Neuroscientist Explains Brain & Mind Connection

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if I did some brain surgery on your and I hold your brain in my hand nothing in your body of a function no genome no genetic activation I can be raised in the same household experience the same challenge the same divorce I can still view the world in a different way than you you've done it from this one child could have a more negative perception of the world in the other but it's not Geneva TV why are you talking about you were thinking feeling and choosing switches with jeans on I get that but what does that have to do my question can we predict that there is a certain type of brain that will do a certain tapas no your corn that's completely and utterly unscientific and lacking in evidence you see a lot that's coming up all the medication that we being asked to take they drugs they might have medicine do you have the ability to prescribe me any medication those drugs have no positive effects except nominee fix so you don't fear AI threat at all the greatest contribution for in technology has made is that a brain constantly changes [Music] did you ever think you would make good I feel I'm suppose I could take sweet victory I know this slice meant for me here yeah why would you bet on July 4 we got red tape value came in given values contagious this world of entrepreneurs we can't no value to haters honey run homie look what I become I'm the one [Music] so my guest today is dr. Caroline leaf who happens to be a cognitive neuroscientist and also communication pathologist and her strategies have been used by millions of people worldwide mind management techniques I want to say correctly mind management techniques by over a million people and some of you may be watching this thinking this videos for you but really this is for me to figure out all my mental issues I have for the next hour hour and a half so I welcome you and doctor thanks for coming out for me when I think about cognitive neuroscientists or somebody's listening saying communication pathologists what does that really mean to an average person like myself okay so in a simple language I study the mind brain connection which I've done for 30 years do clinical research so I look at how what is the mind how does that work what is the brain how does that work what's the relationship and what's the impact on how we function in terms of our behaviors or emotions how we function on dates in day-to-day life education work whatever so it's looking at all of that so as a clinical when I practice clinically which I did for 25 years I would look a patient that would come to me with whatever brain tumor or physical told me emotional torment learning issues Alzheimer's whatever I would look at the external behavior social emotional cognitive what they're doing and then track back to what's going on in the thought life so in other words what's happening in the mind and then also look at the impact on the brain and the body and then try to address all the levels that's pretty much very interested did you did you also deal with bipolar ADHD depression anxiety panic attacks kids of all of those that I have a very different narrative for that because I don't what you get into okay I can't wait to get into some it's a really good I have some questions for you on that because you experience a lot of that in the business world is filled with a lot of those personalities there's a link also to success with it you know what I want Kherson I think good way to go so look you have the mind you have the brain what's the difference between your mind at the bright brilliant question so your mind is the most simple definition the unique way that you think and feel and choose so those two go together as you think you always feel but we're thinking we're thinking beings you never stop thinking 24/7 so but as soon as you think you feel so you're always feeling 24/7 and as you think and feel it automatically leads to choices so you think you're choose think feel choose think think feel choose your doing this on two levels the one level is the conscious level that that you're in when you're awake and that level happens around every 10 seconds we are consciously and deliberately aware of thinking feeling and choosing and the way we do that has massive impact on mental health which I know we're going to unpack the other level is the non conscious level so not subconscious but non conscious that operates 24/7 and at that level we operate a team to the 17 which is about 400 billion plus actions per so that's crazy so we functioning on these incredible levels of speed that that and that's all mind this mind is this all this thinking feeling choosing on these two different levels this power energy whatever you want to call it moves through your physical brain so your brain is a responder to your mind so there's an interaction they do two things but they interact they can't your chronic one without the other so your mind moves through our brain and then our brain responds on a chemical level quantum level electromagnetic level and genetic level so we literally put stuff in our brain and then I'll brain responds and builds that stuff into the cells of the brain and that instantly influences all the cells of the body so this brain and body collectively the two togethers of the brain and the body are made of about 75 to 100 trillion cells and that brain and body it's a big number and that's only 1% of who you are as a human so 99% of who you are as a human is this mind thing thus unique eunice this type you thus Patrick's is Caroline that's what separates us from everybody yes okay let's be defining connect/disconnect because we've all got the brain right but the way we you the way you use your brain is going to be different we work with the same basic neurophysiology in our brain structures etc the way I use my brain it's pretty much my signature my thumbprint to the world that's mine that's what it exactly you'll see that in the brain the brain is literally like a thumbprint so there so in essence I can be raised in the same household experience the same challenge the same divorce same parents I'm a twin everything could be identical the same experiences that can be looking like somebody else my attractiveness is the same level as somebody else my level of popularity in school is the same as somebody else I date the same kind of a girl or guys somebody else playing culture same same same same religious same church I go to I'm an atheist a Christian I'm a psychologist my 20 years old I can still view the world in a different way than you you've done it from birth you've done it with totally totally different this is why we see studies of identical twins we you'll have one next in old age same thing just as you described and one gets Alzheimer's and one is still firing up and still going along you know how you perceive things makes your body work for you against you and this is the clinical research that I do me showing this right down to the level of your DNA and you see you don't even have to do to do the research to know that instinct it's your gut instinct do not the same to someone else yeah that's crazy to me because what that makes me think about doc and by the way if you don't mind me calling your doctor what that makes me think about doc is you know in America I was reading a study the other day I was talking to Jordan Peterson I don't even then we had an ask him questions let me ask you this are we born Democrats and Republicans like are we born because I remember I'm talking to someone's a girlfriend at that time I said let me ask you a question and politically we were talking about economics and she completely disagrees with capitalism I said how good were you in math in high school should I can't stand man I said curious to know how much math plays a role so for me I want to know are we born a certain way you know today we were handling an issue in the company one person they can't help themselves stop about an issue in somebody else about the same issues excited about it then somebody call mrs. Pat what can I do to better this I said it for seven years this person has been like this you and I can't change it the person's got to want to change it for that to be taking place so that person that's one with a different perception of the world can I be raised with a percent perception of the world where I'm always looking at the glass half-empty or can that still be fixed for somebody that can be fixed so here's some yes yes here's the good news the good news is that be positive no no they give you the real I'm gonna give you no I don't do that I don't I don't even believe in that so that's not where I'm at but what I do know is from this neuroscientific research plus from quantum physics plus from experience plus from mind research all of it we see that there isn't a single structure for example in the brain a single circuit a single cell in the entire human body and brain that is designed for seeing the glass half empty we're designed to see the glass half full we literally at a quantum level or body you see us physically now we're looking at each other but at your most fundamental level you literally waves of energy and those rays of energy the quantum physicists the mathematicians for example Sir Roger Penrose who's the top mathematician of the century in my opinion and many people's opinions they've done the calculations literally showing that we are made of love and we are immersed in gravitational fields that have the qualities of love so now let me take that there is as a default mode humanity is designed to operate in love and I'm not turning all fluffy here and over whatever I'm being a realist I'm a very real scientist and I believe science is very spiritual so it's a very strong connect you can't separate the two so we see scientifically a beautiful thing happening through mathematics through quantum physics we see a description of humanity as being this love concept now we know that if you go across every culture dealed every human if you talk to every human on this planet that ever was and ever will be there's one common thing that we all agree on and that is we love love our families or we when operating level we need love to function it's the number one addiction people cannot live without love people die from a lack of love you literally can shut your body down and die from love in this day and age or we have we have people dying at the same rate from the lack of love in our solution as due from cardiovascular disease which is pretty much a number-one killer how do they do there's a lot of research statistics really showing yes you can you can because you see it shutting down that's the research that I mean so you can see lack of love is a big word you can bring it down to how people are managing stress on a day to day basis or chronic inflammation in the body or chronic stress ongoing so if you're constantly isolated you don't get the correct feedback in your but because you this there's a certain feedback that you're getting from interacting with others like this we are building on each other we are growing each other we are sending an understand spoke about the photons that we our son called my eye over there about the photons that we generate from our body I'm generating photons to you I'm generating photons that are operating in love in terms of it's really having a conversation we're agreeing to agree or disagree there isn't an enmity between us so it's growing us and humans are designed for that what are the stories that grab us the most the stories that are of humanity so that's not basic and we see that so we sit near a scientifically we see at quantum physics wise we see we design for that so why does someone see the glass half-empty and why do I say we can change it I don't believe in the happiness industry where you can go and get something and put it in an awesome are you happy I don't believe in positive affirmations they're band-aids you've got an issue you slap a positive affirmation on it's not gonna fix anything what we have to look at is why am I saying the glass is half-empty so that is my perception why there's a reason so soon as we move out of that massive definition of what love is because it basically is being a decent human and it's got multitude of infinite ways of viewing that as soon as we move out of that these these there's a disconnect between humans between how we functioning between how we fit in the world between our impact in the world etc and as soon as we do that that these are really that's going to have a consequence because your mind is moving through your brain your brain builds that perception physically into your brain so you're thinking feeling choosing moment by moment of everyday and if he ever take a scenario where I'm constantly seeing a negative thing you talked about your guy who can't see me on this whatever the situation so if I have now more than four more than 63 days simply thought in a certain way I have built a very strong tree in my brain that's I've got trees eeeh a tree is a thought or thoughts or real things they look like trees they occupy mental real estate they made of proteins they are tortured right now you are growing at the speed of 400 billion actions you're converting my words and so the listeners into trees in their brain hopefully they're building our cell see trees about what we're saying but not you for I inhabit if you've done something for years and you've thought in a way for years because of an experience because of environment so this net nurture you born was as I mentioned this wired full of design we in nurture environment and all the other stuff you described now there's the i factor the two turns going through life same thing but how they seen it so each experience is not adding more and more layers to my initial core so here I am born but here I am perceiving I may perceive the two twins one perceives a relationship in this way one perceives a situation in this way two different networks building the brain and as you keep thinking in that certain way so you strengthen whatever you think about the most grows into a toxic search that's the path I fully see that there's a question that so can I be born more negative than you you know you can't be born more negative and what you can have which is total science it's epigenetics your DNA will come through from your parents so it goes through the sperm only over but that DNA is not you've got two types of DNA that comes through so you're born with your genetic blueprints and that genetic blueprint is this wired for love perfection on top of that we have so you've got a JIT you've got a gene code that is basically perfect okay on top of that you believe oh yes I do because I can show you scientifically so let me let me explain how this works so you've got a basic core then on top of that you've got the DNA from let's come through generations and that's the imperfect stuff so humans or make choices when you make choices it becomes part of our DNA that DNA is there constantly it's what you putting it out in the world and what you say it's passing through the sperm in the over so when you were born you were born with you plus things from the parents generations back whatever so you've got a bunch of imperfection on top of perfection but I'm born with imperfection as well yes it's boys so it's yes oh okay so you wanna move sir okay sorry I may be sit at wrong you boys weren't perfect okay be born we're not born blanks laughing up on perfect let me rephrase that we are born with a core that's perfect with a bunch of other stuff on top and what we see we can even track disease back diseases lifestyle related lifestyle is choices thinking how we respond to the world as we mutate genes so we get the propensity to disease that's but but only 5% is going to come from that gene propensity so you've got the stuff inside of you on top of your original core design and that is now activated to nurturing so let's say now your parents were depressed and you're you've got a history of of people in very depressed in your family all very negative just in row negative oppressed like people that just uh you know we see the glass half empty so now you born with that those mutated genes on top of your genes but here's the great news they're born that you're born with in asleep they dormant it's called dormancy so the genes are dormant which means that you're no your genes are active other which couldn't live your genes have to be active but you've got what's dormant is what's passed through the generations so it's the stuff that came through the sperm in the over it's the imperfect genes on top of the genes so it's mixed in amongst your genome is your genome which is active otherwise you couldn't be a lot and then you've got into woven on top of that you have your in your impure stuff that's come through the generations coming through dormant which means it's sealed it's closed it's not active how do you wake it up with your perception your response your mind how you think feel and choose so now our child's growing up in a oh this child here this negativity all this child sees is all going fine team etc that is now environmental influence coming in the child still learning so the child can maybe make such a good decisions so the child's immersed in negativity so now in environments negative that then wakes up to the dormant genes and that could start manifesting and then you start seeing patterns of behavior in the child becoming negative but now we have two twins in the family and both are exposed to this negativity one is definitely more negative the other I'm just giving you a snore okay so good and but that's coming from perception it's not coming from they've had they've got the same baby 2000 negative it's coming from perception which is mind which is how you think feelings you know exactly it's the in could have a more negative perception of the world than the other but it's not genetically pre-wired it is modulated it's activated through thinking feeling choosing so the the genes are not self emergent let me explain it like this if I pull your brain actual head if I did some brain surgery on you right now which I won't and I'll hold your brain in my hand it's not going to do anything I can look at it all day long you did nothing in your body will function no Gino no genetic activation nothing will have no genes or switch on but the fact that you are alive and I haven't done that the only reason your brain and genes are doing anything is because of your thinking feeling and choosing it's firing them up it is the switch on your thinking feeling and choosing switches your genes on my question so okay my question being the fact that I'm trying to perception I'm born with I asked a question earlier which how much of it is my DNA my environment might this and let's just say everything is the same and you and I born same girlfriend same boyfriend saying this and I'm Christian should all this is why this one why so you've got two kids in the family and ones negative and one is so-so but I'd like to have three kids right okay and I see a lot of people that came from a great family like okay that got became a successful that guys in prison this guy's in the military that guy everything's bad in his life since he was a kid this versus parents lived a decent life how much of that is them like you know I talk about teacher versus the individual how much of is the teacher the example how much of is the individual how much of is the environment so I'm just a teacher environment is all one category so that's nurture so under nurture we would have all of those things you describe so you born with your physical and in your foot nurture then you've got the I factor so the eye effect is the dominant one it's the 99% it's this thing that overrides so your two kids in the family was the same thing you've got the one who will now literally activate by thinking negative oh I'm seeing this negative I choose to think negative and they start activating the negative genes and I've got the propensity activated and I'm continuing in that way of thinking it's a choice that I make because at any stage I can recognize you can train a person very easily - stand back observe the I'm thinking because it's neuroscience it's how we are designed it's quantum physics it's all of that you can stand back and observe your own thinking and you can show someone can you see that you being negative can you see that that is and you think it's about showing people there's always a way for someone to see it but not even will choose to do that but and then one of the greatest ways of people think that is the impact on other people so it could be so relational we so designed for deep meaningful community so that person who constantly sees negative in your meeting is irritating eventually that's going to get to a point where you all kind of ah you know like oh I'm just giving that exhaust in saving that person that person has to say themselves but it takes a community takes community to make them away but they can still be a way and choose to say the same let's just say they have a great coming like you know how you go to church yeah yeah you get the whole thing and they storing it and yeah you know how like I remember one time a buddy of mine call me this is Pat my marriage didn't work out okay this is how do you do it so how do i do what how do you make a marriage work at somebody I take one you're out of time I have no idea if it's gonna work out next year marriage is not an easy things a lot of work he says okay but what's your what's effective for you I said you know 10 years ago I asked people I said what's the benefit which I was I was an atheist for 25 years now I'm very much against a whole thing Church thing at first going up any one guy says look here's what you got to realize there's a benefit of being around a community of people that are making their marriages work because a community helps you want to achieve um it's kinda like you know Mackey man you know she loves you man you guys got to figure this out I know you kind of like Big Macs but she doesn't like it but you got to figure out a way to make this relationship work and hey I just don't know if I can be what there's a party what are you talking about and it's like I can't deal with me so stubborn you got to do this doc you know you guys been together for 22 years okay we'll make it work right so that's standard but what if he's like nope I don't want to do anything that's a choice they've made so choice and that's the I sector see the choice comes in remember I said - think he'll choose yeah that is your unique you own that right so what we photo recognizes what we own we are not thinking feeling and choosing so that person those two kids in the family the situation you've just described you can take the horse to the water it's that situation but the horses in the water that's so yeah and that's the mind that's the eye factor that's the part that we are not have not done enough research on that I've spent 30 years myself researching there are a few of us doing it but we've got to focus on that because otherwise I can use my brain as an excuse for everything which is the day and age we live in you can't make the relationship work they've got ADHD that's why they go make what to say what that day that's why no that's not why those are those are effects if this is a great I've got a great in each other you want to have a look at this is a very powerful image what we're gonna see here is a real human brain this is a real-life person linked up to very advanced brain technology and that firing that you see over there is thinking feeling choosing if you would date there'd be no firing in the brain so what we're seeing is energy moving through the brain that is being picked up by very complex technology that is showing the brain responding to an alive person who's thinking feeling choosing so this is the conversation or this is just steady that's all the time oh so your brain looks like that now but you're firing would be different to mine different to every single viewer so everyone has their own unique way that the brain actually fires up so these a uniqueness your brain is designed to match you it responds to you and you drive that so if I'm constantly negative I Drive a negative quantum energy through the brain which will then cause still cause an electrochemical and electromagnetic and genetic reaction but it's going to be distorted and that means that I'm gonna make something that's all distorted oh I'm gonna do a healthy thought or and whatever you want to call it let that and I'm going to then change what it looks like that's why I've got green trees and toxic trees so if you look at this next slide this really makes it clear this these are neurons okay and you see them moving and so it's kind of the same it's it's also in the brain if you were dead they'd be no movement and that what you see these things growing that's what's happening in your brain at speeds that are very very fast you growing little branches those branches so it's growing in its its building constant you building now you don't stop meant what causes it to develop no thinking feeling and choosy if you date a dozen so let me ask you there's this mean to more I'm learning and reading as a building more more all the time you deem it all there's no way to measure three brains of one developing versus one not if we can see that we can see a response your brain you study the brain I work with scientists up doing my own research now we see that with Lucy's brain thickening you see changes fascinating right there because yeah you you actually see I've got another slide over here will well okay we've got another slide after we've yet to post the state of this thing there's another slide that shows an inside the actual brain I don't have it over here but you can actually see what you're asking me let me see if it's over here here we go okay this is fascinating yeah that's intense to me yeah it is intense and this is what people don't realize but you're doing that you try know what that means that means when you're thinking you're reading learning more your brain is growing and growing muscles it's gray not even it's growing branches it's growing computers and those computers so you this is inside your brain you've got infinite space in your brain you designed to think you're supposed to think you're supposed to grow your brain one of the biggest aspects of mental health that is the most under is an aspect of mental health that I've been fighting for thirty years to get out into into people's minds and and and understanding and that I do with my research is building your brain with your mind if you don't build your brain if you're not learning new stuff if you're not really using your brain every day it's like not cleaning your house I'm not cleaning your teeth or not washing your body your brain builds up so so what it has there been researched to study what builds the brain more is it play is it seeing a movie that creates your imagination is it reading is it relationship is it olofi about is there one that doesn't one in the other the it's how you once again your effector if I approach a relationship with deep intensity and I really start everything at it I'm growing my brain very effectively if I take material and I study it intensity so that I can understand it and I can actually teach it that's more effective than if I just took it and just scan through it or if I just approach the relationship in terms of comparing across them it's all dependent on how you are using your perception how you're using your mind that builds health into the brain so constantly you'll have people that are that are constantly like a therapist for example who's always interacting with people and diving into people's heads you would find that is very that's not an area in the brain but it's basically that kind of skill has developed in the brain and we can all develop relationships of interest this has sometimes shut down the emotion for the therapist no because emotions are always the-- you know what I'm talking about okay so for instance I find myself I've hired a therapist for the last 19 years 20 years and I'll go sit with them right a person that had been around for 30 years it's routine a person that had been around for five years they're putting a little bit more effort a person that's been out for 35 years they're just kinda like okay so how'd it make you feel so tell me about this amazing they just look lazy I saw a trend a little bit with that which sometimes a fire was being gone but let me go back to this I want to go a little bit deeper with this conversation as well so you know how a generals historically general like generally army leaders of the army would say you know this country produces the best human beings okay or the best specimen maybe it's a better word to use you know I'm talking to Kai Kai's from Norway he tells me do you know Hitler believed that the best specimen came from Norway because whatever reasons right now why he thinks that I have no idea why he thinks that but you see a lot of generals and rulers will say you know Assyrians make the best you know people because a blood is stem from fire and they're you know they got this and they're students and they're you know original they've been out for a while sort of all these things is there a way is there a way for me maybe if you don't have a right now scientifically because this to me I mean if you have this this is insane the rest of it is there a way to measure a person's capacity from the day they're born or maybe out a year old to do a test on their brain and say this person is wiring on how the brain is if you feed the right information to this person they could end up being an Elon Musk type of guy they could end up being the next Einstein this person could end up being Churchill or Alexander Hamilton because the wiring has the ability to grow is there a way to measure that that's no because it's a complete new reductionism they've tried to do it they're trying to do it and it's the worst thing that's ever been done because it takes away the uniqueness of a human anyone could be anything depending on who you are so when it's what you reads where you go it's all perception and why do we have to but I'm not saying that let me rephrase that I'm not saying everyone can be an Elon Musk and everyone can be an Einstein if that's not really mean goes if you are an incredible artist that's as brilliant as someone who is a physicist okay so it's who you are to the uniqueness of where you introduce so okay so you know you can't front that's what you're trying to say is you're a reduction yeah what I'm not can we predict that day is a certain type of brain that will do a certain type of thing and can we grow it no you can't that's in your every action maybe let me show let me show this to you and you explain to me if I'm thinking the right way okay we got three different people okay Mary Kay Bobby Cindy they're siblings okay Mary Bobbie Cindy okay Mary has a higher level of capacity in life okay she is obviously it's very obvious from very early on very intuitive could what people understand you know thinks in a different way decisions different perspective perception of how she used the world then Bobby's a slightly lower than him and Lord and her and then he got Cindy Lord and Bobby okay I'm asking capacity if Bobby reaches this level in life it's still lower than her if she gets here but she's done more with her life with his life than Mary because Mary's potential of doing more in life is higher so all I'm asking for is there are people that have a higher potential not everybody can be in Elon Musk right not everybody can be in Einstein not everybody can be a and that's okay there's nothing wrong with it I'm not making the comparison part all I'm saying is is there a measuring mechanism to say this person's capacity based on the way their brain is wired is a lot higher than another person listen to it not at all the answer is no absolutely no applause yes because your brain is only one percent of how you function and the biggest danger that's happened with neuroscience and the advent of Technology of the MRI the fMRI mid nineties and the understanding of neuroplasticity is that people have tried to find neurobiological correlates of intelligence of mental health of mental illness and it's completely and utterly unscientific and lacking in evidence Yale just brought out a study recently saying that there is no normal brain which and what that means is that every brain has the potential to become what that person's interest is so very good point right there what that person's interest is and that and then that comes back to the effector so I can have the most amazing desire to grow in a direction and show signs of doing that but there's just something about how I'm seeing a life that could block me and someone else who you like that you listen to Bobby whatever who also makes that judgment you know we've be coming from a very materialistic view of Studios who's allowed to say the Dec one's got a lot potential than that one yeah but it's still a decision someone has said you've got more potential than user behavior we know what it's like it's kind of like this I will judge you if you're 71 and you're 15 years old there is a 40 percent chance you can end up playing in the end yeah but that's physical external that's a physical you've looked at someone physically you looked at the physical when they start talking that person there is enough research out there with people that they have thought would not do very well understand as a classic case of that we he was seen as a slow kid he was even told taken out of school and home school and he because he just did not think in the state I took a lot about that in my book think low and succeed before to be so careful of learning styles it's the most inaccurate way of judging people personality profiles IQ learning style is not science at all for 25 years there's been a few of us in the in the DA in the in there in a lonely world and are saying do not work on learning styles because it limits people no learning stuff people talk about being a visual learner in order to do all that kind of stuff so a lot of there's a lot of education systems have been based around for you for years on that but that's very limiting because you cannot say you a visual learner because you have every single person's you don't imagine not at all it's not even science it's not even it's never it's actually been totally disprove know who has disproven that many many scientists I can't have many studies that occurred actually in this book so we so basically what we have is the learning star movement has limited people because it's saying you're this type of person it is has given birth it's come out of the IQ movement so you're either a number so they would do a static test to see how you responded in that moment and your whole potential your whole life was judged on that IQ test player much less a role now they slip their role then we went to the more personality learning style content movement which put you in a category and I said if you do X then you that now in the same category is this neuro reductionism which is trying to say this is the perfect brain if you have this kind of wiring you're going to be able to do this it links to artificial intelligence it you you basically saying if you is there a certain pattern of wiring that can that you can activate or stimulate to to achieve that kind of goals let me ask it in a different way and again if if brain are their muscles what would you call those muscle proteins in computers little computers would you say muscles are little proteins yes they made you break down to programs thank you yeah so essentially maybe there's some similarity there right critical energy so for instance you know in in bodybuilding they call it endomorph ectomorph mesomorph right and it's a guy like me like i have small what do you call the joints or what he called like here-here joints yeah so what this does is it benefits a bodybuilder because it makes the forearm look bigger versus somebody who has a bigger forearm so you're looking like he's gonna look a box distinctive yes so then you're looking at I don't know if this guy's got the physique to be mr. Olympia right you can tell very early on if someone's got a physic to be in the store Olympia that's that's what I'm saying so this person may be built to be mr. Olympia all I'm saying is this person's got a very extremely sensitive brain that if the proper information is given to her and she finds something that's passionately interested in she has the ability to do really expand into something very big I'm not saying specifically putting in a box like in Germany from ninth grade they decide what you need to do as a career what you can occasionally different right British system - right in America it's a little bit more flexible if they did that to me I'd be broken because that would have gone a different direction I'm just asking measurement to say the it's not even IQ think it's a pure like looking at the way it's set up to measure and say this person can do something really magnificent with this brain and this mind if we feed the right information talking about two different things what you've done is you've mixed up physical and mental so you're totally 100% correct in saying that you could look at that physique of a very bodybuilder versus someone who's very Sun School eat on you're not gonna enlist I really I just done so there's a physical thing that that lean that that enables yes it is physical it is physical so there's the physical that 1% that shows that there's probably more tendency for someone like you to become a bodybuilder than like me to become a bodybuilders just in terms of our science ok so these the physique thing that's the physical the other side is you can look at a person's what they saying what they doing what they seem to be interested in that's what you say and if they and if you shape that can you can you and you expose them to the books and the the main tools and or whatever can you grow them in that direction there isn't a way of measuring that with the brain and I'm going to use AI artificial intelligence to explain to one neuron in the brain it moves at a speed or fires at a speed of 10 to the 16 one neuron okay artificial intelligence is trying to build a human brain that can do what a human can do based on getting the firing speed up to 10 to the 16 that's only one neuron your brain is not made of one neuron your brain is made of a hundred billion neurons that's only 20% of brain tissue the entire brain of those hundred billion neurons they fire the speed of 10 to the 27 which is it's it's it's so big it's incomprehensible so this so that's the one but then there's all the other parts of the brain that interact now we see that the chemicals that then impact this peasant impact the quantum wave plays an impact by the time you've built all those factors in your seats absolutely impossible to do that the big leader in this field has been a actually also a South African a guy who's who rendered the brain of the but the the Blue Brain Project and the change into another into another name and basically gone blank now his name is gonna come back in a moment he basically his whole goal was to build a network is his name again any walk thank you him Henry Markram his whole goal 30 years ago he makes the same university as I did was to build an artificial brain 12 years into into into the any city of during 12 years a few short years into the project now we're talking about about a guy who raised billions of euros billions of dollars teams of scientists the base and he still runs one of the biggest brain projects in the world he said and this is what makes him brilliant as a scientist I made a mistake my mistake was to think that we could simulate the human brain in a computer that we could make something that's not not this physical structure that we see into something that we could predict and program and say this person's there and then build that that it's impossible he said of the city yes after 30 years there's no project that's bigger than his office 30 years of doing this what they've managed to do with the top scientists in the world is they'd managed to simulate once one thought in a mouse brain looking for cheese or whatever and it's a veritable universe so his argument and then these other people like him often in Arizona and dr. Sir Roger Penrose the mathematician is at this time to said or like art their scientist that are brilliant that have shown that it is absolutely impossible because once thought is a veritable universe in a rat what are the thoughts that you think you you you never stop thinking you are constantly building new thoughts every 10 seconds you are able to consciously and deliberately capture your thoughts there's no space that you're going to run out of in your brain in terms of the amount of thoughts and it's all different there's no similar we're all a bit crazy there's no one so we can't get a model that says if you have that type of model what we see is behavior we see interest we see it for kids I see you've got three kids I've got four I see my one is much more interested in in in Kannamma field so that's what she went into University another one who's totally into the literature's another one who's turned into the history side so as a parent we we make sure that we expose our children how that's what we're talking about so then you guide them and you give them the opportunity so it's more creating opportunity but there isn't a reductionistic way neuro reductionism has been burst out of the MRI movement in the mid 90s where we could see inside the brain and there was this love affair that began we're saying that we can see this in your brain this is the size change this causes this and it's not the truth an MRI 70% inaccurate I work with Q equals 70 percent inaccurate it's not it's full of 70 percent false positives so claims forty thousand studies have been done Ian on MRIs 70% of the the of what they find is a false positive you cannot say that this part of the brain does this if I don't have anymore I appear good and there's this part of the brain does this phone is firing to show the response in the brain so what we can see on a very broad scale is a response like I use QTE G's in my in my research and a QE each is a very accurate way of seeing active activation in the moment so if I linked you up now to acute EEG machine and I had my technicians analyze what's going on both of us we would have a lot of what we call high gamma activity which is a wave that shows a lot of insight deep thinking creatively making a lot of links there's a lot of thinking going on here if I was if we linked it up that machine after someone who's in chronic stress who has who is just not who's waking up in the morning back in to get through the day who's just stuck in a pattern of negativity and worry and it's better to make it through every moment we would see very little again the activity we would see patterns and a changes every moment but we would see a general pattern of Highwood we call high high beta activity and whatever so these certain patterns but they don't they're not telling your story they just patterns their responses so the brain tells us something is going on it's like standing on a 20-foot building the 20th floor of a hotel and downstairs you see a group of people talking you can't hear what they saying you can maybe if you leaned over the balcony over the window you can hear a little bit of noise because noise carries but you can then you see there's something going on so you see these may be a fight to an argument but you don't know the detail of what's going on that's what brain technology tells us it tells us that the brain something's going on in the brain the brain responds and the brain constantly changes the greatest contribution brain technology has made is that our brain constantly changes and that's called neuro caster so often it's changed now every second is changing every experience is changing back in the 80s I was trained other t-talk ones I was trained that the brain couldn't change a challenge that I did work with people that had traumatic brain injury like major that had been written off by neurologists and neurosurgeons and through deliberate and intentional building of the brain learning growing the brain studying daily and working on mind management for emotional start doing this mind work the this and this was one case went back to university ended up finishing school getting high grades and this was this kid had been written off as a vegetable and I've seen that happen way too often not just me there's many scientists who have since showing that when you use your mind your brain will change now technologies confirm that MRIs show us yes I'm thinking your brain has changed it never stays the same and that's the beauty of humanity so you know always changing so you don't fear AI threat at all not at all it's fantastic it's just giving us more insight so this whole thing about AI is gonna replace all jobs and work what you're saying it would never couldn't even could just gonna make our jobs easier we're going to have to be smart in how we manage things it's it's really it's like technology on phones least if technologies managed it's a tremendous asset to humanity it's only when it's must managed that it becomes a problem so AI is a way of like the first quantum computers have already been both and that's a great way of us being able to understand knowledge and manage knowledge more effectively it's how we use the technology is always going to be the issue it's how we use brain technology that's going to be the issue brain technology has been used badly for Humanity in a lot of ways very good in a lot of ways because it's given us a lot about I mean I through technology I've learnt about the brain but it certainly doesn't tell you about how you as a put okay let me finish if the brain fires up and you are looking at a painting and someone else is going through a tumor you you conceive that firing in your brain I can't tell you if that firing is because you've had a tumor or and you re experiencing a PTSD or you are looking at a beautiful painting because the same kind of firing happens in the brain okay television she's gone till tonight Gosei happy thank you sit over here okay and you have this Q ug whatever you got on my on my brain okay and we have different things that are coming behind you you can't see what I'm looking at right yeah you cannot find out what nothing so these summons going on it's very stimulated you can see very stimulated there's a lot of activity I differentiate between the difference you can't you call these thoughts and that's we what him one day we can or no I know you can only predict from people's behavior but and we'll get obviously technology's going to advance but sure not in a thousand times a thousand years so therefore literally this is what Henry Markram and and Hema HOF which of the two leaders in this field they really the leaders fighting the AI movement in terms of not finding it in terms of you must have develop and technology but you need to be realistic if one thought in a mouse brain is a veritable universe how are many other thoughts in your brain and what kind of universe it's a universe your child in your children your little girl she's a universe of thoughts and you'll never fully understand her you'll never fully know or be able to predict how she's gonna react tomorrow you can estimate but you will always be quantum physics shows that said you can know your wife you can know your child you can know your husband but you can you still be 30% inaccurate if I don't know you over well I've only watched you on new interviews so I'm gonna guess but I'm going to be 50% inaccurate I know my husband very well because I've been married for 32 years I can guess but I'm still gonna be only 70% in that region accurate so we thought solid thoughts the effect is this beautiful part of humanity that we need respect and it can always change so if someone has done something and they've been doing it for more than 63 days they have wired attack me into their brain like a pathway it looks like a toxic tree that's why use this it's a real protein to all computers and those computers have been very very established it takes 21 days to build a long-term memory it takes 63 days minimum to build a habit not to anyone like we've been told 63 anything after that you're going to expert level so if I have for six years been worrying I'm an expert warrior it doesn't mean that you I am it's who I've become so I can unbe come it's hard work I'm gonna have to do a lot of mind I'm gonna have to do a lot of mind management to use emotional signals like depression and anxiety and schizophrenia and all that stuff omission st spoke about I'm gonna have to use that to make to find out what is the cause of why I'm so negative how did you find out about 63 instead of 21 days that's memory research I'm putting about it also netbook thing blue and succeed so it's basically what we see is your brain your body works in cycles of healing so if you have a blister you'll find that it takes for example 30 21 days to moralize maybe could be training streaker between it could be 19 but it's in that region we see that it takes cycles of that to heal dr. Marian diamond who died last year at 84 one of the leading researchers in this particular field of memory she showed how the little branches that are made of millions of computers that hold them your memories as vibrations on the tops of the trees that over time the the branch has changed shape and it takes 21 days for the branches to reach a certain shape and when they reach that certain shape they made of proteins that are what we call self-sustainable so we see a change in proteins some proteins are very unstable they only last for 24 48 hours some only last 7 days some 14 days some 21 days so we can see that that's the kind of what we're talking about we can see a change and a progression now even a long-term memory can be reconceptualized and that means I'll always remember so let's say for example someone is the half loss in 1000 sees the glass half empty and they've just been in that and it's just like oh these people just always gonna see the negative first every meet the business meeting they just always see the negative but that person can change their very world they become an expert in being negative but they can actually unwire that they can they can get to the point where it's a lot of work but you've got to go through the pain of doing it which people don't want to in this day and age and that's something we should maybe discuss but you can change that and reverse that process then one day that guy in your meeting you'll say wow you actually see okay I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna talk about that in a moment so that guy will actually then say hey now I am you just did something positive so Patrick says to the business employee hey you actually seen this differently what did you do it whatever what does that person done that person has seen the response of and I'm just using this because it'd be boarded up first of your colleagues his colleagues his boss etc getting kind of a little bit put off by the negativity we all know you around someone negative it can impact you because they're generating toxic photons and whatever so they by looking at the response and the feedback they make a choice that's the initial start process so once I recognize okay people don't you know I need to do something it's either either feedback from people or I can't go on like this anymore I'm burning out stress wise I'm getting sick because there's a relationship between chronic ongoing inflammation and physical illnesses in your body which I've just done research on now and the mind stuff and how you can change that so what does person does first is an awareness it's it's embracing it either from feedback or from I can't go on like this anymore so there's some level of awareness I've got embrace step number one embrace acknowledge it's all the same thing I've got to get to the point where I'm going to do that and in the in that is the choice okay I want to change I don't want to have this feedback in I want to improve my relationship I don't want to keep living a life where I'm always worrying or always anxious it's making me sick which it is which it does so that's the first tip embrace acknowledge and choose then you've got to go through a very painful process of processing and that is a process of why do I do this why am I always negative and it's a process it's an exercise where you literally go through five steps for 30 minutes a day and I always recommend to my patients and my research has shown stick around thirty minutes and 45 minutes is pushing it because it's heavy stuff when you start digging into trauma Oh dealing with your toxic habits it's a theory draining so you've got to limit that otherwise the whole day it becomes this big emotional washout and you become very I focus which is very unhealthy for your heart more the more times you say I me and mine you're going to increase your chance by 42% at having a cardiovascular event in the next 12 months so we don't want to turn people into cells because of the stroke I'm in mind pressures all on you it's on me you're putting it inside you focusing on yourself you go around in so of course you don't get perspective you've got to have interaction with others you've got to have deep meaningful relationships so the more sulfur focused you become the more your heart becomes strained your blood vessels start going your body goes into toxic stress your blood vessels around your heart constrict you reduce oxygen and blood flow to your brain and you're set yourself up for cardiovascular so the more you I mean by myself or III isolation individualism the more you're going to die which is what we see in this day and age we see an increase in cardiovascular events in the United States in UK in developed countries that have an individualistic focus we see way less in countries that have a community focus like Japan and you know the the various different countries that have more of a community focus this country is the most individualized country one of the most individualized countries or use or the loneliest in the world and we have one of the highest rates of people dying from isolation cardiovascular disease etc annually and I mean this is becoming a problem in as much of a problem as the UK Australia the developed countries we see more and more where we see more community like in Africa Cambodia those we see less and less of that we see people dying from malnutrition and hygiene and that kind of stuff but we don't see them dying because they'll only this country people are nutrition they they healthy they will feed they are successful Kate Spade they are beautiful they and they committing suicide they you don't saying these so we've got a problem they so coming back to the question you asked me how someone changes we've got to do this what's the five stuff so the five steps first of all is gather gather gather that's a big word for embrace acknowledge embrace that your embrace that you have an issue stuff that's like a you know your first acceptance quietly accept is an issue what's the second one second one is you've got to reflect it's a deep reflection it's a process this is the most painful part it's it's like a surgeon will say my friends I've got lot of doctor friends and they'll say that they've got to first cut up the patient to heal them so you got to go through the pain before go to hurt you to heal you so that's a very it's this whole process is hard I'm not applying it but it's good and it takes time it's going to take cycles of 21 days so the second process is deep reflection where you are basically trying to Trek back to not necessarily bet but why am I doing this when you study in your trends you're looking at your trains your patterns so the first thing is to start is to take okay this I'm depressed this is an emotional warning signal your body's got physical warning signals so you're embracing the emotional and physical warning signals from the environment and from yourself you then thinking about these okay so why am I always negative why am I always depressed why am i anxious and as you go through that process of self-reflection you're getting to the point where you're not where you just wanna find get to it's there every day it's a little bit to the point where you find okay well maybe this is at the end of 21 days you see oh I'm anxious because I'm actually trying to be a perfectionist I'm trying to control everything in my environment and it's not quite working out or maybe it's because there's a tumor that you've never dealt with you've kept yourself so busy trying to suppress the tumor that it's actually made you whatever it's going to be different for it when there's no pattern and there's no link between if I've had sexual trauma and heart disease or something people have tried to do that they've tried to show that if you've got a go better issue it's anger this is just not science at all this is just guessing games because someone who's angry could have gallbladder issues and they could have a cardiovascular should it's different for each person it's so our genome is unique my fetchers unique gather then you have reflect pain then the third thing is we've got a genetically process so what we've got to do is you've got to make your brain do stuff people right the third process is right when you write you're clearing out a lot of and when I say right it's like literally throw it on the page because you'll see my sequence that I've developed you literally spend a minute and a half to two minutes doing each of these so you would gather for a minute and a half you would reflect for a minute and a half you would write for a minutes and a half a little bit longer if you want to and then you would recheck now reach ik is a process where you go back and look for patterns your triggers you do your what does this mean so if you think of it I've become aware of something going on negative half loss worry anxiety I am reflecting why am I feeling I'm starting to get to the red crystal on your minutes and a half and you must move you're writing that dance maybe a bunch of jumble that you write down you recheck looks at your jumbo and chance to get some level of order you were then you go to you get to educate that level of audience okay what's my little tiny task for today and it may be as simple as when I feel this anxiety coming on I'm gonna I'm gonna compartmentalize it and I'm gonna only worry about it tonight at six o'clock so it could be a simple statement long number four that's that's number four leading to number five so number four is retakes I see that I'm always worrying in certain situations but in a minute and a half is only a little bit of information you've gathered which is the point you must only get a bit every day not everything every day we consult all Rome was not built in a day it's little things change over time we try and fix it quickly you can't get there it's a process you have to dig it out of your non-conscious it's a deep investigative detective process that you're doing so let's say now that you start seeing okay I'm worrying because of this or- and I'm starting to get a glimpse of well maybe it could be this or maybe so what can I do today there's a little activity activity after the active reach an active reach is then if I see that evil it's like the worrying thing I just I wake up in the morning just like that day I'm stuck at skiing so I said okay I'm aware that I'm worrying all I've worked out today today one I've just read after that then I actually need us don't worry so cool what's my extra reach I as I worry as that hits me in the fear in the face I'm going to say okay this worry I can't deal with now I'm gonna deal with tonight so now it's six o'clock in the morning I'll do that six o'clock tonight as you go through the day it is that also what happens is you take the energy away from the worry now you must remember that well I haven't even told you this much clearly but every thought you build is a real living thing it has energy its firing energy so if I take this worry toxic and I say okay keep quiet you in a box I'm not gonna deal with it and you will discipline yourself not to think about it and by the time six o'clock tonight comes twelve hours later that thing's lost energy most likely they're gonna be powerful what you just said right there because I out this with a lot of guys where you know your brain automatically is going to prom I can't believe this person said this I can't believe we're facing this oh my gosh look what's going on this is gonna be so much bigger you know this is terrible set it aside six hours later don't give it any weight don't give it any power six hours you're not even thinking about this today's the science behind it so the science is that of you but if you don't think about growth so that worry and also whatever you don't think about whatever you don't think one grow whatever you think about growth so these things feed on energy so if I keep thinking about that all day long I'm getting myself in a toxic mix you get stuck that's why we have to do with Tomo we have to deal with our habits because they keep us stuck we've got to get them out and change them so if I put that by the end of the evening this thing is lost were even tomorrow once once a week you can have your little worried neck boys talks about having a little my husband he has like in his mind mentally there's a little worried book and Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock storybook time everything goes in that poky allows himself one day a week to worry about it and by the time he gets it doesn't happen anymore now what's happening scientifically is that research shows that 95% of all worries don't materialize anyway so by the time we get there in the afternoon or next week or whenever it is that you decide to worry you actually it's lost its power over you and so that's just a little technique and that's typical of a lot of reach now what I did with my patients is our developers technique it's been clinically tested scientifically researched physically applied was pretty materials but we've just released an ethanol way I've put this because people have been asking me for years I don't do therapy anymore I don't have time I teach this around the world so now I've put all of us into a mobile apps so on your phone in a mobile application so it's literally therapy well called switch switch switch switch switch your months you're gonna put the link below if you're watching this we're gonna put the link below for the app so you can go download it and test it for yourself you switch switch with iTunes Google Play with it and that basically walks you through these five steps Audio driven and then I have little things on there like if you're having a panic attack maybe you got to go into meeting you can press play and don't be able to talk about meditation then yeah would be gonna get the app orgasm download yeah let's talk about that so it's so next thing so for me a few things that you see a lot that's coming up recently is all the medication that we being asked to take right I have kids and I'll live you know how to meeting ghosts you know your son doesn't really pay attention in the class and he's kind of struggles with you know you know a present and he's always dozing off and he's going different places and I say yeah it's my son he reminds me a little bit of myself when I was that age so from from your perspective whether we're dealing with bipolar ADHD depression panic how much of that is part of our perception which is how we're born I'm born being bipolar I'm born having ADHD how much of it is imagination I think I have this how much of it is somebody else imposing their belief on you and how much of it is real question okay so now we're dealing with something cool that falls in the realm of mental illness and it's a complete misnomer because we told that mental illness number one to answer question is on the rise and that we've got more and more kids that need to be identified with all these these bipolar theatres etc but actually mental illness is not on the rise what's happened is we have mismanagement of mind that has created a whole new problem so what we have in issue here is that mental illness doesn't actually exist now hear me carefully I'm not saying that depression isn't real I am saying it's incredibly real schizophrenia psychotic breaks bipolar these things are very real but they're not illnesses they're not physical illnesses in your brain you don't have bipolar waiting to jump out and ADHD waiting to jump out and which is where the neurobiological your reductionistic biomedical neuropsychiatric model which is all these things for the same thing or going what the truth is is that you're 99% mind we have to deal with that 99% mind which is how you are dealing with what you're going through in life as its own separate category when we talk about the physical brain and body you have weaken test if you've got a cardiovascular disease if you've got diabetes if you've got a traumatic brain injury you in a car accident to me see if you've got tumors in your brain if you've got liver disease if you've got fatty liver disease whatever we can do biological tests where we can blood test we can do various different tests to identify and treat it works that's called the biomedical model and it works for the physical brain and body it's excellent however in this in about 60 years ago in and it really hit in the 80s that whole category got blended and people's mind issues gotta stop being called mind issues and sort of thing called illnesses against many scientists and being anti that but a movement began because it's not accurate because you can't call something like something why why did it go from you know illness is it because the business part in a minute business so in an amid a so in in the 50s or zine was the first psychotropic to be developed as a Thorazine program that's other name is called primacy so there's an anti-psychotic it's called an anti-psychotic must named an anti-psychotic it's an NSC anaesthetic so what it did was have calm people done so what we had in the 50s more or less this first drug came out it was used many people with mind issues have always been badly handle it there's a historic we've just done bad job there's been pockets of good things that have been done in between but in general people's mind issues have not been handled well but in in the in the 50s this drug was developed and they took they gave they actually gave it my mistake to some patients in a mental asylum and they seemed to calm down and they became more manageable and so gave birth to this the psychiatric drug industry and by the mid 80s we had prozac then we had the second generation drug but before we know it we had every psychotics antidepressants anti-anxiety made the famous you know Librium and Penix and these things that are now household names and every second person is on some sort of drug so what we have is an industry that was given birth to called the psychotropic drug industry and it was basically very financially driven and I mean everything I said can back up scientifically and there's hundreds of scientists thousands actually there that and you'll find references in all my work so essentially what we have is an industry that says ok if you're feeling sad depressed up-and-down psychotic breaks can't cope etc you are ill so therefore you need a drug because if you ill likely have cardio basically you need a drug so they had a theory got a few years ago just after Perez you know whatever he said well maybe it's a chemical imbalance in the brain and so the hunt began to see ah it's in the brain and it became a whole thing where you've got to find a neurobiological correlate for the disease so they then shifted everything from you as a human in life going through the scenarios if you spoke about in the beginning going through whatever scenario going to war going to whatever everything life the human condition people in life that was taken out of the equation you know I factor your experience your narrative your story your context your life taken away and you were seen if you were sad or depressed for longer than two weeks because you just lost some wherever you're not your story that didn't count what counts is that your feelings said according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual which is not at all statistical scientific I know the people involved in the development I know a lot about the DSM and it's not a scientific manual it's good for firewood and that's about it you really mean it's good for fire doorstop firewood but definitely not to label and limit people because what we're doing there is we're taking the concept of if you have fatty liver disease we've got a diagnostic category we can fix it we can they've tried to do that with mine now let me ask you this if you have just lost your wife I'll give you a classic example I was in teaching the San Tomas islands just recently doing I mean I do a lot of mental health conferences all over the world and this woman came after me after me teaching on mind and brain all the stuff that I teach on and she she had just lost her husband in the previous hurricane in 2017 her husband's head was severed literally in front of her from the hurricane breaking and hitting the whatever through whatever building and I don't know the exact details everyone knows that she was there and she lost her husband she's young young mom you can imagine the trauma you never get over that number one that told me you'd never get over let me say that you don't get over trauma you don't get over grief you get through it you don't get over it you don't get to it you learn how to move forward through it and we shouldn't take that away because there is her story this woman came up to me after the session and she said dr. V if I wanted to and she was smiling I'm thinking this is some great story she's gonna and she proceeded to tell me the story instead she was seeing to a doctor after the school she was obviously I mean I wouldn't how do you cope with something like that the doctor said you've got bipolar you've got a clinically you view clinically depressed by polio clinically depressed you need an antidepressant she said I am NOT clinically depressed I do not have an illness I have just lost my husband who passed her over church whatever gave gave him one of my books which was I mean if this is the story she told me and she said she decided to start doing that five steps that I've just done and she processed and went through and experienced her grief she she cried she screamed she shouted she saw you have to freak out in that zone you have to get once you acknowledge I'm in grief this is my story I'm not gonna make this is not an illness that's an insult to tell someone who's been through war grief a child is bullied or a child who's betting to learn who needs to just be helped to learn or maybe who's been given a decent diet or who's been bullied at school and who's having an emotional reaction is it fair to tell that person she has a label you have ADHD ADHD is not even a scientific category I've worked in learning disabilities for 25 years in my practice and done research in this area 2 to 17 percent of people have a learning disability from a booth tumor or something going on in the womb or some kind of a head injury we have a seventy to seventy seven percent plus going up referral rate for people with a DD every second person's got ADHD including adults it's not even a real thing what we have is a society that's very busy we designed to do busy well that people aren't managing technology we're not managing online we have been told as a society which is where we started this discussion literally at the beginning we've been told as a society that you are your brain your brain is controlling you so therefore bipolars in your brain and you are not a believer not at all my pearl is gonna move through your brains so now this woman has grief she's seen her husband's head sliced off she's in terrible tumour from that and from the fact that he's lost her husband then experience went through her brain so obviously there's a toxic thought in her brain that's a toxic experience that is a torment an involuntary trauma because as a human everything new process goes in your brain it becomes a structure you change your brain you are always growing your brain that's neuroplasticity your brain structures changing every moment of every day so of course she that of course her heart was affected she nearly died from from from cardiovascular issues because of the fact that your heart is impacted through so in other words your brain and body of course they're gonna respond of course you're gonna have physical of course you need a medical doctor to help mint monitor Ida lady the other day at a conference I did she's wearing a heart monitor she just lost her husband she's not coping she's really betting they put she's they had a couple of thrills but almost heart attack so now she walks down with her so yes your brain and body will respond so we will see the effects of trauma in your brain we and some people will be in mood swings some people it will be complete withdrawal but depression bipolar anxiety these are so real they the 99% we need to give them more attention so are you saying if I don't have if if John doesn't have any symptoms of bipolar a traumatic a traumatic experience to him could give him symptoms of what a doctor could consider him him to have him bipolar I'm not being bipolar well basically they these certain questions that are asked you know I've never been diagnosed I've been a regular kid I'm good I fall in love with the girl we marry each other one day were walking she slips somebody comes up they shoot her right in front of me dies they miss me i watch her die right in front of me I can't do anything about it for the rest of my life I feel guilty can I go from being normal prior to that to afterwards now I got some kind of symptoms where a psychologist could say I think you've got certain issues you okay so what we need to do is ignore is what that person's gone through that person has a story that what you've just described as a personal story that's the 99% of what they've experienced we need to validate that by hearing them by listening to them we invalidate that by saying you have an illness of clinical depression we invalidate that by saying that okay 99% okay you see it's only 1% I'm not gonna validate to experience and they second tell you you have a brain illness you do not have a neuropsychiatric brain disease you have a terrible trauma and we need to listen to you we need to help you you need community you need to cry mask you let me be the devil's advocate in this how much it I can also be used by somebody to use that as a crutch to say this is why I'm not doing that well a lot of people's yeah you know this is why I'm also that's what I'm saying it's stuck you have to read conceptualize so we're not talking about the five steps and I talked about acknowledging you know that gather think write recheck and active rich what you're doing there is Yuri conceptualizing so you're changing so here you've gone through the track this woman who went through that seeing her husband's head severed she now does grief counseling for people that are going through grief so she still has days where she cries and breaks down she's a human it's the human condition it's a response to the suffering of life we click on medicalised Missouri pair to be caught the thought of John's pain emotional pain trauma these are stories that are part of your suffering they kind of you the King the Japanese have a beautiful principle called consider if you ever heard of it that's brilliant if a vase drops or a beautiful porcelain pot and it shatters all over the ground most people just sweep it away and throw it away what we see what they do is they actually rebuilds that a long it takes they rebuild the whole pot and they use a lacquer filled with gold and platinum so they rebuild something beautiful with with the the gold showing that what it did the damage so in other words that's what become weary conceptualize so now the swoon with the grief she has the pot she's a pot of gold she's rebuilt her life but the pain is still there we don't want it not acknowledge she remembers the pain but she's now managing the pain by moving fooled by helping others by not just me myself and I she's got to have periods of me myself and I but you've got to have balance that there are periods of going out of yourself so you have to reconceptualize which means redesign see it have you it's okay to grieve you should grieve you know what the DSM says if you that woman after two weeks if she didn't if she was still grieving she now has an illness you tell me you can agree the rest of your life that that happened to wife you're never going to get through grief the worst thing you can say to someone who is grieving is time will heal thumb does not heal you'll get over you will not get over you don't believe that no you will learn to live with it that's the first thing you've ever experienced you attempted suicide no family by very close family member which is and it was unsuccessful but it was how many years ago was perfect four years ago four years ago I've had a my oldest daughter nearly died of bulimia I mean I'm in the field I'm in the moment you literally you as a parent you completely like how do you cope with something like that you it's devastating but you have a choice because I have to stay strong and wise for my kids so I freaked out I cried I saw I did whatever but I had a sense of peace in me then I will be strong and I will be then I will help my child through so I hadn't suppress it I didn't go into a state where I couldn't cope anymore and got diagnosed have those medications antidepressants etc those don't heal anything they damage the brain so people experience a period of help because they numb the brain so if I'm in a place where I where you've got that grief for your husband or whatever your child daily dying of bulimia whatever you whatever dwarma you're in a bad place and some and what they do those those drugs will numb the pain because sometimes it pains too much but you know what we have to be brave we have to allow ourselves and give us those permission to go through the pain and we can't do it alone pedals are the other thing what we see from science is that as a family we pulled together when my when my daughter went through that that terrible time when that woman went through the grief with her husband she had a community as soon as I reach out to universe until you your brain changes you know that you switch on you actually switch on a genetic switch in your brain that increases your resilience when you're in community you also change how your neurotransmitters flow your entire body works for you instead of against you the blood will dilate and you'll have more blood in your brain and oxygen in your brain 1,400 neuro physiological responses will work for you in that state even in the midst of your screaming shouting crying swearing going crazy expressing going from highs to lows which is all normal you have got this inner strength that sets happening when you realize that okay I give myself permission to go through this and I and I'm going to do it I'm not going to be alone no one can fix you no one can take your pain away but I can hold your hand and that's what we need to do sucker Lord of the Rings Frodo Sam say to Frodo I can't carry the ring into Mount Doom but I can't carry you and this is what how we have to manage mental health we to allow people to embrace and process and we have to do it in community not medicate not drug you have you have for 25 years who practice do you have the ability to prescribe me any medication no I don't prescribe a lot of prescribing physician you're not nice do you have the ability to tell me go see dr. Jones she can prescribe you a Zoloft she can prescribe you rebel and she can prescribe I would never kill you like this because you've never in your life recommended ever I actually put people on withdrawal programs to get off the drugs those drugs increase your chance of dementia they have no positive effects except numbing effects so the only time that I would indicate it says someone is now in met with severe tumor and they they they are freaking out maybe someone's like freaking to do something dangerous maybe 24-hour sedation but then you've got it but not longer than that because these drugs are addictive their drugs they're not medicine they're not healing your body they damaging your body they're not medicine it's very very powerful they set you up for the dimensions they have three thousand four side effects and all the technical trials have actually been have shown that they're not effective they cherry pick they take out and they say they worked over perceiver they did not it's not the accurate truth the public hasn't been presented with the truth obviously I know a lot of these because in my world I have a lot of peers they we talk openly whether it's lorazepam you know adderall you know adderall is a very big thing nowadays people are getting hooked on adderall very early on from high school or this guy can't pay attention to school here take some adoramatv just drive that's how early they started how hard it is annex in the wound say that again they are doing they're off they're medicating babies in the womb now saying that from a brain scan that this baby's potential to get to fit yeah that's how that's how the public can be lied to it's financially driven the kids as young as two doctors are doing this around the globe it's the worst in the United States of America you can't also the other thing is you can't just like these guys you're talking about you can't just stop these drugs because as if it drug you in your mouth your brain changes you've gross things in your brain when you take an antidepressant and antipsychotic reason you actually grow structures in your brain that damage your brain the guy behind me the one day your husband was talking about how the shop at one time was interviewed on BBC he says the difference between us and the West is the West is you know wasting life by taking away too many sleeping pills any citizens 76 he talked about it so it's like you know you're you're putting yourself through your problem by just medicating yourself not even thinking about the timing naming the numbing your brain to not even go through the problem let me go through what you said okay so this is a festering wound when you think and feel and choose you call genetic expression you grow stuff in your brain that should be doing now we've been talking about this if you have a toxic issue in you haven't dealt with it you have this thing the proteins are all folded weirdly the electrical chemical balance is wrong it's all dangerous here's a slide to show you what it looks like they it actually it's not a hole it's actually toxicity this is like a virus so if I don't deal with this if I just medicate that medication grows extra things around this area that make it worse so when the know in the numbing effect wears off I've got this and I've got now extra things here that make my brain and that's aggressions manifesting feelings of worse depression aggression etc then if you just put the medication back on we say positive affirmation and happiness industry you're just presenting a band-aid on the wound is still festering eventually it'll burn right through we have to get it out and researchers as soon as we get it out in the conscious as soon as you gather we can see how this is striking you actually weaken it you weaken the bonds which means you can redesign it very powerful yep I agree a a brilliant concept next question people have faced different challenges in their lives okay you just talked about suicide I've experienced exact similar situation to where I had to call the cops they came they took the person went to the hospital because there was too many calls of suicide at one point this person took 17 sleeping pills at the same time and said hey I love you I said this is too many calls I just called bomb Co pick them up once straight to us but I want to visit it the person very close family messes with your head because you're always worried about this person killing you killing themselves and you don't have any control over it right so we got loss of a loved one we're pretty much all gonna experience this no longer we live we're gonna experience it the tough part is a different loss of a loved one is burying your parents versus burying your child it's a different kind of a pain from your experience if you don't mind if I go through these you give me 15 30 seconds per because if we go longer we'd be here for a long time for this you've said what a lot of people what have the immediate pain been for people that have experienced this if you don't know if you have an experience something like this just a pass you know we'll go to the next person or is the same thing what's loss of a loved one been from a parent burying their kids totally as a tool where they can go in to troll with a parent is that what you look yes yeah you're going to go into trauma net in itself is not it's too much and it's real and people have to learn to move forward through it so that's not ever going to go away and that's what we need to give people permission to keep that because then grief eventually becomes a point where you can actually take the trauma and remember the good times and that's been my experience working with people that have lost a child through suicide or early days for whatever reason is that there's initially all the stages you go through anger the denial that hey you have to allow the process and you have to very we've got to get people through the sooner you actually experience the pain you learn to then manage the pain the sooner you cry scream so now with the people don't try and block that we in a day in an age where it's okay you in pain let me number let's get you sleeping tablets you can't sleep it's better to stay awake all night crying and cry that I took it I'd have people around you holding you just holding you that physical contact and then every day it will get a little bitter but if you don't if you just shoved it away with drugs you it the rest of your life has any transform that I've got to say one more thing pictures you go to transform at some point like that woman whose husband he'd got say that she transformed their pain into activity with people deep meaningful connections she counsels people with grief now the same thing as well she lost her husband from a shooting yeah so how about from all of these I think based on the answer you give it may be the same answer for all of them divorce separation similar answer you would say trauma strong yes close thing about DuBose if I may say because there's the connection because there's the whole connection between a husband and wife and the sexual connection everything there's a lot of these these physical to particles in quantum physics as soon as they put in relationship they no matter how far apart that ways in relationship that's what quantum physics is there's always a way there's always a relationship yes so what you've got here is now you've got the severing of a relationship so now we've got this this weird real thing so it has to be healed so that's why it's so important it's through communication through talking through each other if it's possible if it's not possible because the person is hurting you know there's abuse or something like that oh you know it's too traumatic then counselling with other people that you get to a point where you can forgive forgiveness is vital because it isolates otherwise this this is the toxic divorce there is we can see a physical thing there's a quantum energy connection so there's an invisible connection so if you don't forgive even if you the victim you still stay connected so by forgiving us we sever their - we sever that connection and that's vital in divorce any kind of trauma even if someone's raped you you've got to get to the point where you forgive your not forgiving what they've done what they did is unforgivable but your forgiving from you because now you're consider and you can heal all that will control you the rest of your life so you could seal this thing off and redesign it does it make sense of course close call if I was almost died it really messed with my head if somebody had a close call of dying yeah I guess um when somebody almost killed me gunshot to my head we were bumped and I almost died I'm shocked that stays with me certain sirens always things PTSD so you've got you know there is a sort of illness it is a response so bipolar PTSD all these things these are just umbrella terms descriptions for the underlying thing in this case you would experience the reaction you experienced in your whole body it was embodied in your body so your brain both the network your body embodied it and then there's the trigger so what you have to do is learn to manage the triggers and that's a matter of as you see them happening right or down put it in your phone whatever and then you can eventually learn to manage those triggers what also happened in those near-death experiences is very often tremendous insight into your spiritual nature grab and run with that because that will grow you as a person and you've got your food find that with people that have gone through those sexual abuse sexual abuse is in very calm complete invasion that starts with acknowledgment very often it's suppressed because of the guilt and the shame that's surrounded it you know the media movements helped a lot but for male and female this human that shame has locked people in if we have a society that's more open to allowing us to express how we feel we're in a society that doesn't allow us to express we need to be able to express when you talk is the same thing you can you've got to get it out you go to process and then you've gotta forgive so you've got to do that forgiveness it's it's that fast a person for someone's rage was you know this person was a kid hey I was only six years old when it happened I was 12 years old kind of control do I have over it nothing until later on and very often it only manifests in a relationship later on you can find that you know very often you'll find in a relationship or in a behavioral issue maybe early on so it's picked up on that there's a change in behavior and a child through place therapy very often that can be picked up and then it's a matter of helping children to build a feeling of safety and then it's as they're getting older once they get into relationship it's it's going to come back again and then it's been creating an environment very open that we've done with our kids in our home is to talk about stuff but it takes a lot of time what you've got to do is create an openness in homes amongst parents and children and in society where all of us are experiencing trauma it's the human condition you're not different because you depressed you're not different because you sexually abused everyone has got a story and more people abused and should be it's very high numbers but society doesn't allow us to talk about it so to open with the safe community to be able to talk about that I mean I can see that so how about a loss of relevance Beauty Fame you were popular you were attractive now you've lost it used to be the one that everybody gave you attention used to be very popular you've lost that so you went from being the face and now you're no longer you've got a lot of attention how do you deal with that okay so first of all we have to go and ask ourselves see if it's if it's totally thrown you then we've taken that external and we've taken the external and we've put it on us and that's given us our feeling of success but our identities kind of lost so it's - success is not that that wasn't really success if she wasn't even successful you choose if success changes you your your your identity it wasn't strong notes to success is if you've got nothing and you still feel a sense of peace in the midst of the crisis so it comes from in terms of spiritual thing very spiritual and its internal its intrinsic versus extrinsic and we're in an extrinsic a dominated society here's a weird one let's see what you're gonna say to this I had a friend of mine who used to go through a Catholic Church and a guy that ran to church the priest was respected by everybody and one day he flipped and he says you know what I got three women here in the church that I've been seeing and I'm not who you think I am and I have no desire to become a religious leader that you base now what would John do what would Bobby do what would Larry do how do you manage I've had so many friends that look I used to belong to church when the pastor got up so were called when the pastor got up he said this how do you mean how do you deal with that well we be putting people on pedestals and we all it's it's a level playing field we've gotta stop doing that there's this whole thing I'm a leader sound perfect you know if someone what we should be doing is embracing that priest honesty that he actually has been put in a box of that celibacy we should embrace the honesty and second least he's actually come out and he's actually been honest and I would go that angle there's a lot of that there's a lot of that yeah there's a lot of that with that but he put people in boxes and they can't live up to identity kills people people more suicides happen from people's lack of identity than anything else if you did your density of you one fan-dude what do you put what did you go to exactly that's a part of it public humiliation yet a massive public humiliation moment nowadays that happens on social media you had a screw-up you posted a picture and boom reappears 12 years that looks at totally forgot I posted on Facebook 12 years ago I can't believe I did that you know I I had an incident on my company I some happen people saw what I did a very embarrassing moment how do you handle that you can't control it I got just just yesterday i sat with a person a very successful person she said can I talk to you privately pulled me aside I said yes my brother's girlfriend fiance is a very famous online celebrity okay so I said okay so I looked at the word person as I know who this person is see the face before okay this person posted something that was not supposed to happen everybody came after her she lost 70 80 % she took a big hit okay because her entire image that she was selling it flipped and it was a wait a minute you're talking about not shaming you just shamed this individual mm-hmm she doesn't have come back from this major public humiliation that he had because she Emilio did somebody else how do you handle that so from a her perspective from you made a big scrub she knows she screwed up yeah and she is not humiliated publicly because it's out there there's nothing she can do about it easy answer was rusty I made a mistake and that's people will still claim you but that is absolute the vulnerability authorization I used to think like this and I've changed because of this people respect that more than if I said that earlier on about Henry Markram is a great scientist one of the greatest things about him was his ability to say I was in the wrong direction I'm going in another direction it's honestly it's fun and we change change as humans and we make mistakes isn't those were they tell me one person who hasn't made a mistake and if we start owning up to our mistakes you're not going to have the private issues that we see so just if you make a mistake and you've heard someone say sorry and be honest my daughter's never made a mistake a lot of mistakes and she was famous said she screamed so loud the entire neighborhood shuts down with this girl screams well eating it out more power than kosis you can sing one day let's let's do something anybody she's getting it out parenting your relationships the last thing I want to do and then we can wrap up from here is men who are raised with a bad relationship with mother don't make good spouses okay you've heard this before women who are raised without having a father figure end up becoming dot dot dot right how much truth is there behind that Kevin O answer the same one that I did earlier on nature nurture I factor so you can have two people two kids in the same home that have experienced that kind of whatever so either of those scenarios and one will go into a good relationship one won't go into a good relations relationship so once again it's about it's definitely a fixed nurturing does effect is definitely gonna be issues so the one that does succeed in the relationship there's going to be things that they're going to do that need to be dealt with the whole thing here is embrace though emotional rolling signals it's one of the biggest things that I've told all my patients and I say all the time is listen to the emotional and physical warning signals of your body which I've been doing in my clinical research as well and once you train yourself to do that you can then bring that into your see where it's like if you like you have a great marriage but you've got this one issue the other person's divorced five times because of the parenting issue so the one who's in the good marriage but they've got this issue they say issue deal with it use the signals that are coming to feedback the emotional ones the physical ones and make the changes fair enough this one's another one that I'm curious I know what you say about this you know I watch how people are raised okay and sometimes like I interviewed Stephen Highsmith and Stephen E Smith is a very famous sports announcer I mean he's incredible sports analyst okay he's incredible he works at ESP spirit was the face of ESPN when he talks people listen okay so how'd you become the way you are today says my mother never let me make an excuse every time something bad happened he says she says what could you have done differently he's black he says my mother never let me use my color as an excuse she never let me once use race never let me use this never interesting never and anybody who does I see how he talked about how Oprah Winfrey now this is this person's like this because of this this person killed somebody because of this I am NOT this you killed somebody you kill somebody you did this you did this okay flipped on obvious you see got like this that one straight to the top sometimes I see you know the the parenting philosophy and see if there's any research you've done on this of my son is perfect he can't do anything wrong it's no way in the world my son no way he sees perfect this kid is incredible you know my grandson is incredible my daughter no way in the world he didn't do the wrong it's probably to teachers probably somebody else what kind of effect does that have on a kid when parents are pitching this kid to be perfect what does it do to us psychologically they setting them up to really experience them not hard knocks and hopefully their child is going to as they go through the hard so learn the lessons and not perpetuate that cycle of thinking cuz that's one of those you know those genetic epigenetics things that come through that is has been woken up and they could continue down the dinner it bit down the line but there is they're pretty much sitting the kids up to have real knocks for you because it's not realistic because you can't control anyone's choices you cannot control your veins and circumstances and you cannot control other people's choices you can only control your own reactions which is your own thinking feeling and choosing which I still don't get that dough but so I'm pitching I'm presenting my kid to be you're so perfect you can't this is an incredible is the most incredible human being I met in my life you know you're so special you're amazing you're awesome he doesn't make mistakes how does that affect me negatively isn't that a good thing to say that to my kids no you don't want to say that your kids all the time because it's not realistic it's not a realistic thing because they you love them for who they are but you're setting a standard and they're going to think well if I do any if I fail which is every day you're gonna make some mistake you're gonna feel guilt and you're never going to measure up to this you're always gonna have an invalid you will never measure up to the t's affected you are density's effective you sitting as well okay could it have an impact of one a lack of commitment every time commitment gets a little closer even suicidal because if nothing recognized valued for who you are humans are designed to be valued I need to value you for you I need a very my child despite the choices that they make even if I don't agree with a whole bunch of them they are gonna make choices that I don't agree with or that are wrong but I still value who they are so you think me telling you you're perfect as a form of judgment it is because I've got a major not up to what you think is to what you think is perfection Wow you know what that's the difference to you yeah I mean but but initially it may sound like a very noble thing you're doing you know I'm not gonna make she saying this is what I need you're fully money you better fill my need it's very selfish I like you this is very very good I like you so have you seen the movie the Pharaoh have you seen this new movie that came out with the it's that it's apparently a Chinese philosopher where the grandmother has throat cancer but apparently in China if you have a illness that you're gonna die they don't tell you about it so came in they told hey the doctor said his terminal illness but they came to the grandma and said no you just got a bad cough so the doctor says this lady's got three to six months to live you know I'm paraphrasing some of the facts oh you don't want to three months to live six years later she's still living because she has no idea that she has throat cancer how much do you believe in that oh my gosh so much mine is 99% not see we see with the work that we do they're likely a mathematical team in the research we do we see that that if your mind is being managed and you have a mindset that is one of single portunities learning all the stuff you've been speaking about that mind will control the body because the mind controls the body so we see people that are on medication for cancer people that have got these diagnoses and they live beyond because of the attitude they state of mind now they could that could come from someone not telling you oh you hear that you just you're not gonna you're my mind said such that I'm gonna make it you hear people that go through chemo they have very mild chemo and they get so many side effects other people they get heavy chemo no side effects drugs medication medication is only as effective as you believe it is that perception perception is that also part of that perception yes it drives the effectiveness girl this what she's thinking right now driving your genome your genome isn't every soul so how you functioning physically you making 800,000 cells every second the quality is based on your perception your effector your mind this think feel choosing you think there's a genius in all of us I do I do believe it and it's different it's different for everybody do you believe there is a link between madness and success absolutely because what is madness so these definitely you know everyone's a little crazy yeah I would agree with that and do you think there's a certain madness or philosophy or approach to raising boys versus girls I hate this book I don't agree with one word in this book are you being serious yeah well maybe there's a few words but this is these the boys and girls are different tell me why you know who he is oh absolutely absolutely I think there's a lot of everyone's got some choice what is the one part about the book you remember that you don't you don't like yeah well these these a lot of issues but the whole thing is it's it's almost like this it's a control there's a lot of control that this is what you have to be as opposed to if it makes fertile okay yeah no I mean I there's a reason I boys raised enough girls bring it up boys there's a bunch of oh okay various differences between but it I would always say wet nails because I get asked this question all the time what I think is the most important thing is first of all the I factor which expresses itself through maleness or femaleness they're very different there's different structures sizes in the brain and we different you subscribe to all five love languages or no that's it's a way of understanding I don't think it's as fixed I think it's so it's a way of understanding things 32 years you're married to that's your man right when he starts speaking he seems like he's got an eagle what I mean by you go out I mean a negative yes like he's a man's man he doesn't seem like he's a you know you got a strong personality sometimes strong personality gets him the partner to be a little bit more timid and a little bit but now he's very strong he came took a charge here's what we got here booming rod so what have you done to better communicate and deal with your husband for 32 years we have so much respect for each other he's my greatest fan on his greatest fan he is that every event do he's heard me speak for 32 years he said that is a huge part of it and also we agree to disagree and we will have an argument we'll get it out via voice yes we never go to bed without me we made a decision at the beginning when we first started dating we would never go to bed without resolving an argument so if we stay up all night we will never go to bed without saying I love you I'm sorry and listening to the other side even if it took a little screaming to get there do you put this stuff on his brain when you're talking to just to kind of see if or if he's paying attention or not like what was it do you put that you paying attention or not what is going on over here you know my kids say mom don't psychoanalyze me yes the part because sometimes you know when you are when you have a mother like yourself or a wife it's somebody that majors in psychology or communication all that stuff it's always like hey how do I allow it to happen without no and analyze over analyzing certain things that the person is trying to say or if you know what know many happens is they all tune Abeka me and say mommy you think there's a choice you know so there goes me accountable for it is very cool yeah that's very good so look I've really enjoyed this conversation I feel like you just by very quickly let's talk about your book do you want to talk about your latest book that came out yeah that thing didn't succeed and that I talk about them the current situation technology hearts change of thinking I talk about 15 mindsets like the possibilities mindset an expectation and a mindset is basically how you see the day your perspective you put up a post the other day that I use a lot Prince William the one thing and the three fingers do you remember putting that up okay I use that a lot to explain mindsets it's your perspective so this book deals a lot with how you perceive you've either got a one-finger perspective for the day or not and these 15 different perspectives they're kind of set you for the day and set you for the week and then I also talked in me about how you can understand the unique way that you think feel and choose I developed a profile for my patients years ago that our research clinically and of the years and so on and I've put this very simple version of it in there there's no wrong answer there's no measurement it's simply you understanding how you uniquely think feel and choose because we got it realize that you different to me and we people do that you learn more effectively your relationships improves it's a really exciting thing and then there's a lot about memory the five steps those five steps how to build your brain I focus tremendously in this book on how to build your brain because we've spoken a lot about detoxing the five steps i limit i said we limited to 15 to 30 minutes a day so when you're detoxing you use the five steps because that's how the five steps are based on how the science of sort how thought-forms in your brains but but your mind does it goes through five steps to grow thought so you use the same five steps to break down toxic thoughts and replace them with healthy you use the same five steps to build your brain and every human it should spend at least one to two hours a day learning new information to the label where they actually can teach it exactly so you could spread it across the day you could and if you think about much time we waste on facebook and silly things it's it's deep thinking that deep intellectual thought otherwise your brain builds up toxic waste fix your sleeping we didn't even think I definitely spent my two hours today you know spending time with you I learn a lot spending time with you what we're gonna do if you're watching is we're gonna put all the links below to her book as well as the app again reminders which link will also be below both of them the book in the app will be below and we'll put all of our social media links as well if you want to follow her whatever once she tells us the main ones but with them below make sure you go followers well doc preciate you for coming on this was a blast I really enjoyed it I did - it was amazing thank you so much absolutely appreciate it thank you eating you and thank you for do you do thank you hope you enjoyed the interview with the doc doc Caroline leaf we talked about a lot of different things if you got any thoughts I want to hear from you send me a tweet again at Patrick bate David I got two other videos I want you to watch if you enjoyed this interview one of them especially since we mentioned Jordan Peterson is my sit-down with Jordan Peterson in Las Vegas in front of 7,000 people when we interview them there are some things he says that contradicts a little bit of what she said so you may enjoy his interview and the other one is sitting down with a Robert Green a very good friend of mine the author of 40 a loss of power but this one was an interview we did after he finished his book laws of human nature he takes a complete different angle on human nature is both so if you want to watch this or this click on them either way enjoy both interviews take care [Music]
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Views: 237,303
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Advice, valuetainment, patrick bet david, dr leaf, caroline leaf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 3sec (6123 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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