Cities Skylines Parklife - CASINO for the $$$!! #15 Cities Skylines Parklife DLC

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hello guys and girls and welcome to the next episode of City skylines with me biffer and here we are in Hart park live city and as some of you commented you have lights the bus stop was bugged out for some reason over there and that's why all of these tourists were stood around doing nothing they are now waiting for a bus there we go and hopefully we'll get some more buses come along here soon let's just take a quick look we've got one bus routes that comes through here let's just quickly check how many buses are on that bus route the purple line I'm assuming that's this one it is not a bus route what is that uh swoops oh it is this one there we go yes I'll take that one off yeah yeah yeah there we go so at the minute it's got 41 passengers with four vehicles I think we are gonna up that slightly to try and help out let us add that to eight and see how that goes I'm just wondering where that route goes oh boy that is like a really long routes yeah that is a really long routes um we'll leave it for now and we'll see how that goes hopefully that will go down after a while and so more buses will come along and pick some people up but we shall see we shall see so we've got lots of expansion and stuff to do today let us just get that looking like that that's good and I've deleted and replaced this um because as has become the habit at the moment people are saying you use move it mod that's why it's not working and I haven't news movie mods on this I've just placed it the only reason we have this station here before is because this one wasn't working we want to get trains going what I'm gonna do is um take allow intercity trains on there which are these orange ones to see now whether these intercity trains will come down here instead everything checks out all the connections will work in okay so we shall see what happens if the train suddenly dry up again then we know this thing's bugged out for some reason I don't know why anywho we will leave that going with a little mini death way but at 26,000 we're still Gloria the zoo is going out well that's working where all of our parks are going well as we've mentioned part maintenance seems to be bugged out I don't know why somebody mention it's the auto bulldoze mods to be honest I'm not that fast so walking tours we do not many people doing walking tours sightseeing bus tours yeah lots of many not so many let's have a look at our park overview so CT attractiveness is six attractiveness I said that funny is 62% so we've got different areas that are attractive to people and we have tourists coming in for these different hot spots which is just what we want these are our parks so I'm quite pleased with that missus needs IT park we'll need some extra work on it it's not growing too much and it has no visitors and you know why I don't believe we have an entrance to this park and I believe we have traffic lights around there as well and yes we do let's fix that I think we made this park if I remember correctly just this little area in the middle we tears yeah oh there's an entrance yes I did put an entrance it's right there I guess it's just not a part are they look there's nowhere to go really on the path that's probably why but we'll leave it like that that's fine I'm not gonna feel a winner actually let's just take the traffic lies off of that roundabout there we go we'll take all of these off don't need that even though there's not too much traffic on there there we go that's fine and if the traffic builds up we can we can sort that out let's actually take a look at the traffic of our city at the moment so coming in is still yeah it's hailing back quite a lot well at the moment that's the way it's gonna have to be we are unable to buy anymore squares just yet let's put this back on here we go actually in our city it's not too bad I mean they do have to stop to come round into here we should probably why I mean yeah we will add another connection over here at some point but it's moving relatively freely up and down here I'm just wondering actually let's just quickly check yeah they're stopping to let people in they're stopping to let people through I've done that all the way down this traffic lights there let's do that keep that going yet let's do that keep this main road going I might just try that on this one even though it's a big blue road through to the other main loads I'm gonna try that there and here yeah we'll take that one off and do that just to keep this sort of main load going so not have too many traffic lights right next to each other in places where we really don't need them and if there's a traffic light with a teeny tiny side road we just put stop something on the side road how much is that that's quite a big through Road we'll see how that one goes we'll take it off there as well there we go and we'll see how that goes excellent what we do actually need to grow a bit and we do have this school area here which i think would be quite good to have some offices placed around around here we're gonna have actually I'm going to pause that there we're gonna put officers in this section here don't want to light there let's take a look at this oh we don't have a zone here okay let's get a zone in here up to there up to that I wanted to make these IT buildings that just sort of seems that will fit in well we've got all the schools there it's centers of learning let's get some IT buildings around as well let's separate those out keep them nice and needs there we go excellent and then we'll put in here I'd see cluster in Dean Heights let me grab a random name for Matt my patreon list thank you very much for those that are able to support me on patreon that is very very much appreciated link below if you wish to check that out yourself and this is now gonna be renamed a speedgamer Heights thank you very much for your support on patreon that is greatly appreciated we have lots of giveaways going on on patreon at the moment game giveaway so if you're a patreon make sure you go and check out my discord this goes free for anybody to join there the link is below but if your patron you can get into the game giveaways as well and I have my new content creator class for those patrons that have YouTube and support me at the relevant level weekly help on it YouTube twitch Twitter patreon hints tips tricks things I've learned over the past many years on all of these platforms so you may want to check that out soon there we go so we're gonna get some of that growing in there and then I wanted to get some more people living down in this area here because we have a need for both of those so [Music] let's see we might just do like another little center sort of thing here and stick some monuments in what monuments have we got I mean we don't have like a football stadium yet but I want that over by the train station area how's this going still no people excellent and I bet all the trains have stopped again yeah there's no trains flipping end station I will put that on otherwise we're stopping our tourists coming in now those other tourists all got their buses yep there we go let's just check these the lines here yeah let me get all the people have been taken perfect good good good right let's zip let's come back over here so what have we got Monument why's that we can add in that people are gonna like and we've got this one here the bird and Bea Haven is quite large I quite like that one also the disaster memorial that is that is a cool one to have in the center of an area maybe we'll go for that one the disaster memorial so you couldn't get something sort of going in here and maybe we'll have let's have a look thinking of like a roundabout sort of thing a square about rather than a roundabout with that in if we sort of go let's just pause and do some building we go like that so where would that be how big is this it is that big okay so then if we wind come on we can do it yeah so we went like that that's fine I did necessarily want it perfectly in the middle I don't mind it being off a little bit like that so then we could go I don't know why I'm deleting those because they're gonna have to get in at some point aren't they which way round of our roundabouts going in this city but do we have any other roundabouts yes we do they're going anti-clockwise Oh autosave as always nice sip of tea when it also saves anti-clockwise so that way that way that way that way there we go excellent and then of course we need the loads coming in so I'm gonna go for can you turn that off for me and I straight roads I hate it when they don't meet up in the middle so what we'll do we'll do these only go all the way down yeah why not and then yeah I feel like I want to I want to get these in the right spot so if we connect that that back to that and that and we go down one two three four why is that making that a winky wonky that is really not going to be goods that should be nice and straight oh there we go if you just select the nodes rather than the load it does yeah keep it straight so we go one two three and four and then go down one two three that to me looks like it's in the middle one two three oh that went for there we go and then one one one one two three let's have a look at that yeah that looks better doesn't it that looks much better and then if we zoom in let's zoom in this way instead there we go nice all the flags around it excellent so that's gonna need power and water house we're gonna fill this in I mean I hate it when it does that sort of goes a bit wonky like this bit hasn't moved so instead of yeah I don't know why anyway I'll probably just use these roads here to fill this area in but I don't want any of these coming off of the outside they're just gonna come off the center the longer center section like this so we go up like that and then to there that will nicely feel that we can mirror that on this sides overlaps actually let's go a bit further there we go and then up the center there yep that's fine and then we'll do something similar here let's see if we come out the middle there just wanna make as much use of the space as possible fill it all up there we go and we're going like that like that yeah that's good we'll do the same over here you could go on more thank God ya have a building down here already what is this oh incinerator and crematorium why that incinerator is gonna move we're not having you there I'm not stick you over here you are all going to be unhappy if I do that let's put a piece of road it's far down there as possible and stick you over here that far enough away yes good excellent then we can complete our load let's grab that one are you still in the way let's move you you're gonna go in the middle because people will be happy to live next to you there we go excellent right water pipes what situation do we have we have the situation of being pretty much full up of water pipes let's just carry these ones down electricity may be an issue until people start to move in so we shall see how that goes so let us get ourselves a nice district here there we go and then we'll take this one and tidy it up zip and zip zip excellent more districts that will now be called these synergy districts thank you very much for your support there we go capital C is trying to get on patreon and very very much appreciated this is also gonna have self-sufficient buildings because we like the green that self-sufficient buildings very much we want to get a bit of commercial in there as well gonna go for normal commercial I'm just wondering whether I don't want it round the round about what we are gonna have is we're gonna have some IT around the roundabout like this in those little funny odd spots yeah that'll work out well then we'll have some high density commercial yeah it's just sort of around the outside like that might be too much I don't know and then we'll have the rest there we go as in fact if we do this we'll have the rest as there we go high-density residential what they are actually gonna need in there is some parks so Wow let's just pause a set before they all move in let us give them some normal parks just for this section let's give them a small playground in there because that will cover that whole area excellent they're also gonna need and let's have a look yeah Hospital coverage let's pop one of those in the core now we know we've got death care coverage fire coverage we have Nam let's squeeze one of those in police coverage we have none and schools we have none let's use the nice community schools will have elementary over there were quite low and elementary and a high school over there what we didn't go in there we go and I think the lots of people are going to want to move into this area and live over here right on the zoo I mean you can look over the wall you can see all the zoo animals yep we've got a pretty this area up but we'll get to it we'll get to it not have any off-camera time to do that just yet there we go cool let me well that's filling in got let's just put this along here now I did add another mod I don't think he's been put in we'll come back to that another time parallel road mods somebody on Twitter mentioned it to me we're going down here today we're gonna have another bridge on here just as that building is growing yeah parallel road mods you know what it's like when you're trying to put motorway roads next to each other roads I want and basically it will do that for you this one yeah that one there there we go and it will help you put like when you're trying to do let's give an example motorway there we go motorway Road so you're trying to do some yourself and you sort of draw one in on a nice curve like that and then you're trying to get the next one to it and it just doesn't match up the curve and it looks a bit weird or this new parallel road mods will do that for you will make things all parallel so it sounds pretty good I like it let's put that on at 90 degrees that just does not look 90 degrees to me what the heck is that what the heck is that seriously game oh my goodness okay that's why are you showing me that I don't need to see that just move it's not the middle bit please where is the middle of this street it won't let me grab it that is weird that's not the streets is it no it's not is there here somewhere seriously ain't gonna work is it okay I think I've got it yeah that was a bit odd I had to actually draw the bridge in up here and then to move it mod the whole thing down because it would not let me put it in any other way that was very strange let's just finish off by making that the same height as that yeah there we go so that should be fine I think that is a straight line through there yeah good we shall carry on down with that Road and so we dissect this one oh we have that on so let's change that there we go and that will give us the next clinic Square for when we need it yeah there we go that works out fine good we'll get rid of those how's this aryan of King Oh what's going on we have a problem do we have not enough sewage treatment we do not okay let us fix that oh my goodness me that really hasn't taken care of that at all is it and we're not at 36,000 just yet so we don't have the decent water treatment item so water drainpipe nothingness oh we've got the EGH we use an eco water drain pipes yes we are I mean these are all gonna get replaced extremely soon let's put a couple down I'll squeeze one in there you just put one it really doesn't matter they were all gonna go sue it's not enough have a look as it kicks online no electricity yeah that should keep us carrying for now there we go good good good so how many people actually moved into this area here oh they're not happy now synergy district 682 is that always seem like many does it for this area but there we go Oh trash is something else I really need to keep an eye on um could we have that trash collection there we have some there and then we have this guy down here who has no water so he's not actually work ok let's fix that up and they should send out some trucks very soon yeah I'm guessing he will at some point we shall see when he does ok good so that's growing nicely so maybe to help us hit 36,000 we could do another another quick growth area in there the trains coming back yet strip still no trial yet it must be we're 461 garbages pounder ok now ha there we go capital city we now get harbors yes we've been wanting those for ages cargo Harbor and the Eco water treatment plant fantastic I'm just trying to get my pipes here connected up correctly so they don't look like little Winkie wonky yeah not as straight as I wanted but they've go excellent so let's go with that in the middle here we have the courthouse which is cool and we have a lot of problem with trash I think this guy is are you sending out trucks now ok good so they should be I get across over here and deal with all that force thank you very much I'm here I'm thinking about doing a similar sort of setup that we had over there but we could just have some parks in the middle now let's make it a nice dent sort of area I think we'll do that I'm just wondering actually with this zone here because we have a nice big need for commercial weather we can make this let's grab that one there whether we can make this some sort of touristy area that might work out quite well let's just get this little zone here tied it up there we go thank you very much mr. bit shape shave shave there we go we'll shave that one up there I hate the way that when you do a zone and it touches another one then monkeys whoops monkeys with that zone there we go and it's connections anywhere else around its size as well it's a bit weird yeah that's all okay good so let's name this one lots of zone naming today okay this is gonna be Snider parks oh let's take that off a capital Snyder parks there we go excellent we are gonna set this zone to be let's have a look leisure let's do leisure yeah let's do some leisure in here and see we can get the people to come over here and do lots of leisure related activities so let's see I want sort of the internal sections here not all the way round so let's do it like this instead so if you go along there and up to there there we go and have that around there and then we'll have the shorter smaller buildings let's speed that up around the outsides in fact we're gonna do that whole thing there we go like that so we get a nice built-up area in the middle and then a smaller area around the outside I mean I have put the courthouse in the middle there which might seem a weird choice now or for a leisure area I'm just wondering whether we could change that for something touristy instead and we've got the casino which would fit in there perfectly so you're not we're gonna do we're gonna move the courthouse for now the courthouse is gonna go over here and we'll see what happens with that area and we're gonna put a casino in the middle and normally I'd move it more to line it up but as we know recently move it mod has become a bit weird so I'm not going to do that and then we're just gonna sort of fill this in at the back here with some trees just randomly there we go just to fill the area in excellent so hopefully we'll get a nice nice set of different sorts of buildings in there and what they probably need is some nice transport connections down there so we have been all something that was mentioned by a lot of people which I haven't done let's find this one here is this does actually have a connection to Metro so I think if we can make that up well that's not connect up to there where's our nearest metro heart we've got my metro okay let's try that again [Music] so connect layer and it won't connect over there just to see where that I don't think is gonna make any difference but we're gonna run a Metrolink line from there to them back again just a random small link line I don't think that's gonna cause any problems or change anything but yeah we'll put it there anyway cool okay good yes let's add in a metro in here so we've got this main Metro that comes down there we could have a metro down here and bring it along this way and then connect back up to here again perhaps so can i won a metro line straight off the side of that no anarchy on I can and I think that'll be okay so we're gonna do that we're gonna we're gonna anarchy anarchy and then I want this one down here to the side we've got the core that's the porno on let's go with ya that's going with that there and see we can get these to line up there we go excellent and then we're gonna bring that along where should we go along the bottom of this road here what we want to go through the middle of this one like that see if we can line these ones up as well there we go and then we can always sort of curve that corner a bit just to sort of help things out any other corners that could do with curving we could curve that one of bits there we go and that's like a right angle that I laugh or just deal with it and then should we have it go up here yes sure where this is gonna end up gonna mess all of this up again let's stop there for now I mean shall we just go all the way up here and have another metro right by that train station and then that can connect up here somewhere yeah there we go so we've got this new metro line now that runs round the side there I may revisit all of my metro connections but I think what we're gonna do look aha people are coming in via the Metro now is this actually gonna send out any trains that's the thing that we really want to see it doesn't look like it but they're certainly using the Metro well I was just gonna actually change the metro lines just because everybody's coming along here now let's just delete that everybody's unhappy we're gonna start here into their back out again well we're gonna add another line down here won't be another station one sec here we go I've got one added in the middle there at so let's do that again let's take that out come on drag stop to move it exit yes so we'll start there we'll go down there then we'll come back round again up into there then we'll come back round again stop at the zoo and then where do we go I mean we could then loop back round here yet add a stop there and then come back over to here complete the line could we go via that one and then back into there now let's go around that way that looks quite good I quite like that one and then that is why opposite this train station here is getting used for like thousands of passengers about 373 so we'll see how that one goes hopefully that will help this nice leisure area over here grow as well what are we up to 39,000 we have a huge industry needs we are heading towards 50,000 well there we go I think things are growing pretty well in this city if you've enjoyed it the big B with the tea stains who subscribe don't forget if you wish to be a part of being named in my city areas then check out my patreon on screen now also link below lots of cool rewards for you and maybe you'll enjoy one of the other videos on screen as well but thank you very much for watching be back here tomorrow for the next city skyline take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 33,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines parklife, cities: skylines parklife, cities skylines parklife gameplay, cities skylines parklife dlc, cities skylines amusement park, cities skylines how to level up park, paradox interactive, cities skylines parklife first look, biffa, biffa2001, cities: skylines, parklife, cities skylines, parklife amusement park, cities, cities skylines dlc, park life, parklife unique buildings, cities skylines parklife unique bulding, cities skylines zoo, cities skylines trains
Id: -cIx_2Vnew8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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