Cirrus SR22T Gen 6 | IFR from TMB to ORL | ILS 07 Approach with ATC audio

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[Music] 1000 rpm fuel flow looks good oh pressure looks good one two three amps one two three one two three all right let's get the atis cursor and enter it is one to 4.0 come all the aircraft requesting around when i write contact tower 118.9 these kosher remote control aircraft five miles southwest of 10 miami notice the air missions runway one three three one is modem closed taxiway charlie between echo and charlie one is closed taxiway hotel west of charlie is closed multiple cranes in the vicinity airport advisories are in effect advisor honors contact data information victor victor chairman tower information victor time two zero five three zulu weather win one two zero at seven weather better than five thousand five temperature two three two point one five altimeter two nine nine eight uh let's jump right in right approaching use landing and departing runway nine right and nine left simultaneous approaches are being conducted the parallel runways tower frequency for all helicopters and aircraft requesting runway nine left is one two four point nine all the aircraft requesting right when i write contact tower one one eight point nine please cross remote control aircraft five miles southwest of tam miami notice the air missions runway one three three one is modem closed attached to a charlie between echo falling 8.9 echo 5125 that miami ground series 918 charlie bravo ifr2 orlando executive standing by 439 monterey towers firefighter serious niner one eight charlie brock ready to copy number eight charlie bravo there's no flat ben in the system for you all right roger we'll try again hey charlie brown [Music] 1620 okay so that they have it now let's see and uh tammy emmy ground seriously charlie bravo we just sent it through let us know if it's in number 8 charlie bravo i have advised ready ready to copy a charlie brown privately orlando executive airport via radar vectors to shank sierra hotel alpha november charlie tango 208 class charlie be my echo foxtrot foxtrot tango347 baron child maintain 2 000 expect 7 000 one gear minutes after departure departure all right clear to the orlando executive airport via radar vectors to shank tango 208 that's clef tango 347 that to baron venice filed two thousand expect seven thousand one zero minutes after departure one two three point five on frequency and one three four six series nine or one eight charlie bravo hey charlie brought by the larger frequency one two five point five one two five point five eight charlie problem hey charlie bravo roger okay so we're gonna do transponder i can't believe i was able to copy all that in one three four six one two five point five is down here okay so new flight plan i'll show you guys how to do it from here we're gonna go to flight plan and we'll do menu we'll clear this one out [Music] okay one two three and a half flight there we go okay 439. uh the route said radar vectors to shank shane okay there we go got shank now tango 208 so menu load airway tango 208 to cleft there it is load and we go down [Music] and then load another airway in the blank here menu load airway tangle 347 to ban there it is load [Music] then k-o-r-l enter and there we go here we have victor time yummy charlie bravo at reliance aviation with victor ready to taxi november 9 charlie bravo team in the ground runway niner right taxi via echo cross runway one three center right via echo cross runway one tree nine one each other pro all right lights brakes work swing the plane swing the instrument so we'll turn left swinging brick goes to the outside of the turn other side swings bring to the other side magnetic compass is turning this guy this is level that's level verizon is level okay checklist this is all done flaps are at 50 radios are set kevin heat defrost sets switch to tank already parking brake is disengaged we're heading on to echo here make a right clear left clear right turning right brakes rechecked hsi orientation was good attitude gyro is good turn coordinator was good okay just have to look out for this guy this construction here all the yellow line all right so we'll switch to tower do a quick run up here 1000 rpm no one's behind us about 1700 right there all right load up the alternators alt two going up turn that off l2 going down we'll turn off the ac on alt one is going down back on we'll turn off research [Music] yes one okay engines in the green no enunciators back to one thousand time miami tower serious miner one eight charlie bravo holding short runway niner right echo one ready for departure roger we'll just uh come up to the short line right tiny tire traffic three mile final flighting zero nine zero nine right for takeoff sir niner zero nine right clear for takeoff nine or one eight charlie bravo okay we'll set the heading bug zero down sorry lima you're number two to follow commander passing off your right hand side row and nine all right clear two lands now we're gonna follow the traffic again right nine right verified in the box on the pavement and already charlie brown another wave two one thousand three one thousand four full power throughout the set airspeed to live gauges are into green [Music] no enunciators rotate positive rate of climb above all obstacles about 90 slaps up the dampers on we'll hand fly it a little bit up to two thousand heading zero nine or zero nice light off landing light off caps available padding mode over here bravo 1200 for 2 000 heading zero nine or zero departure contact maintain two thousand and turn left hitting two nine or zero two thousand left turn two niner zero hey charlie bravo says not four alpha yankees fought four three five five four three five months approaching 400 what's the uh 9000. perform with you fox your approach direct ocean reef descend maintain four thousand direct ocean reef and we'll cancel ifr first zero was fun here with the flushing rods you can't i have power to see if you want uh [Music] [Music] zero zero [Music] direct management damage [Music] right autopilot engaged [Music] padding mode altitude at 2 000 percent checklist [Music] in the uh take off [Music] oxygen not required power level there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we were just giving a crossing restriction at baron they said crossbar at 5 000. but the way you do that you want to program it in your flight plan just go to flight plan up there selected push the cursor in it's highlighted and then move over and then just put in five thousand enter accept now we have a type of descent here we're pretty close to it so our v-nav is saying okay you're going to have to set 5000 or we're i'm going to take you down to 5000 as long as we aren't the v-neck so we can set the altitude right now not going to go anywhere because we're still engaged at 9000. we haven't told the plane how to go down yet so set it now tell it how vnev so vertical path is now armed it's waiting to reach top of the sun here in order to start going down and we can verify that by going into menu show vertical situation display or show vsd enter there's the lady saying vertical track and there's our top of descent so it's our job to make sure that the airplane actually starts to descend once this magenta um vertical path indicator reaches the middle here and it'll tell us at what rate it's going to descend so that looks like 500 feet per minute okay vertical path is flashing that means that it is going down and we can verify that because we have a decent rate going down now on standby is altitude select or alt s so that means that it's going to stop this v-nav at 5 000 feet so that's how you use v-namp [Music] remember if this magenta says 5000 but you keep it at let's say you keep it at 7000 it'll start to go down but it'll level off at 7000 because you told it to stop at 7 so you're the one who sets the limit one six here this magenta magenta is saying what it's prepared to do about two six rows here we'll turn another 10 degrees left and uh do you want to set up for the ios 7 approach affirmative we'd love to do the i left seven and now we're turning 10 degrees left now hey charlie brown rachel thank you expect that all right so let's load ils we'll save from ezrak for now minimums is my plate for this fernando 7.5 view that fox shows we do 1 500 heading 0 5 5. number 7 from the departure rate of contact just maintain 1 500 you just full stop landing at uh stanford affirmative i'm gonna do a visual to nine left or nine right here call uh nine left would work perfect we're going to the north side there remember seven one five juliet fox had expected visual approach white knight in the left sanford wins one six zero [Applause] [Music] [Music] and it's not gonna affect your current heading because you're on heading mode activating it it's like telling nap to go direct enter enter but we're not on nav so it doesn't matter loading it would be if you're still using your flight plan your main flight plan like let's say we're still going directly then you just load it because it'll put the approach at the end of your flight plan and it won't affect it i hope that makes sense if you have questions about it let me know in the comments below let's go ahead and start briefing the secretary thank you [Music] there's the uh visibility [Music] orlando executives information yankee two one five three zulu observation win one four zero at eight visibility one zero light rain ceiling [Music] 9118 bravo thank you just maintain 3 000. 3 000 serious minor 1 hr problem all right go down to 3000 vertical speed negative 500 okay so let's go ahead and brief this we do have the minimum weather crate uh minima to [Music] do this approach [Music] does this take so long there it is ils runway 7 orlando florida for land executive 12725 we already have that [Music] orlando approach 124.8 i think we're going to stay with 94 or 135.3 that's what it's been lately executive power 18 8 so we'll load that one 8.71 [Music] radar services localizer iorl is the item identifier 109.99 that's set on the frequency final pressure core is zero sound three let's go to flight plan here and we'll scroll down zero seven three then more 2000 so that's the final approach fix crossing altitude that's where we will intersect the uh glide path or glide slope i left decision altitude 391 we have 390 in there we'll take into account the one foot touchdown zone elevation 109 so if we have the approach lights in sight we can go down to one nine and continue with the uh continue with the descent from there if we see the airport this approach uh we'll leave that for the last part i like to keep things in order or in a chronological order sector altitude from the orlando vor 3000 feet so if we're disoriented and don't know where we are where we're going we'll climb up to 3 000 let approach know um but you know as long as we stay away from any anything from the ground all right uh known circling 3-1 not authorized at night not doing that only seven helicopter visibility reduction bullet okay we're not a helicopter [Music] uh at minimum flight conditions bright lights on highway half mile south of the airport may be mistaken for runway lights so that's the 408 either controlled lighting 18 7. so we're coming in from the south southeast we'll be making a right turn uh intercepting the localizer that 2000 [Music] follow the glide path down after denmark down to 391 we've got a mouser type lighting happies are to the left of the runway unmissed approach uh runway heading 1500 feet then on the on the uh radial 066 of the orlando vor then to m shell and hold so i did direct on our energy that's right any questions from anyone can always comment your questions join the final i'll have your approach after you're established and again maintain two thousand all right right here two thousand that's uh a charlie problem [Music] okay so the gps is trying to make us do the procedure turn um he's not going to have us do that otherwise he'd tell us to do it or we can always ask but he said he'll just have us intercept the localizer so what we're going to do is going to go to delete this just hold remove holding yes there we go all right the descent checklist oxygen required altimeter is set now we need the frost that is required landing light on fuel system check we can go to the fullest tank here power lever as required we're uh two minutes from the initial approach fix so we're gonna do mixer ridge power back to about 18 manifold we want to be at 120 knots now for the approach [Music] okay we'll do this before land checklist now seat belts seat belt and shoulder harness is good no pump is on boost make sure full ridge for full ridge flaps that's required autopilot as required okay it's two then identified because it says i o r l next to the frequency three two four eight tango definite policy question maintain two thousand down to two thousand four i think there we go one six zero one six zero santos here we have a uh a ghost of the localizer intercept the localizer 918 problem okay zero three zero one heading we're gonna go to uh procedures [Music] activate vector to final verify that this is green and it is he told us to intercept the localizer so to tell the autopilot to do that you know we can always just do it if we're hand and then it'll kick off heading [Music] see that so when really 26 you're going to intercept the localizer or join the approach you hit now expect so localizer is alive should start turning to the right from them if it doesn't then handle it [Music] approach covers them plus [Music] runway heading seems like uh number 9018 bravo contact executive tower on 118.7 118.7 charlie bravo have a great evening two head to flight 2378 flighting okay over to exec tower orlando executive power series 9018 charlie bravo inbound ils 7 full stop number 918 solid bravo orlando executive tower continue for runway 7.01806. continue for runway 7a charlie brown okay so we're on the localizer [Music] we're going to wait for the glide slope to become to come alive about half dot deflection or half deflection or one dot above will bring the flaps down to 50 and slow down to 100 knots and there it is glideslope is alive turn this off we are in the fullest tank boost mixture rich fights as required so there it goes one dot deflection below 150 flaps 50. [Music] bring the throttle back we'll do about 15 on the manifold see how that works three for exchange now we could probably do uh three let's try 13. right and we're going down so uh let's hand fly this might fly controls we'll maintain the glide slope and the localizer and we'll start the timer number nine one eight charlie bravo runway seven thunderland runway seven clear to last niner one each other problem okay so a little high trying to not cheat here [Music] bring the power back a little more it's okay to get a little off as long as you know to correct and always do small corrections so this white dotted line that tells you what your ground track is so use that to know if you're correcting or not when it's completely covered by the green line it means you're going to stay on the green line if it's uh kind of off to the side well then you're not going to be on the on the uh localizer you're gonna keep deviating all right so we're waiting for three minutes and 52 seconds [Music] actually three minutes and 29 seconds because we are doing about 100 knots over the ground [Music] we are clear to land so ice light on [Music] we're a little bit below the glide path so we'll correct by adding a little bit of power and bringing the nose up just a bit there we go [Music] executive tower santos 1352 isla 7. santo 1352 orlando executive tower runway seven clear to land your following traffic from the bottom seven cleveland santos 1352 some more power getting a little slow here 8 100. [Music] they're approaching minimums get that glide path back the glass loop i mean [Music] okay 162 minimums [Music] approaching minimums all right looking out continuing below 110 yeah below 10 flat 4. power down a little bit there we go reinsert some more power about 80 to 85 is our breath and power idle right over the runway bring the nose up or level level the nose keep the nose level oh there we go laps 50. that was fun you know heat off ice light off nav lights off all right that is how you do an eyelet landing light off extra to the x we'll put this back in and we'll switch to expect 8 000. this is zero seven two two departures 19.4 and we want one thousand dollars 484 whiskey whiskey uh the read back is correct and just to reiterate the climb out is via the sid uh you initially said three thousand uh that's uh it's gonna be uh that's not on the so just climb out via the sid the rest of the read was correct though state park sergeant bradshaw there and we'll find the other side 484 thank you sir land executive ground serious 918 charlie bravo clear of seven at alpha six going to atlantic on echo first 918 executive ground six to park [Music] you
Channel: FlyByGarrett
Views: 38,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Flight, Training, airplane, pilot, general aviation, GA, Garrett, Munguia, Garrett Munguia, SR22T, Turbo, Garmin, Perspective, NXI, Xi, Cockpit, ILS, VNAV, Cirrus
Id: O3dlmht8n0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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