Citation CJ3+ Private Jet Flight with ATC! [New Orleans to Orlando]

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getting the plane all ready for our last leg of this trip New Orleans to Orlando going through the checklist Max is doing exterior and then we're cranking up and going [Music] all right windstock okay so that it's coming from our tail is an issue9 Bravo start the down engine first start the number one first let it schooll up to 14 % yeah so yeah left y clear clear and then it spool up to like 14% this light off hopefully the building's protecting us a little bit no it's a downward engine the tail is actually going to be you see it's quaring yeah so that tail is going to be blocking that wind so it's fine it's quing that looks gooday out all right all right flight controls I'm up down I'm down he R trim set set all right you want clap 15 yes speed breaks down and I'm up up down down clearance citation 2 Romeo Fox clearance to Orlando please citation 2 Romeo Fox I have a full route clearance for you uh just ready copy ready to copy sir Romeo Fox two Romeo Fox you are cleared to Mike Charlie Oscar via R directors to Charlie Echo whiskey get route two defun then it's golf Romeo November Charlie Hotel 4 then Direct on departure maintain 2000 expect flight level 410 one0 minutes after departure frequency2 3.85 CL 74 64 all right chome Fox clear to Orlando on departure a r vectors CW Charlie eeko whiskey J2 I missed the first fix on the Grinch 4 there maintain 241 and 10 departure 2385 7464 Fox was def at Delta Echo Fox shot uniform November then the Grinch 4 okay J2 defond and the Grinch 4 into Orlando ter thanks a problem back see I'm just going to ask him if we can just this the kind of the whole Short Line here we can just kind of inch about 5 ft forward and just position this way and then start yeah and grab to shot attack good question fo shot go ahead yeah flight line kind of put us into a Tailwind for a start here um any chance we could like go up about 10t past the whole short part here just to the right we won't interfere with the Falcon off our right but just to we can kind of scoot past the whole short bars and start our second engine two Fox is that you right in front of the terminal there with the pass you now yes sir just hold this in just a moment I'm going to have a king air coming out and then I'll uh let do that all right thank you turn Fox we see the king here we just need a little bit of a right turn that's all two copy just hold position just a moment that tug's moving off your right hand side there looks like they're backing up on the fox to get to the west side of flight line two fo just give away that tug and you can proceed request okay give away the tug then we can start up thanks to Fox so what I would do m is I would just kind of just itch it that way yeah I mean I would I would definitely turn that way keep coming you're good that's perfect all right clear right you good fow ignition and one oh pressure good yeah not good to start with the Tailwind nope it's pretty strong wins too yeah especially on the battery all right good start relays out yep 29 volts looking good you ready to taxi yeah I'm ready ground citation to Romeo Fox thanks for your help ready tax start flight line Romeo Fox Runway one right tax Fox Runway ner Bravo Fox shot Runway ner and Bravo to eight right Romeo Fox all right Mt Fox onto uh Runway Niner just right here yep making her way around tax light's coming on you I'll deal with the flight here in a second shot yep so we'll go on here to Runway ner to Bravo yep clear left and clear right then youc Bravo is the next one up there I do we can start on taxi all right taxi check exterior lights are good brakes I'm good your controls my controls my brakes are good your controls my controls all right Neal steering looks good light instruments our tracking all right and then R bias is First Light of the ad St you're good right do you like taxiing slow I'm pushing it up right now all right I make couple four takeoffs to go I'll put that down there it's yours and this all the way down okie dokie right we have our numb1 102 104 113 130 and we'll be a quick level off at 2,000 we just brief that we have our flight plan in and you'll grab my y d flight level change after take off um all right no questions go on button take off takeoff and V NV blow V1 full go to thr's idle full breaks spe breaks get out and then above 70 any red messages or major failures and then above that we will take off and do you have preference on where we go to probably I'll go to the big airport just because I'm sure there's more maintenance there okay cool cool cool cool Tower to sh holding eight right ready in sequence fo Roger cool beautiful line right citation clear left he that clear the aircraft is rolling down the runway 3 Alpha turn base turn base a busy little airport all right one 18 right [Music] checks here Bravo contact depart contact depart 93 Bravo Two Rome right C take off heading cff take off right Fox all right you got Runway heading Mindy Cliff take off lights and heats Heats lights engine instruments are clear take off set set and achieved two good engines air speeds alive both sides 70 knot checks V1 rotate positive eight up you're up two and 10 fls fls up damper please and level change engage heading select heading to Romeo Fox depart we'll see you thanks good H Romeo Fox departure good afternoon citation two Romeo Fox 800 2000 Runway heading Fox maintain 3,000 turn left heading 140 340 heading Fox all right 3,140 Roger 3 maintain 2000 2 35 F 35 traffic 11:00 about 8 Miles Jet Blue Air out of 2000 traffic 35 traff traic clear visual left 080 maintain 15000 0805 15,000 Bravo turn left 3 I see 15 I see still in the Delta Rome Delta you got like front sight uh two to three: and about 10 miles all right gears up flaps are up tra back to 140 thank you I still have my 200 reded speed to 150 or less if you can you're foll Ser tra down about 8 m straight takeing z n or Z descend main 300 that was good nice those quick level offs oh yeah it's like take off notot got to stay super ahead of it that's 967 contact call for approach 24.6 Fox contact Houston center 12765 today 12765 we'll see it's roome Fox Houston Center good afternoon 8400 head Center 23 to 23 Rome Fox it's also really good cuz like you know Florida you know these days 23 I see it a lot of delays we didn't get any delays we got right out we got lucky heck yeah good day to flag yep to the route it's interesting it's like we go like direct like Jacksonville is kind of what it looks like then like right before like we kind it literally looks like yeah we're driving it's like a road and we originally had filed a different route which was more over the over the water and then we got uh an alert on our flight totally different now we're completely in L yeah we were trying to take a little shortcut there but Center afternoon November 9 November Z 105 climbing 18 November 9 November Houston Center Roger Can You Feel the difference when we're a bit heavy compared to when we're light yeah even taxiing sometimes like and you should see like if you're a heavy you're in the mountains like you're in Jack Cole you're at one of those you Mountain airports and you're you really have to push them forward to keep moving crunch those numbers but yes I can definitely tell I think that's when you start like really getting a good feel for the airplane it's like when you can start even on the taxi you even have to look at the weight when I was going out on the runway I could feel how much heavier we were than normal yep and we were still 400 lb below Max Max great max weight which is uh so all the Alligators down there Mindy CHP CHP yep oh big boys here are they big are they big big alligators down there yeah they have all these big how you know they're big how do you know they're big they could be small I mean I guess at one point in their life I guess you could go go find out let me know that let me know how that goes for you Mindy let me know how that go for they there's like they have just like good like a lot of food sources here yeah there's a lot of good is the fishing it's good fishing off the coast yeah like red fish fishing and trout fishing down here yeah this part of Louisiana we got little toasty there on the ground we love the AC coming in I know we haven't needed the AC for a couple days I was kind of excited to hit that AC button coming on yeah this that's crazy how much military look at all that in restricted alerts warnings like Private Pilot airace Houston afternoon Rome fox1 23 on sign Romeo Fox Char with climb to maintain 3 4 okay climb to 3 4 direct the CR thank you yeah you can direct you happy yes the nav whenever you feel inclined bl3 beautiful all right on the way we go what's that song on the road again yeah on the road again6 Wily Nelson right I think so yeah you're from like theth Conta jackville Center 12.2 yall take care like what would be like take to it like in the sky again yeah you should sing more on your videos I'm good I only like singing on your channel it's really a favorite of mine to be honest Min it's a it's a it's a treat to be honest Max karaoke yeah American Idol next year folks I'll see you there how come you got a bigger water bottle than me I got like this little tiny baby bottle one of your dads oh you did nice I did not do that I owe like I owe you guys back like a whole pack of water a six pack of water more than that got a bit of a Tailwind so we're good we're chilling well this is a quicker flight than we're used to we have an hour and 20 yep for our full route into MCO yep Landing in the happiest place on Earth there you go so we're going to finish our climb and we'll see you guys descending into Orlando cool see you in a bit it's clouds in Florida always these old turbulent pu on live here all right desending the at 13,000 t19 alen 13 3019 546s 341 defend to maintain flight level pretty cool arrival the Grinch number two Romeo Fox sh contact approach 128. 37 good day 2837 have a great night toome Fox all right wind unless minut on pration descending 321 standby it is Juliet 11 scattered at 45 24 and 13 to spread 3021 and doing Landing north land approach good afternoon citation to Romeo Fox sh9 the Grinch jul cation to Rome Fox good afternoon expect visual approach from me 36 left 3 left thanks all right you got approach to go you want to start getting some numbers in for you yeah all right up to 35 and ice off factors good 115 106 18s I'm in set my side speed 157 and approach teria Fox do you want us to resume normal speeds at ho maintain 2 grer all right cool 250 or better all right speeds are in crey thing all right we are descending via the Range four we're going to have a visual 36 left I'll be landing we got our Landing speeds already set or 105 114 12,000 foot Runway we need two and change sounds good to me you got he wants 250 or better until we get to 10 so we're good okay black we got nothing cool and left turn off go new sigy yeah heics FL instruments all are set set my side Feld trans lights safy switch messages what they should be8 19 descending the GRE Grinch with Juliet spe Wings 1138 approach R visual approach from 36 left all right expect that cation two R maintain public speed now all right we'll pull it back publish speeds Nows 250 the gr we have jul 119 appr 36 left 3 left all right Harm's for the split on the transition so you're good there next one's going to be Dory at 220 above 8 and you got 8,000 and then once you get past Dory hold 220 until you get to Bryce that's 210 and 51 charha contact approach n.4 great day see VAV is set 220 good and then House of Dory 5,000 at Bryce 210 okay my gut is though we'll get a a send before that but there's airport there's your blows citation two Romeo Fox trve contact approach 12775 12775 great night Sir to Romeo Fox approach good evening citation to Romeo Fox 6.5 descending on the Grinch it is jul Citation two Romeo Fox Orlando Rogers Alaska 40 conic Tower 24.3 temps are good 40 Tower 24.3 2 43 thanks alas go 40 15 27 fory 15 27 Orlando desend maintain 1,600 157 up yeah it is these clouds here in Florida yeah are turbulent suckers all the time citation two Romeo Fox just maintain 3,000 3,000 Romeo Fox all right 3,000 you can turn VF yes all yes yes still got the two tenant price 3,000 set I see three three three should get a turn here shortly yep just kiss me right kiss me one to go two Rome turn left heading 0 ner five 09 95 95 set beautiful all right Vector the final citation two Romeo Fox maintain 1,600 1,600 T Fox what speed you need sir at least 170 you got it we'll do it or Del 119 I just keep this for now you're going to need to go probably 1600 if you're descending at 1500 ft down here you probably need to go 1,000 do we not 3,00 3,000 to put the up 1527 tower. just get ready for a quick turn to the left got the field dation 2 Romeo Fox airport 10:00 ner miles turn left heading 035 in the turn 035 airport in sight to Rome Fox citation two R Fox shot clear visual approach from my 36 left maintain 170 knots or greater 5 mile final okay 170 or better till 5 out with the visual 36 left T Fox all right approach Spirit 433 8000 ft on the signf heading down five 433 Orlando I would help Mountain keep like 190 for now citation two Romeo Fox TR contact Tower 1243 243 we'll see you to Romeo Fox Tower good evening citation 2 Romeo Fox 36 left citation 2 Romeo Fox orando good afternoon 12012 36 left land 36 left Fox can I get gear you're good for gear you ready keep an eye out for the helicopter United 1929 unit 1929 they stationary flight idle Cool Pass capturing all right good land You Got Gear down three green no red speed's coming back autopilot autopilots away speed breaks down on my side down on mine g all right speed checks 161 flaps 35 air speed's coming back Auto PLS off a yard Dam to go before landing checks are complete two main separation cament with the 73 2886 Orlando Tower AR fact Runway 36 right clear take off all RightWay track clear for take off spe 28 1929 TR no Factor contact good day ID 28 2866 traffic about a mile Northeast of the departure of only 36 right of the helicopter Northbound level at 600 beautiful next's going to be Juliet fox has Juliet we're going to Signature citation two Romeo left jul ground jul ground point8 Rome good night all right right we are clear clear and clean up ground ground citation Tome Fox on Juliet for signature on ground good evening T parking left turn alpha alpha good evening ground up 2580 at hotel information with here ground good evening work on full time for you hold short of golf for 35 left left all the way down golf for 258 back to Orlando look at all the Jets 491 where were we following them Hotel all right a whole Army of them I know it's that time of year it's season for Florida winter time 1527 underr good evening Tex parking V golf hotel hotel for7 it's this last building right yeah you see like the big one kind of sticking up yeah that's wild they have a 747 here I know that's awesome got a good buddy of mine who flies uh just started flying S4s jeez that thing's monstrous that's cool C gooded cop C where did he go he's over there spear Wings 314 pushing off the next to this guy the way he is yep I just follow him around oh there he is Char Bravo 11 and Tower the American a want me go on that just right under the tail Char and hold short of Bravo 11 then go and U give way to americ and spirit Rings pushing back what was the numbers Runway I'm sorry gate 6 whiskey 314 CLE ground Delta 73 Hotel ready3 evening 3 left AC 73 26 whiskey the
Channel: Schmiiindy
Views: 46,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JDIy3MOsx9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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