're a Hindu you should listen to Gandhi and see what he said about Mohammed slurs Allah and if you know anything about mother Teresa you know that she was kicked out of the Catholic Church because she didn't follow them but rather she was trying to follow what she thought God wanted her to do so if these people knew there was one God and they worshipped him on his terms who's the judge Allah and it's up to him to judge him not me and they're already dead so what would be the benefit for me to slander somebody who's already dead maybe they have a chance maybe they don't but there's no benefit for me here today to talk about somebody that's dead I want to talk to these people out here that are still alive before they're dead and let's worry about us today what we need to do to be servants of Almighty God and you heard the message tonight regardless of what the people before us heard or didn't hear you heard it there's a God and he has a religion for you and if you don't want it then it's between you and him not you and me it's up to you if you want it you're gonna have to ask him for it that's the only way it's gonna come may Allah guide all of us I mean Oh
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 89,993
Rating: 4.7760415 out of 5
Keywords: yusuf estes, peacetv, miracles, of, quran, koran, scientific, evidences, facts, testable, science, proof islam, prove, khalifahklothing
Id: AoNEfuEWtXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 10sec (4270 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2009
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