US 21 Road Market - 100 Mile Yard Sale!

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so we are about to embark on the 20 run road market this is our second year doing it this year we've got we've got big boo accompanying us here so we actually have a truck that we can carry stuff in last year we took Snow White she worked out very well and that's it the we're hoping to find a lot of treasures this year yes let the treasure hunting ensue we're here we are we're on our way enough first men to Troutman we have to get some money everyone knows a good treasure hunt doesn't happen without some coin trying to take a break from the interstate air very shortly [Music] all right here we go we're about to take a break from the interstate right here heading toward harmony that's where it starts take them right here we on our way to harmony 21 take a break from the interstate starts in harmony North Carolina and it's all the way up to Wytheville Virginia [Music] I do believe that I will be in complete harmony with all the treasures that we find here we are [Music] ready for our first stop maybe sale [Music] [Music] [Music] so should we go go into the town of Harmony first we did stop at that church yard sale last year and it really wasn't very good it was a lot of clothes and kids toys which is not for us [Music] here we go yard sale rules apply so shells getting out on our own looking for all the trailers treasure hunting starts now and their first stop bench was separate but I think it's part of to many projects not too many we're maybe thinking about this glider set we saw it last year apparently he's come down quite a bit since last year but last year we said we'd come back and see if it was still here at the end and we never did so I don't know we're trying to make a decision here [Music] [Applause] because if not every other place we go to he's gonna say well I really liked that glider no I think we should just come back I think you should offer him 100 bucks and call it a day well we'll see I said sit on this and see if it collapses I'm not sure if that's the best strategy I mean where are we gonna get the cushions new kitchens I guess we can just make them yeah you just get it likes to see if you would do it 400 loading up his booty know how I'm gonna do this like this one yes but we shall Rio the other way yeah you should jump down it's gonna hurt your back and on YouTube now no we're oh yeah that's her we're gonna do a you shopping we're gonna do a whole thing of the of the road sale yeah yeah yeah last year we made it as far as Elkin we're gonna see how far we get this year yeah this is our first year of selling so really yeah oh you weren't here last year no no no no we were we were buying it last year oh okay I was gonna say cuz I remember seeing this set last year yeah it was here last year we were here last year got one more piece to go get yeah I was gonna buy that 15 we're gonna of course if we find the to dress oh no come on out and yet when you see what a oh oh dear that sounds ominous can we get the puzzle master hitman he thinks that we're gonna be fitting other objects in the truck so what's the wait what's the strategy again to ask them how much it is I say okay elbow elbow see how he feels about that and when I went back and I told him said he would buy it for a hundred so I wanted to see it you won't let poor little wifey's spend the money so that's the most don't allow me to spend good good plan good strategy all right so we're just continuing on we just had our first stop it was quite fruitful we thought as you can see we bought the set that we saw last year which is now in the truck bed and we're just continuing up the next cereal u.s. 21 it's like the Iron Throne of horseshoes here that's googling something about a mid-century modern yeah those Cheers you wanted a dollar for someone's selling if it's a set for $36 out of its approach they're $36 a chair then their shape it's not really your thing though they're running up frame-up so this is my second my second acquisition of the day a level it's kind of cool it's a Charlotte North Carolina on it looks fairly old that is metal so it's not like one of the cool wood ones but it was only five bucks and I got scolded for not negotiating on the $5 so wait can you tell us about the bench again okay it came out of a school a Lattimore school okay Yomi study back to the star though it came out of a school in Cleveland County out of the lunchroom they used those back in the day that was what electric benches instead of chairs so that's her sure what she was asking 35 graciously she has come down to 22 so it's a deal twenty two dollars and it's a done deal here is the downside to the 21 rode market is when there's an accident or something and it's all jammed up Michelle's doing a solitaire get angry too and we're we're both getting very very hangry hunt that's hungry and angry but I don't know I look at the back and see all the treasures that we've already acquired and makes it worthwhile yes our mid day acquisition is the glider set which includes the glider the lounge to end the chair I got a handmade embroidered little apron set of dishes oh you've got a tie strap toaster out for some toast Rochester ice-cold drinks $1 or some oh and a very cool bench for like 22 dollars which we did we solder in the answer because of an accident so okay how stupid is that why don't they move all business off the road the nation I got you a Moonpie Thanks so I had a barbecue sandwich snack and you're having a Moonpie all right we can get on down the road then we can move on down the road you don't want them at all put them in the truck you might get huh the wire from home we're getting some lunch at Terry's Cafe yes we just walked speed walk his lady said oh it's hot down the road right across the street from so much little toasty they closed in seven minutes but like few folks are really in that much of a hurry to get out of here so we're gonna see if we can't cop a squat here right coconutty business you're going to give me another break on your ticket see you later boy wait dad don't hang around with you all you you want Mexico get out get out this is the one of the most awesome we'll be amazing thank you yeah all right so we are refueled now and now we're going back into the game [Music] look at all this goodness vintage fifties wallpaper one dollar per roll I had to dig a little bit but we got some gems out of steam a little bit you say what but I can't lie I'm running out of steam a little bit oh we got plenty went off in the distance your junk awaits more junk awaits so here hold this this was mine I ran out of battery so this was the jerrican that I purchased at the last place and it was he wanted 20 for it and I gave it I got 10 he came up to 15 and I said nope I'm not willing to pay more than 10 and he said alright give me $10 yeah I've been wanting one of those when you Oh where's my keys when you think about what that costs for a plastic one at Lowe's it's a good value what did I do with my keys there there all right so we're on down for more junk junk drink clink sure we have two other pieces that look similar to Madrid it doesn't look like a glides Maria this is a slaughter this is not a glider it's a slider gliders the black leather see the sliders got a track you aah it needs to be old up there spring in here and he had it all lit up and couldn't slip with a slide back and forth just as smoothly but with it being like that yeah the black ones an old brother from the people it's the wrong color though what do you want for this chair here I'll introduce the glider by child funny these chairs are different every time you we see the different ends this mine well it's for us to share all right you can coop we can go get you your own yes ma'am okay let's go get you your own I'll have these Moose Tracks myself then the lady in the store said we need to go to independence which is like seven eight miles up the 21 from here she said there was a lot of stuff in independent so after we get some more ice cream we'll head over to independence all right so now I think some ice cream and Foley's everything store close to Salem but yeah sits back there saying I was like 12 miles oh no Barbara so I'm gonna finish up our ice cream and these folks said that we should check out Independence so now as we are this literacy did you want to turn around we're inspired up I was told it looked these lady at the Beck Foley said we independence is wherever long ago so just continue through here's you want to turn around and go try that one a mile away okay so this is sparta North Carolina that's coming mr. gribble pipes water tower that's to Sparta tell you make the call take a lot of clothing all right so we're going to continue on through Sparta my eye on the prize walking link across the street without looking and I thought how ironic could be kind of funny if I ended up killed over by a car be lining for a yard sale he died doing what she loved I'm thinking we should have done this part of this deal earlier this is really pretty country where we are now we're kind of between Sparta and Independence all right so now we are past independence we're heading toward whiffle whiffle I guess and it's getting kind of slim out there it's sort of late in the day and as we drive [Music] we're not seeing nearly as many yard sales and the ones that we are seeing a lot of them they've kind of packed up for the nights on the tents have been sort of brought down but the stuff is still there because they're probably gonna just set up for tomorrow since this is a three day event [Music] it is quite pretty where we're driving through right now so I think is just continue driving all the way up to Wytheville and then come home down 77 now can get all the little bit quicker but it's kind of getting God between here I think there's a this is like this is like no country up in here or mountain country so here's one and you can see that they've basically sort of packed up but I think that's what we're going to do now is just basically continue on up to whitfill and then we'll take the freeway home but by and large it looks like a lot of vendors a lot of people do in the our tail I've already sort of packed up that's probably okay for us I think we did quite well today and we had a good time doing it too [Music] which we didn't do last year so last year we only made it as far as a little bit past Elkin but this year we've made it all the way up into Virginia and we probably may stop if we see something that still looks like it's going pretty good we'll stop but you know as you can see right now super pretty country just sort of looking kind of slim the traffic has died way down too as well and where we are - oh I'm all sugared out no thank you it could take someone to meet you one more ice cream yeah the pickings are getting very slim low like everybody's pretty much packed up so I think we'll continue on the Wytheville and then head home so now we're rolling through speed well were on our way to Wytheville definitely a lot of places of basically packed up [Music] it was like much for us there but definitely still some folks out here diehard net we've almost done the whole more than hundred miles so that's good here here's a place you can buy Confederate flags and Trump make America great and don't tread on me boy we should have stopped there what do you think baby nice pretty country up in here though we are going to take a picture and now completed the entire [Music] hey do it again do it again okay so now we're on through downtown windmill which the twenty one market is pretty much over but the downtown whitfill is actually kind of cute it's pretty good we stopped and took some pictures of the sign which all [Music] power just head to the freeway but what's wrong through downtown wit bill the road market is pretty much over I think it will be on again tomorrow but we made it from harmony all the way up to wit ville so now we are on our way back home and we are done taking a break from the interstate actually by 77 southbound way back home as much done [Music]
Channel: Fred Oldenburg
Views: 4,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market, road trip, North Carolina, yard sale, 100 mile yard sale
Id: Vko1ocR41Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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