Warriors are better AoE tanks than prot paladins

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hey guys come here I was gonna upload this video yesterday but this is in fact not April Fool's joke or yours are better a we take some paladin's and I'll show you exactly why in this video I've been want to take a few different approaches to this video kind of gone back and forth what I've decided on is that you'll see a bunch of clips of me every time in this video and I'm just gonna kind of explain what's going on what I'm using to get me there to pull this off and just some things that you need to be aware of and you know some comparisons of warriors and paladins at the end so with that being said here we go as far as a gear that I'm wearing I'm wearing two or three in these picnics in these picks in these clips however most of the things in this video I pulled off before am too great a queue in other words island ahead tier 1 and tier 2 on which are tier 1 tier 2 for warriors are very good sets for a we tank like this you have a lot of like blah blah crating block value a block percentage shot block rating infidel but those the you wanna block a lot you just want to mitigate damage your normal pet stats like strength a G hit crit they're not very important in this build a lot of your threat comes from like little AoE damage so as you can see a slob hitting me just a bunch of little numbers popping up a lot of these numbers the result of what we call thorne effects which is like for example thorns fire shield crystals fire retribution or alliance there's also in addition to these buffs that you get from various classes there's also a list of items there's a few items in the game that also give you these similar types of thorns buffs where every time you take damage that mob gets it for a little bit as well and these effects they'll stack and they add up as you can see in damage they really if you some of the especially this clip I'm going a little crazy I've actually never pulled the whole room for like that a little messy as you can see but and I pop shield ball at some point which is something I want to mention real quick they'll be probably mentioning again the video but paladin's yes could apollomon hold aggro on this many mobs like especially the consecrate and all these buffs yeah they could are they gonna survive doing it no probably not paladin's especially before EQ 40 like I said as a warrior you can at least get even before aq 40 even if you've just done home to corn UWL really just moping core if you have full tier 1 you can a OE tanked in five minutes especially some cheer to tone as well as a paladin before EQ you have mainly blues in like a couple greens even for tank items there's really not many options and if you pull like this many moms that didn't that last clip that you're gonna die and even though paladin's can generate pretty good every threat warriors can do the same thing as well and by warriors do it by spamming demoralizing shout more or less and shout causes I don't know what the exact numbers on it I'm not know the exact numbers in classic but spamming tomorrow some Shou addition to all these other things that I'm using you're gonna hold that just fine if you take a look at the threat meter my numbers are pretty high up throughout this video and again while paladin's can achieve similar numbers I think warrior summers are better one primary difference that a lot of people don't take into account is that Warriors have defensive stance and defiance total the defensive stance makes it so that in addition to reduce and damage all threat you generate is actually instead of just 100% threat from whatever damage it is or whatever source it's 130 same with bear droids I mentioned this before in different video and with the fines total you warriors generate long defensive stance they generate one hundred and forty nine point five percent of normal threat from all sources so every single thorns effect you're seeing every little number on the screen that you're seeing then it's benefits from that increase in threat and paladin's don't have that they only have increased threat from the early damage which is consecrate and retribution Laura and Mike holy shield that's it but as far as all these other effects you've seen you know engineering items thorns items warriors returning more threat from all these and they have better gear they take ten percent less damage across the board from twenty two stance they've last and their shield wall that if you're respecting if piercing house they have a nice low which is really helped which really helps making some of these poles even you could say Oh paladin's compellable well in that last poll that did workers can uh pop them in a bow nobility potion and be immune for six seconds so even Morris can do up a little sorts if they need to and like right here I'm about shield-wall because there's no way I'm gonna make it back otherwise and yes the Paladin fit bubble but as soon as the bubbles over like once the paladin gets back into position they're gonna be taking a lot more damage than the Warriors and you just you can't do everything that a paladin can't do everything in a warrior can this aspect just they don't their class doesn't have the tools to it even again with they could take it all threat like I said I'm not saying that every pallet retains can't hold threat with all these tools but they're not gonna have this five ability that a warrior will actually live live through it you know and so that's just something that that's really what separates two classes and again paladin's have a mana bar so you know they'll be times with their room or they can't pull right away or whatever the case just mana is way more of a liability then rage bars but and way back on track one of the items that I'm using in this video is all of emulation and there's also a similar trinket essence Veronica Senate really use all of elation and the trinket they both give you a fire aura tool or like an AoE damage or run to where when you just pass by an enemy even if they aren't hitting you they'll get damaged which is great for like pit camp mobs it just adds up to the total threat that you can generate you know it's really awesome and the only the downside of it is that they only stack to five they're pretty cheap to make alchemists make them but they only stack to five and tanks have you know backspace egg spacious bag space I can't talk warriors tanks have you know issues to backspace to begin with so having just multiple stacks of five oil formylation is uh you know it can be a pain in the ass to a ground view but they don't have a cool-down they're just really useful items narrow one thing real quick before I forget that I want to mention that actually haven't used this there's a shield called argent fender or the hours and defender which I'm putting on the screen right now this shield has a 1% chance from taking damage to increase your block chance by 50% for 10 seconds and that's how there's no charges on this that's a straight 50% for 10 seconds and it's presumably for getting hit by as many moms as once at once as you see me tank in some of these clips that thing that buff is gonna be up constantly if not all the time and that's actually really I wish I had the shield I didn't take it there's that like lightsaber sort that you can take instead so it's the quest to killed barren orphaned Darrin on his trap get his head I wish I'd taken the shield I can't wait to try on classic actually this looks like an amazing shield for a damage mitigation it would even help paladin's out a little bit and so I'll have more information about this you know in classic hits but it's just something very very interesting to me that I really won't try because it seems like with it you'll just have permanent like perma block really it's blocking non-stop the block rating will be like 70 80 percent good block chance so then slap is throwing a spike on that to where you you know you can damage people every time you block and it's pretty useful but as far as shields go the most important shield is the force reactor disk really all this lightning that I'm shooting all over the place this is if you haven't already taken engineering which by the way there's several other benefits taking engineering like dynamite grenade zapper charges all these contribute a or threat and you'll see me use a lot in the video also in this video I don't use I don't think I use a every taught one time in this video which also workers have over paladin so you don't really hit the span you can you say every time and at least uh you know you have that button patents don't have that of course but I'm not even having to use it in this video I'm just you know using spamming Thema shout spamming shield block really and just having making sure all my phone's effects on like always pay attention Thor one does only a 10-minute debuff or 10-minute buffer other so you usually have to be constantly monitor its to reapply to you like I don't think I have it yeah I don't see it right now my buff bar the crews are slacking so you want to make sure you just always have these buffs you know if emulation whatever helps is as far as the engineering shield goes to like you don't have to I have three of them by the way I've made three entering shields and they break really fast once you whenever you block as a 50% chance of losing one durability point and it has under 20 total so like this tunnel is a cute buck tone then during right now if you wear this shield from gain ends it will break actually from full durability if you don't have new ones to put on and this is just because I have three of them and so I'm free to use I can just put on a new one when one breaks but normally if I when I only had one shield for a long time you want to wear shield get a little bit of initial threat and then take it off like I have a macro to put on my engineering shield and have a different macro to penomet normal shield so you just want to switch back and forth you know accordingly so that your shield doesn't break like right now you see a little hole in my mini-map there's a red shield back on that's my shield breaking and actually didn't notice it right away which is you know my bad on my part it's actually the happens a few times in this video actually SSL is focused on recording or something I'm not really sure but you really gotta pay attention if your shield breaks because you'll be taking usually you look at your health bar and if you just start taking a lot more damage all of a sudden which you know also just one thing to be aware while you're taking is you want to make sure that moms are hitting in the back you can't block in the back so you want to typically be in a corner or just make sure that when you're tanking too many mobs sometimes some of them try to sneak around the back and hit you or if they you know someone else gets aggro and they come back to the pain in the back that you just want to make sure that nothing's really in your back so right there my shield broke again and I finally remembered to put on anyone but that's just again you got to be aware of your engineering shield breaking that's a pretty important thing to notice and big a like right here in this fresh room I'm just I'm tanking all the whelps paladin's I've seen pal I've seen a few of actually decent good paladin's good prop Islands tank this pressure room it um it warriors they again they take less damage doing it they can't spray is something that uh you know if you lay it down once and then whelps run out of it and they're attacking someone else unless that person moves to you which you can't always count on obviously people should know to move to the tank if they have mobs on them but that's not always the case it's not like if you use use consecrate announce on a second cooldown and there's mobs elsewhere you don't have anything for you know at least five or six seconds to pick them back up and that's the problem whereas Warriors can constantly spam demoralizing shout it has no cooldown and the other thing workers can do where it comes in handy everywhere really especially like beyond the special room is that battle shout also generates a grow on every mob that's currently in combat and it's based on how many people you actually hit with battle shout and I'm not sure if it's gonna it seems to not override like if you already have the buff it seems not generate as much that I'm it's a little I'm not gonna really comment on that until classic comes up I'm not really sure how it work but if anything you can like what I was doing for a while is you can make a macro to cancel your own battle shout and reapply it to yourself so that you'll always have it regardless and you can least generate a little bit from your own battle shout reapplying something else and but what that does if there's a mob out of range that's attacking someone like twenty yards away and you battle shout a few times if they're if that person just got bad body I grow or a little bit of healing I grow as long as they're not attacking that mob actively if you battle shout a few times chances are that mob will come over to you which is really nice when you don't really want to move when you don't want to chase something down if you're already thinking other things and you see like warranting mobs out of range just hit battle shout a few times and usually that mob will come right over to you paladin's don't have anything like that either so that's just a really useful tool and yeah that's something I want to mention real quick is if you're wondering all that lightning lists that I was shooting it mobs early in the video that's the number um I put on the screen and out it also gives you a thorn stuff so that's just to really get a drops off the last boss number you can solve for me at sixty it's just on behalf but uh anyway I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up there for now I just want to do this video and kind of show you guys that you know warriors or better a we tanks and paladin's all around they generate the same or better threat they have more tools to get threat they take less damage them work your options available to them they don't have a pesky mana bar deal with and so any broomer that you hear about paladins being the definitive AO it takes until that might be true later but it's not true it's not true now it's not true and classic alright guys let me know what you guys think if you agree disagreed and I'll see y'all in my next video peace
Channel: Skarm Tank
Views: 133,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, vanilla wow, classic wow, feral, warrior, tanking, prot warrior, feral druid, naxxramas, naxx, mcp, crowd pummeler
Id: 5C0cx51BhHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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