Adding industries with few workers | Workers and Resources Soviet Republic | S8E17

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hello and welcome I'll be well Joe and I have a confession to make I thought I knew what industry I wanted next I was completely wrong well so what happened what happened was I looked around and well we do have a little loan the loan is sitting right here at well almost one and a half million which is not the end of the world we still have double that available so we can go really big um kind of but everything costs money like a train costs money a uh the rail cost money the building costs money more people cost money everything costs money which is good and bad all at the same time so every locomotive is a hundred thousand sure we can build one but I think at some point when we run into train cars we're gonna spend a good two three hundred thousand just on trains and you know me one train is often not enough and then you want to get into your distribution office and you just need to build this this is going to cost us a pretty penny and it's just going to add up it's going to add up really fast I think to get another Big Industry up we're going to spend a million dollars Ruble whichever one so we need something that starts paying back our money yes as long as we increase our production as long as we stay positive every every month which we generally don't we will be okay but we also have to make sure that our investments are sound that they can give us a good return and right now the industries that we have aren't bad but they're not maxed out yet once these are maxed out we can get a lot more from them but we're we're just currently not in a space where that is even possible we don't have the numbers so I need to invest in an industry that has a high yield return high yield return and low worker requirements can you think of one I can I bet you can it wasn't old very cheap starter industry and I didn't want to go there uranium enrichment yes I would like to do this I would like to do power but to get there just we we just don't have the number so just want to triple check here we need 100 people um 75 175 um 120 so we're 290 Now call 300 plus another 120 so give our tag 500 times three we need to have a 1500 workers just to get this one started plus all the money it takes to build all these buildings um and then we still have to build the power infrastructure so that's effectively another city this thing should be another city that's only dedicated to power production which is probably not a bad idea because power well power is just power we need power but you need to rely on Powers really what I was trying to say there but that's not going to happen um no we don't we don't have the resources or anything else I do have something in mind which is this guy bauxite my backside because bauxite can be mostly done by um by excavators it just requires a small number like 15 less than 50 workers for all three shifts and it has a really high return well it has a medium return and medium volume or relatively high volume you can do it with trucks but you really shouldn't you should use trains we are getting to the train situation I do not know where the box side sits which is why we're researching it now but that is where I'm going next another thought that I had was gravel I will love gravel we need gravel but again gravel and I did this in a live stream on the map if we look at our whole industry now I've looked at this this is just a random look how much gravel have we imported two hundred thousand ruble worth of gravelin eight years everything that we've built okay almost twenty thousand tons do you know how expensive it is to get a gravel industry going ignoring the fact that it does create more customs Office traffic right now we're using two or three trucks because we just added the rare Construction office but uh ignoring the traffic that this creates 210 000 after eight years um we would have had to spend pretty much that why do I say that gravel Quarry this one's not expensive it's less than ten thousand a pop uh it requires barely anything but the trucks that you need the 25 ton trucks are about 25 000 now I think and these are all one-time Investments mostly so just keep that in mind too but our dumper which there it is twenty five thousand so every coin is at least one of these sometimes two plus an excavator okay um just going through that here real quick where are you e e ABCD e okay eleven thousand so one of these two dump trucks uh we're at sixty thousand plus the Quarry itself seventy thousand each Quarry that we build cost seventy thousand to get started that's just the initial investment and we're kind of ignoring fuel here we need about four five six of them to run so let's say let's say five times four uh seventy thousand that is um a lot that is 320 000. am I doing this right five times five is twenty five then 32 then 39 39 000 is um no that's that doesn't sound right why do you keep doing live math that is stupid so here you go 7 14 21 28 35 000. that is what uh 350 000 is what it would cost to just do the quarries then you have to add the um at the gravel where are you there processing time which is not very effective not very efficient but you have to add this I think this costs somewhere in a range of fifty thousand maybe a little less maybe a little more probably somewhere in there I don't know fifty thousand some workers that's fine it only requires 15 workers which is good but then you get this what do you get from it all you're really doing is removing a little bit of traffic at the border a little bit of traffic because a ton of gravel um doesn't doesn't make any money because if you look again at the stuff that we so far imported we imported over two over eighteen thousand uh tons of gravel and it only cost us 213 so the the price of gravel right now it's inflated because of us importing that amount 14 bucks you're not going to get that investment back for a very long time and look at where our money is so if I would have invested those 350 color 400 000 a little less than a half a million on gravel at this point we would have just made our money made the money sorry at this point we would have not been even we would still be in the hole on gravel and that's what I'm trying to avoid so we can't go gravel either I severely tested uh waste and waste is an interesting one because it's not straightforward let's see here yes you have mixed waste mixed waste has a composition and it's not the same all the time and it's actually different from Custom house to custom house from what I've seen in my um in my tests what are you doing here you are biowaste burnable ash yeah this is fine uh you are the the composition is actually different and it depends what you're getting so he's going to get it looks like some hazardous waste which is great this is the composition of hazardous waste at this customs house which we get paid for picking up which is great that's a good thing so we could add a construction waste separation metal I don't think construction no construction waste separation exists metal scrap aluminum scrap plastic waste all those we could separate out of this thing and they are worth money we just have to research a little bit or we just use this guy the general separation we could separate those things out and then use them we could either sell them right back right after separation which makes us very small amount or we just collect them and eventually we turn them into the real recycling plants where we get um the the real material out of the raw materials from what I've seen though um what's a good example I think for steel a waste truck full of Steel so six and a half tons was worth about 1500 in the test that I made I got about 800 bucks back out of those that 1500 so just bring the metal scrap back is potentially better than the other things and then we can still burn um the other pieces and there is we are we we do have considerably a good amount of waste sitting here like metal scrap cool we could use that but we're already selling it it's already kind of separated here um I'm assuming from citizens I really don't know why we have metal scraps but we do have it we have plastic waste like we have things sitting here and they're worth money they're worth good and money actually and you're sitting there just waiting for getting rid of construction waste interesting I don't know where you parked there I don't like that you parked I think I'm tempted to just throw you in here because I think those guys can do everything that we want to do what what is the other purpose you go to the customs house and you just unload stuff and you tell oh this was a temporary one all because the construction waste wasn't part of what the Construction office or the distribution office could actually pick up from from the places so incinerator in you were loading you're supposed to load everything but for some reason you couldn't load the construction waste at least last time we tried so now that's all fixed you can go back here and um yeah to get rid of the construction waste we have to pay 70 bucks that right no we're getting 70 bucks is that right um yeah I think so I think this is the money that we get if there's a negative then we either get paid if we pick it up or we have to pay to drop it off yeah that makes perfect sense I like it so yeah this this is where we are in hazardous waste is just one of those where the leftover of what's in here the percentages already get gets burned off and goes into um one of the containers I think that one so yeah it's it's leaving the construction waste the metal scrap and the aluminum scrap so we can still take that and go separate that out I just don't know what we would do with it because there's not that much money in it yes we have the separation already out here so they can see construct noise metal scrap aluminum scrap plastic um we could separate that and then we have what's left just ash yeah Ash will be left I don't hate that I kind of want to set that up while we're waiting for the box side uh research to get done which is almost done it babbled on long enough which is a talent um maybe I still working on this I cannot wait to get the bigger Construction crane but we don't we don't have all those luxuries right now yes you're working on this I want to make sure that you're not going here when you're done cool look how slow that thing is just because the the piece of track that it's working on is so long but yeah that's why we are should we separate some waste I think we should I think we could um it's it's just not it's not going to be good enough for what we actually need we need we need higher impact things but since we're importing the Hazardous Waste already we're getting a little bit of money for that we may as well separate that out into the three other components and then get money back that's not that's not a bad investment thinking about it so how much does this cost 58 tons of steel one and a half tons of mechanical components a K triple checking on steel here at some point it was like a thousand always but I I never know anymore what the price is because also most it's not a thousand not a thousand at all so 400 you remember the grain silo that was six hundred thousand but wasn't yeah it's gonna be one of those um do 300 nope nope nope I I am not falling for that I am going to put a real calculator next to me no no I'm not no no no no no uh 380 times 58 tons is 22 000 in steel so I think the recycling plant will cost around thirty thousand which is really not bad we have that we have that sitting right there and there's a lot of space out here next to the custom cells that we could use it for the question is do I want to build a complex for this where I can get the other separate well the other separators really don't they separate better but we have to research them and right now I just want a one one place fits all type of behavior and if I can squeeze you in here I may actually be able to squeeze you in here if I move the depot huh there's a lot of internal storage there's a lot of internal storage available for like it's it's about a container full and we don't need more than just a container to move things around um that makes me kind of excited now I just would like you to be in a location where we can have footpath yes we can have a footpath they are totally in Walking range right here I kind of like this we don't have power when I go if I go there we do have power and water here now that should also be a consideration I suppose um definitely not gonna fit you here with that road there but that road could move that road could totally move and then we have all our separation set on one location I don't I don't hate any of that I want to get rid of that rope that's that's destruct this road um no just just up to here it should be enough let's get that one assigned and then when they are done with their stuff uh we should be in a pretty good space to export things because yeah all of these are worth money like you what are you doing you're dropping off something technical service office cool uh mixed waste yeah that's also cool all of those are worth some money that we want to export so that actually that gets me excited I think that will be that'll be fine there will be a little addition and it doesn't cost a lot of workers for us so all of those things are very positive very very positive looks like bauxite is done let's go to boxer purification next and let's see where our box side mine is going to exist oh it's not that far away it's actually really nice um this mountain or this little mountain over here which is right past our gravel patch which is not a bad deal let's see what we can do here it's definitely not there Metallurgy yes bauxite mine so where is it it is literally on this mountain um that's a small problem you see that no it needs that terrain hold left Mouse button for flat terrain we don't have a bulldozer here so I guess we're going there because I think here it's at least not in the mountain nope it's also in the mountain oh gosh well we can play the game off should oh no down here down here there's a little more I won't be nice to have extra or to have a have a very strong um bauxite setup but honestly I think what hmm production Pro worker so it's it's effectively 50 workers times 50 tons it's about 25 tons of raw bauxite if if we run workers which we won't um adding some workers to the excavators actually does increase it a little bit but I think 30 tons of excavators was what I can get if I get close to if I could get a high quality of source okay so 30 tons is what I can get from this okay what do I need I need to produce 125 so I do need at least four box side mines to run this one processing plant all right all right I can I can probably live with that and then I don't know that I want to mess up the aluminum plant at this point because I just I just need money I just need money in the Illumina plant takes a ton of workers which we don't have the box eye processing plant 75 workers is all we need and we will have that relatively soon I think so we can do that I guess I can also oh oh oh um let's let's run time forward just a little bit because I see something that may be another option um how much how much bauxite is here okay there the lake is here and we can probably get four boxides in there okay because there is a very easy way to move the Border a little bit further away especially if there are resources just Out Of Reach the thing that's not a problem on this side is how do I move um said Fox side and then how do I move my people here because my rail is on the other side of this whole shebang so I don't really want to mess with that too much that's the hostess Road doing you are done oh nice a lot of timing what a Twist cool um let's let's get rid of this mud Road and then we can get our separation plant in here and then move on because I don't think my construction offices have anything to do right now so if I put you here you are 100 in Walking range of all the things you have water sewage power I don't have to add anything else I'm gonna move you guys close over here as I can because at some point I made a site that I do want to dump here I think to start out we don't need one but at some point I may want to decide that and then we'll just see how that goes but this is good get you assigned to the road and then you can just get started on the building once you feel like it that should be it should all be really fine uh Building without power supply too late for sewing winter is coming we are harvesting we have two trucks sitting here that's not enough to do anything um but that's okay for now there's one thing I wanted to do here renewable energy we do need a small um small wind when supply for fuel and honestly I can just we it does not need anything fancy just as to supply this thing we're going to give it a dirt road and tell our construction crew to get that done please there you go very nice and then yeah we do need some extra trucks I think I have one or two available uh crops are still full there which is exciting so you please go up here um you I believe yep same thing please go up here all right it's a little dangerous to move all of the grain trucks around but I think it will be worth it so we'll just see how that how that goes when it's done 20 work days I think 25 work days is the lowest um that you can get um that you can get Machinery on there so that's fine cool so this is all good this is all construction waste which can just be exported um I guess it has to be a designated line and these things and yeah we will just start keeping the mixed waste here and well okay I can probably set this up so we stop exporting it right now um but we'll just see here incinerator out I would like you to move the difference oh I can this works now cool I would like you to move all the separated ones oh no I don't even have to do this all I want to do is only unload um full waste don't unload mixed waste I know mixed waste doesn't even work here uh not by waste metal scrap and construction waste we have plastic waste over here yeah I don't see mixed place as even being available to export there that's a little interesting because I'm pretty sure they have done that um but that I guess is fine now as it's looking there's a construction way so construction waste can go and you should be able to pick it up from here but I also don't see any dumper sitting there right now so maybe um that's not that's not the full story what are you picking up you are getting mixed waste where you getting the mixed place from does it come from in here it may have been there not 100 certain but that's my Wix Place construction waste metal scrap aluminum scrap so yes this guy I don't want you to pick up any more mixed waste I want you to pick up anything else um and since you can't do that from here I guess it's just um did I pause you what I do with you I would like you to go here no no no no no yes go here unload what you have and then I think I will assign you to the distribution office and then later on we can dedicate some hazardous waste Imports to this I can probably do that right now why not uh looks like that road is done so we can actually get started on this we should have some money left over to do all of that so I shouldn't be worried about it customs house import hazardous waste um incinerator in unload hazardous waste um really load anything that but the Hazardous Waste but we'll just see how that goes until it's relatively full and yeah the distribution office should take care of any extra assignments that we have construction waste cool sell that it's at 100 construction waste yes it is what do we have here also construction works is no no there's no way that this accidentally turns materials into like that accidentally separates materials I don't think that's how that works there's mixed waste yeah we want to keep this to bring it to the general separator because we will get more money from it I like it I like this okay back to the box side back to box site we have a couple trucks assigned now this should start filling up and at some point we're going to use that house our rare construction going it looks like you are currently parked which is terrible no there's something assigned to you I just don't know what it is I want you to go here where is this where's this thing that's almost done no don't don't build anything up here there's nothing there for you I don't want you to turn around anywhere here are you going where are you you are gone at least that's the right way I think go to the right thing and then I can be happy there you go then continue I don't need you to do this one though you've probably gone in there yes you were up to him the things that we don't care about I just need to get to the customs house on one lane that's that's really all I care about and then we are in really really good shape uh let's see here you have that thing assigned to you that's great let's wait for the train to actually show up that we know that it works and there it is and go forward just go to the correct one really did you just run out of stuff I'm really surprised how many crops we have here that we're not running out but I think this is more a problem that we don't have enough workers um getting to to the location that's fine how many do we have on here we do have 82. does this just mean we need another bus that um that delivers more people or is this was this just a temporary fluke and it is fixing itself right now uh because you're not full you're almost full but you're not full but if the bus there was another bus that just dropped something off that's good three buses parked here that's bad there may have been a traffic jam for a little while there um and then you go out here and you're not full okay that's what I wanted to see if my buses would run full all the time the factories will be full all the time but they don't so they aren't um and that's okay for now there's some workers there let's check our normal numbers again this is good this is excellent so we can definitely reduce you because our crime number should be low enough now what we have more workers available um and I think you are fine too what's our loyalty doing 37 oh yeah that's excellent is this one almost done yes you are almost done so back to Backside that's that's the game we're playing today if I want box side here which I honestly there's not a big box Outfield around anywhere besides right there and that is also on a mountain so we're not gaining anything from going there if I would be putting my bauxite stuff here that's uranium that's wrong oxide if I put all my box side stuff here yes I'll put all of it here then we can get a couple would be nice to have a bigger a bigger picture of where it is we can put a couple here and a couple here and then I'm having a tough time visualizing where the other wasn't there a better little better patch for me earlier I guess not there's there's just some up here some that I think might have my camera different earlier and that's confusing to me now so if some there and some there if I can get all my bauxite funneled into the middle don't really need that but you cannot transport bauxite with a truck especially the raw box side so I want to stay away from that so I guess you're gonna start somewhere and the somewhere is right here 71 there 78 that's fine point in the same direction 80 yeah 80 is good all we really need is four of these that have a decent um a decent production and okay seeing this now I may turn everything around now I know where the box side is so this should be easier and it looks like a box side research is done let's get the next one on the books which is I don't need aluminum oxide I do want um we have all the separation already metal scrap separation uh steel aluminum all waste yeah I think the next one will be these two metal scrap separation but we don't need them we don't need to turn anything else into power uh don't need this fuel study research about how crude oil can turn into that we we don't need any of those things I do want to get forests at some point but um let's let's look at pollution why don't we do that that should help us in the long term hey it's dark again perfect now does anyone live without their own apartment no not yet that is good I'm still scared to see that this number is not ticking up the way I need it we almost exported 100 000 last month that is amazing that literally figuratively all the allatively is amazing and I should be really excited about that but I don't have time for that right now so let's see if I squeeze you here at the very edge okay oh I was wondering what what the what the connectors were that is trash that is trash that gets produced and um yes they will produce some because what do we have here garbage collectors raw box site it doesn't tell me what it produces but these will produce a bunch of construction waste that I have to be aware of so um that may change the ways how I want to do this but I guess not we're just going to keep it this way because we couldn't put a trash collector somewhere in the middle of them and everything will be fine let's turn you around again like that thank you 58 I would like more than that but you know what this is fine this is just fine 57 sure 58 give me that one so now we have three and then I think I can fit one more in here and then we have the four uh production lines that we need for this to work they're all pointing the same way cool so we have four that are connected here good um that gets us started I should get rode um at least pointed at this um otherwise we're gonna we're gonna have a really bad time so Road has to come out here because we have to start building something I don't where do I want my my highway to go that's that's something I need to figure out right now I am the highway is pointing in the middle of the of the of the map which is honestly a good place to go so if I do this I'm just a little bit straight and then a little bit like a turn like that the game does not like to render all the way out so that's why it's lagging behind a little bit that should be fine and they can start working on that for the time being and then I just use this natural cut in the road as my as my lead off point to get to Ballroom baru [Music] something that's a that's an ox accent accent there's something on top of it that that makes that work okay so I have you there let's get some dirt road in here as well because that will allow me to build at least two of the construction pieces at the same time I don't want this to get worked on right now but I do want no I can't do that one yet because I still need one piece of dirt road right here make it nice and straight perfect and then you you two can get worked on it is a little far to drive but it should be okay because we don't have a lot of other stuff going on oh this one's done let's set that one up because the row the road is going to take a little while don't worry about that 30 minute episode wow I put a lot into this one I'm excited uh rail's almost done once this one's done with that rail um we don't have money for the big rail Builder yet this little unfortunate it's a little a little more angled than I wanted it to be but whatever um I may we have enough crop sitting here surprisingly with this one thing maybe I just have to start exporting crops from here I don't know do are we currently getting we are getting crops from a different location uh these guys the all the crops that they are getting are coming from the custom cells which we don't want so let's switch that over I don't want you to get crops on here anymore instead please go probably here and pick up crops from there just for the time being crops thank you it's there is there space here I think there is space there cool all right uh the world is being constructed which means the Construction office is busy enough so we don't have to check on that these look happy healthy not unemployed this number is bad this this number is just that we need more people it's it's a constant problem but we're slowly filling up these numbers which is very very important and at least nobody is um unable to work because of children but that one said unable to work because of sickness looks like we're fine um but it also has to it has to be true these all look fine fine a couple people go and get culture um this one we can increase a lot this one we're pretty much maxed out so I have to be aware of that uh I think I want to also build the next the next Residential Building here because that will happen uh sooner rather than later so just gotta be prepared okay let's make this work and what do we want I think what I want is this I would like you guys should I just do it with one truck should I do it one truck continuously driving around because all of this is mixed waste that can be separated yes I think I think that's what we're gonna do um research program finished again wonderful show all uh waste truck give me another one bring it home or 42 000 in the bank right now we're not building it a a ton of stuff we're just we're still building some okay you I would like you to just go over here pick up mixed waste very important always wait until full and drop it off here and I suppose wait until uh unload it because um otherwise we're just running in circles that doesn't matter so you drop that off here just mixed waste don't do anything else hell else no uh do you have power you don't have power so I'm not going to do the thing that I was just thinking about doing but there are a couple they're a couple fuel gas stations sitting around maybe I should replace this one sooner yeah maybe maybe I should um but that's the first one the next one is nobody should be assigned to this anymore because there's nothing here to pick up for any of our distribution offices so that one can go away now I would like to assign this and I want you to load anything anything from here um I guess storage percent 20 is fine because anything that's in here can be uh can be picked up and look at all these like six percent is really all I want but 50 for metal scrap okay let's make let's make it about 50 so you just send a truck out when it's actually worth it but all of these are going to be worth money very soon so a burning all the bad stuff and then we have the leftover other composition and this construction waste and the metal scrap I guess we will just start exporting once this thing is actually empty and life should be pretty good so what do you have here construction waste metal scrap aluminum scrap we could use all those scraps for other things but we don't need that right now we definitely don't need that many workers here like 10 is probably enough five maybe even sufficient because it's only one truck driving around doing things uh we don't have to go crazy on that one I like it um that's extra money coming in 100 totally oh and that's where my metal scrap is coming from I have the construction Crews set up to drop off here and yeah that that makes sense so the incinerator in I do want am I delivering hazardous waste yes I am with the distribution office I am excited that is working because that's just continuously a little money coming in it's not the big money bank that it was at some point but there's definitely money coming in for that so that makes me excited and you just go out again you are adding extra trips every time um but we do have some space here right now so that should be okay no I like it coal is good food is good clothing is good still don't have fabric sitting here but that's fine we have clothes sitting here which is exciting because that means most of our trucks you order hold on where are you going I want to keep you you are also crops why you're not set to wait until unload it are you distribution office oh wait you you're taking it to um to the to a different to one of these okay that makes sense um I thought I renamed these at one point this is Kim one uh so I can find it easier later this one is cam apparently I have caps lock on cam 2. and then this one would be cam three yep I'm super consistent don't worry about it and this one will be off course Kim one five cool um so that's working I never built the The Monuments that I had planned at some point um I guess we start building them eventually maybe there's some excavator sitting there we do have some gravel stored yeah it's fine um I only really want you to no and I'm thinking about it I only really want you to unload here until we're at about 30 because I don't need you to continuously run and obviously right now we just don't have a lot sitting there yeah burn it all and turn it into mixed ways and then turn the mixed waste into um other things nice that's a lot that's a lot of mixed way like that's a lot of money from this that we can export now because a uh a trap of these is definitely more than a thousand and we're just running this with stuff that we already got paid for so this again is a tiny Money Maker but it is money that we like that we want there's mixed waste sitting there so five people are not enough let's do ten and just let it continue doing its thing but this is nice I like it sorry about that um cool yes I should just cut that out well we'll see if I find it probably not what time is it 37 okay we'll see all right uh back to this one now I'm also building the road because I would like to have excavators available for when I need it I can do that with a free Construction office but it's just a little nicer if I don't need that so let's get a couple roads set up first that works um then have you come through here don't need this side now I don't think I need this side for anything cool and I'm doing this semi-tightly because I would like to make sure that our conveyors can do things that I need them to do e-e-e makes them go higher which is what we want that looks good that looks good the last one doesn't want to connect and it is flipped around because the road connection was I don't think the road connection is going to be usable whatever I do here I don't think the road connection is going to be usable so how about we do this I need to use two two of those anyways this is fine then I want you to flip around get the road on the outside that should be good and it's actually connected to the things that I thought it should be and we take that one back get the conveyor up again um because that makes it building a little easier this is a road out okay that's fine this one can just connect this does require its own um fire station but that is the least of my problems okay so the first one is done the next one is this it'll be great um we're going to stay higher those are connected so that's a positive I would like them to be connected over here but um we kind of can't finagle it that way I'm not sure that I love it and it looks like that is not giving me the connection that I actually want it nope nope it's not so uh this road may just have to move for uh for the time being and then come back in let's see ee okay get everything nice and up actually if you point that's the wrong one if you point the uh the Road exit at the road that I care about maybe we can even make this look pretty so you come out that way um that conveyor still doesn't go in really vanilla conveyor belts or conveyor engines you are terrible we'll just angle you slightly and then still doesn't work perfect there's no building in the way no no I don't believe you wrong buttons wrong buttons left and right let's try this again go up up up up I can't I can't see which connections we're making but I think we're making a connection yep that looked like both of them got in and um oh now I turned you around I turned myself around um I want you like this just looking the other way and that should be fine that one doesn't look like it worked don't think I can do this in night mode no I cannot let's let's move it forward thank you winter nice and cold everyone is happy let's triple check that our Heat is functional it is very good all we're doing here no fabric is getting stored that's not ideal but that's fine and looks like we're full looks like we're full of stuff why you guys not doing anything uh because you are trying to drop off mixed waste that's good um you are the distribution office and you're heading to the customs house to load hazardous waste I would like you to start exporting things now okay it may just be a matter of having to designate one truck or a different distribution office to do this because apparently if I do both they're not happy so I need to stop doing that for a little while and we'll see how that goes I like that the Hazardous Waste comes in that way because we keep burning it and just importing the Hazardous Waste is actually money but earnable waste 50 that's interesting um but it's not quite what we need right now what are you doing you're you're getting more of the Hazardous Waste let's see if the composition changed um nope still looks the same and you're bringing it to the separator on the in okay I'm assuming that the other trucks wherever they are yes you're supposed to get scrap metal you are just getting some fuel first um going out to get scrap metal and then I just want to see how much one scrap metal load is worth right now it is loading extremely slow wow okay that's not working um yeah that's not going to get us what we need we need another transfer station here I think this will work the way that I need it to work so we're just going to plop it hey I need enough space to build it here but the um the they're not gonna work uh the power line is in the way let's see can I do it this way yes I can do it this way uh pop you in there get you down here because we don't need all the extra Junctions and then Construction office just get these two built and then eventually I think the the leftover scrap hopefully can just flow into this it's very possible that that is not the case because we do have um and this is my fault for for doing it that way we do have this that can hold construction waste an aluminum scrap and metal scrap so I think the game wants us to use these conveyor belt exits out here and if that is the case it's just not going to work that way and I'm pretty sure the game is going to want us to work that way because that's how it is yeah these these are not uh these are not that now we could use dumpers for this oh maybe dumpers are faster this is interesting a lot of interesting stuff going on but look at the money that we're making off of this this is that's not bad um just curious on what I want to do here don't know if I can make it better without tearing this thing down and moving it over or flipping it and putting the output on this side that would have been the smarter idea actually all we need is a conveyor loader okay can we fit one in here truck aggregate loading there we go can I yes yes I can it's not in the best place but we can get it in here and that's really all we need so um that that should solve all the problems that we had cool get that one in and once it's done I will just assign a couple dumpers to this and they can they can take care of moving those things around I like that I like that a lot hey Knight hey Knight how's it going everything's great cool am I gonna get the um the com the the box side stuff over here done today you know that's an excellent question and I don't know let's get you connected in there now we have those done then I need uh I don't like the shades the Shadows that I need a way to store a lot of box side [Music] um that is big enough now two thousand twenty five hundred or five thousand I guess 2500 is a pretty solid um storage size we can take that oh look look at all the connectors I love it um it really doesn't matter where you put it because you you can get the connections that you need from any of these angles and I like that let's make the conveyors a little shorter save a little bit of money there straighten out one of them I don't like that the conveyor on the right is super low to the ground can you see that so let's see I probably have to uh the middle one is high okay just keep that in mind oh you didn't get that connector over here did you really not I thought we I thought we already got this done apparently not um I need all the way up I need you to just play along okay then let's go back to here get me that storage connector and these are all at least now they're going down to uh to a different place that's fine let's flip you around rotate you and as long as I can get a road out of one of these uh we should be okay let's just try that and see if I can get the Road Connections that I would want so you have to connect there you most likely are probably better off to just go around the back here let's go a little longer get you in there that's good um honestly at that point then this one can just connect straight into here yes yes I kind of like don't think we have footpath connections for anything so the only open question is one or two container stance I think this one's too far away whatever we do unless we can get a road through these conveyors which we can't that's okay let's take this one out really it's taken out the conveyors that it didn't want to remove um let's hope that I can add these back in nope yes yes and then you just go straight out through here that will connect to the um to the thing to the road that's coming this way right now you can be a dirt road later on where's my road the road is right here that works make a little turn there okay this is all fine all of this is good all I would like now is let's let's get all of this aside or at least um not a sign but allowed let's go if that worked and now I just need a big garbage stand if I put you here you're really just connecting to these two okay I put you here you're really just connecting to that one so that's not super helpful if I put you here you are covering all three I know you guys at home can't see this very well but you cover everything here which makes me think that maybe a world I'm just going to use this one though before I hate it uh where I can put a large stand right in here except that maybe not that there will be um if I want to fit this I have to move the roads more I'm not convinced that I can but I'm going to try it one more time so put you here see if it can get the road behind you I kind of can can I get it wrote through here probably not well okay okay okay okay yes and uh then all we need is just a little bit of Road here because I'm pretty sure this is just a formality that looks good and now I want to see that you actually connected to all three of them um that's not helpful but 85 85 107.85 those should all be in Walking range off waist now we just have this one and this one can just get a separate um trash container access thingy I think there's a way that you can finally angle it that you can get to it but we really don't need that so I will just plan on adding a small container stand somewhere over there cool so that's working super well yep I'm happy with that uh let's go to the next piece next piece is simply adding a bauxite processing plan and this is the thing where we only need one off um a direct connection is more efficient and faster than a conveyor connection just in case you're curious it can move about 600 and conveyor can move about 300 tons per second or something like that there there's some formula um but I'm just telling you that's what it is good don't want to hear I don't see a good reason why I don't so put it there and we'll be happy if we need more we can just add another unit right there um so far so good this one will just get a normal Road connection down here and um that should give us what we need there's a big question or a big question mark um here because I don't know how we're gonna do waste for all the stuff out here but we'll just see how that goes so that should be fine and then I just want you to feed into an outlet for now and the outlet honestly it's 5000 is probably too big uh 2500 is probably ah I rather make this bigger than smaller and um I hate my life later let's go with this uh yes I would like the the road connection on the other side that looks good it's not flat enough to rain so this one this one might have to wait um for a little while you can you could do it right here okay nope no it won't let me and also my my mouse cursor is hidden when uh when I'm trying to build this but that's fine we have pretty much everything built that we need we still need to do rail anyways so we do need an excavator out here tootsuite and we will see when that actually happens yes you guys can drive around in the snow that's excellent how's this going you probably haven't started on the on the loader like I wanted you to no honestly I want them to wait every time and that's fine yes these are all full but I think once we have this thing sitting there it will be relatively simple to just get an extra truck in here that can move all the things around 29 000 why is it so low um I think that is this nope you're you're still getting green that's not what I wanted to see I was hoping that one was exporting something but that's fine so you can be there um look wait did you Machine replacement in progress okay that's why we don't have any money coming in because these guys said idle because we don't have fabric now there you go no you're done love it that worked um this number hasn't moved up in a little while which makes me a little sad but it is what it is our happiness no loyalty at least at a decent range I haven't increased a lot recently but this is okay for now can I yes yes okay I don't want negative effects on anything so I guess we're just gonna leave it there rail are you at the customs house you are at the custom cells okay now just have to use it and there's one Farm um sadly is producing too many crops for me to need a train right now so that's part of a problem and part of a thing that will just work so you can go out here we don't need that we don't need a cropped truck anymore for the time being and that should take care of all of this yes you have some crops sitting there that's good we have some gravel here which is good these guys are full you guys are just parking there all of those things actually good things because that means this is all working um but yes we will need rail later on for um the Box there's no way around that and they have to export here and they're they're not that far out of the way now just have to figure out if I want them to run through the city or if I want to splice off an actual like intersection out here and I'm tempted to do the actual intersection because my distribution office does not have access to this this route so that it couldn't get to it if I want to use that and I would have to build another distribution office which I don't want to do right now um I hope that makes sense five percent unemployment that's actually exciting 100 people are yes that's all I need for doing things later on um I would like this one to look a little Fuller um I guess this one can also have more workers just have a lot of mixed waste sitting there and this one if you could get that done in the near future that would be great you just do an aggregate loading and that so I guess we'll just assign more roads this one can get done and then I think for the time being we're going to build a quick Outpost to have a Construction office available yes I have all of them available we're going to pop a quick Outpost over here don't have much money okay so I may just should I move an excavator or should I just um add a little extra money for me right now um I'm tempted to buy one but I can't I don't have money for that so here's what we're gonna do you I need to assign you to be my fuel guy fuel guy goes here okay thirty percent thirty percent fuel okay that will cost me a little bit of money but that's fine then I would like two excavators you and you for the time being to come out here so we can do a little bit of landscaping once we actually get to it I guess we won't have a bulldozer available there but that's just um how I choose to do it you guys do not have fuel or fertilizer right now so we can add that to the list as well and they can figure out how they're gonna get it there as you can see there's nobody currently parked here which is a little scary but I'll probably be fine hey you're done and look everything is aligned the way that I need it to be aligned great so um next business objective General separation I don't want you to load anything there anymore I also would like you to pull everyone home uh call a vehicle so I'm good I don't know what they had and then I need a little bit of money to buy a dump truck or I just use a dump truck that I already have beautiful you have a whole 25 tons of gravel on board let's discard that and um tell you to go here load stuff because that's what setup is all of it is fine 50 well it's a 25 ton truck but we only really store up to 20 and 12 and 14 tons so that's a little unfortunate uh it just means we could use a smaller truck unless I want to separate out and have all the storage set up that way but I don't and then you can go unload here I would like to make sure that you do exactly what I want you to do um should be fine but you never know these guys so go here not full enough okay okay so there's an actual problem here Building without power that shouldn't be a problem you're not without power for sure so that shouldn't be a problem um so it's try that again go down here and um 50. 40. 30. 20. you directly connected so I'm surprised that it takes that long uh to get you out there but that's fine but yeah this this truck right now is definitely too large unless it will mix the waste oh oh the little containers go out here too I didn't want them to go because I wanted them to keep importing hazardous waste into here I thought this would actually solve that problem but it clearly doesn't yes I want you to unload hazardous waste it kind of does because the dump truck cannot um cannot move otherwise it can only move these scraps so I guess that's a good thing you're moving 1.7 tons of metal scrap that is not what I wanted you to do um let's set those up to 50 again and we'll just see how it works because I think the problem was there ever vehicles that were already going out there to dispose of some of this material that's okay hey and I didn't spend any money on getting more things um where are you going now I would like you to go pick up something else why are there so many dump trucks sitting there this is 15 full do you have anything on board no do you have anything on board no do we oh wait oh hold on no unload here 50 we're not 50 full yet this should be fine are we no longer allowing hazardous ways to come in nope everything is allowed I am not sure why these guys are parked here um do you have a repair problem nope that looks fine do you have any other problem nope nope nope no power supply mixed waste yes I want mixed waste here where where are my guys go I don't like it when that happens um I don't I want you to get hazardous waste from here yes what are you doing you are mixed Place guy okay you have some bio and burnable that's good that means we get well it doesn't really matter now we have some mixed Place sitting here but you're already full because someone is no we are fine we cannot store export mixed waste huh okay repeat explained this to me um there is mixed waste in these in the exports of the industry and then there is mixed waste in here which is technical service exports so I do have to assign a distribution office to this it's still assigned why is it not doing anything there's a truck aggregate loading there's a gen oh I see my problem okay I want you to get just mixed waste from there everything else can stay there and I want you to unload hazardous waste from here um you can low well I don't want you to load anything else because that'd be silly so the plastic and the metal scrap can stay there that's my problem I had it set up wrong the game was right I was wrong that never happened before I promise um do you think our excavators are over here um so we have we have fuel there our excavators are here so here's the thing this is what we're gonna do next time because we're out of time thank you so much for watching this was a fun episode because we're actually moving forward and we are getting some money scraped together uh one more thing one more check on the prisoners that looks fine that looks great this looks a little overloaded so this is not working 12 maybe um this looks fine you are making a difference not as much as I want to but that is okay for now um you're not doing anything but I don't really have that much money to expand right now sadly because these guys need to make more money so what I should probably do for the time being is reduce the number of workers here so they can do something more productive with that time and life uh we're actually full of clothes we see how many clothes are sitting here they will just be there because it's it's just like the even push um but that should be fine is this working now you are doing the thing you cannot export mixed waste I hope one of you guys is picking up mixed waste and I hope that the mixed ways that you're nope that's the wrong one you just brought more other mixed waste not the mixed wasted I wanted there's someone coming this way what are you doing anyone someone give me someone get rid of the mixed waste please uh what are you doing you are technical service office okay so nobody coming here do we not have enough dump trucks to do anything useful that's what it looks like right now yes we are importing things again because we're trying to build something I think you are you just doing the thing again yeah mixed ways and you cannot export anymore I would really like to see a dump truck show up out there yep you have hazardous waste and now you ideally you go to the separation plant nope custom cells get more hazardous waste it's not very helpful when you do that I would like the extra money but is not helpful when you when you do these types of things so I 15 it's always going to be 15 full so I can't even tell it to not do that um let's see here there's still stuff in there I just need a I just need a different distribution office to do that I just don't want to use one that's too far away from us um this one is already full so it's not helping this one is not do we have dumpers in here who have skid loaders no we just have some percent that thing that's not very helpful because they're supposed to load the construction of rare Construction office so this one is really the only one that we have available oh you do have one you do have one of the things I actually want from you okay go here um load mixed waste only mixed waste uh about 30 full and then go drop off the mixed waste another thing there it is drop off the mixed waste right there and I'm expecting this guy to actually solve all my problems that would be great yep go drive go drive thank you so much for watching I'll see you again next time bye
Channel: bballjo
Views: 575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WRSR Trash, Research, Maintenance, WRSR QOL, WRSR Preview, WRSR Part 1, WRSR Episode 1, WRSR Crime and Justice, Workers and resources soviet republic hard series episode 1, workers and resouces hard playtrhough, wrsr hard start series, wrsr hard beginning episode 1, workers and resources underground update, WRSR, WRSR GUIDE, soviet republic game, soviet republic, workers and resources soviet republic, workers and resources gameplay, WRSR Realistic Mode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 58sec (3838 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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