Flying to Oshkosh with MiG 17s

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okay you guys have all seen the bonanzas to ashkash mass arrival if you haven't go check out that video And subscribe today we're doing Jets to ashkash and have a flight of 11 l39 and Mig 17s on the way oh my God Mike Mike [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay Blue flight information November is current altimeter 29 or 88 wind is 250 at 5 we plan on a 28 departure so we're going to taxi down there's a run up area down there we'll get positioned and uh um number four pass it up when when you're ready uh for takeoff do your first run up of the day Blue flight push 1 21.8 blue FL check blue two blue three blue four CH City ground blue FL 4 l39 at 45 North a taxi for departure 2 with November Blue flight to the ground run my 28 tax via charlie delta you can follow Red Flight charlie delta and follow flight thank [Music] you Red Flight push tack 3 Tower 24.2 24.2 red three red check in red two is with you red red four red five Cher Capital Tower Red flight flight of five l39 is ready to uh depart 28 would request a left overhead uh rejoin over the field and then we got a force ship behind us that will join up clear for takeoff 28 for red flight left turn approved thank you sir blue9 2 2 I guess we don't get tower on this [Applause] radio blue flly TR City Tower just confirmed you will be joining up with to a flight of five l39 and just departed for Blue flight Blue flight TR City Tower Runway 28 clear for takeoff traffic ahead of uh 5 l39 is making a left turn up clear take off lights on now red five [Applause] up Red Flight driver City Tower for planning purposes what you guys want to do after you uh join up in the air Red Flight we're going to join up and then we're going to head uh to the Northwest get through some clouds and climb and head Oscar sir Roger that be advised do have a embor jet on 10 m final for 28 copy that we will uh we will remain west of the runway TR Tower banded flight two ready to go Runway 28 sequence FL the tower hold short 28 28 brick 36 34 just be advised there will be multiple SLS of l39 and some Megs uh joining up over the runways there will be no factor for your arrival on to it sounds great thanks for that up blue flly red flight is crossing over the top we're at 2,100 headed north and we'll start another Circle 2 forof clear take off uh out traffic flight traffic ahead you flight four l39 left turn up join up the circle so this is the coolest way you've ever gone to OS I bet yeah I usually do with 150 blue and uh Blue flight red flights at your 10:00 we are turning towards you and then to the north we're uh just uh the departure into the runway 3634 be advised flight of four just cross over Midfield no factor for you yep we got him in sight BL FL has fl600 headed Northeast you have us Insight red flat will be at 200 knots wow TR City Tower thanks for your help today red flight's uh changing free FL Red Flight push tack one BL push t one red FL check in red two red three four red five BL check in guys two blue for blue three you on FL check in red flly take spacing go route is four still staying in the slot there is he coming out off our wing four you in the diamond uh he's behind I give you some space problem can maneuver he's like really low for some reason just keep an eye on Arthur there only if he's going to be stable yeah we got it blue for in or just move to the right wing yeah so waiting until you going to join the formation all right don't do anything unless you tell us yeah we're going to pop up above this layer and then we'll head towards SPAC uh Red Flight Blue flight and Bandit flight be advised ATC has closed Runway 36 for us they told me this is the first time they've ever closed the runway for uh our group to come in this is Iconic pretty cool this is probably going to be the second coolest thing I do all year red lead say speed we are 190 in moment are we still joining up on the first group we will eventually so they work together by the time we get there Bandit one and two do you want to get some pictures we can uh just circle around you if you get tied you're clear to maneuver B maneuver starting now oh le le 22 indicated I'm at 97.7 power setting I don't know if he's doing video or just photos that's got to be it's got to be video he's like doing like well he's going to do this all day long oh blue for is finished for now and I'm waiting until everybody will be together and blue lead ,500 ft a minute okay for The Descent up here affirmative Blue flight P flight is sliding out the route Blue flight back down for Red Flight you got us in there red flly tighten it up a bit you're actually above the turbulence Ron you got to go higher or lower yeah I'm going to stay up higher here right kind of fun but then we got to go down through it at some point Blue lead blue four can we stack down cuz I'm either in there or yours uh here and there go down okay blue flight's going to do a right turn so we can descend underneath this uh walk so I don't beat everybody up coming underneath the sky Echo is current at Ash 2 ner ner2 on the AL temper we are starting down now this is Lake Wago big lake ashash is over there on the other side you can see the think you can see from here I think that's uh 28 or 27 at ashkash there like straight under to get the paper out we get a picture red flag check in two three four 5 FL check in two three four flight check in two OS red flight flight of 11 War Birds B the as to report the island will report the Island Red Flight T half mile left of Base at your descent going Adder after the yellow dot 36 left my single behind just about a mile I watch on the purple dot once control be left in the grass my single behind the flag need to get down soon as you can you're eat up they're going in front of you Tower County 2 looks like the right main gear came off all right I just pled just we'll get you assistance out there close Runway 36 left yeah we got you we get out there I two left in the grass flag suck can i h was us yeah that's what I mean talk for us Oscar Tower Red flight flight of 11 uh we're taking uh some spacing we're over wber Island we heard the call we' like to request the two passes and then if we need to recover on 27 we can do that whatever all right red fly we'll let you know just continue in B let me know when you're about 2 miles south we restricted little approach off at about 500 fet on the left side while we get the disable you able could take a 36 right to recover the l39 could take 36 right the migs may have to go to the other all right let we'll let you know uh 27 is pretty stur right now so just plan on the right side if we need to split the flight for Recovery we'll let you know but we'll see how long this is to get this disa aircraft off shoy had are above 500 ft on the left hand side we're going to make two passes and then we will uh come back in for the overhead and recover on 36 right and the Mi will advise R fight sounds good let me know if the Mi can pick the right side when you get that number then as long as you guys need to keep the right turns South right 27 copy this is big lead what's the length of 36 right stand by 36 right is just as long as 36 left it's a uh it's a taxi we it goes all the way down so the length won't be an issue it's just the width yeah a problem we need the length not the width way that goes just be the width uh but you can go all the way down to the end of your high speet so just the difference is the width of the runway that plan to land on the runway wow you guys are doing really [Music] well OT Tower Red Flight 5 Mile initial for the first pass Red Flight smoke on now turning out now smoke off now this is the coolest thing on rolling out and red flight confirm clear for a second pass Red Flight clear for the second pass about 500 let me know if the mix can take the right side looks like that's what we need for Recovery this is the mix we're planning on taking the right 36 all right thank you plan 36 right for cover you are clear for the second pass on the left side out above 500 ft on the left side out are above 500 ft red flag it looks beautiful look those birds SP blue F oh my God this is a this is pretty pretty cool way to arrive at what is this week the world's busiest airport red flly smoke sh red flag turning out now Red Flight smoke off now red flly you want a direct initial now uh he FM uh we're going to come in uh and do the overhead break right to land 36 right R direct initial from a 36 right break up the tower and clear the land 36 right be high taxi in break at the tower and uh for 36 right highs speeded taxi and War thank you ma'am BL FL Eon left flight in the M CH caution for traffic holding at warber Island sou you and just remember guys this is a narrow Runway coming up on the num [Music] got Park together at ashkash you got to arrive together at ashkash [Music] keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 73,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, flight vlog, airplane, landing, airport, pilot, pilot vlog, takeoff, cockpit, jet, fighter jet, flying a fighter jet, matt guthmiller, hand flying a jet, flying a jet, landing a fighter jet, jet cockpit, fighter jet cockpit, fighter jets, l-39, l-39 cockpit, experimental airplane, l-39 albatros, jet aerobatics, formation aerobatics, aeroshell team, ghost squadron, blue angels, thunderbirds formation
Id: 0UMxh9qlb3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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