Cleaning up Storm Downed Trees, (Muddy Mess!)

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name's matt let me get straight to the root of our problem today see what i did there we have been experiencing a ton of rain here for august and western pennsylvania this year and consequently the farm is closer resembling a swamp right now and i've been having trees uproot left and right out here and i've probably got 10 or 12 trees maybe more that have uprooted snapped off whatever because we have had some some significant storms come through with all this rain so uh i can't even get out of my driveway right now or in rather i got this big poplar tree here that fell down across the driveway as well as several more there's one back behind my truck there that i already cut up enough just to get through because i was actually out here the other day as the storm hit and i got soaked packed up everything real quick and went to leave and there was a tree across the driveway and i couldn't even leave until i cut it up so yeah it was a good day but anyway let's uh let's get some of these trees cleaned up gonna bust out my favorite chainsaw for this this is not my biggest chainsaw but it is my favorite this is a steel 04 that i actually found in a scrap pile some years ago and the cool thing about this saw i don't know if it's really a cool thing but the economical thing about this saw when i found that it was blown up it had no compression left and it just would not run didn't have enough compression to run and i took it to the steel dealer local to me and told him i wanted a top end kit for it and i said all right we'll sell them to you if that's what you want to do but the guy said to be completely honest those ebay long blocks that you can go on there and buy their chinese long blocks of some sort you get like the entire engine all you have to do is basically unbolt your plastics and your clutches and your fuel tank and bolt it onto the new engine and i think it was like 89 and just the top end kit from steel was gonna be like 150 so i took a gamble because it you know you can get into a nicer saw like this a lot cheaper if you find something like that and i did and this thing has performed flawlessly since i've fixed it and i've run it quite a bit like i said it is my favorite saw other than it just not saying steel on it when i was putting the parts together you really couldn't tell any difference between this and the oem so i was very happy [Music] looks like a steel runs like a steel [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] look at this tree had an ant infestation just pouring out of there i hate ants i hate ants well we got the first tree all cut up here i want to go grab my skid steer and my uh root grapple and we'll pick these sections up and get them out of the way here but i can't even get skid steer out yet i'll show you why so i got two trees here i'm guessing chain of events happened that this one snapped off first and fell and landed on top of my brush cutter i had the engine cover or not engine the motor drive cover off of it and it you know smashed it up pretty good it's pretty well mangled but i think i can straighten it but anyways it fell down hit another tree over here knocked it down and both of those fell a little bit too close for comfort there next to my building so i had actually marked out some trees here a couple weeks ago i don't know if you can see the pink ribbons on those trees and these couple here and those trees were going to be the back my my do not cut line and this cluster of trees here was actually already planned on being taken out and i would have rather controlled their removal but luckily nothing happened to the building but we're going to go ahead and remove the dead ones that fell down here first anyway i can't even get the skid steer out of there right now i mean i probably could but i'll just cut this up a little bit first [Music] foreign so [Applause] [Applause] so so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah i guess the old brush cutter didn't really fare too bad for taking a direct hit the the chinese a little bent up on it but uh yeah a couple minutes with a five pound body alignment we'll have her good as new i'm getting quite the pile of logs already and i don't even think we're halfway done [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well that's another tree completely cleaned up here like i said at the beginning of the video it's literally rained for like five days straight here and i mean like all day rains too not just like a shower every day i mean it it's a mud hole mess but uh gotta get it cleaned up sooner or later supposed to rain today later [Music] hmm [Music] well this is the last one along the driveway that we have to cut up a little more dangerous because it's not all the way on the ground you just got to be careful when you start cutting into these things it's actually it's convenient in one hand that it's up off the ground you don't have to worry about digging into the ground with your bar but you just got to watch the way it's wedged into the trees up there because if you're standing in the wrong place i mean this one might not have any stress on it but you know sometimes if you start cutting it all of a sudden the part you're cutting wants to kick towards you or something that could be bad so looks like i'm being safe standing on this side of the tree since we have that tree kind of supporting it and our biggest concern probably is just going to be not getting the bar stuck but i think we're going to be all right ah [Music] wow [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right this tree is a nice big silver maple you can see it was pretty much hollowed out there it actually snapped off and fell blocking my little uh tractor road here maybe a month or so ago so while i'm out here with chainsaw we'll get this cleaned up too [Music] all right the last one we got to clean up today is a lot more of a mess than the other ones this piece here is actually just a really big limb off of this tree way up there you can see it snapped off it fell over here and did heavy damage to this tree the trunk is split down here so we're gonna whack up this tree and then we'll have to drop over that piece that's leaning there because it's just gonna end up falling anyways no sense letting it be a danger to me walking around here out in the woods i guess i'll forget about it so we'll get it down and get it cleaned up this piece of land here i have not yet started to thin but it is on the list of things i'd like to do so uh we don't have to worry about pushing the limbs all off or anything i'll just get the big logs out of here and shove everything else up in a pile and we'll be done [Music] all right well the bobcat with the brush hog of course made quick work of that if you guys uh got land and trying to maintain property like this i mean you can do a lot of this stuff with a tractor or without any equipment at all but that right there saves a ton of time and i'm not just talking about the attachment just having a bobcat or a skid steer or whatever they're a big investment but man they pay for themselves easily but anyway this tree while it is leaning and i'm not certain that it's going to live i am deciding that i'm going to let it stay for right now hey i just have so much firewood on the ground that i'm afraid it's going to start to rot before i even get to it so i'm going to try to let this thing stand as long as possible because as long as it's standing a it's not even dead i think it's going to live and uh b it it won't rot while it's standing at least not nearly as quickly so uh i'm gonna let it go you can see the split down here it is split down to the root but it's not all the way into the heart wood this is sapwood out here at the edge this smaller guy behind it here maybe a five six inch it uh it looks like it's pulled away from the base tree pretty good there not sure if it's broken off or not it doesn't appear to be supported by anything so i guess it's still holding on but this isn't like an area i like working or something if it was if it was in an area that i frequently was underneath of it i would definitely drop it but as you can tell i don't spend any time over here so i'll let it go for right now i need a track machine well we got all these trees cleaned up that were blocking the roadways and stuff there's a bunch of them that are back in the woods in places that aren't really bothering me that i'm not gonna mess with right now got too much other stuff to do but uh yeah it's always something i tried to slick this off you know with that machine as best i can but everything is just so stinking wet right now that it's got to dry before you're ever going to get it to look decent or get a track machine because a track machine would definitely do a better job i mean it was still not going to make it a finish grade when it's this wet but it would make it look a lot a lot better anyways guys i guess that wraps up today's video i know it really wasn't uh any crazy uh exciting feature but the show must go on there's always something i'm working on a lot of you guys have told me that you'd watch anything i post so i guess this is your chance to prove it if you like the video as always help me out hit the thumbs up button down there it doesn't cost you nothing and if you haven't already be sure you're subscribed and i will see you guys on the next one thanks for watching later [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 247,870
Rating: 4.9716692 out of 5
Keywords: Bobcat, Skid, steer, loader, brush, grapple, trees, storm, damage, tornado, micro burst, hurricane, Takeuchi, komatsu, new Holland, Deere, John, kubota, firewood, cat, caterpillar, jcb, Digger, farm, woods, forest, homesteading, homestead
Id: xVqyLBNfVL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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