Cinema 4D Tutorial - Marvelous Designer Workflows

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hey everybody it's EJ from I design comm and today we have a very special guest Teresa who's going to be sharing with us how to get your semaphore D characters animated characters export them out of cinema 4d into Marvelous Designer to add really amazing cloth simulation really cool clothes add them to your character save it out and bring it back into cinema 4d where you can add them to your character and render it out so let's go ahead and check it out [Applause] [Music] hi this is Theresa and I'm going to show you how to bring your animated character from cinema 4d into Marvelous Designer to give your character clothes so this is just a breakdown of my character which is used which I used with the bendy limbs rig so you can see I'm just unfolding all the different elements and it's all still separate parts that you can still edit or change and so at this stage we will be turning it into a single object but just showing you how you get there from this setup which are animated using keyframes into a walk cycle so you can check out the finished animation on my Instagram so it's really important first of all to have a tea pose at the very beginning of the animation this one so make sure you set a keyframe after you've set up the rig which you'll do in a tea or a pose anyway make sure you set a keyframe and then start animating the walk cycle I think I started between frames eight and twelve and give yourself a few frames for him to move slowly from the T pose into the animation otherwise it'll be hard with the clothes later on so to bring it in we need to make an Alembic so you can do that in a few different ways guy called grandma Tony told me you can put it in a Kinect object so ya grab a Kinect object just bring the whole mesh under there right click and bake as Alembic I haven't tried it myself so I guess that's an easy solution what I did was I used a plugin called nitro bake so yeah taking this whole mesh group just clicking on it click on nitro bake make sure you do single object and then yeah all the other settings are fine and then just nitro bake it so that's going to turn it into a single object which is that you can see there and you can compare it to the original animation and yeah it's the same it's just in a single object which you can move around however you want but it's best to keep it at the original position until you've got all the clothes and everything and then of course you can start moving it around even more so let's rename this to Lloyd walk and bring them back to a normal position and then you can bake from Alembic in cinema but I just like to do it from file export a lambic because it you just get a bit of a better overview of where to save it what you're going to call it so save it somewhere you'll remember yeah and and you make make sure you have all the right keyframes that you need or that should be fine and then you bake it so in Marvelous Designer bring in the Alembic which you just baked there it is the ABC file and you're going to be using this just make sure the settings are the same and you're going to use this as your sort of clothes horse to make your clothes so check that all the frames are there in the animation window yeah and then go back into simulation which is where you're going to be simulating sewing the clothes putting them on now this is a rookie error make sure it's on the tee pose because otherwise it's going to be really hard to address so just bring it back to the start of the animation and while you're simulating the clothes the animation doesn't move so it's fine just to keep it in this pose you need to look through many different two more tutorials if you actually want to learn how to make clothes well I'm just going to demonstrate something really simple it's not going to look very good for the actual clothes that I made it obviously took a lot longer I had a t-shirt and pants which were different materials because you can change the fabrics and like the thickness and and the elasticity I even made he is beanie in Marvelous Designer the one that you see here is just modeled in cinema yeah but but so so I would definitely recommend and there are loads and loads of tutorials for Marvelous Designer so it's definitely worth checking out if you actually want to make good clothes but I'm just going to make something just to demonstrate so I will just speed it up here until we need to start working with the animation again okay so here I'm looking for how to make the polygons of the cloth quadrangles because I think automatically they're triangles which makes it a lot harder to make it look smooth and nicer in the final version when you bring it back to cinema so right hand click and quadrangle 8 and before you animate it you'll want to make the particle distance a bit less I think I had it at 15 but to make it like really realistic then you're going to want to go down to something like 5 or 8 or something like that so just some final adjustments before we're going to go back to the animation window and let the clothes drape over the animating character oh yeah and you can also hear just having a look at the different fabric qualities that you can change you can the presets are pretty handy like you can make stuff look and move like denim wood but again that's just different tutorials that you should look into if you want to make your clothes more realistic so let's go back to the animation window and yep the clothes are there if we hit play nothing is going to happen or actually I don't really know what's going to happen but don't hit play you want to hit the record button and that will simulate through you can watch it you can move around but it's better to just leave it it takes a while sometimes and there you can see the cloths moving to the Alembic animation so just scrubbing through you can see how it's moving obviously you can go back change the lengths the type of fabric and then you can just animate it again but if we're happy with this just click on the garment export Alembic yeah name it something again save it somewhere that you'll find it again and here you have the settings make sure you click thin and weld otherwise you're going to get holes especially where there are seams I would not include the avatar shape because we've got him elsewhere that's all fine so now we're baking another Alembic which we'll bring back to cinema' so here we are again where we left Lloyd last time open the Alembic yep that should all match as it was and there it is there's the cluck the t-shirt and you can see in this lighting and everything you can see that the polygons the quadrangles which which we will smooth over with subdivision surface you can use smoothing as well if it's really bad but subdivision surface is perfectly fine looks like the arm is poking through but I think it might just be sometimes it just acts a bit weird in the first couple frames sometimes the timing is off by one frame but usually it's quite simple to figure out what's going on and this one looks like it just jumped back to normal so put the subdivision surface on and you can see straight away that the clothes look so much smoother they're a bit crinkled but that's just because they really bouncy yeah out of adding a cloth surface as well we'll give it thickness because at the moment it's just like a plane but adding yeah it's 1 centimeters way too thick it's like he's wearing a sponge so make it a bit thinner and it sort of like a cotton and then obviously make materials like a cotton material I was octane for mine really fun for using it for making different materials and yeah and that's it right so there you go that's how you can use any type of character including bendy limbs rig to be able to export that character out maintain that animation bake that animation out get into Marvelous Designer add that super cool very fashionable clothes inside of Marvelous Designer export that back out bring it back into cinema 4d and create something very cool inside of cinema so if you have any questions about this workflow please let me know in the comment section below and if you like this tutorial please like it if you like what i'm doing here please subscribe please give a lot of love over to Teresa and thank her for sharing her knowledge it's really really great and I'm sure she and I would both love to see anything that you create using this marvelous design of workflow so always be sure to tag me and Teresa if you'd like in Instagram on Facebook on Twitter all those places and I always love to see bendy limbs rig animations and characters so be sure to tag me with that as well and use the hashtag bendy limbs rig too so I can search for that on Instagram and be able to show it to the world so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye everybody
Channel: eyedesyn
Views: 215,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvelous designer, marvelous designer c4d, marvelous designer cinema 4d, marvelous designer workflow, marvelous designer c4d tutorial, cloth simulation, 3d cloth, cinema 4d character animation, cinema 4d tutorial, c4d tutorial, cinema4d tutorial, c4d character, c4d cloth, c4d clothes, eyedesyn, learn c4d, cinema 4d marvelous designer, c4d tut, cinema 4d, c4d
Id: HalTprS0ANI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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