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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love now in today's video i wanted to change things up a little bit now when i'm not in the kitchen cooking or doing something else i'm usually outside working in my yard a lot of my flowers and plants that have been blooming beautifully this spring and early summer are starting to give out and they're starting to fade and i wanted to show them to you before they really die out i have been wanting to do this earlier like maybe a couple of weeks ago but it's been raining so much that i never got the chance so today was a beautiful day and i thought i would do that so i'm going to start out right here behind me and i'm going to show you some of the plants that i love out in my front and backyard this one right here is my oak leaf hydrangea now the reason it's called an oak leaf hydrangea is because of the shape and design of the leaf you see now these flowers that you see are ivory beige in the spring and then as a time goes by they start to get a little darker and darker and then they get brownish wine colored and look at them they are so beautiful right now see this is one of the reasons why i love this oak leaf hydrangea now we didn't know it was gonna get this big we thought it was gonna be like two feet three or four feet but it just got huge and we're not able to walk in and walk out on the sidewalk because this oak leaf hydrangea has just taken over as you can see my ron put some stakes there trying to keep it back because it was falling forward and so it needs to be pruned so after i prune it down it should be a lot smaller and down here on the ground i've got some supertunia bordeauxs these should have been covering up all that ground there but because we haven't had a lot of sun and it's been raining a lot they just haven't taken off like they did last year but they're still pretty i can appreciate them anyway now right here i've got my pinky winky hydrangea this pinky winky hydrangea i mean i searched for it everywhere a couple of years ago because i wanted it so bad and none of the nurseries had it eventually with time i found it and i put it in and it was really small it was like a foot high and now look at how big it's gotten now these flowers right here they're cone shaped as you can see from the middle down it'll be a bright beautiful pink and from the middle up it'll be ivory beige just the way it is right now now all those little beads up at the top are all going to open up and then it's going to be all covered in those flowers that you see there so it still has a way to go before it shows its real beauty but this is one of my favorites now this lone flower that you see in the back is my stilby see and it was really bright bubblegum pink and now it's starting to get darker more of a wine color and then after a while it's going to get brown and then you can either cut it down or just leave it there and so right now it's looking a beautiful wine colored but it was real bright baby pink now right here is my allium you see all those pom-poms they're starting to change color and these pom poms are starting to look pink but they're gonna get real dark lavender purple and now it still has a lot of new little buds that haven't opened up yet but this is also one of my favorites it's just so pretty and i put them in bases all around the house and they don't drop any of their petals or anything it just stays beautiful and purple vibrant back here in the back i've got some of my salvia now this salvia was beautiful in the spring and right now it's just less and less i'm seeing less and less of these flowers every day because you know they're starting to die out now before you know it i'm going to cut them down all the way to the ground and then they'll be big and beautiful again next year this is my wine and roses this bush right here is my wine and roses if you look at it now you can't really appreciate it much it just looks like a bush but in the springtime it'll be covered in big beautiful bunches of pink flowers as you know already i love pink and purple and lavender i just love the combination of those colors against the green and the black of the ground and right here i have my russian sage denim and lace this one right here it smells beautiful kind of like in between peppermint and vicks it's a scent that i just have a hard time describing but it's beautiful almost i wish there was a perfume that smelled like this i like to cut some of these little branches and i stick them in a vase all around the house and the whole house will smell but since it's young i really can't cut it down too much because i just put it in early this spring but this whole area that you see behind it is going to be covered because it's going to get big like maybe four feet high and about two feet wide so it'll cover all that area there down here at the bottom i've got some white supertunias and i like my white supertunias tucked in there because i like the way they look with the knockout roses in the back now this knockout bush was covered in roses but you know they already bloomed and i went ahead and deadheaded them all and some of them are starting to come back and in here in the back in the middle i have some coral colored little roses in there and these just bloom and they shrivel up and fall and then they bloom again and they're just so pretty this right here is my fall mom now if you go to the grocery store during the fall time like halloween time thanksgiving you'll see these pots with mums they come in yellow and orange and plum color that's what this one is and this is a plum color so every little tiny bead that you see right there is going to be a flower so it's not time for it to bloom but when it does it's striking these right here in the front these yellow and green that you see up here in the front are my hostas and i put them in here because i just thought that it looked really nice against the black of the ground the contrast and these back here are my coleus and these are going to get to about four feet high and then there's four of them so they're going to be really tight in there and it's going to look like a thick hedge they're going to be lime green yellow with that wine colored tip against my lime green hostas i think it's going to be striking here and i'm excited about them this is the first time that i put these in and i'm excited to see how they're gonna look right behind my green yellow hostas these two lime green ones that you see back here are the same as these except these are just lime green and they don't have any color besides a lime green but i think that these are going to look really pretty against these coleus during the fall now this right here is my sedum now every one of those little bunches right there are gonna be pink right now it's just green but all those little beads that you see are all gonna be little pink flowers but you won't be able to see them pink till about the end of august september and then in october and they'll be pink and beautiful now this hydrangea right here that you see is my endless summer hydrangea now depending on whether your ground is high acid or high alkaline they'll be either pink or blue mine are pink now i like to cut these down and put them in bases inside the house and they just last so long and they're so pretty this is one of my favorite little areas here now i put in some white supertunias in there and i think that the combination of the pink and the white look really pretty together and here's more of my allium now these haven't changed colors yet as you can see they're still kind of greenish but they're going to get vibrant in lavender and they're going to be so pretty in there now the lavender of the allium and the pink and the white together is gonna be really striking now these right here are my lilacs now right now they're just green and they don't have any flowers or anything on them go ahead and post a picture on the screen just so you'll know what they look like this past spring now every time i come out this front door to get the mail i can smell them and it's just like somebody just sprayed perfume in the air they just smell beautiful now these two little lime green bunches that you see in the bottom those are my little stone crop they won't get any bigger than that and they they're not gonna bloom flowers or anything they just stay that color but i noticed that the ground was really dark and it needed something in there so i put those two little bunches i think they look pretty in there against the darkness of the ground now these are my supertunia bubblegum all the pink that you see are super tunias and then the lavender right here is my super tunia bordeaux and i went ahead and put the pink and the lavender together because i like the combination of the lavender and the pink and then these right here that you see this is my truffula pink gumprina it's got a long name but it's just a simple little plant there but all those little pink pom-poms you know i'm going to cut them all down as you can see it looks like a little lollipop now you can cut these into little bunches and make a wreath out of them and they don't fade and you can actually bring the wreath out year after year and the little pom-poms will continue to stay pink just like that so last year i had a bunch of them in the back and this year i decided to put two on the right and two on the left right there on the steps i've got two more right there see and then i've got some buttercup petunias in the pots right here right here i've got my chives i come out here and i cut some of those chives down when i'm making a potato salad or something you know i have it there now these right here are my day lilies there's only one yellow day lily that you can see there see but in the spring all this front part was covered with hundreds of yellow flowers just like that one that you see there so this was a striking little wall here it just looks so beautiful in the spring now these black-eyed susans were in the backyard and i didn't like the way they looked so i took them out and i came and i put them here under this new tree that we put in last year see it's still a small tree but it's gonna get really big and this tree is gonna get bright yellow almost the color of these black-eyed susans this tree is gonna be bright yellow but we won't see it bright yellow until the fall and unfortunately we're not here in the fall because as you know we only live here in ohio six months out of the year so when it's the most beautiful is when we're not here now as you can see the city is going to widen up this street so right now our corner here is a mess and but it's going to be beautiful when they're done so every morning at about 6 30 in the morning i start hearing the caterpillars and the trucks going by so we've got a messy corner here but i just wanted to show you what it looks like see so when i talk about my front yard and my plants and all that you'll know what i'm talking about and i'm glad i got to come out today and show you what i have because i think that slowly as the days go by they're starting to fade and everything is slowly giving out and i made it just in time i wanted to do this a couple of weeks ago and i never got to do it so i'm glad i came out today and i showed you this so next time in one of my cooking videos when i talk about my yard and i talk about some of my flowers or i show you some that i have in a vase you'll know where i got them from now these are white seedless grapes and they're going to be sweet and delicious now as you look down like this and over here are the concord grapes and those are gonna be red and juicy and delicious and i'm gonna make a lot of jam and jelly out of them look at these see so what i usually do is i come in here and i just cut some of these leaves off like this see i just cut them down so that the sun can hit them and they're starting to change a little bit as you can see see this one and then before you know it they're all gonna be red and beautiful and they make the most delicious jam and jelly look at these right here see see how they're changing colors now this is the way they're all going to look as the time goes by that means i'm going to be very busy making a lot of jam and jelly because of all these grapes that we have now i've got some of my super tunia bordeauxs here and my little yellow super bells and i've got some more right here and some more right here i just love the color yellow and the purple combined i just think it looks really really happy together so this is where my ron and i like to come out in the evenings and sometimes i'll make sandwiches or we grill out here and we'll bring it out here we'll sit here at the table and and drink a glass of wine or something and this is where we like to spend it in the evenings if we don't have a lot of mosquitoes or rain but so this is where we usually grill and this is where we usually relax now sometimes in the morning when it's really cloudy and beautiful i'll also bring breakfast out here and my ron and i like to have our breakfast and our coffee out here and it's really cool and we can hear all the birds and it's just awesome out here and then there's days when it's raining and thundering so we don't get to do it but this is one of my little favorite spots back here in the patio now i'm gonna show you a bush that i really love now these three bushes right here are called orange rocket burberries now these three bushes are absolutely beautiful in the spring and early summer because the tips are bright vibrant orange and the inside of it i don't know if you can see it from there but it'll be lime green like yellow lime green so now the green has already darkened a little bit so it's not vibrant lime green yellow and the tops have gotten a little darker but in the spring and summer it is fire orange just like these little orange ones that you can see here and so we had the the blank garage wall here so i stuck the flag up there and since these are called orange rocket i just thought it went with a flag right now i just wanted to come out here and just show you what i have and show you what i like to do when i'm not inside cooking and wearing my apron and this is one of the few times when i'm not wearing an apron is when i'm outside so i hope you like my video and send me a comment or a question if you have one and thank you for joining me today
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 87,098
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Id: lzHN_RT0yTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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