Advancing In The New Era Conference | Chuck Pierce

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what a joy to be here with you one of my favorite places I get to come is Florida and let's thank God for Ken and Cheryl they're awesome you know you realize we've all been in the war for a while together it's really good it's really a blessing to see what the Lord is doing and how he's moving and it's been one of those years I know all the policemen in our area to the point where this weekend we were hosting the policeman 5k they just finally became a part of us I had one what was that I had one he stopped me and he said you're just weaving Pam was sitting there in the car telling me how much money she had spent to redo my mother's house it had flooded and it's what my mother was still alive and she said you know her whole house just needed redoing so I just did it and I said well what mr. Kroy say about that that's my stepfather for 50 years I still call him mr. Kroy and she said he said all right I think I'm gonna have to sell a cow she's I think you're gonna have to sell three or four cows to fix it but this policeman stopped me and he said you're just weaving in and out I said this is not my problem it's her problem she's telling me the amount of money she just spent on my mother's house has thrown me off and she looked at him and said well at least he didn't say he was a minister I've tried it all anyway they're all gonna get saved sooner or later for their own sake now I feel like tonight the Lord's really been speaking to me since I've been here and I really feel that this is an ordained time that we're here it's great to see great friends that have come in and and others that I've known for a long time in the Florida area and so I really want us to try to focus in tonight and hear God Dutch sheets of course will be with you tomorrow and he will stir you up and just remember I am the nice one that's all you have to remember no matter what he says you just have to say Chuck it's the nice one now I tell this story you know because Dutch and I've been together since 1988 doing various things that's a long time never even you know I'm not even sure we even like each other or we just minister together our gifts work together and you know you just got to go with who God put you with look at your husband and say that's what I did now uh and and matter of fact he and my wife are so much alike their birthdays are the same day they're the same age they came out of the same egg I think but we were in a meeting in Rochester and the Spirit of God and so we met we were seeking the Lord together and I mean the Spirit of God fell on us and so we got ready to leave for the first time ever we were seeing in a bed-and-breakfast room and we never do that because we travel a lot we have to have the computers we have to have access to a hotel and just keep moving and but they had put us in a Brit bed-and-breakfast which was very unusual and he said to us said to me after we had been in prayer for an hour and a half he said do you have the key for tonight and I said well yeah I got the key for tonight when the meeting was or I'm on it's the closest time I've ever seen revived revival come in Rochester New York and really it's the only city that has ever had a tree forming revival in our nation and that night I really thought it was going to hit again soon as about 11 o'clock and we went home it was in January it was cold and we got out they let us out and it's for cell phones were the way they were and now and we got out and he we got up to the door of this place and he said where's the key I said what key I said I thought you meant the key to the meeting at one o'clock that night we were still standing outside and I saw my life flashing in front of me and I finally said Dutch why don't we do what we're known for why don't we hold hands and pray well you know I mean after he grunted eight times because I mean we had beat on Windows we had beat on doors we had done everything I knew to do it we knew there to get in we didn't know really where we were you know it was cold like 18 degrees and finally I convinced him that prayer might work we held hands and prayed when we said Amen oh the lights went on in the house and this lady and I started banging on the door roll out for my life really and this lady came to the door the lady who owned the bed-and-breakfast came to the door and she said I never wake up I never wake up and for some reason I woke up and I had to go the bathroom so badly and I said Lord thank you for moving on that woman's kidneys thank you it took him several he might not ever have gotten over that so y'all check him out when he gets here but he does carry revival for the nation in its I will say that about him now Chad go ahead and help me we have a wonderful team here with usually traveled with a team and we're going on from here to Panama which I've asked the Lord about for a long time going I've been invited many times but I knew this was the right time to go and so an him and take all of you know her welcomed her here she had it on with me to teach and then melinda richardson works for the government she also is one of our key leaders in our house melinda stanitsa they see you and then a long time floor floridian came with us Roxy I just love it that she came down here to be with us now let's look at this so let me show you some things we are having to make a major shift right now in our thought processes we're having to shift out of our conventional ways of thinking into a harvest shift one of the reasons you see God positioning people for the future it's a harvest position he's doing it he's putting people in places where he wants them for the future he's he's beginning let me sit this way Kim he's I see him doubling up he's getting at people in places and they're going to have several roles but it's because harvest is about to accelerate and we're moving into a new kingdom expression it's not just it's not just church any longer its kingdom and what he's doing is he's redoing the building structure because see what he prophesied to Peter was this you upon this rock I will build my that means you're setting up a framework for sons and daughters to come and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it but I will cause you the keys of the kingdom to come to you and you'll be able to forbid and permit and so we're entering into that place where we're getting to the kingdom we're moving in a new Kingdom dimension and what that's going to do is shift the building of the church so I think I have been to this place when it entered in to renew years ago and I remember coming to Melbourne once and I remember coming to I think it was this church that looks different now it feels different because it was trying to make a shift and and yet now it's starting to shift into its next phase of operation which is so key for us now with that we're moving in certain dimensions go ahead chat and let's look at it where the Lord spoke to me and he said now Florida Kim I loved what you got it too decreed for us he said a new day is breaking in Florida the blockades are break breaking and he said that there is a new wind of the Spirit coming to both coasts of Florida now we're going to start hearing about it both coasts of Florida are gonna start having moves of the Spirit it'll be known as the coastal awakening [Applause] and then what's going to happen is this is going to cause an overpowering spirit to fall in the middle of the state and dethrone the throne of iniquity that's in Florida and so it's time to prophesy shadia that picture Florida that you can show us I always go back to what the Lord showed me while we were while in 2008 while I was in New Jersey I've shared this before here in Florida we were having a meeting at Liberty Park we had rented the train station where most of our whole nation was settled people would come usually from all the nations of the East Coast and they would come through Ellis Island they would catch a train they would go up to New York or New Jersey and so we knew in 2008 it was time to open the gate now that was ten years ago and while I was there the Lord caught me into the future and he started showing me state after state now I had this wonderful lady back here say when are you going to share with us who are the sheep and goat States now I've got some of that in one of my books that I have out Robert and I wrote some of it in one of those books and I went back and I drew what the Lord showed me for every state at that time he showed me 23 states that were in covenant our it was 21 in covenant and two were hanging in the balance the two that were hanging in the balance were California and Florida and in the midst of it and I usually what I usually do is wait till I go to this to share it and I show him the picture that the Lord had me do ten years ago of what it looked like and this is what Florida look like you know he showed me this movement of glory in every state it looked like a glory fire river throughout each state and then he showed me and what in every state but in lots of states there were these incredible castles looking they look like fire down in the earth and this movement would come into these castles go ahead Chad if you can this movement would come into this castles like there and you see them all along Florida and when the movement would come out of these castles they would be seven times right and they called those freedom outpost which centers for our future every state he showed me the iniquitous structure in the state there were Thrones of iniquity but in Florida what made it hang in the balance right down the middle of it it would look like a snake was holding this state captain now I saw something when I came in here and I'm putting these two together and I want to go ahead and share because we're entering into a new season I want to go ahead and do this I brought the new mantle for this season I want to give to Cheryl and and Ken it's we always designed one that reflects the year ahead we actually designed this in our place by doing a new form of art pouring and letting it just come together like wine coming down and then you see the wine skin and this year is about a new wineskin coming forward now you to come forth and let me put this on when I came in here I saw under this foundation it was looked like a black mamba asleep and the Lord said he had put you here to put your feet on top but it wasn't just for here then all of a sudden I remember what I saw down the middle of this day and the Spirit of God just began to download to me what is about to happen here and so I want you all to stand up for a moment and I want you to I saw us doing this it was like we were doing like this do it loud do it do it loud it began like Jericho [Applause] took to cause this thing to not awaken but actually to go mad and to back off [Applause] [Music] let's do it one more time [Music] [Applause] that tells me this spirit is made up of a poison linked with religion throughout this state that God says you will defame it in the next two years [Applause] the Lord said I've put a new foundation on it and it won't be able to come up through this foundation and the Lord said it takes a two year process to cause the fangs of this to come out and the poison to be removed I say this structure over this state it's coming down in the next year [Applause] let's give a shout Wow whoa Wow [Music] and I thought about how I'd ask you how long you had been here I didn't remember you said you'd been here a year this next year the Lord says the defanging has begun because that structure some way has kept the move of God from overtaking the state and the Lord said you've had moves of God in the state but the move of God has never overtaken the state and tonight he has come to do that and he has come to move from both coasts with a coastal revival and overthrow and defame the power of the religious force that is controlled this day [Applause] Wow you just feel it here you feel it you feel it that's what you feel so different and so as I was saying go ahead said the glory is moving greatly now I really feel like we're in a glory move this is what the Year looks like giving that to Ken and Cheryl it's what it looks like this year nine is about a structure last year was about a gate again this year that we're in actually but we've shifted over into where the structure begins to pour out and so I really feel like I see Australia's here right back there yeah it's awesome to see you and and you've got to have a structure in place that has a government that pours out and the new wine that's been being stored over the last several years is going to start pouring out you see this picture fairly represents it and it looks like a new harvest ahead new harvest fills say new harvest fills and then while I was seeking the Lord the last 30 minutes before he came here the Lord began to show me Florida's role as we move forward now with that that's what the year ahead looks like it's one of the few times this is the ninth year of a season that we've been in it's been called the season of iron the season of God watching us the 70th season Israel became 70 during this season 70 means the captivity that have held you that you've been attempting to break out of this decade you start breaking out of captivity Xin your bloodline [Applause] seven is a little different than us looking at it from our calendar seven is linked with completing your testimony so during this decade there's a completion of testimony things that we have been waiting for and so it becomes very important now nine has a key meeting this year it is about moving into nine notice how its circled around I'm just seeing this now that we've done the other thing nine is linked with a womb are bringing two birdies what needs to be brought to birth fully but it's also in Hebrew one word has several meanings it's also linked with a serpent so I decree right now in Florida the new movement is coming to birth that will overtake the serpent that is very key how the Lord's putting this together and so I see it I see that there's a new movement coming into the state that will overtake the serpent that has held the state captain now so this state is a year of birthing nine is always linked with giving it's linked with the fruit of the Spirit it's linked with the manifestation of the Spirit it's linked with overcoming it's linked with experiencing and really the word means goodness how are we going to experience God's goodness now when you get into experiencing God's goodness it doesn't just come because God is good everybody said God is good it comes when we make choices we make the right choice and His goodness comes down like favor on us but good operates a little different than favor it goes out from us and starts opening up the path for our future and all of a sudden he begins to make a way before you to position on your path ahead what you need for breakthrough now here's a good thing about the season we are coming into this time where lots of things are changing now I've got a lot of good books out there actually told Chad to bring this one with us to grab it a time to triumph a sort of this book is so important for us right now it makes sense right now I'm not even sure you know my books are fairly prophetic some of them and especially these three future Lord the church God's unfolding battle plan and a time for triumph but I started looking through this one and this one is for now for us another book for now is a time to prosper if you haven't had this book it's one of the few books written from a Hebraic standpoint on prosperity and then the book that has helped so many worldwide is the Apostolic Church arising this book helps you see a lot of the changes that's coming in so the church is shifting out of its last wineskin but Linda Heidler and I have written a new book because this year is about women so I'm excited about this book and all the problems it's going to cause is called the Apostolic woman Cheryl I'll send you a copy it should be in any day now it's really it really is a very good book it's not it's not just a book explaining how women how God meant to use women it's a book about the woman's called in the body of Christ for today it's you know you it's your see that overcomes the dragon and so this book is so important and it is part of that up reading of religion that helps and so I want to encourage you all those books back there to 4:25 you can go on the website and pre-order that book it should be in in the next two weeks now what right now is about I'm so used to Dutch team tagging with Dutch but tonight I really knew the Lord had a key message for here that he was beginning to sternum heart we are in the process the Lord showed me two months ago he said my people are breaking through look at somebody who said you're operating and break through now Pat this is important for us he said you're operating and breakthrough to encourage them they're breaking through but they're not pulling down what they're breaking through into they're breaking through and seeing what they need to see and what I longed to do but they've got to get to this place to pull it down into the spiritual reality that needs to be in operation here in the earth room and I this for all of us and so I started really pondering that he said I want them to start wearing a new glory look at somebody next to you just say you're going to shine like you've never shine now the moment we get to a place where we realign heaven into Earth all of a sudden our future starts accelerating and you're going to hear that word acceleration over and over this year here you're probably already hearing it because there is an acceleration coming to the body of Christ and we're accelerating into the future now future is a time world I've got lots of books back there on time but is the word that says there's an expected end that you haven't gotten to see it's really not a word that's used biblically in Hebrew the word is expected end that is a destination that you haven't met yet now what the Lord is showing me is we're pulling down certain things into the earth room that have to be pulled down for our families for our lives for our territories and every time we're pulling them down momentum starts momentum is a physics dynamic where the force of something eventually overtakes the object that is trying to stop it and I believe like never before we're seeing some of this happen I go back to 2008 while I was in that visitation it lasted for four hours I asked the Lord and this is written in two of these books I asked the Lord I said how will America shift and he said they will have to learn to play the trump card now he knew how he could speak to me because he I grew up playing cars my whole family were car players in big blacks and so he he knew how to speak and then I realized cuz we were in New Jersey and I realized he's talking about now you have seen God puts somebody in position that is causing a lot of people upheaval and change I mean a people and it's not about how good he is or how crazy things can be it's about God wanting change in America [Applause] he showed me him in office in 2008 for three years major changes that would come so I know we've got another wild year hit us the Israel realignment I mean by him no leader has ever declared Jerusalem that realigned the world with the Word of God harvest couldn't happen until somebody did that now my kids live there so I know the intensity of Israel in the world they would send that they've lived through two major wars in Israel and had two children had one when they went they've had two we recently just had another in the year of birthing on Rosh Hashanah I mean it's crazy and that happened after they brushed through all this warfare and then they said we want to have a celebration at Hanukkah last year to renew our vows we've been through so much over the last step in mérida I think twelve years with the last seven years here we can just renew our vows and they so they rented this place the warfare was so intense over it and yet they had this incredible incredible meeting last year the place they rented is where they're moving the embassy see so all of that was for running what was ahead for the new burst to come it was after that amber got pregnant it was a shock I mean only God could say I have miracles I hear I have new birth ahead now with that we are seeing this thing happened and here's the danger course we either gain momentum now are you're going to postpone your future another season and see one example I've been using is Elijah to try to get this across because he legislate at the heavens he waited for three and a half years pulled down the word out of heaven interceding ran it started raining ran to the gate got in the gate and then Jezebel confronted him with the word that said what you did to my prophets by tomorrow I'll do to you and he lost his position postponed what God was trying to do for seven years now I believe we have been in a major postponement your promises are there we've just been they've been hanging in a level of postponement waiting to come down and manifest and that's why God is positioning all of us and we're having to choose this year what we're going to do in the moment we choose goodness goes into operation now Psalm 23 is not a pastoral song it's a song about prosperity it's song about jehova rohi coming in on your behalf and causing you to see what you need so you will never lack doesn't mean that you'll be rich but he will show you what you will not lack and then is actually about the feast I'm warning to feast in a way and celebrate in a way so that even your enemies he can set a table for and they'll have to end up feeding you now this is key for us as we go in this next season because there's a shifting of power going on there's a dynamic going on in the atmosphere and then goodness and mercy follow you but it doesn't even matter if you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death this goodness it's beginning to make the way for you look at somebody and say goodness is making my way now why this is important why I brought up Elijah is because the glory is at the gate I feel like the glory is at Florida now I know the Lord too well timing wise for me to come and say there's four months of months of danger and flora and God gave me that word in Florida and then on the fourth on the very day the very last day of that word is when the hurricane came God keeps saying Florida you are and what he kept saying to me look out at Florida look out at Florida because you are a prototype of what is ahead now let me go back to your question you asked about the sheep and the goats in one of these books I write about two others signs that we were to watch for one was Texas because Texas was the only state that was a nation and another sign was South Carolina it was the first states to succeed and it had to do a reversal to pull down that stronghold of succession off of it and matter of fact I remember giving this word one time and it was from South Carolina and we have the picture of that happening within two weeks because God says wait a minute there's certain things that have to happen for things to happen and then we had nikki Haley come forth out of South Carolina and I will tell you what she has changed the course of what is going on now see it's not about politics it's about positioning you're gonna see it with the birth of the Lord Caesar had to be in place and make a decree you see it with Cyrus you're gonna see it all through the Word of God Paul going back to Rome see it's always about watching the positioning God is doing as well as his people he repositions us for a time such as this now in other word the Lord is giving me for this next year ahead is that we must keep complacency broken down so you complacency as part of that religious spirit and we're entering into a new movement of intercession the Lord's and that's why I feel like I'm here I feel like can you had this gathering because on the way the Lord was saying this begins now first state to really decree it it we decreed some things last week in Tennessee but this is the first state to decree this new movement is started we just flew here from South Dakota we went to we did a gathering in Rapid City then went out to Pine Ridge Reservation one of the poorest places in the entire world it would shock you that there is a place like this in America and the Lord said I'm sending you out there to meet with the chief and to meet with them to remind them who they are and why I have put them here and to decree the word of change over them there's something about Florida you have the first city in our nation so you're a first state and a is about first and now we're crossing over into nine about birthday so it belongs to you tell somebody this is part of our inheritance and Isaiah 32 says tell the women to beat on their breast until the Spirit comes tell the men to rise up and this is because we're entering in to 9 is about manifestation everybody say manifest and we're manifesting a new identity we're manifesting a new glory we're manifesting a new level of restoration now also there is a prophetic dimension that is coming alive in us doesn't matter how old you are if you are still breathing and you are here in this kingdom expression that's going on there's this manifestation that's coming alive in you and you're going to prophesize something that's just be throwing strong hos beat your feet on the floor one more time that had a big anointing on it now because it's creating a new ingathering and there's new wealth being unlocked wealth just isn't money well has to do with strength favour glory and yet there is provision being unlocked in any way because this is the easiest way that I found to look at the church see we've been in our place for seven years at the end of seven years the wineskins shifts and you know I told all of our people that they looked at me like I was crazy because we're wild anyway crazy but it still shifts it takes seven years to remake a wineskin you can do it one of two ways you can search something new are you can soak it and water you can all it and then after seven years it's ready to be used as if it was I think that's what I see going on through Florida new wineskins are now beginning to to be identified and I want to show you that and my easiest way of understanding the church right now is calling it a storehouse because we don't know exactly what the harvest looks like therefore we're not sure what the storehouse is going to look like and we're going to have to watch the Lord bring the two together and it can't be like it was how many of you came in during the Jesus Movement see some of us here that was a valid move of God late 60s early 70s valid move of God I think this was part of the third wave movement those were all valid loser God and yet the church rejected the Jesus it was it said we don't want that in our storehouse it rejected the third wave move a lot of it and said we don't want that to change who we are so the Lord is saying watch me establish the storehouse and start bringing in the harvest to it all at one time together and I'm choosing people who are able to receive the harvest ahead and so this becomes very important as we move forward now what he told me to do when I came here tonight turn with me to Luke 12 37 is to decree that a new watchman movement begins now I believe Florida is to carry this new movement and be an example now hear what God said earlier along each coast and then end to the middle and I felt like tonight the Lord said give them some points and activate them because they will be creating an example of the watch for movement ahead now remember a watchman I don't want to just teach on the watchman a watchman is the Shamar prophet really they're both intercessor and prophet aligning together so that they see the move that God is doing and so it's this prophet that is coming into the maturity that got means for it in America from state to state to state and you're part of it and Luke 12 37 says blessed are those servants whom the master when he comes will find watching now he says two things about his coming and remember now a time to try it takes us through 2026 because God showed me through 2026 I'm not talking about the rapture here I'm talking about him coming in power so we recognize his visitation I mean I don't get caught up in the rapture because he says two things blessed are those who are watching when I come other thing he says is if I came to earth today would I find faith as always looking for is are we watching and faith I mean he come tomorrow and catch us all away but we've got a bunch of spots matter of fact we had somebody and we had a big group in 2008 said you're not speaking right you're not speaking right the Lord told us he's coming back this year bunch of where some of your friends weren't there and I said well he showed me through 2026 I said leave me here I know that and Pam said Amen but I said I'm glad we're all still here I mean all you can do is just keep going you know but if he comes back will he find us watching now that's key and will we be able to sit down and eat with see I said the other day now I said the other day and I think we have to discipline ourselves with eating sometimes but I said the other day you know if you never enjoy eating if you just stand with God all the time you're never going to understand when it's time to feast there are times when the Lord is wanting to teach us how to feed and move forward so so this is a key verse for us now there's one over and Luke 21 the same context in verse 34 because he says take heed to yourselves lest your hearts feet weighed down with carousing drunkenness and cares of this life are you aware that he puts anxiety over this world in the same category is getting drunk look at somebody said oh me I got a ship tonight he does I mean if you walk around in anxiety all the time you're in the same category because there's no faith being expressed in you now I know I we've got a book back there the rewards of simplicity Pam wrote the first half on simplicity and how to get an order so that your vision can manifest it was actually a best-seller in the business world I wrote the last half over the opposite of simplicity which is anxiety and distraction that is he's comfortable the enemy who loves to complicate your emotions to complicate that's the way you have to look at the enemy what is he doing to complicate your emotions to wake you down nobody lived I had post-traumatic stress syndrome the last half of that book is about that because of what I lived through growing up and the Lord had to heal me and anybody that knows me I mean it took years of faith intervention with the Lord in my life and then I was sitting in my office three years ago and the Lord spoke to me I mean as much as I have walked all over the world and been all over the world he spoke to me a verse that I wrote my first book possessing the your inheritance its I came to give you life and life abundance but I was reading through the Bible and I got to John 10:10 in in the amplified and it's something I enjoy and the Lord said safest tried to rob your joy over life life is linked with movie and the Lord said I want you to enjoy the movie something it was like a shell of a different structure she does it puts shell covering around you and it it causes your internal parts to have friction they're rubbing with spiritual forces on the inside and all sudden it was lifted and I mean we've been in dangerous situations and I'm another person and then a young man who was traveling with us we were in a plane that caught on fire and they said we've got to make an emergency landing quickly and I just felt joy I looked around and I said to the young guy who was with us I just laid hands on it and I said I'm gonna pray for you because you've got to get back because I looked at Anna and the other guy today no hope there there's no faith there I can't find a touch point at all you know I said you got to get back to raise those three years and George's profile and the blanks for Smith and George broke and I knew we were okay see the enemy does not want us to experience life same right now we're defanging this structure over for so he said this new watchman movement is beginning don't be way down because the day of visitation is coming unexpectedly you know this is what I want to say to you you've done about everything I know in Florida you can do I want to say that I have watched you you have been faithful to pray faithful to all and I said Lord what should we do and Kim he gave me this this afternoon he said and he said it begins here he said call for the Washington prophets that means there'll be a gathering of Watchmen prophets here he said then just give out assignments where to go stand in gallows that's what Watchmen do they intercessor the intercessor portion of a watchman it stands in the gap and you're standing in between God and man and own demons and your and your and he said extend your harvest boundaries now I heard the Lord say this a new wind it's not a hurricane this is not hurricane I prophesied so many over Florida that is not what I'm saying uh-uh that's not what I'm saying over this next year you're gonna see it it is a move of the Spirit along both coasts so extend your boundaries both coastlines and watch how this movement starts the Lord actually showed me that if it doesn't move in Florida you're gonna have a problem seeing the whole East Coast take it because that structure went right up in Georgia and Georgia became the headquarters forces in it I don't have to I'm just telling you what I saw and it has played out to a tee the headquarters became Atlanta for the venom of the future and then he said start building the new wall start building he do the same thing in Australia there's a new movement it's not the prayer movement anymore it's really a watchman movement now let me go over a few things using the book of Joshua very quickly to tell you you can go read it through chapter 7 but see there came a time of postponement being over and the Lord had been waiting for 40 years for it he'd been waiting 476 years but he had been waiting 40 years for this postponement this last postponement to end now some way that means something here go back and look at the history 40 years ago of the last move of God here any inkling of the move here in Florida there was something he was trying to do then that has never been brought into completion and see what he did with Joshua he said okay now it's time for this postponement to be over meditate meditate for success in other words if you'll meditate day and night or what I've told Moses you will succeed meditate that means like a cow chewing its cud she has four stomachs and eventually that blade of grass becomes part of her bloodstream meditate and then inner choose the future meditate over everything I've said for success that means you're gonna have to look back the last 40 years and things God has said and I'm not talking about iniquities I'm talking about things God was trying to do in Florida that never fully manifested we've got to shift into completing what got short-circuited our postpone I think we've done a lot of iniquitous with little more but I think we've done a lot of bad that's not what the season is about it's about bringing back into place that which God has been attempting to bring down to manifest and he did that with Joshua and then notice the next thing Joshua chapter 2 go ahead he said you've got to find new entry points and perfect timing to mobilise the land remember they had to run into Rahab the harlot there's a lot of new and three points we're not finding yeah and you're gonna have to start praying for these entry points to come into your path that's where her Tallahassee there's somebody in Tallahassee that will be a part of the new movement that will be unexpected to you and so it becomes t that we see this and ready have them became part of the lords lineage look at somebody who say I got a few of those in my background to Jesus who will be huge now I'm telling me then he works out their messy life his uses who will be used then he works out all their messy life he's not looking he's not looking to work out all Trump's messy life God the man's been married more times than anybody I've ever seen in my life yeah he's not looking at all that he was looking who would get the courts even he was looking who would get us realign with Israel that's the sort of thing he was looking at Jay who was on the verge that's who we really have he was on the verge he even convinced all the bail prophets that he loved them and they all gathered together and when they all gathered together he killed them all he was but it's who's got chose look at something insane we are in for a ride next year now I do think we're going to see that there's gonna be like three days of fasting in the year head we have to say and I really feel like we have to do this going into the year head in January I see actually coming up to like January the 21st we've got to have three because three days of fancy because there's a new breed of leadership right now this new breed of leadership is not young look at somebody and say it's a new breed Joshua was the new breed leadership he was 80 already so let's don't let's don't think God's getting rid of everybody over 60 that's not what he's doing he's just creating a new breed and it has three generations aligned in it this is really important for Australia this is what I've never really seen in Australia to see you here I've really never seen this dynamic in Australia if this would happen that whole nation would come along to the Lord and remember they set aside once they set aside the three days of fasting he shifted the glory ring he removed the cloud he removed the fire and he set the new leaders in motion there comes a time where you've got to set the new leadership in motion as you move forward and as you do that things begin to happen and then notice something else happens in Joshua chapter 5 the real postponement is because this is where the angel of the Lord promised some 40 years prior in Exodus 23 he said I will send an angel with into the land ahead and don't mess with him don't make him mad I'm paraphrasing he said gather together three times a year and let this is my angel lead you forward in victory well they never accessed forty years later all of a sudden Joshua is meditating because he's got Jericho ahead oh this angel shows up this angel has been waiting 40 years to come down to take a man he said are you with us are you with God are you with the enemy he said I'm here I've been waiting and hear what I'm saying to you we have can call them forth at the beginning of the service Angel armies that have been waiting for us to say it's time everybody settle out of time you're gonna see that happen as you move forward the next now old cycles you have to turn back see this is what it looks like at the end of eight going into nine you're facing off the wilderness you're facing off the promise and you're choosing which way am I going Lord we've repositioned me now I've got to see the leadership on the line and I've got to see how to choose and he said okay now cut off all the reproaches that snared you in the last season cause the enemy's resistance against you from the past to pray big annoying big enough whoo now that thing's gonna be the same because what its gonna do it's gonna raise his head one last time and all of a sudden you gonna pop him out didn't do anything fall apart because its head wasn't in Miami his head was moving into Georgia so as his coastal movement occurs eventually you gonna come to the north part and I think that's what this hurricane is about the gate is in the side the hit shell is trying to move north now you've got just all trying to defer each other when I came to be with Robert and Linda they had morality of elders this is in this book here and we stayed in them how was the last film to come all the birds are still there that's 40 years ago that shows you that but we've had to kill the church structure at least three to at least three Robert said well I said tell me how they elders well in the Bible they report to the Apostle but I graduated from that is theological I don't believe in apostles I said what you're gonna do about that you gonna have to work this out and Linda writes one of the best chapters I've ever seen for shipping entity because she and we were having to kill it to become a new wineskin and before long we weren't afraid to become a new wineskin and so and not every season everybody wanted to go to war with us there's no condemnation for those who are tired and don't want to go David revealed that in 1st Samuel chapter 30 he it's no problem those who have Ward up to a certain point are going to get blessed but there are some that had to keep warm now that's the key it doesn't matter how old you and you've got to identify in this next season let's just start on the coast who's boring with where are the storehouses who's going in the region and all of a sudden once you start identifying who's boring God starts ordering the next Harvest Moon that's what he did in the book of Joshua he and akin wasn't gonna walk with them he still had Egypt's heart he took the Babylonian garment he took the gold and silver to lose people in the future the Lord says there's a supernatural discernment over those that are ready to keep moving forward you wouldn't be in meetings like this if you weren't ready to move seriously wouldn't be here and David when it was time for him to create his movement it says in the Word of God he found those that were discouraged those in despair those in debt beginning to qualify for this thing I mean he found the messiest of all the messes and they said we don't have a thing to lose but to go to war but that's still not what motivates me God visited me with his glory he visited me with his glory for three days once that happens to you nothing else is ever going to satisfy nothing will ever satisfy so you have to keep pressing to where you taste that glory and it's important you see that in finally that's the verse the Lord is really speaking to me right now is this is anoint your shield see there's this corporate is in Isaiah 21 it's this corporate anointing that God is bringing us into once we're in proper alignment this is what Isaiah tens about once we're in proper alignment priests and prophets and kings and the remedy you find that over together this causes the people to receive an overcoming power against their enemy and an anointing comes on us from Kingdom meetings all of a sudden just by coming to meetings like this your faith ship begins to move in any way and there's a corporate anointing that penetrates out into the territory so I want us to do something let's stand up see the shield of faith we're gonna do a whole day gathering over this next month the shield of faith with sins all the fiery darts of the enemy and was having meetings like this but what's giving in meetings like this all of a sudden faith begins to move we began to breathe let's just lift our hands for a moment I'm gonna ask a worship leader to come back as you stand there I want you to do two things before I impart to us I want you to ask the Lord what do I give to this forerunner ministry tonight what offering of myself see anytime you come to the altar you're bringing a portion of yourself you're not just giving a gift to a ministry that's a part of your life you've worked for it you've gone through things for you sweat it for it in other words I knew what I was to give tonight as I prayed when I came here gun I always say Lord what would you have to give then all of a sudden he's searching and unlocking the revelation once I hear that and there's envelopes there in the back of the seats you can give by credit card you can give online all of you watching you're giving into a movement you're giving and breaking the cares of the world that's stopping you from watching Lord we thank you right now there's an anointing in this room there's an anointing that is moving through this state in any way there's a breath of air that's coming now father I decree right now that the shield of faith in Florida is beginning to rise up i decree right now in this room a power of postponement is being broken off of the people right now give a shout [Applause] matter-of-fact shout into that offering you're about to Gail [Applause] and decree postponement is breaking off of your supply lines now father we've waive this before you of what we bring it I want you to do something I want you to turn I want you to pray over two or three people around you and decree that there impartation and manifestation is rising up in their faith is rising watchman anointing is rising they're going to see their blessings coming new faith we go from faith to faith Lord let faith let the memory of faith rise up and become new in us Lord overtake us overtake us overtake us
Channel: Apostle Ken
Views: 14,951
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Keywords: apostle, prophet, dutch sheets, tim sheets, cindy jacobs, sonship, apostolic hub, apostolic, joe joe dawson, evangelism, florida, appeal to heaven, intercessor
Id: 2rEk2_6HGNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 4sec (4804 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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