The Cessna 206 - the plane for many missions

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hey guys it's Randall with Van bortle um today we're going to be looking at a 206 which I have behind me here one of the most common questions I have is you know do I get a 182 or a 206 and while a 182 will fit the majority of people's missions there is a mission or use when you would go to the 206 so the 206 is a six Place airplane so if you have three kids four kids your company or Regional travel and you're hauling some guys around that's what the 206 is for so the 206 is equipped with a blacking Tio 540 A1A it's a 310 horsepower turbocharged engine it has a service ceiling of 26,000 ft that's way up there I mean you're up there with the turbo props with the meridians your tbms your king airs and all that other stuff and your airliners aren't too far above you there as well but you know you can go up there and true right at 165 knots true one of the reasons to go up to that kind of an altitude is if you're going to pick up a huge Tailwind you know a great altitude for it in the mid teens like around 177,000 you don't have to have oxygen m on you can keep a canel on and you can clear any obstacle in the country but it it just has a lot of capability to do a lot of different things you can go up high you can do mid-range altitudes low altitudes you have built-in oxygen you want to do the higher altitudes you do have prop di ice boots on the turbo models like this one the easiest way to tell the difference between A2 and a 206 is you know primarily the amount of seats so 182 is four seats 206 is six two windows on the side of the airplane on the 182 and three on the 206 you'll also have on the 206 you'll have a cargo door in the back so while you don't have the co-pilot door like you do on the 182s although there is an STC to put one in if you someone ever decided to do so you do have a very wide opening cargo door so this is a very nice feature especially if you're loading people from the back or cargo and while we're back here I just want to show you the versatility of this airplane this could be used for you know a family of or four person airplane and and they just carry a lot of stuff with them if they're going to do that there's a little latch right here you can hit lower that seat down and then you can use this point all the way to the back for baggage cargo dogs whatever you like you can also pull these uh pins down here on the seat and this whole entire third row seat comes out of the airplane so when that's out of the airplane these two uh back seats will go all the way back in their tracks and you'll have the whole entire rear of the airplane for cargo or whatever you're carrying around have had customers indicate your skis or bicycles or you name it so this particular 206 again it does have a prop de ice boots on the prop has active traffic given with the twin blade antennas on the roof of the airplane you do have dual LED landing and taxi lights with recog so in that recog position they'll actually flash back and forth and when you land you get on the ground you get below I think it's 50 knots or so it'll the lights will automatically go to solid taxi so but they'll be in recall F in the air flashing back and forth so people can see coming from long ways away you do have led nav lights LED strobes this particular airplane does have air conditioning hence the vents on the rear these are stabilizer abrasion boots so this is an option you can put on pretty much any 182 or 206 it's handy if you're going to do any off- pav surface applications it'll keep Rock chips and things like that from dinging up the horizontal stabilizer I do get a lot of questions from customers on what the HD means when they see it on the tail so HD means heavy duty 3,800 lb gross weight and there's going to be some 206s that are HD they might not see HD on the tail but if they weren't HD from the factory which I think was 2016 and on there's a couple other ways to achieve that on the other 206s one of those is Flint hit tanks very popular option not only does it give you 30 gallons of additional usable fuel but another 200 lb of gross weight so your gross weight will go from 3600 to 38 800 which is the same gross weight as an HD or you know if you don't need the extra Fuel and you don't want to do the tip tanks you can do an HD upgrade on the other versions that's simply an STC through Textron and there's a software upgrade involved and that'll also boost your gross weight up so that was a quick little walk around and introduction on the 206 so let's go take it up for a flight clean County Traffic station a pat here at taxi main ramp to Runway two 20 via Bravo Lan County right now we're doing the run up so we're going to run it up to 1,800 RPM check the mags and the vacuum system let's make sure everything is running properly before we depart okay left mag drop R in the egts right good drop rise in the egts all right 10° flaps we'll demonstrate how fast the 206 gets off the ground there is a decent little crosswind today so we're not getting much help on the nose but this airplane will just leap off the ground flan County Traffic Station airpod Charlie here departing Runway 20 via South departure Seline County power set oil pressure is good and we're off all right so we just took off and we're getting established in the climb now yeah so we're climbing out of, 1900 ft right now getting right at 1,000 ft per minute climbing at 92 knots actually now we're up to 1250 or so so yeah that's one of the great things about the 206 is that climb performance you get that 310 horsepower really comes into play we get off the ground really fast has a great rate of climb these short field Landings are incredible as well the if there's a single word to define the 206 and the mission for it it's utility and this can be this can be a family with two or three kids and a dog or two and their bags and load everything up and go cross country on a trip um if you're looking for the versatility and the utility that's the 206 there's you know great payload lots of room in it you can change stuff around like you you can either have six seats total like what we have behind us now or that third row seat you can fold that seat back down and just make a platform all the way across to the back end of the baggage to load up a lot of gear or huge dog Kel or bicycles or whatever you have so it just allows you to do a lot of different things with the same airplane the HD for the 206 is basically representative of an airplane with a gross weight increase I would the heaviest I would probably say is like you know the missions that DNT was doing you know you'd have Five Guys in there all their gear and bags and these aren't a couple guys and their wives these are these are five full figured men and uh their equipment and all that stuff and they'll head out from Arkansas and head to Orlando or wherever so but even you know if you have kids bulky car seats and all their diaper bags and all the stuff that goes along with it and the bags that mama wants to bring and everything else it gives you the ability to pretty much hold whatever you want 206s you know you can land them on pavement you can land them on dirt long Runway short runways all kinds of stuff they have built in oxygen for high altitude operations I mean the service ceiling is 26,000 ft I mean you got to think about that 26,000 ft that's that's 3,000 ft below rbsm airspace so you're sitting cruising along at 26,000 there's airliners going just not too high above you may another 6,000 feet above you you're up there with those guys you're definitely up there with the turbo props you can go up there you know get about 165 knots true air speed can still do about 700 miles tip tanks you know you can do about probably 950 or so um but if you get up there you know 26,000 you can throw the oxygen on Go Up High pick up a really good Tailwind and say you're cruising at 165 and you have about 40 knots on the tail like I did coming over from Arlington today I mean that's 205 knots across the ground so um that's nothing to squawk about a utility type airplane it's really good speed so we did the video a while back on the on the turbo 182 this is kind of its big brother so there's really that turbo 182 fits a lot of different people in a lot of different missions and then you have that maybe other family or that business where they need to carry that other person could be that family that has that third child or or whatnot and that's when that's the reason you go to a 206 you I have a lot of customers asked do I get A2 or 206 and you know you know we we've always talked to customers about the 8020 rule you buy an airplane for what you're going to use it for 80% of the time not 20% so if you only carry a fifth or sixth person you know twice a year makes a lot more sense to get the 182 and on that one trip somebody can airline that day but if it's if it's part of your normal mission that you're going to be doing most of the time whether it's a lot of weight a lot of people a lot of cargo that's when you decide between the you might want to go to the 206 versus the 1 A2 there's a lot of airplanes that are very sensitive when it comes to Weight and Balance 206 isn't so much you still follow the weight and balance envelope you have to try a little bit harder to get it out outside the envelope so they're what I like to say they're pretty benign in that area easy to load and easy to stay within CG there are some airplanes that are very prone to going out really easily some going forward both 182s and 206 are really easy to work with in that regard you can use 10° flaps if you want at 140 or below so if you're needing to drop line altitude quick you can always just be at 140 or below drop 10° flaps and get a pretty good descent rate without having to pull your power out and maintain to the south at 39 yeah as far as the speeds and all that stuff they're very very similar to the 182 they fly the same they land the same 206 is a little bit heavier but and you can feel that it's a heavy transition for a guy from 17 or sorry 182 to a 206 it's it's there's nothing to it another great fact about the 206 and it goes along the lines with the 182 it's a huge safety feature for them is how slow you can actually get them so say worst gamee scenario you did have an engine out and you had to do a force Landing somewhere you know a full flaps you can get this thing down to 50 knots or so and uh maybe even a little bit below so you don't have those fast stall speeds you have you have very low stall speeds on these airplanes yeah one of the cool features when you have the g100 nxi is you have what's called visual approaches so there's some airports that you go into and I'm I'm I'm one of the people that you know whether I'm bfr or IFR or whatever I'm doing just for that additional situational awareness I like to load an approach in not it verifies where I am that I'm on the right Runway pointed towards the right Runway first first of all my glag path is there and where I should be on my descent to the runway well some air airports and some runways don't have a approaches to both sides quec down departure the Southwest some uh some airports don't have instrument approaches or they might only have an instrument approach to One Direction or one side of the runway so what they have now it's called the visual approach so I go to procedure like I'm going to select a normal approach select approach select the visual for oneway two started at straight and uh we can set minimums if we like and what that's going to do as you'll see just pointed our HS side you know the Final Approach course for the HSI um and then what that's going to do it's basically going to mimic a an instrument approach procedure now it's not approved for instrument use but as for situational awareness only but you know I'll have a Glide path I'll have lateral guidance and it's basically I think it's set up on a 3° Glide path if I remember correctly it it it just gives me that additional affirmation that yes I am going to the right Runway I am about where I need to be on my Glide path I'm lined up with it like I said that extra extra situational awareness is always nice we're established on the visual now so it shows that you know our hesi lined up or lined up for the runway we look out here there's a Runway our Glide slope is coming down um the autopilot will actually fly this visual approach she we're about to intercept now path goes green that is arm down now the airplane starting to descend so it is following this visual approach down to the run again it's not approved for instrument use but but it's great for VF par conditions just to give you that extra bit of awareness of where you are laterally and vertically from the runway for your approach s County Traffic station air five Charlie Sierra 3M funnel 02 slink count L traffic chance for three brother might turn in left to base Runway two serving for [Music] [Music]
Channel: Van Bortel Aircraft Inc
Views: 11,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bS_Ff9vPE-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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