City On Fire (Heat Wave) | 2009 Action Drama

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[Music] an excessive heat warning was issued yesterday by governor Quinlan as temperatures hit record highs throughout the state more the same is expected today with temperatures forecast for the valleys and other inland areas in the triple digits health officials trust me it doesn't smell any better and with morning temperatures already in the high eighties it looks like we're in for an another heat wave under net so somebody died Oh [Music] with temperatures already in the 90s across the Southland I can't think of a better day to head to the beaches it's expected that Angelenos will be hitting the waves in record numbers along with the sheath the UV index is breaking records to show remember slab on 20th unblocked dr. Catherine Johnson I presume Kate please you're Charlie right Charles Covington the third you mean there's two more of you running around this lab no no I I'm named after my my father I know you're the new guy in lab a right meteorology yes I came over from Oxford did some post doctorate at MIT alternative fuel technology right I heard you were a brainiac big upon I mean that minimizes wait really so tell me Charles you've been here for what a week okay it's off Dutch there's less uh-huh and how did you manage to snag lab a have been stuck with lab be for two years in climatology well actually the arrangements were made project like I know I'm sure it wasn't your fault I mean remember you seem like a nice enough guy I'm sure it was Oliver have you met Oliver well Oliver a little bit of a god complex he's the master of his own universe and this lab just happens to be in I'm sure it was a matter of money well your alternative fuel so you must have some pretty solid backing corporate funding ah that must be nice no begging for a stereoscopic camera time with the UAV weather drone you just click your heels the company signs a check yes generally speaking well welcome to GRC don't get fried out here but the data indicate mitigation activities that oh I thought it was will not on live Patrol again relax you know he's just the micromanager don't let him get to you oh yeah he was really indispensable stick to frazzle then insecure marine late night yeah I couldn't log onto the rtw did you change the password or something no to pull another all-nighter anything for science huh yeah pretty much things never change you haven't changed it's grad school Dana hmm okay this this research could change the world what could be more exciting than that you know you really have to get out once in a while thank you just fine in here comfortable you sure you want me to set you up with someone Helen's got this reason College Kate I can find my own dates now thank you hello mr. Brogan Bolivar in uniform pops I got some bad news well spit it out already Fowler I'm rather late for a meeting with governor Quinlan what is it it was a methane explosion at drill site 27 in Newhall damn it we had a death maintenance guy Williams was killed does Williams have any family we're checking on that sir there's any equipment damage - no sir just the building where the methane was seeping I thought we kept that well Fowler we did sir we can - three weeks ago the main thing shouldn't be venting but it is well you better have some answers for me listen to me you keep this quiet don't you say a word to anybody not even Williams's family do you understand that yes sir and I will call you the second I get out of Governor Quinn's office you got it loud and clear sir [Music] [Music] what the hell's going on Roy I mean one fire and some dump on the outskirts of town is one thing but we got six now burning unabated in my director of Environmental Quality says it's all tied into your drilling operations he's been on my case since I took over the helm at UNICOR since I shook hands with big business he's an alarmist governor this is California you have wildfires all the time and it gets hot we're funding a major research effort at the finest facility in the region all our operations are linked and controlled through the lab and we just brought in the top scientists to oversee the whole project top scientists who dr. Covington yes Oliver Wilton ah I'm the lab administrator here at GRC it's a pleasure I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to greet you earlier not a problem I'm still uh settling in poring over all the data oh my compliments to you have it for the excellent facilities well thank you very much I'm glad somebody appreciates what I do you just wait all those media pollsters with their dismal critiques of your administration are gonna eat their words no your executives at corporate they'll be kissing my boots I'm gonna put you know Corp on the world energy map with your name on top will be remembered as long as you guarantee me this is not gonna come home to bite us you swear there's no connection to that heatwave in those fires me knew there'd be some environmental impact when we started but it's all within the tolerance range tolerance you try telling that to the press they tend to take issue when old men get burned alive and people start dropping dead from heatstroke there may be a few casualties but we're pouring a lot of money into this containment and methane gas has always been a challenge but if we can capitalize on our research you'll preside over the greatest boom in the state economy since the California Gold Rush and you make a lot of money of course technological advancement is always motivated by the profit incentive what about the common good Roy independence from foreign oil sure you can sell the common good angle too if you want we're in a win-win situation here I mean I don't need to tell you that you've championed our energy agenda in the state legislature since day one if our project were to come under attack from state regulators or anybody else you take the hip right along with us be careful mr. Rowan I'm not easily threatened self-preservation is second nature in politics don't worry it's all under control I trust the provisions to the lab were made by unicore were satisfactory yes they were very satisfactory well there's anything I can do to help facilitate your research just give me a call thank you I'm sure your hope will give me everything I need I'm sure they will about your needs excuse me no I was just thinking unit Corp wasn't very specific about the nature of your work our Research Center hosts a wide array of scientific activity not sure how that benefits meteorology okay to your needs better if I understood what you do it's all quite simple really just spectrographic and magnetic resonance analysis of anomalous topographical features that are deemed potentially advantageous to our exploratory efforts mostly theoretical right okay I'll leave you to your theoretical analysis oh by the way our labs main benefactors coming by this afternoon was hoping if it wouldn't be too much trouble that I could bring her by show her the lab let her see the kind of research that she helps support with her patronage well actually my research it was fully funded by unicorn so I don't really need to solicit funding from her and Greer's Widow no I Portia I was just thinking that as long as you're using the lab I'm actually rather busy at the moment it would be better if I weren't disturbed I'm a very understanding gentleman perhaps another time the positive mapping at 65% 42% like that okay oh did you finish inputting the current National Weather Service data we need the latest climate model up and running ASAP mmm what another dog and pony show yeah Oliver wants to do a little Show and Tell with mrs. Greer he's afraid that she's gonna stop the funding now that her husband's passed what what about funding listen wake yourself up have another cup of coffee let us just stick to science I'll worry about the funding it's what he lives for I do not I just happen to be good at it which is lucky for the two of you because running this lab is not cheap good morning Oliver it could be if I could ever impress upon you the importance of keeping your research within the scope set by our current funding you know oh and Greer hired you to run this lab but not into the ground Oliver how are we supposed to push the boundaries of science on this nickel-and-dime budget you wouldn't have to if your research ever generated any publishable results the harsh truth Katherine money follows success not unproven theoretical hypotheses like trying to make rain by seeding clouds with silver iodide good science takes time Oliver well I need something now something I can show and sell by 2:00 p.m. or mrs. Greer might decide that her late husband's philanthropy is better off Mary rates you're worried about your job you damn right I am however maybe if you updated our equipment or you gave us lab a obey is occupied and engaged in the kind of research that finds itself on the cover of science magazines it's the kind that brings in corporate funding not everybody believes that a wasting their talent I'm gonna prove that Terry's unproven theories on these theories could save lives someday and droughts that disrupt growing seasons and agricultural yield I mean if we could successfully stimulate precipitation we could end world hunger Katherine do you have any tangible results we just seeded a massive cumulonimbus cloud formation just two days ago and radio sound data looks promising I mean I already have a remote piloted weather drone prepped and ready to go we did cut off your access to launch the rpw drone it cost thousands of dollars every time you fly it and to date you have nothing to show for it the password you've blocked our access how are we supposed to continue our research I will not throw good money after bad unmanned aerial vehicles cause of dollars and your research doesn't bring in that kind of money I see and dr. Covington's does got it have something to present by 2 p.m. one day I'm going to tell them very true yep 105 degrees the Southland as we kick off our news hour while staying indoors is recommended the unusually high temperatures have put a tremendous strain on the electrical power grid countywide so try to use fans and please set your air conditioners to 78 degrees or higher dr. rj Simonis an expert on global warming will be joining us in our next segment to discuss the unusually high temperatures took a half a century for them to get a handle on polio and he wants us to solve world hunger in an afternoon I know we will get there eventually yeah not without funding but we are so close I mean this is too important for them to pull the plug on us now okay well we better come up with something pretty special for mrs. Greer because pulling the plug is exactly what Wilton has in mind okay okay let's not let him bother us remember yeah I know I know I know I know I know I talked the talk but you know what when it comes down to it it's just an act okay please you're the steady confident one I was always hoping that it would rub off on me a little bit well Dana you know what confidence only takes you so far I keep plugging away at this and plugging away at there's hoping that something's gonna come from it but sometimes it's like I know I mean there are times when I cannot sleep at night because I know that I've misread the variance data or I forgot to triple-check the relevant weather archives and the new messages coming in from it or when I am sure that the summit conversion temperature from the cloud top altitudes is off because well I mean why wouldn't it be you know I got a b-minus in calculus then again maybe some time off wouldn't be such a bad idea you know this whole antsy jittery on the understand anything is just an act I'm really quite I I'm really quick together yeah never doubted it let's get to work hmm wait I thought we were gonna collect those next week yeah no I know but um I don't know something doesn't seem right you know the National Weather Service data it doesn't correlate with any of our models I'm up what with the heatwave maybe but we need to upload the data from these little buck boxes okay let's see if we can figure out what's really going on earlier today a methane explosion killed a you know corporate employee and destroyed a building in the plans New Holland facility hey Marty oh hi there dr. Jansen what you working on today oh well the t3 connection to the main server went down so I had to reroute to alternate fiber-optic cable which unfortunately wasn't fully installed so I just routine maintenance stuff Marty you've been here all night yeah I'm pretty much I don't mind really it's not like I have anyone to I heard it's pretty hot out there huh yes it is sure could use a little rain so they keep telling me oh no no III didn't mean to say I know Wilton's been pushing hard and everything no offense taken you know what he actually has a point sometimes I don't know why I keep pushing myself over something that nobody really cares about you care about don't you yeah well it's just it's not that simple no seems to me that if you think something is important enough to pour your heart and soul into it well then there's the value yeah but Wilton can't put a dollar sign on my heart and my soul he just doesn't appreciate how hard you and miss Dana work but I see it thanks Morty but sometimes you got to be practical you gotta cut your losses no no I I mean you must never walk away yeah you'll you'll come to regret it just always follow through Thanks it was good talking with you today in all of the fires witnesses have reported smelling gas presumably methane governor listen this is catastrophic we've got nine LA County stations on 11 different fires right now none of them contained this heat isn't helping matters much what do you mean you can't put them out what do you need more resources no that's not it we've been on top of the ball morning they're knocking down flames but it's like the fires themselves like they're being fueled just Eadie get the fires out whatever it takes I've already called up in the National Guard they're on standby if you need them it's not the manpower you need I've been fighting brush fires for 15 years and I've never seen anything like this but I don't think this is arson but it doesn't follow a natural pattern either there's something very suspicious about this whole thing Carol and by that I mean governor Quinlan now you appointed me to the office of emergency services we come through a lot together now there's something going on here and you need my help you got to tell me what it is it's politics and sometimes even the best intentions get the best of you I've got to get up to Grier Research Center to get some answers but you personally yeah delegate this one that's my problem I can't wait don't do anything you tell me what else is going on here and I'm gonna get right call you when I know Beth okay because you can take a look at this could this be wrong your sensors are picking up air samples with four times the amount of methane wait a minute this can't be right this will be right I would explain a few things which you plot up the effective high methane concentration on the local temperatures sure let's see if this correlates with the widespread trend as well long beach oh hey Kate hi uh listen I got your unmanned aerial vehicle rpw drone loaded with some silver iodide but Wilton called pulled the plug with my higher-ups I can't go without his authorization now and even if I wanted to you're locked out of here and without a paddle I know I know this isn't about that though coz Wilton said you put a good word in for me with the Greer foundation methane Tony I need you to check your weather top sensors I'll take that for you I'm not saying you said right I'll just pull up the local atmospheric sampler I got it set the cross-check with NWS data so they can detect any whoa what is it Tony methane is off the charts Wow there's a serious greenhouse in the LA basin happening hey the outside temperatures rising I'm gonna be there for a while Tony I live here Kate I mean no not not literally but you know what I mean yeah listen I'll get back to you stay cool I got that cache of dry ice from the OSI lab and worst case I'll just crack open the freezer go skating I was feeding the heatwave feeding how the fires are releasing co2 and not as methane trapping more than four times the amount of the summer heat at this rate we're gonna burn up before sundown mr. Rogan I don't so i oversee the entire facility here at the girl foundation and as such i need to be kept informed of the type of research that's conducted like a silent partner if you will the arrangement between the Greer Research Center and UNICOR petrol gas is a simple facility lease and it's not negotiable we presented the terms we required prior to our investment in the lab and I might add our investment in you personally terms but I was just thinking that now that dr. Covington has loud a up and running I could provide you with some additional services additional lab space nothing further from you or GRC other than to be left alone okay maybe I'm not getting my point across so let me just get straight to the quick I need a little more just a taste secrecy costs money I think a renegotiation is an order we'll talk soon I'll Drive down and meet you I'll come see you Jadey check this oh hell [Music] what appeared to be wildfires sprung up throughout Los Angeles even at this point at least 67 homes have been destroyed and six confirmed fatalities with temperatures to well over 100 degrees all of Southern California's burning dr. Jansen mrs. Solano his Esther Greer has braved the heat to join us and she's looking forward to her presentation hello mrs. square I have been looking forward to meeting both of you no I thought you could summarize or perhaps you could show her the various research projects you've been pursuing here in the climatology lab it's really not a good time to janssen now I know you think this is a little game that we play but will I run this facility I'll decide when's a good time and what is not mrs. GRU walks I will turn you out and shut down that I don't think I can't replace you with a paying client overnight you want to summary welcome to climatology laboratory lab B mrs. Greer where every dollar spent goes right to research at the cutting edge of scientific technology most recently we've been developing a technique for seeding silver iodide into convective clouds to generate precipitation that goes and if we had the wherewithal to artificially cooled the seat of clouds we might be able to generate precipitation and rainfall thereby ending drought and starvation and famine around the world but you see our administrator thinks it would be more cost efficient if we sit around a bonfire chanting native-american mantras well now for something that is guaranteed to impress mrs. Greer through an array of sensors that I have designed and deployed on my own time we have just discovered that the heat wave is being amplified by a sudden venting of methane gas which is trapping heat and triggering the release of more methane gas what are you talking about I'm talking about a heat wave that's fuelling itself as it gets hotter we are gonna be hitting 140 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the day unless we can figure out what's going on and how we're gonna stop it excuse me all right so you want me to believe you've stumbled on the reason for the heatwave and the fires right but what am I supposed to do run through the city sounding the alarm no you've got to get on the phone Oliver you know this excess heat warning is not gonna cut it we're headed for a meltdown okay outside temperatures just rose two degrees we're out a hundred and eleven hey would you call Helen at Caltech and confirm her data see if she's picked up methane gas on the spectrum meter no wait wait what go why do we have to get another lab involved why can we just check our own data because you turned down my request for a correlation spectrum meter and a transform infrared spectrometer sounded expensive Oliver how else he's supposed to monitor the Earth's admissions of methane wait that that's alternative fuel technologies what if you're wrong Katherine oh please all of our people are gonna die what do you want me to do who needs to call the governor governor Quinlan what do you I don't know what she told you but I can assure you told her anything she already knows the positive mapping at 85% extraction well 58% complete I thought I mean clear I wasn't to be disturbed dr. Charles Covington I'm governor Quinlan I've been speaking with your employer at UNICOR I need an update on what you're doing here I'm not at liberty to discuss my research with anyone well even you well I think that officer Brecker and I may disagree with you this is all proprietary information you know cops arrangement with a Grierson tip included me from sharing guys I'm in custody you can't remove me know what complain to the Queen you're a long way from home dr. Covington I suggest you stay out of the way dr. Jansen maybe you can help you're making a big mistake with looks like some sort of topographical subservice of the entire country third oil company they drill for oil they're not mining or other mining gas methane gas Bravo doctor until the governor something she doesn't already know Yuna Corp is on the forefront of alternative gene technology and she's been supporting our efforts from day one well you probably neglected to tell it that she could destroy the entire Los Angeles County basin by doing so what did you get permits and approvals from the Department of Conservation to to drill in these areas what had they done well see here and here they've ruptured a methane gas pocket this one has seeped into the atmosphere but this one this massive one they've sealed off the pressure has forced the gas to seep through fissures of the Earth's upper crust and mantle wherever it makes it through the surface we got a potential flashpoint that would explain all the fires yeah they're being fueled from below what do we do well first we call off the drilling before it hits that main pocket are you insane that lame pocket is the whole purpose for this project not anymore the gas accumulation of fires could raise temperatures beyond a threshold point what threshold outside temperatures reach above 140 degrees Fahrenheit we could lock into a feedback cycle the heat will release more methane gas more methane gas will will trap more heat it will spiral out of control this whole area will burn would you go get Deena please I need her here nothing to risk the lives of thousands for what to line your own pockets stop the drilling he bullets in that gun the fires in south-central we got air support coming down from Sacramento get on with Cal Tech find out the epicenter of that last tremor oh yes mrs. Dobbs we're on emergency protocol for evac now keep prepping those cooling shelters across the county however when the power grid fails I want to make sure our emergency generators are online and operational it's a top priority right we are now getting reports of a new fire in the downtown area the Department of Emergency Services is urging people to stay out of the city I highly suggest avoiding the tuna Marty hello Esther what are you doing here um head techie Oh and hired me personally when he opened the lab yes I remember that but that was you're still here oh well I never really thought about leaving but you stopped coming by the house and Owen never said I guess I assumed you moved on there's so much to fix around here I keeps me pretty busy oh okay we have a lot of catching up to do of course right now mr. Wilton is supposed to be giving me a tour a tour oh well I've been here 16 years I showed everything there is Disney well that sounds like an offer - you're good to pass up lead on Marty show me what makes this place tick all right hmm okay all the inner core filled command post link to this lab have been shut down oh thank you it won't make a difference if what you're saying is true then enough methane has already been released to start the cycle what do you mean it's too old and it's just going to get hotter you know wait a second Rogen told me where the best areas you've got a kid if he's right then we could get trapped here okay hey hey listen to me no listen we're gonna be fine okay we just have to wait it out in here what if it just keeps getting hotter out there I don't listen to him no we've stopped the drilling okay we just have to wait it out to the methane and the co2 dissipates eventually it's gonna thin out I hope you're right not for now it's cooler in here okay what just happened well the city power grid must have just gone off so much for staying cool I mean there's no air conditioning well we got a backup battery for the lab equipment for the next two and a half hours why didn't the emergency generator kick in where's Wilton I don't know he took off after he sent me over here you guys stay here they should stay cool for a while I'm gonna go work on the generator wait I need to get back to my office and coordinate rescue efforts governor you can't go out there you get stuck in this heat you're not gonna make it well then get me an office so we'll who wants to renegotiate make yourself at home Oliver won't mind mr. Wilton you wanted to see me so here I am let's clear the air it's hot yes but then with what I paid you you could take a nice cool vacation say an Alaskan cruise what are you doing people are dying you have to stop so let them die you don't have to be one of them we'll get this thing under control now then you've been paid do you still want to renegotiate good nobody needs to know what really happened here they already know Jetson Quinlan I shut it down get out of the car Marty I'm afraid don't worry I'm sure we'll be fine however likes to keep the generator under lock and key hey all right I told you we'd be okay dr. Johnson's work on the other hand is impressive are you okay oh I'm fine I'm just hot oh oh it's okay it's clean what happened Marty why have you been hiding away in here all these years hiding I am no one's I've been hiding then what would you say um I can't you mean you won't no I I really should get back okay did Owen do something wrong were you angry at him no no of course not me that no no no Owen was my friend Esther I mean you and he you were a family to me and now he's gone and I I can't I loved him too Marty yeah well I loved his wife get it jammed on all of the major arteries and let it out manaman as cars are overheating left and right due to the hot weather would you mind awfully if I sat down no go ahead I guess she fixed the generator yeah I didn't know all this was going to happen it was all theoretical at first oh my work overseas even MIT was in modeling and mapping extraction was still a few years off then why did you start drilling you Nicole wanted to step up into Phase two they said they'd take him care of all the logistics the bureaucratic red tape so to speak what they meant was that they bypassed it well maybe I did you know I I had to walk away easy I never really did oh it's been a breathtaking tour Marty yeah let's find somewhere to sit and catch up okay I was too eager to get started I wanted something to show for my hard work something tangible something now something I learned from working with Kate dr. Jansen you can't rush science it's methodical and sometimes frustratingly slow but and she never compromised the work just to get some quick results she really is quite something you like her well I'll admit when we first met there was something about her her energy suffer no fools attitude and complete devotion to her work she was incredibly sexy beautiful and intelligent well don't get your hopes up because nothing comes before work for Kate hard work no shortcuts you're fortunate to have worked with her then I always had to be first hard work meant nothing without results I was always playing catch-up with my older siblings I suppose and I've really mucked up this time people are passing out on sidewalks traffic is at a virtual standstill and I must drag upon the accidents and car fires I've seen just in the past 15 minutes when we got up here it's as if the entire city is on fire this is by far the worst heat wave ever to hit Los Angeles and from all reports there's no end in sight reach that Dobbs office of emergency services at the tone leave your message Edie I've called in the guard and I've ordered the evacuation of LA County it's bad it's gonna get worse if you get this message I'm sorry that I didn't trust you sooner with all this you've always been [Music] just get out if you can evacuation site or transport center this is not an optional evacuation the National Guard will secure the area until the current climate crisis is over this fax you copy over dispatcher he unit out to the big bull surefire deployed those freeways now the governor's gonna need an evac chopper and the own career Research Center within the hour have all emergency personnel ready to get out on my order that's a negative can't watch any more of our birds in the peak we don't get out to the civilians are up yes [Music] doesn't look too comfortable well no I'm sure there's a proper way for sitting in shackles it's just that it's my first time using Yelland couple thank you Oh oh goodness oh that's much better quite sure I deserve this no maybe we could take him home for just a second or something she'd come over there hey it's not his fault with what happened Dana there's a whole city that's dying out there because of him I don't think his intent really matter as much at this point I'm just saying he did help us shut it down Dana he had a gun to his head I for one still don't trust him she's right you have no reason to trust me oh look we agree oh my god come here sit down no heroics what has happened to our little laboratory I don't know you can let her go do those things the entire system is shut down can you reboot it of course but first put the ghusl in the marshals everybody please doctor I'd heard such good things about you I might even have hired you things had turned out differently evidently hell's coming to us instead well it is for some of us anyway I didn't need you right now understand we didn't do the property about you go now understand I want you to power up the system and finish the project the bucket will kill thousands he's right spare me the morality lesson I'm a businessman you're supposed to be scientist sacrifices are always made in the name of progress not this kind no dr. Covington the only riddle you have to answer right now is how many scientists does it take to drill a hole in the ground I don't think it's three well I don't even think I need to all right the positive laughing at 95% extraction well 7eq business that wasn't so hard what what did you do nothing I didn't do anything the back-up generator field we're out of fuel lab equipment only has two and a half hours before not failed as well good I'm sorry for everything listen we we have to get out of here without the air this entire place is gonna turn into a furnace we have to in fact wait we can't escape outside arrogance rogen I had to be the first and you had to prove to a board from our executives you're worth the cost didn't have to be this way you were part of the unicorn team Covington New Energy for new world the city's burning the land is speaking No maybe not you but little heats not gonna get me I'm not afraid I can why do we have to get out there's no escape not for you want me I put you on the map I was gonna be remembered you will be remembered for this [Music] another option to the city a major health warning has been issued to all citizens of Los Angeles it is imperative that you get to one of the state's emergency centers as soon as possible with temperatures reaching 125 degrees and the amount have spoken that a gasp of the air it is not safe to be outside for addresses of the nearest emergency facility stay tuned to this broadcast as we will be listening to the story again I repeat a major health warning to all citizens of Los Angeles program abort shutting down [Music] by the midst of fire I got a way to get us out of here it's gotta get it put in my truck [Music] [Music] nor did we hit a feedback cycle the temperature right about 140 degrees and there's no way to pull it down unless we can break the cycle pain ma Oliver what's the drum password I need you let's go you're peeping out of here I'm doing this one alone oh we're staying anybody coming yes she is [Music] we're seeded a confirmation two days ago weather radar detected a possible storm cell it's right on the verge with just needed tippet putting out the fires will wood used to co2 levels stabilized you'll save us all come on Long Beach Tony are you okay I think I got it fixed Tony we've managed to stop the methane from spreading I need you to launch the rtw drone oh you know I would kid I mean I will I don't suppose you can get wilton to sign off Tony it's Oliver Wilton approval to launch thanks guys we're gonna head held up an I love going ahead you know me before you cannot do it in for Dana to just know you know what I mean Tony I need you to hit that cell that way two days ago pump it up with more silver iodide than in the past trip with the amount we need to super cool to force a compensation okay yeah no I got you and that'll make it rain right it's so cool absolutely okay all right we're ready when you said you were sitting on some dry ice when you see yeah quite literally up as much as you can to the drones cargo hold I need to break it up no there's no time we've got 90 minutes before we lose powers of this entire lab and when that happens we lose our link to the drum Tony can you do a quick rig for an extra flare yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] password authorized remote piloting command function and to pull up the weather radar we need to fly this thing right into the center before we release it this thing is huge you sure we can spit this open that's been brewing for a few days it just needs a little push but how well the silver iodide crystallizes the existing vapors and the dry ice expansion cools the air forces the cloud to condense link turns liquid again squeeze the clock there's a concept I can package himself the telemetry is fine you should have a smooth ride all the way thanks Tony are you doing okay over there Oh me yeah I'm good yeah I'll probably just go lay out get a tan hey Tony you hang in there we're all gonna get through this together okay hey Tony it's Oliver again I just want to let you know that well informally anyway the job application made the rounds you're in there's a job waiting for you if you're still available yeah I'm sure your recommendation helped things settle down a bit just come on up to the lab and we'll finalize the details all right absolutely I just want to let you know doing a great job that was nice well if I can't hire him after all this what good am i Kate I think we're approaching the main cloud formation there's definitely a storm brewing how you doing back there [Music] it's gonna be alright okay we're gonna we're gonna get out of this you we're not dead you're still trying to protect me I still believe I can everybody out right back there there's ten minutes of power left we're gonna make it okay Kate you're dead center okay exactly how I imagined running away with you you imagine it really how do we ever let so much time go by I guess between you running for office it'd be running after her birds and seas I guess I can see without a boy sorry push it Hey a little better 1:34 six degrees mark there's no turning back okay now the dry ice you know no no no I lost telemetry what there's too much turbulence I lost my signal the turbulence is good right it means the storms coming yeah not fast enough we need to accelerate the cooling make it rain before it hits 140 degrees get Tony back on that phone see if I can find another signal you'll have to come around for another pause yeah if we can find it honey hey mr. Wilton how can I help Tony we lost the drone telemetry we need to find it get back in that cloud within five minutes okay let's see look for it to come out the other side and then Bank back around don't lose it again it won't be ever detonated detonate you mean release box of dry ice which is big we didn't have time to break them up yes I rigged a flare Agnetha fuel tank okay I gotta say no I'm baby back around tony is there a way to set a command to detonate on a time delay command is related from the onboard drone computer just put in the time delay before you Sam okay how much longer til we're in - seven you know four minutes out okay joy definition four minutes plugin course the Gunners I love to okay we're in wait I'm a 32 see folks that's it we all need the air-conditioner go as low as we can but [ __ ] shot she'll do it I know she can [Music] that's it we just lost our battery backup you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey no working late tonight not a chance I have plans you have a life outside the lab yes ma'am well there's this new lab and it was really smart this alone would you mind terribly making a brief presentation of your current research to our esteemed benefactor and her guests you're back already well you know we would've stayed longer but we have a wedding to attend governor Quinlan has invited all of us ladies I love what you've done with the place so much cooler than I remember it we have you and your foundations continuing financial support to thank Oliver you didn't expect me to just walk away did you well no but I thought I can't give up on the things that you believe in heart and soul even if it takes a little while are cost a lot of money so don't be so stingy next time all right I don't think there's anybody in this room that would call me stingy I offer sound financial stewards [Music] oh hey I was hoping that you would come by well I wanted to come and say goodbye before I left I thought you were pardoned yes seems I have a friend in the governor's office nevertheless my reputation as a research Sherry's I'm sorry no no actually it's a it's a good thing so liberating I think I'll go back to the English countryside and find something I truly enjoy doing no one to impress something I'll do just for me are you gonna go to the governor's wedding I'm not sure if I was I thought maybe if you weren't in a rush you would yes I'd love to good Oh I'll see you there you know what really it was a pleasure working with you dr. Covington oh it was a privilege to work with both of you would you ever consider moving to the States Oh perhaps I will although I have to tell you you have a newfound appreciation for London's cold weather Los Angeles frankly it's too bloody hot I do believe he fancied you a little bit more research on that huh Oh anything for science [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 436,531
Rating: 4.5725102 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: dw5t5C5KkE8
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Length: 81min 56sec (4916 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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