Chronicles of Nurgle's Corruption and Pestilence during THE WAR OF DECAY - Warhammer Fantasy Lore

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in this episode we will be witness as the raw energies of chaos are ascended and the forces of nurgle spread their Insidious blight clashing against not only the desperate resistance of Mortals but also the cunning minations of the Rival Gods from the blood soaked fields of the Empire to the Twisted depths of the dra walled forest and the labyrinthine tunnels beneath the world's Edge mountains each battle each short story and each moment of treachery adds to The Saga of this terrible War step into the shadowy realm of bloodline Heroes of lithos a groundbreaking RPG presented by our sponsor where you can experience an Innovative Legacy system and stunning graphic that elevate the role playing in gacha game genre to unprecedented Heights it's absolutely free to play download it now using the link in the description or scan the QR code on screen if you viewing on a PC Forge unique Heroes by marrying any two Bloodlines of mystical beings such as elves demons demigods and Orcs or more to 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Emperor preserve us the people men and women stricken by the plague their bodies becoming festering grounds for nurgle's foulness they wander some aimless others with malignant purpose they're festering wounds weeping with the effort of movement this is no longer a war fought only on battlefields with swords and shields cannons and gunfire this is a war of survival against an enemy that knows no bounds respects no trues and cannot be slain by Steel alone as the land sickens and the circle of corruption draws ever tighter Scholars and Prophets cannot help but wonder where will we make our stand where will we find Hope amidst such desolation allic was still damp with dirt and mud when the crows began to Circle overhead their harsh call was a bleak soundtrack to the aftermath of battle he moved amongst the scattered remnants of his Battalion each breath a ragged Testament to the chaos they had endured they had marched from the south the banners of the Empire unfurled with pride their steps Resolute to the rhythm of War drums yet for all their Valor they were ill prepared for the onslaught that awaited them the first cries of alarm had cut through the morning like a dire prophecy emerging from the sickly Mists a tide of Filth surged forward Relentless and unyielding to the desperate volleys of arrows and the indiscriminate blaze of artillery plague bearers and other grotesque Heralds of nurgle advanced with a hideous resolve their rusted blades and Claws reaching the Imperial lines chanting guttural ritualistic intonations to their putrescent God Captain falkenheim known by many among the ranks as the old bear had met The Horde with a roaring challenge his great sword was raised in defiance he managed to kill many of the Twisted figures until his tall figure along with his weapon and heraldry a symbol of their once unshakable order was swallowed by the seething mass of nurgle's Spawn with his fall the semblance of structure among the men crumbled Alaric had watched in horror as comrades only just hours before were marching side by side with discipline and camaraderie were Twisted by nurgle's touch into monstrous parodies of Imperial Soldiers the once Resolute Warriors now succumb to despair their skin erupted with boils that quickly grew swelling to grotesque sizes many of them pleaded for a swift merciful death the battle lines broke under the onslaught and in the ensuing maelstrom the notion of heroism evaporated when faced with the learing Visage of a plague ridden Abomination alaric's instinct to survive overtook any lingering impulse of Valor his sword once a proud extension of his will became a laden burden in his grasp as the Empire's forces were scattered aaric fell to the ground unable to resist the pain from his wounds any longer and then he found himself alone many of his comrades were still nearby but all were fleeing for their lives and the others they were already dead lying on the ground Alaric pondered whether the very Earth grieved alongside him his heart heavy with the knowledge of the rot that had claimed him his brothers in arms and large swaths of the realm in its ceaseless spread in the recent weeks he understood all too well that this war of Decay was only just beginning two generations ago in the fertile lands of aand faral moltor was born into a lineage of nobility his early years were marked by an uncommon affinity for the natural world renowned for his Botanical expertise in herbal lore he cultivated not only plants but also a deep understanding of the lifegiving properties of nature however fate as cruel as it is capricious struck a grievous blow to the Noble's idilic existence a mysterious blight virulent and Relentless descended upon his lands it ravaged his prized Gardens it crept into his home bringing sickness to his family one by one they succumbed to this in Insidious Mady their bodies wasting away despite fal's frantic efforts to Halt the disease desperation LED FAL down a dark path his quest for a cure drove him deep into the realm of forbidden knowledge delving into ancient tones and eldrich rituals that whispered of regeneration and the manipulation of Life forces the deeper he delved the more he found himself in Tangled in the dogma of Decay and renewal it was here in the shadowed corners of esoteric study that he first encountered the teachings of the god of Decay and rebirth nuro go he eventually saw Decay not as an end but as a means to power and transformation Decay was not an end but a beginning not a curse but a blessing embracing nurgle's gifts he was no longer feral moltor he was reborn a new twisted and corrupt it into the blight Master peston thus becoming a harbinger of rotten rebirth as blight Master pulon he now roams the lands of the Empire and the guts of the world's Edge mountains a harbinger of the plague he once feared his former love for the natural world has become a twisted mockery as he seeks to corrupt and transform all life into the image of nurgle's garden the labyrinthine tunnels and ancient Halls of the dwarves now Echo with the foreboding footsteps of this harbinger of decay pulon reveled in the irony of it all the dwarfs so staunch in their opposition to coruption and so proud of their unyielding fortresses were becoming unwilling recipients of nurgle's grotesque blessings there was a perverse satisfaction in the notion of breaking such Resolute and stubborn beings as the dwarves of seeing their strongholds carved from the very bones of the earth succumb to the relentless tide of Decay but also in his Twisted mind pulon saw himself not as a destroyer but as an agent of transformation he believed that in Breaking the will of the dwarves he was liberating them from the confines of their rigid unchanging existence pulon perched to top his chaos altar loomed like a harbinger of Doom before him a stout line of dwarf Defenders stood ready the iron DRS with their Drake fire guns belching flames and the thunderers the rifles crackling with gunfire they formed a bullwark against the encroaching tide of Decay but against them pulon Unleashed a seemingly endless hord of plague bars the Demonic entities embodiments of nurgle's Eternal cycle of Decay and rebirth Advanced relentlessly accompanying this horrific host were flying monstrosities their wings carrying them far above the battlefields I came what I CL and that is dwarf and scam I will have their hands and heads in my V the plague bearers their bodies riddled with disease and Decay trudged Through the flames and smoke impervious to pain their rusted blades dripping with contagion many f fell under the barrage of Fire and Flames that the dwarfs Unleashed but there were so many that it did not matter how many the dwarfs killed the plague bearers made their way through the ranks of the stubborn dwarves regardless the tunnels echoed with the clanger of battle the Roar of flames and the defiant cries of dwarves they fought not not just for survival but for the sanctity of their ancestral homes their Hammers and axes rising and falling in a rhythm of war that had been the heartbeat of their kind for centuries the stench of death and Decay grew stronger the air itself thick with despair as the tunnels of the dwarves became the stage for a grim and desperate struggle in this hellish landscape the dwarf's Valor Shone brightest Heroes emerged among them an Andre engulfed in flames continued to fire his weapon until his last breath taking dozens of plague barers with him a young thunderer blooded but Unbound used his rifle as a club when his ammunition ran dry his Battle Cry echoing through the tunnels and until he was finally silent the resilient dwarves despite their Valiant efforts could not withstand this wave of corruption their lines broke the disciplined ranks gave way to desperate Retreat the plague bearers surged forward their numbers seemingly unending swarming over the fallen and pressing on the once proud dwarf Warriors lay defeated their bodies twisted and Bloated by the plague's rapid work pulon looked upon this Devastation with the satisfaction of a zealot fulfilling his God's will the harbinger of rotten rebirth continued infecting the tunnels and Halls of the ancient dwarves Paving a path of Relentless destruction in the Deep bowels of the world's Edge [Applause] mountains in the ever shifting landscape of the chaos God's rivalries the war of Decay had become a fertile ground for conflict not just amongst Mortals but also between the dark deities themselves as nurgle 's power surged with the spread of pestilence and Decay another player in the great game Cinch the changer of ways began to weave his intricate plots to counteract his rival brother's ascendancy the battles between the forces of nurgle and cinch are as much a clash of ideologies as they are a physical confrontation nurgle's Legions embodying the inevitability of Decay and despair March forth with a Relentless morbid determination but against them stand the everchanging scheming minions of cinch a mix of mutating energies and deceptive tactics in the lands of the Empire this Celestial conflict that raged on in the war also had its manifestations in the Mortal War it took form in a series of bizarre and unpredictable confrontations between the Champions and followers of both chaos Gods Sorcerers of SE garbed in iridescent robes and wielding the raw energies of change clashed with the rotting pus-filled ranks of nural followers Demons of cinch ever shifting and reconfiguring danced through the sluggish hordes of the plague bearers their warpfire spells turning decayed flesh into Crystal or causing the Demons of ner Le to sprout uncontrollable mutations that would send them into frenzies of self-destruction above all this conflict between nurl and cinch was a reminder that in the realm of chaos power is ever transient in Supremacy is but a temporary State as the war of Decay raged Ed on the interplay of these dark Powers continued to shape and twist the fate of Realms of the immaterial and the Realms of Mortals alike deep in the Twisted warrants of scaven blight warlock engineer crit tail a cunning and ambitious member of Clan scrier plotted his rise to power the war of Decay a tumultuous period for the surface dwellers was for the scaven a Time Rife with opportunity crit Tail's plan was audacious he intended to harness the energies Unleashed by the conflict between Nuru and cinch channeling them into a weapon of devastating power such a feat if successful would not only Elevate his standing but also secure him a place of infamy in the anals of scaven History to this end he embarked on a perilous Journey to the surface seeking the Nexus points where the energies of the Waring Gods intersected in the dense and forboding Forest far from the prying eyes of both scaven and surface dwellers crit tail found the perfect sight for his Grand ritual crit tail set about his work with feverish intensity arranging vast rays of warp Stone and intricate Machinery around the Nexus these devices products of his own Twisted genius were designed to siphon and harness the raw chaos energy but as the ritual reached its climax the forest around crit tail began to stir the diseased Servants of Nuru drawn by The Surge of power emerged from the underbrush plague ridden demons their bodies oozing with corruption shambled forward led by a Herald of nuro they had sensed the disturbance in their God's domain and had come to quash the scaven a aous scheme crit Tail's forces a mly crew of Clan Squire acolytes and ins slaved rat oers Reed themselves for battle their eyes glowing with the sickly light of warpstone but they were ill prepared for the onslaught of the nurgle Demons the scaven devices once humming with Arcane power began to falter and fail their energy seeping away into the Earth crit tail watched in dismay as his grand plan unraveled his dreams of power dissolving into the miasma of nurgle's influence the battle was short and brutal the scaven were overrun their ranks broken by the Relentless advance of the plague demon crit tail realizing the futility of his ambition fled into the depths of the forest leaving behind his ruined machines and the remnants of his Force The Herald with a baleful glance at the retreating warlock engineer set about destroying what remained of the ritual sight ensuring that nothing could disturb the ascended y of nurgle's dominion over the [Music] lands aart a compassionate and fiery orator had dedicated his life to the service of Sigmar tending to his flock with a fervant seal his voice once echoed through the halls of his Chapel in inspiring hope and resilience in the face of adversity but as the war of Decay crept closer bringing with it a tide of death and despair ahart's Faith faced its gravest trial the Turning Point came with the fall of ahart's Village in a desperate battle against nurgle's Relentless minions he witnessed unspeakable horror friends and parishioners Twisted into monstrous forms the very land around him succumbing to foul corruption despite his prayers and his Valor he could not stem the tide when the battle was over he found himself among the few survivors surrounded by the ruin of all he had held dear in the after maath racked with grief and anger ahart's faith in Sigmar wavered he began to question the purpose of a God who would allow such suffering amongst the ruins almost buried under the rubble of a collapsed building he encountered a dying person a man in agony spoke to aart in his final moments and he shared with him this revelation of finding peace and acceptance in nurgles Embrace this aggravated the crisis of Faith within aart in the weeks that followed ahart's transformation was not only spiritual but physical signs of nurgle's favor began to manifest in his body his skin grew salow and he was marked with sores his eyes Shone with a sickly light yet in these afflictions he saw not corruption but sanctification the marks of a God who truly understood the nature of the world hunted by his former Brethren aart embraced his new role with a zealot fervor he wandered the lands of the Empire preaching the gospel of nurk offering a warped form of Solace to those ravaged by War and plague he spoke of life through death strength through suffering and hope in desp bear his sermons were a BAL to some a horror to others in the shadowed depths of the infamous drawal Forest a conflict of savage ferocity and unnatural horror unfolded the northern reaches of the forests once a realm of Primal wilderness had become a grotesque version of itself under the influence of nurgle's corruption amidst this perversion of nature the beastmen the true children of chaos and the drawal forest found themselves defending their domain against an invasion of a different kind the northern tribes often divided by their best Natures banded together and in uneasy Alliance gigantic Doom BS leading entire tribes against the unnatural atrocities that tainted the forest their Primal instincts coupled with a fierce territoriality drove them to engage the encroaching forces of nurgle with a ferocity born of desperation the beastmen Met these Intruders with brute force and Savage cunning Gore kin and unor Raiders ambushed the plague bearers nurglings and other unnamable monstrosities in the dense underbrush their crude but effective weapons tearing into the diseased flesh of their foes minotaurs towering and musclebound Clash directly with the bulk of the enemy the axes and horns stained with the ior of the slain frenzied by the violent combat they leapt at their unnatural adversaries their howls merging with the cacophony of battle despite their ferocity the beastmen found themselves fighting a foe as Relentless as their own Savage nature chaos spawn with disgusting nurgle markings on their inflated and twisted bodies shredded beastmen to pieces with their massive claws the leading great unclean one a mountain of corruption seemed impervious to their assaults its bloed body absorbing their blows as it belched forth torran of Filth and disease pestilence spread through the beastmen ranks turning their strength and ferocity against them the swamps of the forest turned a repugnant green as it filled with a disgusting ooze gigantic and monstrous toads emerged from them to Ambush and Prey Upon angor and bestigor alike leaving many beastmen with no safe place to make a stand on some battles across the dra wall the beastmen managed to set the forces of nurgle back or at least halt their assaults momentarily many of the bloody battles ended in stalemates with the clashing forces too depleted to continue or to truly capitalize on any territory as the conflict raged the dra wall itself seemed to shudder under the weight of this unnatural War the combating beastmen in nurgle forces had become symbols of a greater struggle between the Primal chaos of the Wild and the Insidious Corruption of Decay and so it goes in this war of Decay that rages across the lands a Relentless conflict echoing through the Realms of men dwarves and Beyond as the lands reel under the weight of corruption it becomes clear that this war is not merely a battle for survival it is a dire reflection of the enduring struggle against the inevitable the entropy of all things on this channel we are putting together narrative Total War cinematic battles and Warhammer lore videos a special thank you goes to our patreon supporters who help us in the making of more content you can also join patreon and earn extra perks while supporting the videos to come find the link in the description below make sure to subscribe and thank you for watching see you on the next one
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 55,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Nurgle, Nurgle lore, War of Decay, Nurgle Ku gath
Id: rAt_dhTwc2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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