Mesh Growth with Cinema 4d Mograph and volumes

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hi guys welcome to pixel Affair it's kobby here so in today's video we are going to see how we will create this so This is actually something I actually saw some time ago from a tutorial on YouTube and it was like something done using Houdini right I actually looked for the I can't find it but was something similar to this and I had it in mind that I'll try and see if I can recreate this using Cinema 4D standard like normal mograph and the volume Builder to see if you can get something similar right and this what I came up with so we going to see how we set up something like this and it's quite simple so this is the original scene that I actually rended here and you can see it's growing up right basically and I actually B it into alen Beck so and actually play it for it to see and you can see this is the whole scene so let actually go into a whole new scene and see how we can create this from scratch so I have a new scene open here and I already have the bust in here and the bust is something I got from theone the asset browser so if I come into the asset browser in the models Tab and you come to the mellos folder can see you have a bust in here or you can simply search for bust and I think it will come up so now with the bust in here let's actually come into our mph menu here it will be here as well and create a matrix right let's make sure our Matrix select The Matrix come to the object Tab and the size let's set it to something like maybe let's go to various views and let's set the X size X to I think four will be fine four on The X and four on the Z two I think should be fine and then on the Y let actually increase the number of counts of the Y to 40 as well and now let's set the Y to something like five to see if it covers all we want to do is we want to make sure Matrix covers are B the head completely so I think this one does fine I think yeah maybe let's increase the wide maybe a bit six something like that so now that we have our Matrix covering our bu head that's what you want so let's make it a little bit smaller so I select the Matrix once again make sure um first of all the mode is now moved from per to end point so that the size that we've gotten doesn't change and then let's select the transform Tab and make sure the size is reduced to maybe something like .5 but in the original one I did it to like2 or3 something less but I reduce the scale of the matri is individual to like5 5.5 on XY Z something like this I think should be fine for the sake of the tutorial so that it can run a bit faster and let's go back into the Matrix um object and make this one maybe 50 something like that and now let's select the Matrix in fact I don't like the work plane right so let's actually come to fi and un check work plane and now let's we have the Matrix selected let's come into our fields and I add a plane effect and see it's moving object um our Matrix up I don't want that we don't want to move it we want to scale it so I'll select scale and check uniform scale and I'll set it to minus one right everything disappears now select the plane come to field stab and I'll create a spheral field right and you can see um where the C field it's scaling it down so let's actually move it make first of all make our fi a bit smaller something like that in fact let's hide the matri and we want it to grow from the bottom of the BS somewhere here right so let's make sure we move select e and move our um a f down somewhere here right um think somewhere here should be fine let's move it a bit back I think something like this should do so this is where we want our um head to start growing from so that's where we want our field to be basically so now let's bring back our Matrix and you can see that's where um it's being affected right now if we select the field once again and come into the um modes in here let's select let's choose Freeze from the modifiers and now let's drag the freeze down something like that and change the field from normal the blend mode from normal to either this add screen or Max add that's fine let's select the free zones again and change the mode down here from none to grow and now if you hit play and see our Matrix kills down from that point that our F this and that's what we want right SC down I think it's too far so maybe I'll set the train to maybe like 30 right the other thing is that I don't want it to skill like scale down I want it to rather reveal it instead of making it disappear so to do that if I hit can see it scales it down but I want it to make it scale it up so now select the plane once again come to the parameter parameters um perimeter tab here and make sure the transform mode is Chang from really to remap and now it does the upset so now you can see it's growing our um object and that's what you want use grow our Matrix but one thing is that it grows too clean because it's a sper field you want a bit of Randomness and turbulance in it so to do that I'll SEL this PL effect again come to field stab and in there now I'll click on the fields that we have here and I'll choose um Shader field right I'll choose the Shader field and then come to the Shader down here click on it and choose noise to add some noise to it I'll select the noise thumbnail click on it and then we can now go in here and choose one of these noises so we can click on this to choose by name I think the one I used in my original one was the hammer one something like that and then I'll change the skill to maybe 300 I think something like this right so now if we go back into our plane plane effector and the FI and the freeze modifier we can see the Shader is over shattering everything but we don't want it to affect everything all we want to affect is the radius of the freeze so now let's drag the Shader field onto the radius of the um freeze and now you can see affects if I hide the head actually and let's hit you can see there's a bit of Randomness but it doesn't move it doesn't grow like the way you wanted it starts and it stops right so for us to get it to grow maybe we can select the Shader once again keep going back and forth select the click on the thumbnail and now add a little bit of Animation speed to it maybe two one or two I think should be fine and knife I hit play I think we should be able to you can see something is happening right it's growing can actually also come back to the freeze modifier once again and also probably increase the radius to maybe 14 or 15 right and now you can see it's green but there's a little bit of Randomness to it and that's something that we want so this is basically how I got it to um grow so now let's increase our time frame to maybe something like 400 all right and now you can see it grows on exactly the way we want it right so what you're going to do now is going to use this Matrix to actually use to grow like sort of like Boolean in a Boolean operation right to get the head to review but to do that you actually make it happen within the volume Builder so now I'll create a volume Builder right select the volume Builder that and I'll first of all drag the head in here I'll hide the head the past I don't want want to see it and I'll reduce the Vel size to something like one right and the next is I'll drag the The Matrix on top of the B and you can see that one two happens in here right now if I hit play you can see the Matrix is showing even though if I hide the Vol Builder we have a small tun here but it's not growing the way we want it and that's because used Fields used particle size is not checked so if I check use partic side and now I hide my um Matrix right nothing happens but you can see at least it doesn't show right from the whole Matrix is not showing and that the reason why we are not seeing the small Chun is here it's because of the radius here set to I think 1.5 let's set it to five to see if it can show no let's may be 10 right and I think for now let's bring back our volume Builder and I can see we have D small time but without used particle Fields everything shows but with it see it recognize every individual Matrix the way it comes from it scales up so now if I hit play you can see now within the volume Builder it's scaling up so we are going to use this sort of to Bull like a a bulling operation to actually where it intersects it reveals basically so now I select it and the Matrix you can see the mode is set Union if it CH it to intersect now whenever the Matrix and The Bu like head intersect it kind of reviews it right so that's basically the basis for this whole video right so that's it so but with the what I did there should be a bit like this one looks too Blobby and individual um scaling so to do to get it to blend together I add a bit of I added a bit of smoothing so to do that I'll create a new folder within the volume Builder create a new folder dragging The Matrix all right and now select coming down here and add smooth SDF smooth right I'll leave it as default and drag it into the folder as well make sure it's on top of the Matrix right so they are so this is one folder which contains the Matrix and the smooth so the smooth applies to only the Matrix it doesn't affect the bust right so that's what I want and now with the folder selected I'll change the mode from Union to intersect rather and now you can see this is what you have so that's basically how I created um the video right so now with this selected now let's allow it to grow on a bit and you'll see how in the original video that I actually showed you can see if I come to the window um picture viewer you can see we have the outside um with the inside with some gold shape and the outside has a different material right and that's to achieve that unfortunately with the volume Builder we have just one object by itself and it can't give us the inside and outside so we have to figure out a way to do that so let's let it grow and see how we actually get the outside to have different material and the inside to have different material as well so I'll let it grow a little bit something like this uh Let It Go Let It Go Let It Go all right I think something like this should be fine all right so how do we get the inside this thing so first of all let's add a volume measure so I'll come in here and I add a volume measure dragging the volume Builder so that we have a real mesh right and it's one mesh if you apply any material to it it wouldn't work so to actually get the inside and the outside I use the different trick so with Sigma 4D I think this rout probably might not very later version I think R23 and r24 will probably unless might not be able to do this but with the earlier version I think from r26 I don't remember or 2023 upwards you can actually add the map to parametric objects so it makes this trick works so now I what I can do is I right click on the volume measure and then in the other tags I can add vertex map to the volume measure and you can see we have a Vertex map now remember all we want is the outside right to have it sh and the inside to have it different um material so with the vtex map selected I'll drag and drop in the head bust that's original head bust that we used I'll drag it in here you can see there's something happening so I'll select a head bust within the vertex map I'll change the mode from points to surface right and then I reduce the radius to maybe one or maybe two something like that so if you have a very detailed um volume Builder like you can see everything works fine will be cleaner than this but there's a bit of um Readiness and all that somewhere here but I think it's fine so you can play adjust the radius a little bit maybe let's see three for this case this basically the trick I use to actually get the inside and the outside so when we have the vertex map like that now we can use that to Define which material should be PR so we can use red shift and all obtain any render that we want to use or even the standard in my 4D material but let's actually see how we do this with r or let's actually use an not so I come in here um and I create an an old IP app right and I think should be fine and then let's go ahead and create I think I have an anold Skylight in the scene already so if I come into my wable I think you should should we have sky if I enable make it sure you should be able to see what's going on with our objects all right so with an I think there I'm let me actually use the diffuse so yeah I have an anal Sky which I've added an hdri image to it you can actually simply do that just um an old um sky and here I've added an hdri image to the color place right can you use the HDR you can search some and get some in the adset browser when you search for HDR you should be able to get an HDR in the adset browser so now you can see we are seeing a head bust right and now let's for us to get the inside and the outside let's create another another um material so I come into my materials in here create an standard surface surface standard surface and midle click on it to open the uh Shader graph and now we have this the first surface that we want so let's make probably make this one metal and choose maybe gold now with this same one we hold control to click and drag to get a second copy um I think you've created two so let's delete this one a second copy and let's make this one uh um normal plastic or whatever color that you want plastic um this just to um show so right so how do we get the middle we have to get a Vertex information the vertex information so I type vertex because you have Vex map you didn't download um sh so now let's select the vertex map and drag in here you can see it's asking us for which Vex map want to use so let's drag in this vertex map right and now you can use this vertex map to blend where and what to show so now let's create a layer um Shader that can you can use to blend so the first surface drag choose one layer one input right and the second material drag and drop it on the Main and Cho layer two input and let's use the vertex map but before we use that let's convert it to a black and white color so I'll look for a ram which is like a gradient now so I'll drag in the ramp connect our vtex map into the ramp inputs right and make sure the type is set to custom right and now let's drag the ramp into the main the second delayer two and choose mix right so now excuse me if you apply our material to our volum measure you should be able to see what's going on and let's actually see let me actually connect this to see yeah it's working so I think we should be able to see here going let's select the standard the second one actually and probably check the reason why that Parts yeah so you can see it's basically working so inside is good and the outside right so let's change the second Shader let's change the color to um different color maybe red so that's visible so you can see we have the inside red and the outside the outside red and the inside like the gold color that we choose so that's basically the trick that I use if you want to reverse it or you have to select the ramp right um can now select the ramp right click and say invert gradient and now you can see the inside is red then the outside is gold right however you want to do it so from here going it's just adding your light and adjusting how you want it to look or whatever materials you want to use to achieve the look that you want so basically this is the trick I actually Ed to all right at this after I was done I actually biged it as a liic right click on the object and come to B as a limic and I can re time it or reframe re key frame it and all of that to how you want to to flow and all of everything basically and also be able to play through the timeline easily so yeah that's basically the whole tip that's how the whole thing was actually built and I hope this video was useful you've learned a trick or two from this particular video and I'll say thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: PixelAffair
Views: 7,712
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Id: J25BoklVppQ
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Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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