Flower pot heater.

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so good morning and this is the way that i built my heater that seems to be working fairly well okay so i'm going to start off by placing these little empties now keeping in mind these are the thicker ones so you want them to be not the little skinny ones you see these are the ones that i bought first and they're too skinny they don't last very long so i put the three here and i used just empties because they put that spacer in there that seems to give just the right amount of oxygen to keep them lit and now i'm going to add the ones that are going to be burning i find that it's about 20 degrees for each one of these little candles as the flame will add to your heat output now that i stood up their little wax wicks i'm going to place the four of them in the middle here and now i have the right configuration that will work well and i'm going to try to do this without jerking around because i don't have a anyway you get the idea get these guys going and i found if i wait a minute and let them get good and lit it works better they stay lit okay they seem to be fairly stable now i'm going to take the smaller of the two flower pots and set it right here to be careful because it's already pumping out the heat up here and then i use these plumbing breakaway connectors because a i have them and b they're brass and they conduct heat really well and it uses this as a stand to keep the spacing between the flower pots okay now i'm gonna have to put this one on top but i need two hands so you're just gonna have to trust me that this is how it works okay so i've balanced that one up on top if you can see down inside the little uh the brass fitting fits right into that little hole right there and now to hold it in place and also work like a little chimney i'm going to use the other part of the plumbing breakaway connector drop it in and now that top part will stay extremely hot so be careful and make sure you put something underneath if you have a delicate surface like my resin here i put a little tray underneath of it not very fancy but it works and i don't think anything about this is fancy but it works so now what i'm going to do is reach over here and show you we are starting at pretty much room temperature i'll take another picture of the the heat that comes out now see if i go and i start to get it into it's already starting to heat up
Channel: Vicki Kent
Views: 13,119
Rating: 4.7674417 out of 5
Id: 1y-wd8bb7Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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