Christocentric Meal (September, 21st) Healing Is Yours (2)

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[Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Crystal centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus a bell the Mina is my name and I'm excited to welcome you this morning to a wonderful time of studying and looking into the perfect law of Liberty co-hosting the broadcast this morning with me is my wife dr. Rachel demeanor hi everyone welcome to today's broadcast let's pray together father thank you for light the entrance of your word give it light and understand it into the simple we declare that everyone watching the broadcast it is gifted revealed knowledge the veils are falling off clarity is coming your people built up equipped edified and Jesus glorified in Jesus name Amen alright today we're looking at healing is yours but to healing is a free gift of God it is God's act of kindness it is his nature to do good healing is good god is good god is a healing God the Old Testament teaches the same in Exodus 15:26 Great Falls and said if thou diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord that good and we do that which is right in his sight and we give ear to His commandments and keep all his statutes then I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the lord that he let me I am the lord that he let die' Exodus 23 verse 25 and ye shall serve the Lord your God and he shall bless thy bread and thy water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee part of his covenant with Israel is and was to be their covenant hila he is or was committed to heal their sicknesses and diseases some 107 verse 20 he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction his word is a healing word it is sent to heal and deliver some 103 verse 1 to 4 bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases who redeemeth a life of destruction who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies with his forgiveness comes his healing healing is a benefit of his forgiveness it is a blessing his goodness in action proverbs chapter 4 verse 22 22 my son attend to my words consent and submit to my sayings let him not depart from your sight keep them in the center of your hearts for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh his word is medicine it brings hills I find healing and wellness in God's world his world is good news the gospel it brings His goodness his mercy so healing is available in his world and every time the word of God is preached every time you hear in the word healing is made available because one of God is a healing word praise God lead us in the confession healing is a free gift of God to me killing is a free gift of God to me it is God out of kindness it is God's act of kindness it is a benefit of his forgiveness it is a benefit of his forgiveness is what it manatee to me his world is medicine to me praise God and if you are seeking any area of your body to me receive your healing right now right now we rebuke pain we rebuke infirmity we rebuke every confusion in your system we command the devil to get his hands off we counsel every medical report that is contrary and we speak healing to your body body be healed in the name of James thank you Father for your healing power that is not restricted by distance that is not restricted by space that is not restricted by time we command that body be healed in the name of j-man thank you for we declare that everyone watching the broadcast walks in the reality of this healing ashore and the goodness of God made manifest today in Jesus name Amen praise God we expect us the monies from all of you who have received your healing today one hear from you today and I want to encourage you to order for the Christocentric meal hard copy from our office the announcer will tell you how to go about it the soft copies from Amazon dr. Abel domina share with other people what God is doing on this platform and we're excited to just be a blessing every day honey one last word for viewers public opinion is available to you so take it as you need it amen amen just grab it receive it just receive it receive it receive it receive it any time you need it it's yours praise God we love you guys looking for to spend more time with you tomorrow and until then this is Rachel and Abel demeanor say then the kingdom of God is evil power [Music] here fulfill the demands some preachers preach law instead of grace they say you are saved by grace but perfected by the law it is either total grace or total long torture navasana lukewarmness no lukewarmness is a de toda greece or total oh no me do man you cannot be saved by grace and perfected by the law in the book of Revelation when he said I have somewhat against you you're lukewarm you are neither hot nor cold what is dealing with His grace and law you are running with mixture sumit I am saved by grace I am what I am by grace the artisan tells it let me do something so that God can yadi let me do something so that God will not be angry you are look on my friend is that our total grace or total law you can be in between and if you are law then Christ died in vain means you have wasted the depth of Christ you have frustrated the grace of God I do not frustrate the grace of God Romans 11:6 z za zu k mana and if by grace then it is normal of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of works then it is normal grace otherwise work is normal walk if it is great it is great economic dress and walk if it is work it is work it cannot be work and grace I need no other arguments I need no order please it is enough da Jesus died and that he died for me my soul has found resting place not in device nor tree I rest upon he is living world his grace for me sharply I need no other argument I meet new order please it is enough da Jesus died and that he died for me my choir must have nineteen is coming back you can't be Chris and walks your either dress or works my faith is not in device my face is not in plead depending on the Creed of the church the Creed of their postures my faith is in what places down inside our works robbery's the totality of the Christian life is purely lived from start to finish by grace from start to finish as your therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him how did you receive him how did you receive him how did you receive him I'm coming there as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him established in the faith as you have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving birria lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ so question how did you receive Christ the Lord officials to it for by grace I say through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God how did you receive Jesus by grace through faith how do you walk in him I grace through faith how do you live your Christian life by grace through faith how do you enjoy health by grace through faith how do you enjoy your marriage by grace through faith how do you enjoy your life on earth by grace through faith how do you buy your time by grace through faith how do you build your house by grace through faith it is not of works lest any man should boast so like Paul we can see I am what I am by the grace of God by grace through faith that is life after the cross by grace through faith you receive him by grace through faith so you're walking in by grace through faith Paul taught forgiveness of sins as the grace of God so the grace of God brings forgiveness of sins torture never say your sins are eternally forgiven o being a preacher of good news for your level shouted louder than my voice some people don't like to hear that they actually get angry when we say that the demon inside them comes alive that demon of religion that old dragon that oak dragon the serpent when we start talking about eternal forgiveness that old dragon comes out the old dragon the devil who has put on a camouflage of religion flirted with tradition traditional religion that we can all Dragon he comes out how dare you say you're a eternally forgiving that spirit of religion can stand it it is too radical for Legion somebody shout and eternally forgiving let's provoke the devil some telling about the cinema permit in ten years has been forgiven the scene you may commit in 10 years time has already been forgiven sin can never and between a believer and God never there's only one person that stands between the believer and God is called Jesus there is one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus so when I come to God I come to Christ whatever you ask the Father in my name the mediator if I'm teaching say I hear you there's only one mediator who is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world forgiving forgiving forgiving forgiving I am NOT going to be forgiving I am already forgiving eternally it's not what I cry for is what I collect it is a gift it's not an answer to prayer it's not a response to fasting and it's not God's response to begging it is a gift of grace that means even if you cry you cannot qualify even if you cut your body and bring that blood you cannot qualify even if you fast until your intestines are falling out you cannot qualify so forget about receive it by grace say I receive it by grace I didn't hear your amen it's called the gift of grace forgiveness is the gift of grace forgiveness of sins the Greek word is emphasis emphasis the gift of grace not terribly forgiving eternally forgiven irrespective of how you feel you're forgiving you are filling up guilty does not change the final volume you're not feeling guilty because you don't know better and your ignorance cannot make the word work of God of none effect the reason why you're feeling guilty is the cause you don't have knowledge happy there is not in every man this knowledge so they are called weak in faith what are they called weak in faith not weak faith they are weak inside face they are already inside faith but they are weak because they have no knowledge that means when knowledge come you are strong in faith if antigens hear you if that he Romans 3:24 being justified freely how much by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Romans 5:1 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access into disgrace we are in we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law you have fallen from grace you don't fall from grace because you committed fornication you don't fall from grace because you saw somebody's money you don't fall from grace because you lied you fall from grace because you denied what Christ has done when we say somebody has fallen from grace where no sin he committed sin what we're saying is that he has committed the biggest sin on it what is the biggest sin there is action of the finished work of Christ so when you reject the cross and you reject the grave and you reject the evidence of his resurrection you have fallen from grace because grace is a byproduct of the cross the grave and the resurrection so when you deny that you have fallen from grace so somebody says one of somebody who lies you fall in Greece in Greece we stand we don't fall we don't fall in Greece even where you make mistake you didn't fall you are still standing having done all to stand just and but whom we have access into disgrace we are in with the only position in Greece is done even when you make mistake you are standing oh you didn't hear what I said there is no falling inside Greece in such grace we stand that's our position even in our mistake was still standing she hear you yes who see the condiment who is in a condiment economy as a whole in silicon demint romance of the agnostic one who is it a condiment da-da-da-da-dah what shall we set them to these things what shall we say then to distance if God be for us who not what who who can be against us bastard moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called then we also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified how many of you did you call hammer if you are called by God hammer Afiya predestinated by God Hammond are justified by God hammer ons are glorified by God Israel shall glory then the next class what shall we say then said to these things if God be for us who can be which things what shall we say to these things which things predestination call justification glorification what shall we say to these things if God be for us who can be against the fact that we are justified who can be against the fact that we are glorified if God be for us that means the fact that he foreknew us have predestinated us and hold us and justified us and glorified us that fact is the guarantee that God is for us does the context the fact that God in spite of our mistake for newest he foreknew us yet in spite of the fact that he foreknew us with all our mystical terminal failure yet with that foreknowledge he predestinated us and in the predestination he called us and in the column he just within justify yourself within justify yourself in earth there is no justification in us we are criminals but God justifies the criminal not only this is justify us in the face of our mistakes he glorified us so if God has done all of that knowing with all our mistake knowing that we will fall knowing that we will make mistakes knowing that what was seen knowing that things who go wrong with us yet with all of that if God justifies us and guerrilla fighters with all of that then since God is for us who can be against us who the bonnet in not is that English like that he 15th bonnets the bonnet is not yes the bonnet is not a bonnet him where has whence cometh he where whence comest can I see from where who Zima Angela lived at ten what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us he does Fiat not his own in spite of our mistakes in the dungeon of ever seen his Fiat naughty song but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely he didn't wait for you to be a good boy he didn't wait for you to be a good girl in your scene in your darkness in your brokenness but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us greater love hath no man than this that a man should lay down his life for his friend somebody shot grace grace grace see that let's push this thing somebody says why is she behaving like that if you know what I know you will behave like up here captain Abela member-owned are telling papa bear it again somebody shot glory somebody shot glory somebody shot glory whoo Hey manga more satire Romans well we 3333 enmity tellin ever anything you know anything is anything but the one I commit and the one that I didn't commit all of them anything that's a in spite of your mistake in spite of your shortcoming nobody has the moral right to charge you even if you are guilty of the crime nobody has the moral right in the face of foreknowledge predestination election justification glorification nobody can continue even if you are caught with evidence even if you're caught with evidence that is recurring evidence Jesus look at and say my god do I condemn you go and sin no this is too radical for religion if you're here in short idea didn't they catch the woman in the very act they caught her in the very act that means when they brought her to Jesus they brought her with her clothes because for you to condemn somebody you must have hard evidence they wouldn't have allowed a dress or because she shared rest of it will be how witness against their witness it will be their word against award but the mother brought a stack so that Jesus you see her the way Dakota in the first of Coe evidence but the problem is the man is missing one person does not commit adultery no one person does not commit adultery there must be two people and if the cotton the admins two of them were in action when they caught them where is the man I want the man holy oh never shall show me that man they have protected the man it is called selective morality what is it called selective morality and up till today they have not produced them they are still protesting demand the noise we can the Lord does not favor a woman the law of Moses favors a man it doesn't because the Pharisees and the Sadducees were men and they were the protectors of the law so they used a lot to cover themselves selectively morality yeah when they brought her to Jesus Jesus said oh they said the law of Moses in stone ha grace what do you see now Jesus Kenosha stone huh if he says Donna he came to save sinners he will defeat his purpose and he cannot say ignore Moses because he came to fulfill the law if he said no Moses he would defeat his papa so that is temptation he cancels - nah he can say ignore Moses that's why is temptation so what did Jesus do to defeat them because under the law nobody can be perfect so he went back to their law and use the law to defeat them what does the law say heater breaks one has broken or so he nurses them any of you that is without sin cast the first stone then they remember there's much more mistakes one by one they began to walk away I feel a temperature right now I feel a completion right now God punished the devil then Jesus lifted his head as a woman we are at then accusers has no man condemned you she said Norma then Jesus and neither do i condemn you who shall a child who shall a charge against God's elect little to us and shot a young elected by God no charge against me right now and forever can I yell me to a family [Applause] [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you need not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal to order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. abode amina call the number or email the address on the screen this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner mind all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,552
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Id: j07aLTgNHUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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