Cinema 4D Tutorial - How to use Dress-o-matic

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hi guys it's Matt here from Maxon UK and in this tutorial we are going to be looking at how to use the dresser mode for the cloth tag so here you can see that we have a model ready we're going to put just a basic t-shirt on him and to do that I'm going to go into the front view now I'm going to just hold down well press em and then I'm going to use the polygon pen tool so M and a and then I'm going to draw what is going to be the roughest t-shirt shape that I can put together just to show you you know exactly how this works I can just quickly push this across so you're gonna want to be far more accurate with this than I am but I'm just going to give you the basic premise for this okay there we go and that has given me a polygon tool so I'm just gonna bring that forward okay so there we go we now have that the t-shirt there I'm going to do a little bit of work to this this it looks like he's wearing a giant thing so the easiest thing to just work on this for a second is I just want to subdivide it now I believe if I select that and go to my polygon mode select it and then right click and subdivide is going to produce something yeah pretty nasty so what I want to do I'm just going to spend a little bit of time just line cutting it so just to kind of bring in some quads it's much better to be producing that sort of stuff so I'm just going to come in there and then go down and the same so picking up the point and clicking that now it does leave me with an end on there so if I come down there we go still got an end gone but what I can do now with all of these selected I can right click and this is where I can subdivide and it will add some nice stuff in for me maybe I could get rid of that so that it's all quads but it gives me a nice you know we've got no nasty n-gons anywhere I am just going to get rid of that single line there so which is easily done by right click and dissolve there we go so I think it was seven I have I got two points there I think I've got several points over there but I can merge all of those together [Music] right click and well together there we go now I can be able to get rid of Vantage there yeah so now I need I need it slightly closer than that so I will create one that's just in front and I will create a copy that I shall put just behind and then I will select the two of them right click and connect and delete and now you can see that I've got the two which will form the front and the back so just going to my edge mode and then using bridge which is M and B I'm just going to attach the two sides missed attach the sides where there would be you know a seam and work my way around I'm just gonna speed this up before you guys so you don't have to watch me do this okay there we go you can see that we've got some normal issues so normals are which way the polygons are facing the orange ones are facing me as they should the blue ones are facing the wrong way but I can change with that right click and align normals and that will go with the majority there we go and we have all of that put together now so now with there we go and we're done his t-shirt is finished absolutely okay so what I'm going to do is go to my side view and I'm going to use my selection tool make sure and you know visibly Eunice is off and I'm just going to select all of those which is going to be the seam then with polygon selected I'm going to go to tag and simulation tags and I'm going to go to a cloth and then on my mail hype and a subdivision surface I'm going to go to tags simulation and I'm gonna go cloth Collider because we're going to want the t-shirt to collide with the body and fit around it otherwise it would just go through and it's not gonna work so with my tag selected and we know that I've got my polygon select there go to my tag go to dresser turn on dresser mode and what we need to do is we need to select the seam Poly's so these are the ones that it understands that our strip at the moment far too stretched and you select those and you see we've got these little yellow hatches that basically say okay I am the seam and we've got a width that that seam is going to be and then it's a simple case of pressing the dress O Matic button okay and it's going to over 20 steps figure out how to soften itself and merge itself around the body so I'm just going to click that so there we go that didn't do too bad a job at fitting that round obviously the more polygons you have the smoother that that transition will be but you can see that it's roughly tried to keep those a certain centimeter Ridge apart and you can change that by changing that number so if I was to click now say 2.5 and do the dresser Matic again it reverts to its original state and then does the calculation again but this time you can see that those seams are much smaller and we do get a bit of a better fit again what might be a good idea I don't think I can subdivide I can subdivide okay whilst there's a polygonal tool a tag on it but let's see what happens if I do dramatic again if it does anything any smoother okay so it took its initial shape and it's tried to sort that out but it's not done a particularly good job so if I was to undo I think if you do want to add in more geometry delete the tag right click and then subdivide so that we've got some more stuff in and then re-add your tag okay you'd need to set your polymer ooh actually I need to go under two again don't I there we go select all of them subdivide see it's so easy to make a mistake and then what I will do is I will reselect those which I now have to lots of and then set them and use the dramatic again and we'll see what that looks like for us okay it's a bit better I'm got any of those issues around the back some of the sides are a little bit strange but they're not too bad okay and we can add a little bit of thickness again as we've done before using the dresser sorry the cloth tag simply go up to simulate go to cloth I'm holding down alt with my polygon selected I should put in a cloth surface which means that you can choose a thickness so well it's a bit big so you can give that a little bit of depth maybe just 0.1 0.1 there we go and then you can put the cloth into a subdivision surface which would smooth stuff out even further okay you can see that the polygon is the polygons are quite far away from the t-shirt it's not you know it's okay but what causes that is under expert mode you've got point collision and you've got a certain distance that that will not go near and if you lower these to something like say 0.5 oops always do that 0.5 0.5 let's go back to that everybody right there we go and now if I was to redo the dramatic it's now a bit more skin Huggy around the neckline and the arms so it's going to take a little bit of experimenting for you guys to you know get the right sort of thing okay I hope that was a useful sort of quick start going for the dresser mode the dress o matic in cinema 4d thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe or check out blog max on Cote UK
Channel: c4dUK
Views: 133,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d software, 3d animation, cinema 4d, maxon, c4d, 3d, tutorial, rendering, animation, modelling, motion graphics, product visualization, lighting, simulations, cloth, dress, dress-o-matic
Id: bgO5GWmbpBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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