Major UPDATE On Elvis Jet And Lancair

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welcome to a special edition of Jimm's World a behind the scenes and a full update on everything we'll start with this then we'll hit the Elvis jet we have the Bahama giveaway winner that I need to contact the blue tarp special you haven't seen that thing in almost a year plus I don't know what else we got we got boxes of some amazing cool stuff some of the things that you guys have sent me that we'll check out first let's check out the old Lance a here as you know I have it going up for auction next week and uh we were just going through things a little bit taking it on a final sad tier final flight before it goes up for auction into its new owner we put in some real fancy fine wire spark plugs we found a small oil leak on a oil line back here was just a little seep but we got her dialed in and just for good measure we replaced this tire over here there wasn't anything really wrong with the other one other than it was a little worn more than the other side because yeah I think two years ago I had a flat tire landing and had to get that one replaced so we just wanted to make sure they matched and had two good tires on the front and that tire was replaced this year too so it's got new tires on it fantastic this airplane as you know Byron Rockstar guy built it spent 8,000 hours building this airplane it is easily my favorite airplane to fly of any of the airplanes that I've ever flown difficult to fly I'll admit while I'm taking take off and on Landing cuz it's fast you you have to land and take off faster than most small airplanes even fly one thing about this airplane you put it on like your favorite pair of pants one leg at a time are you able to see this down there and you sit down like that tuck your shirt oh yeah check brakes oh that's fantastic and then get comfy there we go so whoever the new owner is I would like for us to do some training together just to make sure that this thing flies way different than any Cessna 172 or any other more basic airplane um P factor that you learned about is for real and when they say fly it by the numbers that is 100% accurate you have to fly this airplane by the numbers if you can ever get the seat belt buckled come on now okay there we go boom okay like that all right I am going to apologize now about the sound quality cuz I forgot my flight bag at home and these are crappy headsets that I had laying in the hanger and they're noise cancelling but they're not really noise cancelling hopefully we'll be able to have the audio towards it's not too terrible to listen to while we're in flight but let's go ahead and do our checklists and uh get this thing fired up all right fuel quantity is checked sump is checked pedo is checked prop and spiners is checked control connections we checked yes landing gear is down uh Tires and Brakes are all checked control locks removed fuel caps are secure one two and three static port is open well quantity is good we're just up six toe bar is off got it right there tank vents are clear gear switch down valve is closed Ram air is closed and now we can start it all right first things first this right here we need to put a label on it this is the backup battery for the other Magneto so that still needs to happen we'll go ahead and close this now make sure all our wires out of the way okay s let's go ahead and latch good one two three and four here I'll hold this you go and latch it up boom got it good okay all right so starting procedure on this is we turn our Masters on on I'm going to prime it for 4 seconds mixture up throttle cracked we're going to hit a boost pump for count to four one Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi 4 Mississippi bring it back to cut off leave that there pump the brakes make sure we got good brakes our battery backup is on and then we look around make sure Nobody's around us they haven't been an end and I get a clear prop oil pressure coming up oil pressure is good bolts are good RPMs are right there we're going to lean it back just a little all [Music] right now we're going to see how the audio sounds all right all right all right and I can't hear out of this head this ear over here me too yeah oh wait we got volumes on these and it does nothing whatsoever that one works that one does nothing at all whatsoever yeah here let's turn our box on to see if that helps okay oh hey I got this here to turn on now back to our checklist backup battery we put it on the checklist that's that lapse our pitch trim will be right there gear is on lockout is [Applause] good there I'm going to turn that off and I need to pull up for flight cuz we're going to go right there and we're going to go there traffic [Applause] 7 all right weather is still not working so let's get where we're going in 12305 oh it's the same place sweet we don't even have to change Unicom our total flight time is going to be 6 minutes and 5 Seconds that's awesome we're going to use approximately one gallon of gas isn't that nuts look at that F City 76 uniform turning left downward and I think it'd be a little silly to go all the way up to 9,000 ft so how about we just stick to uh to to 2,000 ft all right here we go flaps are set that is set we're on the traffic 54 kilos over the Midfield 1,800 out for the sky catcher all right here we go four calls went through air speed is alive there's 40 engine instrument are in the green [Applause] 6 City traffic Runway Z PL City 95 98 there's 100 105 106 going up W man I love this airplane there is 400 ft already did I mention how much I love this airplane we're already at 700t cing that traffic all right we'll bring our flaps up and F it go down and then F the speed take off starting right down Z [Applause] city city l61 Echo departing the area to the north PL City all right we are already pretty much there Tampa North traffic Lance Area 261 Echo turning downwind Runway 32 Tampa North I forgot to mention we're going to be doing a live auction party to celebrate the end of the auction and to talk about the 310 to to talk about the Lance a and to talk to you go to it's free join us there it'll be a fantastic time now back to the rest of the show traffic 5 jul left down 3 traffic all right 1,600 to bring it down we are under gear speed lad of the gear so we can start coming down all right one two and fre green that's all tonight a cou flap one two three all right keep an eye on our speed 100 in the downwind and now we'll pull power out and just apply it all the way to the ground and what better way to celebrate the lancair being done than to go find an awesome Airport Restaurant so that's what we're doing we are going here apparently silus says they have the best French toast on the planet yeah oh yeah all right let's go check it out 17 minutes from takeoff to actually landing and pulling in here and half of that time was spent just back taxing on the runway this is awesome yeah I really am going to miss that airplane so this is silas's favorite lunch which is not really lunch if I'm honest look it's a dessert don't lie it's just dessert it is Desert that's why it's good bone Appetit my fellas and fetes which brings us to the blue CHP special yes we got this airplane from Billy who had it donated to his organization it set up there for almost 9 years until we got it ready just to fly the one time and we haven't flown it since because it needed to be completely gone through and we are finally at the very last stages we just got a couple of minor minor things to do we have a gasket over here that's leaking on the little fuel bowl uh we're just we got some spark plug wires that we're going to change out just for good measure uh I think that's about it before we fire this thing up we're also going to be updating the avionics we have a special special future plan for this video that we've been working on for almost a year so I don't want to give too much away but um yeah this airplane is going to be something fantastic so this blue tarp special not really anything I want to tell you about that yet but we have a whole bunch of boxes for the Elvis Jet and that is what we are going to be taking over right now you let's just grab the boxes and let's get to the Elvis jet back here with the Elvis Jet and we've got some boxes to look at first thing from the last video when we backed it out of here couldn't see anything we already had that planned we're using a camera system uh got a little screen here with a couple that are going to go for the side view that goes there one in the back and then one up front because that nose sticks out like 12 ft we're going to be putting this in then Bas by the way huge shout out to them this stuff all came from their place in Missouri Matt your Rockstar they had 12 of these I think which is just nuts cuz there was only ever 20 and something of made ever they've got 12 of them but what they did was send us all of the instruments that we were missing to fill in the dashboard up there and this whole box is just instruments for that I mean look at that we've got even the vertical speed stuff how cool is that and yes we're leaving the air speeds connected because the pedo is still up there which means we can still see the air speed move and stuff like that how cool is that so that's this box I think I I think that's everything that's in this box of instruments oh wait what is that that is okay that's something much bigger oh that one got bent that's a bummer Dy so this our air speed this little knob got bent maybe we can bend that back out and that's it's probably not good but it's for display purposes doesn't have to be air worthy but there's something what in the heck is that what the heck is this what is that r they sent us the whole radar look at the size of the radar this is just a display it's not even the computer and all the scanner and everything like that that is that's intense so okay we got that too wow I didn't know that was coming uh any Min miny mo gas gauges gas gauges lots of RPMs cuz you got four engines in there anything else anything oh there's what's this there's the big gauge right here what do we got oh we got another vertical speed for the co-pilot side okay this one over here go all right this box [Music] is the stair motor uh and it really it's the arm for the the stair motor itself this part because what's in this other box is that so let me show you what's in the other box it's my electric guitar just kidding okay oh yes I just saw something in there that is gamechanging oh this was the one thing I was missing to be able to talk to the tower because the avionics are still connected and they still work so with this we should be able to plug it in and it has the weirdest plug on it and that's why we couldn't talk to it it's just so weird look at that but I really man I hope this works plug it in and be like Elvis one holding shorter Runway 24 ready for departure oh I really hope that works this is all of the stair stuff that we need to fix all of our stair stuff over there oh oh good cuz all these are the rods that broke on ours I guess people over the years you know pulling them down yank them and trying to move them without the battery connected to go it they just ended up breaking them off that is fantastic oh I got one more surprise something that one of you sent not going to lie I'm pretty excited about this so uh this here I get the letter from him where did the letter go oh here we go uh Jay Pearson he bought one of the Elvis tags he framed it up he had a ticket from where he went to one of Elvis's concert that's super neat and he also said hey Jimmy I've got some Elvis eight tracks how fantastic is this look at that oh look at that Glory right there and it still has the boxes that are in it now we need to find an actual working eight track player to play those but wait there's more he sent two shirts you got your poker dogs who doesn't love the dogs playing poker I mean really that's just fantastic Jay you're rock star here we go this is this is my personal favorite right here boom we've got an Elvis Hawaiian type shirt oh like like it very much wow fantastic Jay thank you so much for sending these bless my day Big Time absolutely fantastic Grizzly who's behind the camera today not silus uh let's go put these stair things together and see if our stairs can't come to life what do you think nice let's do it now that we got everything connected let's see if the stairs will come out on their own and I found my button on the outside so here it goes okay all right so far yes they're [Applause] out oh yeah I need some adjustment locked go back [Music] in I'm sure it's fine details details back here look that's the old uh Porsche right there black one apparently it's still driving he said the uh blue one he discovered was submerged apparently in water so that's not surprising if I'm honest with you well I had a piece of paper that I had to give them for the other Porsche and then we're going to check in on the little blue Kit Fox with the radial engine so let's go in and meet them and check it out get an update well here it is in all of its Glory I've got to do a final measurement on the uh Hub right here because we're getting that fancy cenic wooden propeller so it looks all classy they have been working on this thing hopefully this will be ready to fly here pretty soon they had to do all the connections between getting the engine connected and everything inside and they already had everything to do that and look it's got foldy Wings on it that way it'll fit in a regular single car garage is my understanding as well so that'll help with hanger space Oh that is neat they build the uh AO Venturas here it's a ultral light amphib airplane which I'm secretly desperately in love with so this this right here look at that how cool would it be to get the uh SE plane rating to get a water rating get one of these things fly around that' be that'd be pretty sweet I don't know I'm sure I'm sure we'll get it done I know this is too personal but you got to read this that's fantastic too funny good company here here man there's still so many things to look at got this Lance a this thing is sweet makes me sad about selling my Lance ha now something that was not here last time that I really was hoping was here is this it's an Aerostar of course 300 mph fastest piston twin airplane in the world and uh he saved it so he's we'll get him over here to tell us a story about saving this thing it is it's an epic story man after my own heart you know what I'm saying this is Alex you guys know him from the last video uh you tell me the story behind this tell us the recap of you guys saving it cuz it's a fantastic story yeah so we were actually um in the market for a uh Aerostar just being the fastest twin that we could find and we were actually looking for a 600a originally so uh with that we were out there looking looking looking couldn't really find anything that fit our need in fact we had a lead on one and ended up getting sold guys s a deposit uh we waited about a month just to see if that transaction was going to transpire fell through so we were looking and this one popped up on Facebook of all places for some ridiculous price uh so we immediately tried to contact her like we and we used every resource we could find we were on LinkedIn we were on Facebook we were on you know messenger obviously we were on uh any any social media profile we could find with this lady's contact and we managed to get a hold of her and at that point uh I said listen I'll be there tomorrow you know don't don't tell cuz she's like well people are calling me and like I'll be there tomorrow I'm going to come Cas with cash and she's like okay so I got on literally bought like a spe Airlines ticket to California which was ridiculously painful so it's like six hour flight get to get to California ended up taking a uber from LAX to Camarillo which like 120 bucks I get to Camarillo she's there the plane's real I'm like okay that's a good start it's entire it's covered in dust entirely so you couldn't even really tell what it what it looked like what it was what did you know about the airplane how long had it been sitting what was on the ad yeah so the ad really didn't say much at all um in fact it was very vague it was just basically like she was the um oh God I forget the verbage she used but she was the essentially the executive of her father-in-law's estate at this point who had owned the airplane and so the airplane hadn't flown in a while and that's all we knew and she sent me logbook you know cuz she had posted this in another ad on someplace else but ended up sharing the ad on Facebook and so through the link we were able to get some log books uh and and view those and it looked like it hadn't flown in about 7 years as far as we could tell come to find out um we believe it was flown two more times after that period but fairly close to that so pretty much seven years would be a good judgment worst or best case scen are is six years um the mechanics on the field actually were the ones that had done the annuals on it for quite a few years prior to that so they knew the airplane and they're like yeah it had move so we get in there it's covered in dust um we're like obviously we knew there was going to be some Assumption of risk being that the engines might if there's corrosion everywhere um things like that so that's really what I came in look at while I'm there and trying to get a look at the plane you know I have to take cowlings off I'm trying to get as much as I can done she her phone's blown up and I got people that literally she's showing me the messages and they're like where do I send the money I'll give you x amount I'll give and these are like now we're like 40 Grand over asking right and I'm like like here lady take the money yeah so finally I'm like I call my business partner I'm like look if we want this thing we got to jump on it it's you know we we can p it out $50,000 kind of price under sub 100 it was sub 100 I'll just say that yeah it was definitely sub 100 but I won't go I won't give yeah okay right that's fine but you've said you've spent a lot of money on this thing absolutely AB seen interior brand new interior gone through the engines he's fully americanmade this thing even has the little Crossing everything look inside all right so you got it so what did you have to do to it to then fly it all the way from coast to coast I mean yeah we FW from Camarillo all the way to Florida here and um what ended up happening I made two separate trips I made two so there for that time when I bought the plane I was there for another two days so I spent 3 days uh out there getting the plane like oil change you know boroscope checked everything out as far as I could get it uh gear swing you name it um battery was completely shot you know all these things so I ended up having to order a bunch of stuff uh tire was flat on the nose the mains it was sitting on Jacks so the tires on the mains actually were in great shape no dry Rod but obviously the because of the age the rubber would wear down quickly but we were like okay we can still get away with that so like try not to open Pandora's boxes so we did basically the bare minimum as I like to say to make it to where it was variable uh we then decided Well you know what instead of getting a fery permit let's go ahead and get in an annual um just to cover you know all our bases thoroughly so there was an ad that was required for the balance tubes um and the weird thing about that ad I don't want to get too in depth but it's basically like because there they could be corroded um because of the the way they did the treatment was wrong but ours was not even there was no corrosion on this entire airplane not even a spec so we looked at a balance tube they look brand freaking new but we had to replace him because of the ad so we spent $2,500 I think total in doing that uh so that was probably the most labor intensive oh and then the fuel pump on this engine took a crap during one of my run-ups and if anybody knows how to work on aerostars it is a nightmare yeah they're tight everything in there tight my hand seemed like I was probably seven feet tall and and looked like under the giant because my little hand became a very large hand because it wouldn't fit back there so I had Cuts uh bleeding it took me about three hours to replace it because I was taking 20 minutes breaks because I was going to beat the hell out of it with a hammer if I didn't so it was very frustrating I had one hand doing this to get the nuts tied so it was a pain in the that's that's normal so those two things were probably the most labor intensive uh plane other than that the aircraft was actually really good shape I did have to pull that starter cuz it got stuck uh and would not disengage so I had to take it apart Lube up the thing and then got it all fixed up put all that back together so little things like that nothing too major uh we ended up getting it all in annual uh serviced all the struts nitrogen you know replaced the front tire uh the brakes were fine just little stuff did a bunch of Taxi tests and then I had one of my uh buddy pilots who used to own a 600 um actually a 601b so not the pressurized version and uh he flew out to California with me to fly it back and so we got in it and the original goal was to climb up to about 11 or 10,000 ft above the airport to get outside the airspace and just fly for about an hour and come back and check everything so we did that we went up and uh he's like everything's working great let's go so we just headed freaking East and that's how we got here it took us 7 hours 23 minutes from Camarillo California FL time to Okala Florida yeah so what yeah we had a nice Tailwind hit in Texas to hear okay what what were you seeing ground speed uh the best ground speed you were seeing on that cuz that's insane I want to say it's probably about 265 5 knots yeah that's just fantastic yeah and that's why at what altitude so we were only actually at 13 because my wastegate took a crap on this engine uh so we did some mouse milk on there got that all working and then um so we were able well we didn't do that till we got back so we really were limited to below 1500 15,000 just to keep the the engines quite synced um because at at that point it started dropping off on the manifold pressure cuz the turbo was pressurization oh we tested that so it's pressurized yeah and it works AC works the heater worked everything worked yeah we got really lucky we just looked out I mean there's you know and now awesome we're 80 hours into it um and so this this engine started consuming quite a bit of oil and it was one cylinder uh the middle cylinder on the other side that uh had some pitting and basically was damaged to rings and we had a lot of blow by so we decided to just do the whole engine at that point cuz this engine only had 800 hours that engine has 200 hours and that was 200 hours since replaced so it's brand new engine cuz it was making metal originally so that engine brand new only has two and of hours since it was put on this one had 800 C maor overhaul so now we just went ahead and just H the top end so these are all brand new cylinders uh and we just did the valve uh the gap on the valves and we're getting ready to put it back together and do the break in on the ground and then break in in the air and she'll be back in the back in the skies man that is fantastic I love those stories that's this right here uh yeah if it so I got the 421c because that's a passengers favorite airplane the Aerostar is the the pilot favorite airplan so that is that is fantastic well I'm going to yeah new interior you got this I mean you're just flying it he's got lots of fun toys and then the uh of course you know the the carbon fiber P51 SC wings uh scale what do you call them scale Wings scale scale wings that's w51 there you go yeah always beautiful okay let's get out of here we got a lot more places to go look at I here at the twin Cessna convention and we're going to nerd out for just a second so if you're not a hardcore motor head or something like that probably skip this part but if you are you have got to check out what they have done this is the only engine in the world that they did this with and this is the geared engine out of my 421c not not mine but one like it you let me show you a few things that I never knew first up here this is the geared Top Gear bottom gear much like a supercharger and this is the crankshaft right here which the propeller is up here and you hear this that's the gear chatter that apparently you hear at idle on these engines if you idle them and that's why it's a bad thing but that's not what I wanted to show you look down in here the crankshaft see if I can spin it around other the way there we go okay you see see that this is attached to the crankshaft and that is a counterweight how insane is that these move as the centrifugal force goes around faster and faster those counterweights move as they need to I have never seen a counterweight that was not fixed on an airplane engine that's insane see you starter aot alternator turning if you ever wanted to see the inside of an alternator that's what it looks like as it's turning how cool is that they've got everything on this that turns turbocharger red is hot blue is cold as it spins exhaust spins it Wiston spins that which then sucks it in and goes in there and goes squeeze bang blow all that stuff oil cooler that's what the inside of an oil cooler looks like how neat is that exhaust here's our super expensive exhaust ad your oil pump down in there goes around look at that there's the intake sucking it all down valve closes then it comes up to compression squeezes it cabang spark plug goes off this is the power where the gas and stuff explode goes down and now the exhaust valve right there opens and it pushes out of the exhaust and then it starts all over suck back in that is just cool Governor now look at this down here when I move the governor it changes the oil pressure in that little thing right there look at that watch as it opens and closes change the oil pressure that goes and the propeller fills up this area and this Big Spring which is has nitrogen on it and in here which then changes the pitch so those will roll as that Rod moves and it pushes on the plate right there and moves the propellers how insane this this just fantastic they also have it cut out underneath so you can see the cam shaft how stinking cool is that wow how cool is that I wonder if uh they'll invite us down to check out how one of these inas is actually made that would be cool or loming like the in Cameron that would be cool too let me know in the comments should we go see how an airplane engine's made that'd be pretty neat I am calling Matthew the winner of the Bahama trip giveaway normally how this goes the giveaway company that helps us with this they call them and they do it but Matthew thinks this is a scam because apparently there's a lot of scams with telegram or something I don't use telegram so unless it comes from me or directly email it is a scam but this this is not a scam let's give Matthew a call I hope he uh picks up and answers we'll find out your call has been forwarded to voicemail the person you're trying to reach is not available at the tone please record your message when you have finished recording you hang up hey Matthew this is Jimmy from Jimmy's world I'm giving you a call in regards to the Bahama trip that is for Real uh if you would please give me a call back always calling me back hello this is Jimmy I was told to give you a call cuz you had bought a t-shirt from us and uh got you entered on the Bahama trip and uh your name got drawn as the the winner I just got off the phone with Matt the winner of the Bahama trip and I am so glad that it's going to him he did ask to remain anonymous so I'm going to respect his wishes on that however I'm looking forward to our trip and it has a very special place in his heart in his life so he definitely deserves this and congratulations Matt uh I'll look forward to going to the Bahamas with you now we have to go down tell a couple of jokes and maybe tell some stories and learn some stuff at a twin Cessna flyer convention here in St Augustine and then we're heading to Indianapolis to go raising the Indie 800 with Cletus and a whole bunch of other crazy YouTubers so let's get going we are here in Indianapolis getting ready to hammer down on the Indie 800 you know there's the 500 which is Pretty stinking cool but we've got some NASCAR drivers we've got other YouTubers we've got just all kinds of cool people and then we've have a special surprise for you that let's just get to the track let's get going quite possibly one of the worst decisions ever probably by Cletus if I'm honest with you for uh letting me Char at this sucker around the track I mean let's go over and check it out first time I'm seeing it of course we had to do 310 I said I wasn't going to race unless we did 310 o boom Jimmy world I love it I'm going to have to take my marker and put an S right there all right this is for the uh rookie drivers I think yep digging it all right let's see oh yeah look at that still got power windows I wonder if the air conditioner Works CD player yes maybe we put in something huh if you ever wanted to know what the front of a Crown Vic looks like I know some of you know what the back of a crown there's a scooter back there how long has that been I'm totally taking that thing is that my prize my participation award that's cool wow we're going have to throw some cameras up in here what is that trunk [Music] it worked let's go check out the trunk and there's supposed to I thought this things were supposed to have nitrous on it hey that's what most Crown Vicks look like all right let's go check let's see you know abandon car videos oh there is look at that yes that's my new friend I don't know how to use it but we're going to green means go is that the nitrous button go fast all right let's see what kind of BTUs she's putting out it's really funny I just noticed this is your old typical car you got to do that and then it comes up enough oh look at that beauty hey the hood stays up nice there you go boys I have no idea nitrous goes in there somewhere supposed to be a valve in there somewhere I'm not a hardcore car guy I mean a car guy but not like a hardcore car guy all right to Victory here we go did I mention NASCAR legend Tony Stewart was going to be racing with us but I mean that's pretty cool that is cool maybe I can pass him at least once say I pass a NASCAR driver that would be epic here hold on they they I got to correct something there we go nailed it so close so CL Public [Music] School bottom W which is what the uh [Music] this was the first time I had ever driven and raced on a circle track this was the first time in probably 10 years that I've even been in a race car and there were smashing and crashing and banging and bonking and I mean it was Shak and bake and boogy boogy look at them go boys but uh we did get passed by quite a few people but we also made a few passes ourself I ended up finishing almost dead last but good news good news I did pass Tony Stewart yeah maybe it was because he spun out in the very last lap coming towards the checkered flag but hey it still counts as a pass and finishing ahead of NASCAR legend Tony Stewart all in all it was fun had by anybody and I will admit I completely forgot about the nitrous the entire race not once that I used the nitrous I can't believe it what an idiot totally forgot about the go fast past button there man but it was a ton of fun I was exhausted after the first 20 laps and we had to go for 80 laps it was just crazy I finally was able to kind of sort of get in the groove but I wanted to be nice I just wanted more than anything I just wanted to finish the race that was it I'm happy that I had the chance to do it hopefully we'll have the chance to do this again it was a ton of fun and uh boogy boogy we'll see you boys [Music] later holy moly I survived the car is a little worse for wear uh let's just start at this end there's damage there damage there and there and there and and there and there's some more there's some more oh yeah and it comes all the way back here and goes to there all the way to the end so that oh let's look at the other side we haven't even seen the other side yet let's see oh hey I think I found a corner of the car I didn't didn't do anything there's some there did you know he was coming oh no I didn't see him right there there and another rer we got it yeah sorry sorry uh Cletus but hey you know robbin's racing right shake and bake and that was a ton of fun thank you to Cletus putting on these events for everybody I had an absolute blast I hope you guys had a blast watching it that's not the end because we still have tomorrow if nothing else happens tonight which very very well could be in this crowd bunch of crazy kids all right let's go find a a nice adult beverage that's what we need this is my first burnout the8 Bey it was unbelievable we went dve racing all day my top of a must he's literally in a boat he's in a boat on a boat he is in a boat this will be the first boat we've ever had competing in Rivals ladies and gentlemen it's a Mustang bullet with a 1979 Hawaiian jetboat stucked on top of it all right let's see right now California Gordon is woman in her young knows how to put on show with for either of these cars it'll be tremendous take 550 266 mph it's the career first victory for Madison Gordon in a rookie season of 553 and 264 bring on out let's some music loud just a second you'll find out just how loud it gets let's say for Jackson come on make some noise guy puts on a heck of a show leader yeah hey thanks for watching Jimmy's world do it for D we freaking see you later I just got into my car after 4 days and it's been sitting here in the sun in Florida and I forgot about a coffee with some creamer that I forgot about it's gross we just it's fine
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 147,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b8BBPa-B6VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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