Circus Circus and the Adventuredome

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and good morning to you las vegas now looking out my window up there from the strat i was looking across the street there's some sort of secret construction project going on and there's some odd things over here just saw a lot of colorful figures and whatnot yeah i don't know this almost looks like a carnival or if there's some sort of carnival being torn down here or possibly erected or yeah i'm not sure this is right across from the stratosphere don't really know what i'm looking at a hundred percent almost looks like these are sculptures made of like wire and cloth so yeah anyone who knows what this is um leave a comment in the comments section looks like we've got a little t-rex over there so as i'm driving out of this parking lot it appears that there's some sort of tradition of either jumping up and kicking that beam or taking your shoe off and smacking there are so many shoe prints on the beams here i i wouldn't want to take my shoes off in a in a parking garage here in las vegas but i don't know is this some sort of phenomenon [Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the wonderful city of las vegas now every day here in vegas we've been trying to stay in a different hotel a different themed hotel and um i can't say in all of them there's too many hotels to stay in every single hotel here in las vegas so i figured during the day i could check out some of the attractions and some of the hotels that i may not be visiting because almost every hotel has something cool and it's something unique or individual so we're right now we're in front of the venetian hotel this is a hotel themed like venice and i want to check out they have a gondola ride supposedly that takes you through the hotel on a gondola let's go check that out follow me they have an outdoor gondola tour as well but i actually wanted to check out the indoor gondola tour ceilings in here painted almost like a sistine chapel the ambiance in here is amazing looks like the streets of venice and even the sky looks incredibly realistic so unfortunately looks like there's a two-hour wait right now to get on the gondola and it looks absolutely wonderful looks like an absolute amazing ride unfortunately i do have previous commitments so i'm not going to be able to ride the gondolas at this time we can still get a view of this wonderful gondolas it appears to the gondolas make periodic stops along the way to listen to musical performances it's pretty pretty cool [Music] [Music] stop and get a little bit of lunch here at mercato della peshiria pretty cool eating environment here my water was served out of a wine glass and my bread was brought to me in an old tomato can it's an appetizer we got some caprisi salad tomatoes and mozzarella and basil looks yummy looks like these are like heirloom tomatoes so beautiful [Applause] very tasty and look at this my prosciutto sandwich comes on this baking board so it's got some potato chips with it very nice looking all right let's try this prosciutto sandwich looks pretty good that's a mozzarella prosciutto tomato [Music] very good you can taste the olive oil in there really good sandwich and since this is a three-course meal i get uh dessert with my lunch these are zeppeli's little uh italian donuts looks like it comes with some chocolate there this looks pretty good [Music] it is very good very very good [Music] and here across the street from the venetian we have the statue of siegfried and roy uh the beloved magicians from here in las vegas where they performed years and years and years i believe that is siegfried that's roy posing there with one of their famous white tigers sadly roy was severely injured during one of their shows when a tiger bit him on the neck and gave him serious injury and damage and they're now both passed away sadly oh no that that tarping has torn away and is ruining the illusion that that is a completed building we're here outside of treasure island and this giant pirate ship in front and i notice there's tracks under the water so this must have moved at some point i think someone said there used to be a a pirate show out here in front um i don't know i mean i don't think that's operational anymore all right we are now heading to our hotel selection of the evening and we have arrived just look at that sign that flashing neon clown all my life i've been dying to stay in a clown based hotel so yes tonight we're staying at circus circus hotel supposedly they have a full-sized indoor amusement park known as adventure dome which i guess claims to be the largest indoor amusement park so i'm looking forward to checking that out but let's get checked in to the circus it's not exactly very circusy in this hallway all right and it is time for our room reveal [Music] oh it's dark let's get the lights turned on and i don't know is uh more lights in here turn some lights on there we go got two twin beds and this picture is uh not circus related well it's brightly colored kind of but uh let's see the view we are on the 18th floor so not bad we can uh kind of got an obstruction here this other tower is in our way but we can see a fair amount of vegas got a little desk there to uh edit videos it's our tv setup and and one thing i didn't notice no room i've had so far it has a refrigerator or a microwave in it just a interesting note i guess that's not standard in las vegas and let's check out the bathroom there's our sink and our soap and our bathtub again you know that photo or that picture is uh has some color to it but not distinctly circus related and uh some people complain about checking the toilets they gotta make sure the toilets are clean toilet is clean so the room seems pretty decent don't see anything that sticks out as being wrong or any problems oh i almost forgot to do the pillow test yeah he's not the best he's not the best still better than the golden nugget but uh not too bad let's check the towels let's check the towels too i'm always curious to check the towels oh yeah these look like some wretched towels these are very thin yeah very very sandpapery feel but uh yeah pretty standard stuff and um i was just thinking like hopefully and i want to speak too soon soon because uh the night is young but there's been an issue there's been an issue with every hotel um first night when we stopped at the golden nugget there was a dirty towel on the sink in the bathroom and then i went to new york new york and then the door got jammed the uh the latch flipped and locked me out of my room and then um oh gosh i keep forgetting where we were at then then excalibur yeah they had the and i found the weird found the weird key and lock picking tool in um in the bathroom minor thing but still unusual and then at the stratosphere we we walked in and someone was already in the room laying on the bed watching tv um so so far no disasters here at circus circus but uh again the night is young right in the center of the casino they have circus acts performing it's actually a trapeze act going on over top the casino as we speak because heading up these stairs takes us to a closer look at the surface ax happens oh oh wow oh no here they go oh they got it oh careful oh nice we actually have a carnival midway over here with some different games it's like a water shooting game and some sort of camel racing game here there's a bar shaped like a carousel a carousel top there but i guess it's a bar new set that's uh carousel horse themed chairs all right let's try this classic milk bottle game all right guess i got one shot this bean bag to knock down uh these milk jugs let's give it a shot oh i actually got it i'm shocked okay uh i'll take uh the yellow one all right we want a little little popsicle man oh the people throw the balls in the holes and the more balls they make into the certain holes the more the horses move you can see them racing oh who's going to win i think that white that white one's going to head oh here it goes yo man oh the others are catching up catching he up soaring i don't know which one of these people is riding the white horse oh no so this black horse just pulled ahead number eight you never never crown out never count a good horse out like number eight oh number eight number eight is this kid right here let's get right here he's winning oh no now number four is a contender this is really this is tense this is tense oh number eight number eight just made it number eight one yeah you won now this looks interesting here the chicken in the pot game i guess you gotta hammer these chickens and get them to land in the pot all right so i get four chickens to try to uh get in to the pot i guess okay put a chicken on there and then use this hammer down right there try to flip him into the pot oh see see how it goes okay all right let's give it a shot should i just oh look at the flying chickens i'm just gonna wail on it i'm just gonna hit it as hard as i can oh not great chicken number two i don't know the best placement for the chicken maybe have him maybe have him sit up maybe that will be that would be good maybe there we go and i think like a quick sharp hit get him in oh he landed on the on the grill but not in the pot is this okay this seemed to work pretty good so let's uh get that pot coming and oh not not as good okay one more chicken one more chicken we'll put them up like that and uh give it a good whack here oh dang it all right let's give this lily pad game a try how many guys uh just one other way other way okay get eight eight balls try to uh so trying to stick a ball in a moving lily pad i guess it's hard oh no oh oh bounce in a yellow one but then bounced out [Music] oh that one bounced out of one bounced into another and then bounced into the water so i don't know what the trick to this is [Music] one more ball [Music] oh landed in a clear one you get the clear one you win three balls back so i guess the key is to get it into one of the colored into one of the colored dishes which is much harder because there's less of them dang it final ball didn't even just plopped right in the water all right let's give the cannery a shot got to get a ball into a milk can all right so i got one ball one milk can just gotta sink it in no leaning dang you can see that carousel bar from there then we got these 3d murals tiger bursting out of the ring of flames so yeah free circus acts with midway games and a giant arcade it's probably the best arcade i've seen uh so far on this trip to bags and i've been to a few but now it is time to head to the adventure dome all right here we are the gate of the adventure dome oh wow it truly is a dome there's this big rock sculpture right in front oh there's people in the drop tower look at them drop big crazy disc root there oh man i hate that stuff look at them oh look at this got a roller coaster there it comes carousel looks like it's got some pretty interesting figures on it see got some horses there's a lion a pig oh i love that dragon i love that bunny the bunny's always my favorite got a spinning plane right here with various planes and helicopters looks like there's a mini golf course here we got this this skeletal pirate it looks like he's slightly animatronic just kind of nods his head a little bit bus ride here one of those rides of the bus does a crazy loop oh here it comes wow the roller coaster like wines it's way too like the entire amusement park oh another loop dang [Music] so the pink roller coaster is called the canyon blaster and this yellow one oh my gosh that's upside down it's called el loco oh that stopped abruptly oh there it goes oh that looks painful the really slow upside down curve and then it just like stops really fast at the end this thing looks absolutely ludicrous it is an absolute metal piece of spaghetti look at this oh my gosh where are they even going what a terrifying mess uh look how they like dip to the side whoop and then down and oh that looks painful oh my gosh that looks horrible upside down how long they're upside down we have people here doing some magnet fishing oh i guess supposed to catch the red one not catch the yellow ones this here's called the inverter oh my gosh yeah it's definitely inverting those people there oh i have a feeling i have a feeling this is about to get way worse so yeah those are humans sitting right there being oh there we go oh oh no no oh my gosh look how long it hung them upside down oh no it's gonna go all the way it's oh my gosh that truly is an inverter truly is inverting these poor souls right here oh no are they going for another terrifying inversion what a monstrous piece of equipment what sadist invented this in his torture lamp oh oh look how there hey in there oh no no let them go don't don't no please for the love of god free these people oh my gosh oh my god it just never ends apparently apparently these people just live in there now oh my gosh i can hardly turn i can hardly walk oh stop please stop please stop oh okay finally finally oh my god we have an old school fortune teller here let's use our card to uh get our fortune red [Music] all right folks you know what this means i'm me get these get these dancing for us there we go got the truck going this horse there you go we got the horse going we got the truck going and let's get the merry-go-round going as well there we go carousel oh someone i didn't even i didn't even have to pay for that nasa ship someone else started that but yeah this this is vegas this is vegas oh my gosh what am i even witnessing here there's people being flung and spun good gracious uh oh looks like we got a traffic jam over here don't turn it all the way oh another traffic jam that girl is texting while driving oh look at this got some more uh more rides let's get this donkey dancing all right the train going and uh oh they have bozo bozo here you gotta you gotta swipe it in the truck [Music] there we go why is bozo not moving and here's oh there he goes there he goes you have free rides for everyone hop aboard i forgot to get this tonka truck going [Music] it's so [Music] all hard so there we go i guess the tiger trucks decided not to work oh there it goes there it goes there we go everyone everyone's racing uh oh looks like someone slid another pizza flyer under the door now i talked about how uh this is often a scam in my in my other video but uh someone in the comments section they actually looked this place up and it was on the internet that it was ranked but it was apparently ranked as being um i think the worst pizza in las vegas but uh i do wonder maybe it's you know sometimes there's two different there's two different angles to the scam either they're stealing your credit card or someone is just making the food at their house and uh and bringing it out to people and maybe using like cheap ingredients subpar subpar food and charging way more for it but thank you once again for joining me on another day here in las vegas i really like circus circus um it's not the newest shiniest of of all the casinos but it's got a real charm to it having the um having circus acts performing over the casino the cool old school midway and then a full amusement park indoors so yeah this definitely gets a thumbs up from me um appreciate you guys watching we'll continue doing this vegas trip day after day after day i think i have let me see i guess i have to think for a second i think we have three more days three more days where i'm here in vegas there'll be three more hotels but keep in mind i am during the day i am going out and filming other locations locations that i feel deserve their own exclusive video and i will be uploading those once i get home at the end of this trip and there's some really good places in there i'm really excited to show you some of them um in the meantime please subscribe and then you'll know whenever a new video is out if you enjoy these videos because they're going back and watching some of my older videos i've been to the 48 continental united states and filmed roadside attractions amusement parks museums and haunted houses in all of them uh if you'd like to find other ways to support the channel consider donating a patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month and um also having some uh some goodies in the etsy shop all that just helps keep this train on the tracks this boat on the water and this dirigible in the air until next time this one is in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 125,663
Rating: 4.941102 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, circus circus, hotel, casino, adventuredome, amusement park, theme park, carnival, games, the venitian, gondola
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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