War Of The Worlds | Full Movie | H.G. Wells

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] george remember to pack your sneakers alex wants to go through the smithsonian george what yes sneakers really what you're funny i don't know what you're talking about you want to have sex it's our anniversary you know i i thought that was pretty good after 10 years that you want to have sex no then i think you're incredibly stunning and yes i don't want to have sex a little bit more endearing to me would be leaving on time okay look i gave the time to henderson all right that caught my workload in half i thought you said henderson is slow no no i said that he was a savant that's very different so now it's almost dark and it's five hours drive to dc and alex isn't feeling well what's wrong with alex i don't know it's just a little bit of a cold i just don't want him to stay up too late in the comments but we're gonna leave in 10 minutes and you can listen to that lovely country music station that you like so much all the way there yeah dad come on let's go alex are you packed like yesterday are you okay what's the matter yeah it's just a cold all right well stupid cold's gonna turn into stupid viruses so take care don't scare him george what come on dad let's go you know that it's still really light outside i know we're gonna go look at very bright stars he needs to put on a coat okay and we're leaving in 10 minutes okay okay i can't see anything it's too bright outside i'll keep looking you're gonna find it objects move even if they're thousands of light years away i still can't see it you okay yeah you still want to go to dc dad you promised i know i know can you keep a secret no well you better try on this one look at that ten years ago i asked your mother to marry me on the steps of the lincoln memorial in d.c i thought maybe i'd do it again on our anniversary night are you allowed to do that yeah i can do that and you can be my best man really yes but you can't tell mom okay okay deal deal deal yeah is there some kind of conspiracy going on here no no come on you two it's a five hour drive and george i told you to put a code on miss scuff is sounding worse and worse coz no protection against the cold virus mom oh my god i don't know where he gets it obviously he's a genius i must come from your side of the family obviously come on wrangler let's go see you inside okay okay wow i see i see it it looks like a comet well mars shouldn't look like a comic oh this one does see yeah that's not a planet come on george george no no no no no no no no it's just my work it's our 10th year anniversary please hello alex dr new off hi was that unbelievable no no no i caught i caught it in my son's reflector where are you going dc no no no not you uh i will meet you there i'm going tonight okay thank you honey listen we could go in the morning look if if it wasn't important he wouldn't have called yeah sure it's very important it's the end of the world whatever alex let's go you know i really don't want you to drive alone sweet write that in our anniversary card okay damn it my cell phone am i ever gonna see you again of course you are tomorrow morning at the smithsonian do i still have to be your best man yes you have to take care of this for me it's part of the best man duties i love you daddy i love you too i'll call you when i get there okay look i didn't do this on purpose you made your choice i don't love my work more than you guys yeah of course [Music] so [Music] dream but i know it's ginormous so it's an asteroid right have you ever seen like this maybe i mean the size the mass there should have been much more destruction mine's dead too and so is my car yours smells like ass it's been a massive surge of electromagnetic interference for everything to shut down help anybody please my boyfriend's stuck down there okay just just calm down um the police will be here in just a moment we have to get him out of there okay listen the authorities will be here in a moment we don't know what's down there okay my boyfriend's down there audrey there's something else down here what is he talking about what's his name max max hey who's that max if you can hear me um just just try to follow our voices okay is that the cops what is that humming sound audrey get me out of here now grab my hand match grab my hand max get out of there that's right here hey i think there's something down here max listen to me just follow my voice all right max you got to get out of there okay come on let's follow my voice and get out of there now max [Music] audrey audrey hey max listen uh just come to the edge okay just listen to all forces and keep following them [Music] what the hell is that jesus is hello [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] so hello hello hello george felicity george are you okay hey i can't hear you in the lineup listen listen to me don't come home no no stay stay there stay in washington it's not safe are you sure george no i'm gonna come there i'm coming to get you okay what's going on i will meet you at the steps of the lincoln memorial the leaky memorial sean hey hey are you leaving i'm packing i went for carol where is felicity and alex oh they're safe they're up in dc um does your call work i don't know i hope so what the hell was that man my whole house shut down the power goes on and off television microwaves everything it's like one thing i do know is you got to get the hell out of here okay where are you heading i'm off to hope well uh to see your brother yeah i'm hoping he can get me up to dc well if a ranger can't push you through the dc i don't know who can exactly you better get out of here i gotta wait for carol she's out with the girls tonight and her goddamn cell phone isn't working well if it's a search keep trying i'm sure i'm sure you'll get a hold of her okay all right man you should go all right sean take it his shot thank you oh you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go gotta go gotta go can't get across gotta go we can't cross everything's closed how about 85's probably everything's closed right now all right just to stay home okay yeah i got a brother up at home no one's going on that bridge today all right that's just to go home all right hey hey the bridge is out about a quarter mile down over 100 people fell in i heard cheyenne stop fussing we're going west to the 40. we're going to walk our way to tennessee i got a cousin in knoxville you could join us if you'd like thank you but i've got family and hope well and i'm trying to get to d.c d.c i heard the terrorists got them first terrace dc new york la all head all messed up it's what i heard from the military around here i also hear that the state's declaring martial law today soon we just have to stay at home to goddamn sitting ducks that's why i'm trying to get the hell out of here and see my cousin george i'll meet you at the steps okay i love you [Applause] all right what's up oh sean yes [Music] ah ugh who are you hey who are you hey uh i'm i'm dr george herbert your doctor i need i need a doctor actually i i'm an astronomer but i can help you are you hurt no maybe i don't know you alone yeah i'm alone i mean i i came to sleep in this this thing but it was locked you could just put the gun down get over there grab a side on my account three two one chocolate enough for the science guys i can't believe i spent all night outside ah i need to rest are you okay oh man yeah he said you needed a doctor just messed up that's all been non-stop fun for 48 hours are you from greensboro that got here too yeah the day before yesterday family i got a wife and a son but they're off in washington i was supposed to meet him there but got called into work anything hit up there three three three you really a space guy yeah yeah yeah yeah you got any theories as to what the hell these things are not that i want to say out loud what is it time to go let's do a whole my brother if i like it he's an x-ranger next ranger no such thing good we need all the help we can get go i was standing flank when the co had us engaged in the first wave those things man they just swatted us off the face of the earth like we were flies zap one lousy zap didn't see this in the army bro sure managed to jump in a ditch there's a bio warfare man i mean i've seen things i've seen biowarfare before but breakfast eat it eat it could be the last meal for a long time time to leave you hear don't hear anything yeah me neither not a bird not a bug not a dog i swear back in iowa during the corn crops couldn't hear yourself think with all them june bugs yapping at each other hey hey my entire battalion was wiped out we're headed to four leaders portland's been destroyed soldier fort myers the new command center it's about 200 clicks east of here you'll need to go there and register register yeah you know head count that kind of thing government bureaucratic [ __ ] under whose order sir under the orders of do what i say are you gonna get your ass kicked soldier did you ask him about dc eddie's who's your little girlfriend here it's george herbert sir civilian he's a scientist astronomer stars huh it's interesting how's your chemistry background well i studied astrophysics but i'm not aha that's what i'm talking about that could be useful i'm just trying to find out if there were any survivors in dc no survivors everything's been wiped out the president senators generals even the little [ __ ] dish boy at the danny's down in the mall gone george has family in d.c sir really that's sweet i had family too lived on a commune with 54 other hippie dyke commie sons of [ __ ] near the blue ridge mountains wiped out all gone don't let these aliens push you into weakness need to buck up soldier and be strong strong enough to fight back so why don't you regroup and join me huh cause i need men and scientists we're just trying to get to hopewell sir his brother's a ranger you ass clowns just don't get it do you you won't last another day out there on your own we will find your corpses in a ditch you know what why don't you get your useless coward asses out of here and go to your deaths just like everyone else you men aren't brave enough for my army you're just gonna drag us down and get us killed you disgust me all right ladies get your dick skinners out of your pockets we're going survivors so this is kind of creepy because they don't know anything but no communication working pharmacy is about three blocks that way um are you evacuating soon maybe nobody seems to be in much of a hurry around here don't look that way that all yeah aren't you afraid afraid of what i heard it was in terrorists i heard it was creatures from under the earth heard it was the military screwing around with chemicals nobody knows what's going on too much nonsense to be warned about the inevitable okay good [Applause] that's your wife she came to the stage on vacation with some girlfriends and never went home where'd you meet her standing in line at the star trek exhibit in the smithsonian you are a science geek that's right funny thing is it was the best day of my life you got and then you're a little boy and then wrangler wrangler yeah kid's gonna have scarves man yeah it's just a nickname good name for what he wants to be an astronomer who's galileo's nickname galileo is an astronomer like 500 years ago i know who galileo was [Applause] oh good directions to hopewell looks like we're getting close hopefully we'll see your brother there army ranger i want to be a ranger couldn't go that far those guys are crazy man i mean [ __ ] insane macho [ __ ] loopy but if you're fighting that's what i want to be next to go look at all this it all looks homemade oh man these guys are scraping i wonder if there's any top command left let's go let's go this way we gotta get to my property we gotta go i gotta go to my brothers he's not gonna be here he's not gonna be there come on uh matt matt matt are you all right hey buddy oh get that off him get it off [ __ ] me from here how's he doing he's good sergey kerry williams sir let's get this get this off here man just pull it off of him oh god george you look like you're computer come here stop stop okay i'm really everything's okay i don't feel anything i love you bro hey man george is gone we gotta move come on man we gotta move come on gary [Music] [Music] oh ah dear god please take care of my family please take care of alex and felicity father pastor you can call me victor you have a fever you need to rest here you can keep this little knife they're going to sink you need your warm i'm george they took away the horizon george where are we just north of charles it's getting late the demons seem to come out at night i've seen him during the day looking better how you feeling i'm gonna make it so who are alex and felicity you're calling their names out in your sleep that's my family i have to get to d.c there's a refuge in the blue ridge mountains just north of blue george your family is safe dc wasn't hit i don't know that there are many of these demons out there it's just all true believers are safe do you understand what i'm saying george are you headed to blue ridge i'll go where i'm needed you want to walk with me to dc that is where god needs me i was in my den watching his simpsons when the first demons came guilty pleasure i tend to work at night so tv's not really an option ah where i'm from a small town in australia we don't really have television so i can find myself drawn to it i was in australia once i went to a symposium at the observatory in sydney you ever been there afraid i'm not much of a stargazer well i do find myself fascinated with the greatness of the universe that's why i am what i am i guess we sort of started out at the same place then didn't we you're a religious man george is it god's will to kill so many people i don't always understand god's ways but i trusted him and that is the essence of faith rewards the faithful george he doesn't punish them let's cut over this hill it'll save us half a day we rebuilt the church of our savior three summers ago now gone swept away doesn't mean god hates churches no for the parishioners that have died does god hate them no they're in a better place now we shall see each other soon i just want to see my family again you will people of faith will all be together soon and death george have you heard of the rapture foreign elderflower picomeric acid antioxidant anti-peroxidant it'll bring down your fever the flour have some no no not that that's belladonna berry that's poisonous how can you tell the difference color mainly a little bit of texture but taste it you'll see so is that what you do you're a botanist no i have to interact with chemicals in my work compounds and things what's that sound let's get out of here maybe we should go see if she needs anything she's one of my congregates rebecca you're back honey it's your pastor where are your children rebecca and mary and kate we were live came to them what happened rebecca the pain you feel is nothing compared to the joy you will feel in every fiber of your soul once you join him we spoke about taking comfort in these words at times rebecca do not let these demons take you out do this demon [Music] plan he is not the god of love and understanding he is the god of death he is soulless without redemption of [ __ ] criminal rapes on a lady has more heart and compassion than your child murderer you're god you're [ __ ] numb blind evil god rebecca these are the precisely the times you need to take solace i don't need the lord i don't need your preaching or any of your [ __ ] rebecca please what you're my firewall duty you're gone that was worth his life tell me pastor what did he do i watched i heard screaming and i couldn't reach them this is part of god's plan i hate god i hate you and all your stupid story look what i found you want some of this gosh that sounds beautiful you okay that's stafford when i first moved to america i had a crush on cynthia elizabeth pierce from stafford virginia i thought she was a test sent from god so i didn't do anything thought she was a temptress think about how to pursue it she would have been the love of my life goodbye sit there piss we'll see you soon we gotta go victor come on let's go victor come on [Music] victor victor oh my god i can't take god george god isn't turning his back up you know that don't you this is his will this is the rapture he will reward the faith victor get up here victor now look [Music] look at this i have a kid i haven't seen in years not since i moved to the states my first wife took him when he was three he lives lived he lives in goldberg i ran i ran when those things came towards me they would have killed you what if that's not what god wanted god wants you to live you don't know that how could you know that when i first started learning about the sky my father used to lay me down with my head pointing north he'd hold out a map of the constellations and we would just sit there for hours staring at them those stars tonight now [Music] [Music] how long before we get to dc i'm hungry what i'm hungry yeah i know [Music] look at that the whole neighborhood in one piece i'm hungry i'll check and see if they have anything to eat in here look a doctor i get there's supplies hello uh george look at that hey hey oh my god go inside go to the house now they out there no it's that toxic gas rabies shots that'll help oh lord take us now are they out there they're leaving we should too let's go i don't think so what what's the matter you hurt somewhere else not like you mean victor come on let's get out of here now why does god keep testing our faith it's like he's taken the chosen few and left that behind is that possible has he forgotten us pastor let's go follow my lead ugh close how close give me a hand with this they'll hear us they've landed on top of us we're trapped oh god this is some kind of cruel joke he's abandoned us he's he's left us in hell this isn't the resurrections i don't know anymore i just don't know so hey it's not much but i found some breakfast thanks yeah how do you know she didn't go home what your wife if she's still alive how do you know she didn't go home instead of waiting for you at the dc steps physics physics yeah two objects randomly moving in space have a higher chance of intersecting if one of them stands still we use that logic all the time when we're at the mall with we're angry so it's not faith i don't know faith that she got the call the faith that she remembers faith that she knows who i am so i suppose it's a bit of both george hey victor george honey what's wrong george what's wrong oh kiss me honey please kiss me uh i'm scared george me too not of this i'm scared for my soul i've devoted my entire life to him i don't deserve this victory please i have a migraine my shoulder hurts and god said unto noah the end of all flesh hath come the earth is filled with violence by them and behold by the earth i shall destroy them god doesn't have a place for me and that is difficult to comprehend i hope god still wants us over us let's just hit george i don't think he is watching over us i think he has come and taken his chosen oh god in the book of revelations he he talks about three and a half days and then the the the men of sin are revealed and seven years of tribulations occurs and the timing is all wrong between the killing is starting and now it's it it is too long it's viable it's very specific we've been forgotten we've been left behind and then the hell the people who died in the first attack were the lucky ones why would you say something like that because they were the chosen few the ordained the the favorites the rest of us have been discarded please i'm hungry i'm so hungry when you eat all the food i told you to conserve it we wanted to stay here for a while at least until we can get out of here and see to have been left behind by the father is far worse than what these best can do to our feeble bodies so that box spoiled as well yeah we only have three good ones i'm afraid we're gonna have to conserve why what's the point we can't eat moldy food victor why is that gonna kill me as well george i have bigger things to worry about i don't know if you've seen what's outside there microtoxins can infect our immune systems wait a second i'm tired maybe we've been going about this all wrong you're tired too no no how do you stop a flu your asthma you inject a stronger deadlier virus into your system victor we have rabies vaccines right here he was gonna give these beasts rabies no i'm gonna inject toxins that can spread a deadly a deadly disease to their system we're gonna give them a virus yes nothing's worked the missiles the bombs guns nothing but this is life fighting life victor this has a chance right how about i go out there and call them in now say it was a perfect plan do you have a better idea i need some sleep why don't they just kill him he has to stop screaming where are you dad okay okay she's not part of any plan she's very proud of him thank god i wish you would have said george out [Music] god wow i have to make it to washington victor i want to find him i'll find him sitting on the steps of the lincoln memorial victor shut up i believed in lies and fiction i'm dead my entire life has been lies a fraud and a joke put the bottle down and just shut up for a second i believe in nothing just me and you you're my only friend i have a confession to make george i lied to you i didn't take us closer to dc i led us up a garden path so to speak towards the blue ridge mountains where the people are hiding in the caves i didn't want you to see any more of the horrors i don't believe in anything anymore just me godly he never existed oh my god what happened where'd it go i think it might have worked he has been with us he's been with us all the time you [Music] hey [Music] ugh [Music] ugh [Music] i see [Music] the dirt on the ground call somewhere me [Music] once in a while [Music] roaming the heart [Music] exchange the nervous habits this time i'll let it go [Music] until [Music] time [Music] don't mean [Music] exchanging nervous happens [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] please [Music] [Laughter] uh hey george george are you alive hey hey it's a space guy all right yeah come here come on under the cover that's it that's it he's easy you look like [ __ ] man hey i was trapped in a house for a few days yeah yeah in the house i was stuck in a sewer i just survived u.s army baby it's funny family not yet oh man look you got to come with us i'm with i'm with this battalion now in the blue ridge mountains there's hundreds of us there hundreds more coming i can't go there gary oh man dc's gone it's gone there's nothing left it's just us now today we hide tomorrow we rebuild tomorrow today tomorrow next year 10 years we start an army us for those of us that are brave enough to fight i have to go to dc there's nothing there man my family there's nothing there listen to me there's nothing there i have to find my family so you can bury them damn it salt on one of my officers is punishable by death in my new world it's okay sir it's okay i fell remember george here sir he's the astronomer his brother was the ranger rangers [ __ ] i haven't seen one of those [ __ ] in over a week is your brother dead yet huh i asked you a question he was wasted sir i saw it happen i knew it i should have known it i knew it i knew before i even left the service that they did not understand structure they did not understand discipline do you understand structure and discipline george [ __ ] huh i see weakness in you george am i right i don't think you understand how grave this situation is we need a new army with a new vision with minds like yours general samuelson is leading the eastern resistance you need to come stand down soldier this is my new recruit last time i saw you you were lieutenant yeah i gave myself a promotion now you're coming with us so fall in i'm a fair man george so i'm gonna give you a choice that i never had when i was a new recruit you can come with us or you can die okay no trial no time in jail no doctors you can keep your rank it's your choice i mean i i can't help you i'm not a fighter i'm just a scientist tell him sir please a word sergeant he's not you are even more stupid than i thought it's a scientist that will win this war it's the scientists that have won every war he is exactly what we need you will die i will probably die why to buy his brain more time to beat these [ __ ] you and i are just worthless in fact compared to his knowledge and intellect you are so worthless you know i might as well you know i think i might as well just do this [Music] [Music] [Music] so you took away my family you took away my god you took away my life there's nothing left kill me kill me [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] you look like you could use a drink friend what's happening we got this man some water they're sick they've been dying for two days now some are paralyzed they're frozen in place they're dying it was there or virus but the point is said it's over my children are there any kids i'm looking for my son there are a lot of children here a lot of children daddy daddy daddy daddy george [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 501,944
Rating: 4.4197307 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, h.g. wells movies, war of the worlds full movie, C. Thomas Howell, watch war of the worlds for free, hallmark movies, syfy channel movies
Id: fyiY68aHedw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 15sec (5595 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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