Cirrus SR22T Flight Vlog / Sacramento - Half Moon Bay / Instrument Approach and Low Clouds!

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all right what's up guys welcome back to another video we're with 317 tier Papa here in Sacramento we're heading over to Half Moon Bay it's only a 30 minute flight 6 000 feet there's some low clouds there in the area so should be a fun one thanks for watching and let's go flying [Music] thank you all right welcome aboard everybody do a quick starting procedure we'll be good to go messages coming on and shoot some fuel one two three four he's good we'll play on the right clear forward 10 left clear all right everybody welcome aboard we have the weather we're going to taxi do a run-up and then we're going to depart we're going to pick up our IFR in the air over to Half Moon so should be fun thanks for joining us and let's go flying all right before take off doors are good caps handle is moved seat belts I'm good I'm the only passenger air conditioner is definitely on fuel quantity we have plenty fuel selectors good fuel pump is good flaps are 50 and verified transponder versus walking 1200 for now autopilot we already tested it alrighty best part we get to shoot the flight plan up to the screens alrighty this goes like this shoot it up there there it is we'll go enter activate that looks good to me all right cabin heat defrosts power's coming up already we're lighting up the battery looking for positive charge we're gonna do alternator two tests that looks good alternator one test that looks good we don't need pedo heat all right 1750 one to the left it's a good drop back to both two to the left one two about the same back to both we're looking good all right power's coming back everything's in the green land to traffic 070 Papa departing or Runway one seven straight out really on the right we'll clean the left all right anything goes wrong on the initial ground rule we're going to stop we take off and something happens we can put it right back down if we take off and we have no Runway left we're gonna go capsule Lab at 600. all right let's run away one seven I see it fuel pump and mixture is finally coming on it's rock and roll all right take off power set and Achieve one get Engine air speed is alive 60 knots there's rotation speed birds off to our right do a little steeper climb out 90 knots positive rate clear Bob school's flaps coming up traffic off to our left that we're looking for real line of traffic 072 pop departing Runway one seven straight out last call or the up one one seven let's call real later foreign mode we're gonna stay under the Charlie pilot flight level change caps is live all right that's good that's good flops are up we're climbing good get my trusty pen out departure lows here's three one seven zero Papa I'll put Rio Linda 1000 climbing 1300 looking to pick up our IFR to Half Moon Bay please maintain a VFR in stock you can code four two three three four two three three two nine eight seven I'll maintain VFR for seven syrup all right four two three three two nine eight seven I see it looking good all right we keep our climate going up to 6 000 he gave us our code flight level change 120. we're looking outside number seven here Papa right four miles Southwest of the Rio Linda airport one thousand three hundred all right position checks and altitude checks number sevens here about the year clear actually uh audio Clinic here in a couple of uh 100 feet Rogers are the Sacramento Executive Airport class Delta goes up to 1600 I see his pass in 1600 let's go direct Sac VOR app mode let's get our mixture up let's get our power up you clear to Half Moon Bay Airport via heading of uh one seven zero seven maintain seven thousand all right we're clear to Half Moon Bay Airport via heading 170 up to seven thousand seven correct all right so we filed what we thought was gonna be good but sounds like they're just gonna give us vectors so we're heading 170. I see it we're cleared up to seven thousand have a great night let's go all right we are 2.7 climbing at 7 000. we've got Downtown Sacramento after I left your papa I'm alternate routine for uh afternoon Bay let me know when you're ready copy we're ready for summer pop 2705 per year clear to the half moon bear Airport via direct Sunol and then direct the airport to half my Bay Airport via direct Sunol the direct destination temperature directional I don't know how to spell cinahl so we're gonna see if we can find it really quick and if not we're just gonna ask him how to spell it and three one seven three probably you don't mind can you spell outs and all for us please remember myself heading of 170 is fine for now one seven zero for now thank you all right looks like he just wants us on the 170 heading so with Sacramento executive off to her left beautiful atlantical plan pretty hazy I think there's some fires up North so thank you to all the firefighters working their tails off this summer couldn't imagine having that job November 17th here Papa it's about Sierra uniform November Oscar Lima whenever you have that dial then just let me know in your clear directional all right so now we'll look it up and let you know when we're direct to 700 pop foreign shout out to the NorCal traycon they're incredible this guy that's on I don't hear him a lot but he's always very patient people win I do hear them and he sure was patient with me when it's a busy evening and I need help spelling something out so thank you California we are bringing our manifold back to below 30.5 we're going to mixture back to the green area be around 15. and we're all cruised out well guys we're gonna turn the cameras off we'll let you know when we're in our descent to Half Moon Bay should be a fun approach so stay tuned thanks for watching [Music] alrighty guys we're in our descent to Half Moon we're 5.7 descending 5 000 we're getting vectored around the the busy airspace of San Francisco it's a beautiful beautiful evening I'm not picking up the awos even with squelch on so I just hopped on foreflight 15 minutes ago wind three two zero to eleven visibilities five overcast 800 missed it's cool it's 59 2.55 altimeter three zero zero three so it should be a fun approach we're gonna expect the um GPS Runway 3-0 it's a wasp approach coaches three zero two got 4 200 feet to land touchdown elevation is 54. we have the weather we're talking to NorCal one two two point eight will be the Unicom all right we got there we're gonna expect to get vectored outside of Rolly I believe that's how you pronounce that at about 3 300 won't get the Glide path down to 381 which is 327 above the ground we only need a mile visibility this approach uh climbed to 4 000 direct likey and holds track 267 to seams and hold and then we'll continue the climb and hold to four thousand missed MSA pardon me 4 500 feet there's gonna be some Hills off to our west east so yeah that's our approach briefing and we'll let them know that we need the Honda Runway 3-0 approach number 317 advise uh approaches West into Half Moon Bay in advised with the one minute weather yes sir we have the one about weather uh requesting the RNA of GPS Runway three zeros remember seven Sierra Papa Roger rnf Runway 3-0 uh you can expect direct yumda to join the approach and uh is it gonna be a full stop yes sir full stop and it will expect direct jump uh for seven Turbo thank you I have a phone number for your copy for your IFR cancellation on the ground just advise them ready to copy all right ready copies number seven fear Papa the phone number is Niner one six three six one three eight two niner 916-361 [Applause] -3829-4705 number seven sir Papa Rebecca is correct thank you thank you sir we're just doing a quick turn so I'm gonna try to file right when we get on the ground [Applause] should be a beautiful approach I'm excited to take you guys through it all right let's do Cent checks Oxygen's good altimeter since we're going doing an approach we're gonna really make sure we have the right one three zero zero three I see it cabinet defrost we're gonna leave the AC on Landing lights on fuel system looks good looks balanced fixture is great brake pressure I feel brake pressure [Applause] it's warm out but since we're going in the clouds doing an approach I just I like to just keep it on rather be safe sorry beautiful sunset we have San Jose airport right off to our left girlfriend and I watched Taylor Swift there at the other night it was really fun we saw SJC spotter also known fly with Owen um circling the stadium during the concert yeah 14.95 my girlfriend was watching Taylor and I was watching the plane go running around it was it was a really fun number seven here Papa got an aircraft on the ground a Half Moon Bay at the moment still waiting on the cancellation from them so I just have to hold you just have to jump there for a bit Roger might make it a hold don't get this much here probably the guy he uh cancel now you can turn right direct jump down all right return direct jumped up for seven zero pop thanks any chance for lower uh number seven say about the same about one second one zero thousand maintain one zero ten thousand Southwest 199. [Music] 3 5 United 878 have you turned five degrees right contact the first one two zero point three five two zero three five and uh five degrees to the right unit 8.78. Eva zero two eight heavy Nor Cal approach San Francisco Niner and uh verify you're at one zero thousand three hundred that guy canceled we're still at 4 000 or directed looking good cleared our never only three zero approach Half Moon Bay airport hi cross agenda at her about four thousand cleared are now GPS running three zero happier today all right whoa these are Final Approach fix and that's next all right we're gonna stay at 4 000 here and just wait until the Glide path captures for the Glide path captures though I'm gonna get my first Notch of Flaps in just so I can control the speed the thing with these cirruses is they want to go they want to go fast and we got to be able to control them report cancellation IFR this frequency or on the ground by the phone number provided change device frequency approved between you and F of a frequency change approved we won't forget to cancel off the phone except it's your pot I appreciate that all right first Notch flaps going in speed checks is good before landing seat belts fuel pump mixtures flaps autopilot we're looking good all right it captured at four thousand that looks good and the glasses are coming off [Applause] all right Half Moon Bay traffic 070 Papa four and a half mile final Runway three zero laptops were about 1700 got 24 knots of the nose it's pretty solid right to the thick of it all right 1400 for 800. looking good I know ground contact yet back 1200 for 380. Half Moon Bay traffic 07 sir Papa three mile final Runway three zero full stop Half Moon Bay all right we're one thousand for 380. looking good trying to get some breaking all right we're 900 for 380. there's a white Arc flops are coming full gonna be some balance so we're going to keep it coming down keep it coming down it's 800 looking outside all right eyes are up we got the runaway in sight happened in Bay traffic 072 publisher final Runway three zero full stop I think they wow what an incredible approach it's like another world down here right now all right 90 knots we're looking good let's run away 3-0 right on it's a localizer Landing all right we got another plane down there they're holding short now they're serious ah that was a nice one all right there's backflops are coming up I'm gonna try to call that number right away three one seven two Papa on the ground safely cancel IFR awesome thank you so much for calling us back in a timely fashion yes sir yeah thank you we just filed another IFR I'll call you back in a couple minutes here to uh okay departure uh yes sir we're going back okay just a quick turn around a different phone number to call for the departure Roger that I was just letting you know thank you so much you have the other number though um no I can look it up on foreflight though so no worries sir have a good day you too thank you sir Half Moon Bay traffic serious three one seven sir Papa clear Runway three zero taxi back three zero all right guys what a flight that was that was beautiful thanks for joining me and yeah we'll see you next time
Channel: Blaze Grubbs
Views: 5,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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