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hey girl i'm home hey boo how you doing good how was work sucked oh can i ask you a quick question yeah sure what up i just been noticing that every time i leave to go out the next time i open the computer the browser history's been cleared hmm that's weird yesterday i went food shopping for like 15 minutes i used the computer before i went to the store and when i came back my history was gone the cache was cleared and the cookies have been reset huh well i think sometimes the computer runs an automatic software update so maybe that just kind of clears the history yeah except when you update the software a little window pops up and you click okay and then it gets installed so hmm i don't know maybe there's something wrong with the computer you know and it's just one of those things whenever it gets interrupted from the power source it has to reboot and it just totally wipes out the history be honest babe it's porn right what's oh pornography no it's okay if you look at porn i assumed you did anyways i mean every guy does i'm perfectly okay with that as long as it's not that weird stuff oh all right well i mean kinky's okay i like kinky as long as it's not that sick twisted s m stuff wow um okay i'm not gonna judge your journey it is your fantasy just as long as you're looking at women who not women wow okay wow baby give me a little credit none of that matters the only thing that matters that when we're doing it i'm thinking about you and you're thinking about me right right baby
Channel: Comedy Central Asia
Views: 3,445,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy Central Asia, Asia Comedian, Comedy, Singapore Comedy, Malaysia Comedy, Taiwan Comedy
Id: cDdv7q4jtiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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