DRUID in Classic WoW: Is It What You Expected?

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hello ladies and gentlemen willie here having now started phase 5 in classic i think it's safe to say that we are past the halfway mark in our journey and i've spent oh you know a few hours in game playing every class to a certain degree raiding alongside them and have seen how each specialization is handled and i thought why not do a bit of a retrospective and have a look back between then and now and answer is your class what you expected it to be let's start this off with a jack of all trades master of none but often times better than a master of one or so they say the druid the following were my final words from my was it any good video on the druid i think it depends on what you expect from your experience with classic if you are a more hardcore player they aren't that great if you intend to play more casually they are a super good choice for hardcore players druids are mainly just healers unless you know people in the right place who will allow you to compete and play the other specializations during raids saying that some people will want that and that's fine droids just tend to be more expected to fulfill that one healer playstyle and you should be aware of that for more casual players who intend to take their time they are a solid leveller capable in solo play and offer a great deal of versatility to any party also you can't forget the benefits of travel form when farming or mining or doing herbalism and you know what i don't think i was too far off here though given my first hand experience with the class in classic i certainly have more than a few points to add to what i just said there and just so you know i have leveled a druid to 60 i've done end game dungeons a good deal of pvp through battlegrounds and though i have not raided personally i believe i have a pretty good impression of what makes a druid perform well at 10 game so let's set out to answer the question in the title i did the leveling with a group for once on my druid with some returning players though we didn't dungeon spam or do anything like that we just did usual open world questing routes but with three of us instead which was quite a different experience from soloing in many ways mainly in that sometimes you spend literally an hour on certain gather quests though the xp from the grind more than made up for it i know how multi-boxes feel leveling now and i was leveling with a mage and a warlock so my goal as the druid was to fill a niche i thought that would benefit us all the most so i was a feral tank keeping aggro from the squishies though i never really specced specifically into bear tanks and was just kind of a standard leveling build that focused on damaging cat and i would still play solo more often than not so my experience wasn't totally skewed i must say the most noticeable part of druid levelling is that incredible power spike at level 20 when you get cat form it's like before that you're wading through mud and then suddenly you are set free it does so much more damage than the weird moon fire plus bur form you're putting up with beforehand rejuvenation and regrowth kept my health foot between pulls and innervate would totally top my mana pull up at lower levels one thing i have noticed though which i've never had with any of the clasps before is how the more and more i leveled up it felt like i just kept getting weaker i know endgame and mobs get stronger as you go on this isn't my first rodeo but the druid really didn't hit scaling as other classes did i didn't even have bad gear in fact i probably had better than average gear on my druid when i was leveling i did plenty of dungeons and plenty of rare items and beforehand when i was at lower level i could tackle a few enemies before healing now it was one or two if you get lucky innovate went from fully regenerating my mana bar to barely covering a third of it it really felt like i was going backwards towards the end few levels which i'd never really experienced with any other class though the earlier leveling did somewhat make up for it what about moonkin leveling though i tried it for a short period of time didn't like it there's just so much down time you have a choice of stacking loads of intellect to have a decent mana pool and then not doing that much damage or stacking loads of arcane wrath items and doing good damage but going um after basically killing one of anything also you have no spell pushback mitigation talents on a fully reliance on entangling roots to kite mobs which you cannot use indoors meaning certain areas or dungeons completely hamstring your main cc also if you do go full balance and get moon conform you will find that insect swarm is a restoration spell so you can't cast it in munkin form and it's really not worth leaving form to cast that one damage over time how about the end game though well that was more or less what i expected the majority and i mean the vast majority of druids are restoration your tier sets of restoration you scale the best as a healer you're wanted for mark of the wild d curse and fury fire and honestly it looks like one of the more thankless healing jobs and you want those with improved mark of the wild doing the buffs rather unfortunately though it costs an insane 1200 mana to provide the party-wife buff version gift of the wild so that's going to be a lot of mage water to keep everyone buffed up you're also the primary d cursor on fights where you need to have those fast actions such as genus or nefarian and fairy fire is good for improving physical damage by a small amount another issue that druid run into is more player created and this is centered around the buff cap so in classic we don't only have a debuff cap on enemies but as players also have a cap on how many buffs we can have active at once and that number is 32. once you hit this cap any new effects that are applied will push buffs off that you already have and for certain classes mainly warriors and rogues they can actually have close to the buff cap when going into raid with full world buffs this means that players actually have cancel or a macros to remove certain buffs that could potentially interfere with any of their world buffs and these buffs i'm talking about are mainly rejuvenation and regrowth two of your main sources of healing in some raids especially on days when you're trying to push for fast players you will only be allowed to press healing touch because of the buff cap this won't be a thing in more casual guilds but i didn't anticipate this happening at the top end so then what are the good parts about playing resto in raid you get your tier fast like really fast there just simply isn't much competition beyond that though there is certainly competition for the other big healing items like locometer or rejuvenation gem and so on also you actually get to see your characters model which i think is a good thing i think tier 2 looks pretty cool that one blue robe though that's going to be a bit more of a tough sell but there are still three other specializations too what are my experiences with them i've healed a feral tank once in a raid yep not too many of them about and many more times than that in dungeons though and i have to say this tank had not too much gear and i was assigned as their main healer on my paladin which made me a little bit worried but honestly it was far easier than healing warriors in a lot more gear feral tanks are just a big pile of health and armor and that's all they're really designed to be and it was so much nicer to heal than a medium geared fury tank the damage in tank was far more smooth and whilst they were mainly off tanking and generating less threat having a tank with over 10 000 health in medium gear without flasking is the kind of thing i like to heal especially with how some bosses can just go full swifty one shot macro sometimes i bet you've all seen one of the loot dragons just completely delete a tank with its flurry or warrior call plus shadowflame on nefarian just makes your main tank disappear the downsides are of course you can't pot as a druid without dropping form which is doable through macros but parry haste is a thing it's pretty risky also they cannot compete with the amount of threat that fiori tanks can put out especially thunder fury fury tanks also they don't get wind fury and you have to look at the burr model for your whole time playing and you compete with hunters and robes on quite a few bits of loot so it's a bit of a mixed bag for the feral tank i do still like them though at least from a healer point of view what about feral dps this is a speck that i really like in theory it's easily the most involved dps specialization in classic world of warcraft between powershifting with the wolf's head helm and the fiora talents to maximize energy gains farming out manual crowd pummellers in gnomeregan as your best in slot weapon yes the best weapon as a feral dude is something you get from a level 30 dungeon since their melee damage is based upon stats not weapon damage as it is with the other physical damage dealers so why do i just like them in theory well i like to perform reasonably well in raids and if you are just dpsing normally as a druid there is a pretty sizable difference when you compared to somebody who is actively using all of these things like power shifting and mcps to boost their damage and then we have balance druids which are quite a bit further behind the rest even with optimal gear to be fair it's not totally their fault the talents for balance just aren't very good you have no hit chance talent a lot of dead talent points spent in things that aren't going to be doing anything useful for you nature damage doesn't have a debuff to amplify its damage like arcane does through curse of shadows so you're basically pigeon holed into only ever pressing starfire and on top of that moon fire usually doesn't get a debuff slot and then the other two talent trees for droids are pretty much just only for feral and resto there's next to nothing of use for bounce in there balance only has the balance tree despite the name which makes the spec into basically press starfire over and over a three second cast with how fast many mobs die in classic well you might only barely get a second cast off on them also how does starfire work indoors when bruce doesn't looks like a bit of a plot hole there blizzard still content isn't exactly hard is it i'd love a laser chicken in my group for that three percent extra crit it's just if you aren't a dkp guild i'd imagine a loot council would have a pretty hard time seeing the first neltharions teardrop and thinking hmm yeah we we need this to go for the moonkin for sure in fact i'd call shenanigans if that ever happened the fact that you are also in competition for loot with basically every single other caster in the game only adds to the problem so what are the good things about being a moonkin then well you're a special snowflake um the dance is pretty good moving on then how have druids fired on the pvp side well it turns out what they're really really good at as expected is running away which is useful sometimes immorson gorch is a flag carrier mainly with the pvp set on travel form is a 55 movement speed boost which is crazy good add on top they can shift out of any roots or slows and then perform charge yep the spec is about as good as it gets for taking a flag from point a to point b apart from this druids are solid in open world pvp but they have the chance to kite make the use of entangling roots and reset constantly however in many other group scenarios other classes just counter their kit very well as a cat you can't really take many fights melee to melee for too long without having to go bare balance has poor mana efficiency and relies on crits very heavily restoration can have pretty much everything that's useful that they do dispelled still they aren't bad by any means especially with gear and a competent player behind the screen it's just given the same opportunities on more or less any other class you would have performed better but that's what draws some people to the druid they want the challenge of exceeding expectations and making a class that requires extra work to work i have to say for me druids were more or less what i expected them to be in classic wow down to a t as we started off with they do fit that jack of all trades master of non saying but is it better than being master of one well in classic no it's not at all actually strong keelers competent tanks okay dps if you put in that extra effort needed to take them to the next level i bet many main droids are now looking keenly at the horizon for tbc tree form better ray performance in all specs and becoming the de facto best healer in pvp with life bloom cyclone resilience and of course pillars how has your time being playing a druid so far is it everything you hoped for or have you ended up taking a re-roll at some point let me know below oh and if you enjoyed this and want to see your class next hit me up below with your suggestion and i will consider it as always i do hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you in the next one very soon if you like what you see do give the video a like and subscribe as there will be plenty more to come take care guys and i'll see you in the next one very soon [Music] you
Channel: WillE
Views: 138,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the burning crusade, tbc, phase 5, scarab lord, AQ40, AQ20, top 10 wow, grind, wow, gold, gold guide, best farm vanilla, World of Warcraft, WoW Classic, classic, shadowlands, pvp, pve, raiding, tbc beta, blizzard, twitch, mage, rogue, shaman, warrior, paladin, hunter, druid, warlock, priest
Id: GuBT45LjIU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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