Christocentric Meal (April, 28th) | How About 1st John 1:9 (1)

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Christocentric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus email damina is my name hey good morning I were glad to have all of you connecting all over the world look God's Word is gonna come very powerful this morning very very powerful if you have anybody that you think needs to understand first John 1:9 wake them up call them in because that's what we're gonna be unveiling this morning and it's gonna be a very powerful and exciting study in the world of His grace my wife is hosting with me dr. Richard I mean a honey good morning good morning everybody welcome amen let's pray father with commandeers to follow will rebuke the voice of the enemy with clarity confusion today we put an end to it we decree that revelation knowledge flows freely in the minds and understanding of our viewers so that all that Jesus died was buried and rose from the dead fall will not be wasted in the hearts and minds of our viewers around the world we clear the confusion today and the commanding clarity of your world to saturate the thoughts and the minds of your people liberating them to enjoy what you have done 2,000 years ago and we thank you for answered prayer in Jesus name Amen alright so today we're looking at how about first John 1:9 but one tomorrow do part two so let's begin with part one now if you remember very carefully yesterday we were talking about confession in the epistles and we read a number of scriptures that talked about confession Romans 10:9 confessed Jesus Philippians 2:11 confess Jesus all right first John 4:15 confess Jesus James 5:16 confess your own dreams to one another for relationship sake first John 1:9 confess our sins that was the only thing that seemed to stand out so the only text that seems to us believe us to confess your sins for God to forgive them is first John 1:9 when he read for us first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness however with proper interpretation we will see that here was no contradiction at all and that what he wrote was in agreement with the order a piece to e1 was always with the EP stools with the understanding that all the books are in agreement and there are no contradictions in any book you know I said even in the Old Testament the seeming contradictions was actually not a contradiction it was mass understanding of God happening overnight that mihrab like the unraveling the progressive revelation that made it look like the contradiction are lies there's no contradiction like some people take it that's God give it and takes away they believe it Vietnam knew I was job who taught that yes he wasn't a doctrine in the Bible but he carried as a doctor yes that so it's good news why this is like that it was Jobu said that in chapter 2 1 2 & 3 of job but and then in chapter 42 exact job say everything I said from chapter wanted I do you know what I was thinking was no sense just talking you may be here if anything should happen must be good was more than the one I was the one making statements about things to be for me he acknowledged it too so for you to now take that out on me you be cutting yourself yeah you know and that's why the Bible is a contextual material that must be read in context so one must always read the Epistle really understanding that all the books are in agreement and there are no contradictions in any book having this understanding will make Bible study productive one will not begin to doubt the character of God and the integrity of his world the first thing to note here is that John quoted from an Old Testament scripture with the New Testament understand yes some 32 verse 5 funny rich I acknowledge my sin unto thee and mine iniquity have I have not heed I said I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord and thou forgive us the iniquity of my sin sella alright so note Paul also quoted from Sam 32 however from verse 1 and 2 some touch to wanna some of david masks you blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered blessed is the man unto whom the lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile see what brother Paul quoted addressed on Romans for three to seven yes for what saith the scripture abraham believed god and it was counted on to him for righteousness now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin Paul in coating this in verse three six and seven talked about faith and forgiveness if you observe carefully in verse three he said for what say the scripture abraham believed and it was counted for righteous in verse six he said even as david described it the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works then in verse seven he says saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered all this is tied to faith to faith he believed that all of this happened so back to first John 1:9 the best approach to understand the above portion of Scripture will be number one professionally isolate the vast and then see what John taught in his epistle about confession secondly see if it agrees with all the pistols on the same subject matter that's the best approach to dealing with first John 1:9 based on these we will now explain the above text to understand exactly what John was a vast one observe firstly that the letter was not addressed to anyone in particular all like second John which was addressed the elder unto the elect lady and her children and third John which was addressed to Gaius observe also that every time John talked about leave us he was very specific first John 2:1 12 and 13 he wrote two little children yeah first John 213 he wrote to the father first John 213 hero to young man in specific very clear from verse 1 also John talked was talking about the message the word of life right in verse 1 of 1st John chapter 1 in verse 3 at this point John begins to speak about fellowship ok on 1st John chapter 1 yeah observe that he spoke about two different audiences vast 3a that ye also may have fellowship with us yeah did you observe that ye also may have that means they are not in fellowship then verse 3b and truly our Fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ so there are those who was calling to come into fellowship and they were though they were already in fellowship so clearly the first audience did not have eternal life and did not have fellowship with the father the son and other believers secondly the second audience John inclusive have eternal life and have fellowship with the father the son and other believers then verse 4 here John was very specific I write unto you that your joy may be full who is he referring to as you very clear the second audience those who have eternal life and who have fellowship with the father the son and other believers this is in tandem with what is taught in 1st John chapter 2 verse 13 and 14 they have known the father and they have known he that was from the beginning then he went further to call them brethren in first John to seven in verse five of first John chapter one again he spoke of the message God is light and in him is no darkness at all so we see that John wrote to different audiences in the first years he was talking to do different groups of people we however a part of the second those who have eternal life and who have fellowship with the father so that's where we laid a foundation and tomorrow we will get into the rest but what you must understand is that John was dealing with two audiences and whatever you was talking to believe us he specified literal children write unto you father's I write unto you young men or you called it bravery okay all right so but when he was talking to the others he had no solution all right and then there are those he wrote to like the elder unto the elect lady and her children I write this letter to my beloved Gaius he was specific so as we look at this very technically into these details it will be easy for you to understand first John chapter 1 verse 9 it's not rocket science all right and then we will see how that scripture is in tandem with other pistols that they are postures root because for any word to be a doctrine in the New Testament it must have two or three like if you see a place like this looking contrary so you check with other scriptures what is the subject matters all these authors intent in all of his other communication if it doesn't agree then you or not if you have to go back check what the words and you know crazy son no you will not find anybody else in the New Testament say in this say don't you confess you won't find nobody else only general circumferences so if it's only John then it means it's just an issue of you understanding the mode of John's communication now what John was trying to yes not just take that verse and running and make it and indicate in the light of this you don't do that that scriptures in a state by one offering Jesus has forever sanctified we don't confess sins every day we confess his walk we confess of his walk we confess what you've trained in the victory that is ours you say what the word says you are yeah you say what the word says you have you see what the world sees you can build you but when it comes final authority in your life when it regards to these issues praise God yeah all right so any leaders in a confession today I have eternal life I have eternal life and I have fellowship with the father and I have fellowship with the father praise God and Father we thank you for the fellowship that we have with you the fellowship that we have with one another in the light we walk in the light even as you are in the light the light of your world he that walketh in the light award sees has no occasion of stumbling therefore our viewers today will have no occasion to stumble because of the entrance of this world then has brought light thank you for light your word is a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path so we speak over you today really grace we declare that you will walk in this light malfunction in this light darkness will never have access to you in the name of Jesus amen we decree that you grow in grace grow in knowledge sick bodies pain go in the name of Jesus man pain go in the name of Jesus body be healed by the power of his resurrection and father we receive testimonies today thank you for the truth of your word that resonates in the understanding of my heroes to be great Grace's upon everyone watching the broadcast in Jesus name mm-hmm praise God we're excited friends these are truths you can never compromise for anything else order for the book today for your friends loved ones and other order ministry resources of ours so that you are equipped you are built up so you are not tossed to and fro so you can stand your ground in Christ and enjoy what he has provided we are so excited friends on your last word from he was before we go yes you have eternal life not temporary life that's right you have fellowship with the father not with gossiper liar and those who take the Word of God but not Jesus value that's it man I don't have fellowship with them your Fellowship is with the father son Jesus Christ you have no fellowship with darkness your fellowship is like I'm in the light everything is excuse me that's very stadia and maintain that position throughout the course of today and we encourage you to invite people that having issues at first John 1:9 yeah all these people that have gone viral make sure they are DeMarco we're going to clarify the whole of it tomorrow and those who have to fast and pray before they get something from God make them see that is think conscious and that makes you feel it means they have to be a setting we know you know in order to get and Simkin service will paralyze him here it will make a robe you coward out of here and you can make be double-minded inventing well Christ I'll set you free and be not in enjoy anybody yes we love you guys looking forward to and I tell all of you tomorrow morning this is Rachel and I build Amina say that the kingdom of God is in power [Music] Jesus represents all of humanity in righteousness adam represents all of humanity in the fall in see in death Jesus represents all of humanity in obedience in life in righteousness so the law of the spirit of life we're in Christ Jesus has set me free from what the law of sin and death where is the law of sin and death in the first Adam all died and dead by sin therefore all have sinned so fast Adam dead see failure rose of humanity second Adam second Adam life righteousness sanctification obedience the progenitor of the new kind of humanity that the planet never saw before the head of a race called the new creation man the man without a pass only has a future the man without a generation only one generation away you are of God little children and have overcome them so you know how the long list of generation is just God and yourself whatsoever is born of God so your father is God you're not a grandchild you're a child because the genealogy is not long it's a shot genealogy and when you look at God what is in God is what is in you why because of his own will begat he us by the word of truth that word word of truth is a spammer meaning spam spam means DNA meaning the same DNA in God is on your inside if he cannot fail I cannot fail why he gave path to me I share in his identity somebody shout I hear you so when a man begins to talk to you about generational cost is fraud he wants to milk your ignorance it's nothing like that for a believer nothing like that for a child of God you can be born of God and be suffering from additional cost from a human lineage the day you got born again you dispo you're a chosen generation Pokemon you are brought out of darkness into genealogy changed your father died of stroke you can die or stroke what is a blatant insider stroke cannot handle it Darla Donna somebody shot a house it analyzed no generational course no ancestral cause best price at redeemed us from the course not just redeemed for a moment of time but redeemed eternally redeemed forever some support determined and put on the altar in his father's house Gideon was not born again Gideon lived under an inferior covenant with inferior promises Gideon is not your model you are not given you are a new creation after the image of him that created him born after the image of him that created him not after the image of video so look away from video until Jesus the author and the finisher of a summary shot I hear you yeah very important ezekiel corrected moses because it was Moses who introduced generational cause in Exodus chapter 20 is anybody in our worship idols his iniquity shall be punished until the totem for generation of those who had gone it was Moses who brought you to me Exodus chapter 20 is where you ever see the first word generation a course to return for generation and under the same old testament because revelation was progressive when Ezekiel came on the scene he said no more shall this proverb be said in Israel under the same old testament that the that thing was rusticated no Masha is the girl Katy no Marsha disproven be said in Israel that the father's it's our groups and the children's teeth are set on each he said no as long as I live saith God does the end of that nonsense from this day forward the soul that sinneth it shall die Jesus showed up and said dad dad's I have pasted it on your behalf and their ah so now the gift of God is he panelize the law of the spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death I'm free how free free forever however ask yourself the same people that were given that curse in exodus of the twenty who didn't even obey God that caused it even happened to them the children of Esau were told they were the one stolen away to promise that if they worship under God it will be punished the thought of for generation but they were worshipping idols in the wilderness and their children enter the promised land their children entered the promised land none of the children was left behind all of them entered that means that cause was not in effect I don't want you here Loretta Rashad no cause only blessings I am swimming in the blessings of righteousness I have the pleasantness of righteousness my sins are forgiven I have the blessing on my life listen carefully the born-again man is not an improvement on the first Adam not at all the born-again man is not a refurbishment of the first Adam the born-again man is not a renovation of the first Adam the cyclist anity is not about morality o Adam was morally bankrupt so now that you are born again be morally but be morally rich no it's not about morality because you can be moral without Christ and you go to hell so born-again anger to a Goliath is not an upgrading of Adam so since Adam fell short less upgrading the born-again man is not an upgrade of Adam is not an improvement on Adam it's not an ability of updated Adam is updated or updates image or all of the above lift your retina shot I'm not an updated version of Adam say I'm not an improvement on Adam stand up let's see it will I bless tonight if you're right on let's say very loud at the top of your voice let every devil hear you in hell I am NOT an improvement of the first other I am NOT a renovation of the first Adam I am NOT a refurbishment of the sasada I am NOT an upgrade of the facade I am NOT an improvement of the facade in the first Adam all of us died so in the second Adam all are made alive it is called new life it is called born from above the born-again man it has nothing to do with Adam there is no connection that's why you can't talk about generational cause he doesn't know it in fact is a strange vocabulary he doesn't recognize his generation with generation I have only one generation royal priesthood why because I came from the family of the king of kings I have no generation somebody said but I'm feeling the symptoms the symptoms that my father felt and my grandfather felt let's be real my grandfather used to have this symptom that will make us I not see for some time then after a while but I will see my father had the same symptom and my own eye has started having that now this is where the so-called deliverance experts take advantage of people by describing your experiences they thrive from outside but the demon is not an outward man the Burning Man is inside out taka-kun Itano so this man says my grandfather had this side condition my father had this side condition it has started my own after a while I will go blank I can't see anything for five minutes then after sometime it will come back does my father's own started till inclusive four days don't you think I need deliverance know why certain is a big fool because he is a big fool and he is an ignoramus ignorant bully what does he do he keeps record of your natural family through a spiritual familiar spirit he keeps data of what happens in your biological home to use it and create similar experience to give you a mentality that what started is tyranny now you also will have to have knowledge that is superior to that knowledge it is called knowledge that passive knowledge so when Satan knows that a Jew is Kofi Redux theory that when he throws those dots on your physical body what do you do casting down imaginations bringing every thought we are under subjection to do what to obey Christ we are is Christ in you the hope of glory am i teaching here so how do you bring it down it is written being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God but corrupted my father Rolla Bolla your mother died of stroke you cannot die also in your body is the blood of Jesus the life of jesus is flowing the spirit of him that raised Christ from the dead dwell at work here muscle body therefore it will quickly by knowledge Zapata Nautica the righteous through knowledge shall be delivered by knowledge you resist the devil and what will happen he will flee is not deliverance you need is knowledge that passes knowledge and inferior knowledge said what happened to your father is about to happen to you then you bring superior knowledge knowledge there passes knowledge what is it called epignosis exact accurate precise knowledge what is that that the acknowledging the communication of your faith may be effectual how by the acknowledging of what every good team that is well in you because you're we are in Christ you don't acknowledge what happen to your father you acknowledge what has happened to you in Christ I'm teaching here I'm teaching here your father was poor your uncle was poor I was poor your family is full of poor people you are not in that family I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the family we're in heaven and on earth is named I mean a new family I'm a member of the household of faith raw reality is in my blood and you cannot find a poor world so my father died Pocono typo I have the mind of Christ I have the leading of the Holy Ghost I have the DNA of God in me I access the riches of grace and by the riches of grace and by the riches of this solid anakata by the riches of this I have robbed us access to the treasures of this planet [Applause] it's not deliverance you need it is knowledge exact knowledge don't acknowledge the pain acknowledge the provision of health don't acknowledge the bad dream acknowledge what Christ has deposited aside and based on that Jorge that dream say dreams Tandy how dare you how dare you tell it you a stupid suggestion get out of here in my name they shall cast out so if there was coming form of dream what do you do I prefer such a the first 500 of you who's a man will come like Rhonda every experience that is trying to tie you down to a biological family that is contrary to redemption I flush it out I slash it out that symptom that feeling that pain I command it flush out can I hear that mm with a holy Magna see of us I decree over you today what a buzz be responsible for the failure your biological family expires is access to your life say I am dead my life is hid with Christ we are can I hear you such a good amen and I decree from this day your experiences will be the experiences of the redeemed the experiences of the righteous from this day whatever has not confirmed to the obedience of Christ by the finished work of Christ I bring it under subjection under subjection under subjection under subjection and I speak over you Reina life Rainie life enjoy the abundance of crisps enjoy the gift of righteousness your bless you cannot be cost if your MN is loudest you can never be cost if your believer club shout scream celebrates your inheritance in Christ [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you needs not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily news making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and her confidence as a believer to order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel tamina call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing and enriched life a new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,353
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Id: p412SYLkvX4
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Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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