Christmas Rum Fruit Cake How To Make It Best In The World Recipe | Recipes By Chef Ricardo

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nice and beautiful I wanna say welcome back today we chef's you've got a cooking program today I'm gonna make us something really nice and beautiful gonna make it a real Jamaican rum fruit cake it is beautiful nice I want to say we're going to go to the full details everything ought to make it I'm going to get it perfect the way you guys wanted to make we'll come back today with Chef Ricardo cooking program enjoy a recipe first of all I've got 500 grams water soft butter everything is room temperature at the moment I'm gonna chuck it straight in this mixing bowl 500 gram with add soft butter what I want to say to you I got one copper dark brown sugar I'm gonna give you 500 gram of the dark sugar also I'm gonna chop this 1 cup of sugar this is a soft sugar beautiful one this is the brown sugar I want to say you guys know I love this mystery oh then I'm gonna give you a 500 gram water sugar I put in 1 cup after the brown sugar and I'm gonna use some white sugar that's gonna mix it together beautiful this is 500 gram of sugar nice one then what we're gonna do we're gonna cream the sugar and the butter together and I want to say you guys gonna love this so if you've got a different kind of mixer you can use your mixer will you have I get a an blender run mixer I'm gonna use this one nice so so far cooking so we just spoon it with a spatula to use it and scrape around the side like this to get everything long in the bowl that means when you are blending it it get everything blend so give it up and this is a way to look like reading flaky up a nice and beautiful over a little are you some egg I want to say to you you need to give it a good roughly 15 minutes or to blending with your and blender blend it really good maybe sugar add a bunch of smooth it out really nice and beautiful so we're going to add you some egg we're gonna add your 8 egg inside of this mixing bowl mixer remember 5 gram 500 gram of sugar 500 gram of the butter 500 gram X so what we're going to do um I'm already just do 8 egg so we're going to take a little time and add egg inside of it just like this so this is 2x so far and then I blend it from the audience that's the best way put into other egg just like we stopped adding it then so it is finished now this part is finished and what can I do I'm just going to show you something what you need to do let's move this and put this outside right right over here I'm already start to see the flower when someone says you need to see the flower it is very important for you guys you know to see the flower and I'm going to show you what you need to do we're gonna see the flower right here so we want to say so far so far we do it sugar egg and a butter roughly give it a twenty minutes good then I'm already starting to see some flower but when someone say you need to see if you're flowe you need to pinch it into a strip like in a strainer like this one and put your lighter thing like this and sift the flour so it come out really smooth and nice beautiful in the flower then the best part to use and the grater is right here to get it really smooth for the lemon um yeah right here sir for the your lemon then what I do this is the lemon right here I'm gonna put it straight inside of it like that lovely um I'm gonna put 2 TSP of baking powder baking powder inside of like this - spoon really nice then we're gonna put some cinnamon one spoon of cinnamon inside up let's put a little pinch of it inside of it really nice then we're gonna put some mixed spice lovely 1 spoon of mixed spice you let's use 2 spoon of the mixed spice give it another flavor then we're going to do next now you need to use like a spoon or something and give it a spin like this to get everything work inside of it I realize that I love this recipe it's Christmas and I'm really excited because and Christmas that's where everyone come celebrate have a good time and eat the Jamaican rum cake I need I said I love it right on a moment you won't place similar this beautiful Rome cake so far you're gonna love it so work inside of it what a second beautiful one and what we're gonna do next I want to say the baking the baking powder is inside of it I give it two T's to spoon we put some mix spice we put you some lovely cinnamon and we give you the lemon wish we did before and then we give you two nothing like I want to say you guys a lot of the recipe is Christmas and I'm really excited then we're going to give you some Jamaican grace browning wish to give it a color lovely we got the Jamaican white rum pray and nephew and we got some lovely red label wine lovely night and next then we got some vanilla which you're going to put also inside of it so there's a lot of thing you are try to fluff patient when you're making the Jamaican rum fruit kit so let's put this aside and let's get back over mixture right here lovely which we just blend sugar ice so we're gonna do we're gonna argue some flour which we already just show you how to put your stuff and mix it around we're gonna add it straight in there just like this look at that one I want to say to you guys the after the kheer for no cost you this one is a swan on blender and mixer so we're gonna do we're gonna take a little time and work then over a little better use the stretcher and move around side just like this just kind of moved up to get the fat on part of the flow also inside of it look at this beautiful uh nice yeah love it I want to say is finished now so turn off by unn miksa beautiful so hold on add some fruits inside of this we're gonna are you singing amount of foods 500 ground what are fruits inside of it really nice and beautiful purple give you 1000 gram with the fruits inside of it I want to say dice this fruit I've been soaking these fruits over the last roughly three months below I'm gonna give it a link all to sort of fruits so what we're gonna do if you look up a fruits look at it beautiful are nice what I did earlier I did blend out my fruits a little bit because you know some people like the fruit inside of it some people don't like when we fruits all up inside of it I love all my fruits blend out you know me that when I child the cake in that come like a try like a piece of rubber you're eating a piece of nice to make and wrong food cake then I'm gonna argue another I put a thousand gram or the food so far inside of it I'm gonna give you another at least you see I'm not scared right over here another eight owns more of the fruits inside of it beautiful and nice then I'm just gonna give it a little bit of bread but I want to say guys have to be careful because this is just a small on Brenda so before your plate you need to just work in your the fruits and everything inside of it just like this little cut nice then I'm gonna put some Jamaican really the rum inside of it I'm going to put two shut after room inside of it beautiful the kick of flavor inside of it then what we're going to do next I'm going to put your five teaspoon of browning inside of it beautiful a nice it's dark cake so I have to you know give it the right flavor I'm gonna put you some vanilla 2 spoon of vanilla inside of a teaspoon beautiful a nice love the one any one give it a blend now take a look at I'm dirty nice and beautiful well as you can see making really good the full one little cut that that is just really nice and beautiful all you guys enjoy this recipe honestly is a beautiful Jamaican rum fruitcake and I you guys that I love this movie be you in full one and as I said as I can see the recipe myself or make it I put the lemon cinnamon spice everything inside of it lemon great a lemon pudding some people use greater than orange also but you don't need to use the orange can use the lemon the curry lemon alone is very strong um what I want to say to you you need to pre warm your oven for at least at least one to good 20 minutes to make this old process right here I want to say it take me roughly 45 minutes to get it really perfect like this then what the beauty I it you can see it really looking really nice beautiful um I got a baking tray we're gonna put it in um got to type but you're gonna give it the first one and the beauty said I want to say have your home and pre eat it football roughly 20 minutes before put it inside then next you need to cook it on a low temperature not too I I want to say put if you using a open like numbers put the gas mark at roughly click tree to get that perfect cook then if you use in another type of oven like I don't know these are different but it kind of open you have put it really low and profile your cookie for ugly Street over and a low temperature and you get a perfect cook for the Christmas cake if you don't put your ID not gonna get that cookware you like so the low it is allowed I take to cook so roughly this will take at least one of the three or to give it that perfect cook and the gas mark tree beautiful one enjoy the recipe and we're gonna lay it in that tree now for you guys nice one um this is the tree big contribution what I use at the moment I want to say to you is a policing centimeter one perfect one good size I want it before I use some butter I rub it around because this one I don't need to use paper inside of this one this one give it that perfect bacon easy to come on easy to angle and I said it is good really nice baking tray for cake um this is as I said 26 centimeter this is one that I dunno I'm just gonna pour the mixture inside of it look at this this is just beautiful and nice you can carry top us roughly right here because this is not a cake far you're looking for light um I would say roughly you're not looking for rising cause food cake no rice so you hit okay come up straight to the line that's fine with the line because you're looking for a perfect cake so you don't need to worry because this cake don't rise so you can always bring it up straight to the line that's fine beautiful recipe I wanna say and while you guys enjoy this recipe really nice one so if you notice what did I use 500 gram flour 500 grams butter 500 grams sugar and I'll use at least eight toes and a half gram what the fruits inside of it because I want to be perfect this cake push I'm making right now is one of the best fruitcake in this world today as you can see the color of it really perfect looking really nice you don't need to make a cake really talk like that are you know you can give it a nice perfect color look at that color that color is perfect when you go in the oven and bake it got a change in color so as I say how big a small on a low flame this cake gonna take athletes roughly three hours to cook because eating kind of thinner which this kind of and all deserve you can see there's a big cake big food food cake a fruit cake like this now we're gonna do our end of it we're gonna put some rum over it you're gonna put some wine you're gonna trim trim it make it cooler so there's a lot of process you just after off patient when you are doing a key like this so I want to say to you enjoy the recipe and soon as the on YouTube I'm telling you you're gonna see a link below we'll all take it to soak your fruits and generate more income we're gonna buy you some more foods I'm gonna solve our fruits one year so there's a lot of things in the pipeline coming up for you guys for Christmas even for next year we're going to show you how you can sort your foods so beautiful recipe and jawed recipe and this is Christmas be the one beautiful one sometimes in the oven waiting for his cake so let's put it in the oven nice and beautiful where the kick is finished already I take the cake out of the oven now for about an hour now I take it out of the oven what I won't want to sing to you I got some white and navy rum this is the room from Jamaica I got a right labor one and I got a glass right here what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you a little bit a secret of Santa Claus way doing this rum cake on Christmas Day all right before Christmas I wanna bake a cake after this is the secret what you need to do you need to pull your little one and pour it straight in this glass like this I'm using out of this small bucket our level one is a tomb jeweler is a 20 now I would say this this one is a 20 20 percent alcohol really strong but I really strong strong too you don't need to do anything but is pretty fun then I got the old white red and navy the stronger this one is really strong I'm gonna put a at least I'm going to use the clock the mage Eric go ahead music lock as a shot that's one shot two shot three shot for shot up from in the off button up regulator why then what you going to do next use a spoon and let's rub it around like that then put this aside this is the wrong fruitcake when we were to take it out of the oven in this cooler and what I want to say to your guy when you're gonna do your cake if you notice in that $0.26 centimeter polish and do I put everything on the oil mixture I will say to you you need to share it in off because it gives me a split at the top which I didn't want but it will happen I will put it in the oven please don't remove don't open over that's another mistake where I did I open my oven to check that it don't open it open let's leave it open closed for at least a or a half and a low flame put your gas mark and on low flame and bake it because in my top I get a split but that's fine another soaking some wrong oh I really never why this is the cake pushing perfect ready for soaking what I'm gonna do I'm gonna show you all you can soak your fruitcake and put it down for Christmas and Christmas Day you can cut it give your neighbor some give your friend some and the family can be happy so look when you soak your fruit cake in right if you're oh and red lever one beautiful recipe guys nice one well I've got a plate right here look at this plate nice size so what I do I'm gonna go simple pour a little bit off the mixer you just mix our ladder inside of it like this beautiful then what we're gonna do yeah what not a point the fruitcake straight inside of it I'm going to show you something we're going to put a food cake like this straight inside of it I want to say if you're ever Plus you can use the gloves and all but I'm just using my two old it to put it in then what is going to do next you're going to pour all that mixture you're wrong and they really they were one on top of it like this cuz what happened now you're soaking this for Christmas so you don't wanna arm you want to put everything inside of it man look at that that is just beautiful a nice sir if you notice everything I pulled out the old Gus off red label one and rum which we just make our data then what makes your gonna do so what next we're gonna do at the moment I'm going to show you something else again we're gonna use a clean flip I'm gonna put that cream filling all around it like this you're gonna wrap it this is a secret for cake for Christmas guys I want to say to you it won't spoil it will be fine do you know no need to worry and wonder what gonna happen to your cake the cake will be fine all you need to do is just give it that perfect seal there with any ear get inside of it oh you don't love this one E for your own cake for Christmas I'm giving you the biggest idea in this bird or you can sort your cake for Christmas when you bake it inside the oven then make sure when you're wrapping your up it's really really perfect that's known here and get inside of this cake you don't need any ear inside of it so this is what you do when you wrap your fruitcake for Christmas beautiful recipe I want you guys the entire recipe and remember when you make that 500 it's 500 grams flour 500 option 500 gram 500 butter I wanna see you're gonna get a big a big war like this but for me for you guys we could do it you could shear it into off put it in two separate container which be more easier to army for you but true I mean a massive want to see or it would come out but I guess pretty the top of mine but that's fine it's khakis we still gonna cut it what I want to say to you remember put something wrong and ready hit a wire inside of this glass and use it off buckle at this time already labor wine and I use shut up from inside of it shuck up from inside of this one and I mix it around and then we poured Street some at the bottom of the plate and some on top and we're going to put on this until the 25th and December we don't need to cut this till two weeks time to the weeks time next week 25th you can you can put it on even up to one month this fruitcake in with the Rome we should just run a while ago it's a beautiful recipe I don't want to say I wanted to enjoy the recipe and subscribe my youtube channel next month we're gonna show you all you can soak your fruits one here so there's a lot of things is coming up for you guys for Christmas even for next year so enjoy your Christmas this year and have a lovely lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes another need to do is just look up for chef Ricardo new recipe day by day because we put a recipe every day that's our living we cook every day and we make the recipe for you guys that's again happy to use them to cook with each other the recipe I'll subscribe my youtube channel Happy New Year and Merry Christmas once again from chef ricotta cooking program why
Channel: Chef Ricardo Cooking
Views: 166,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chef, Ricardo, Cooking, Fruit Cake, Recipe, Rum (Beverage), Cake (Type Of Dish), Food, Christmas, Best, Ever, Kitchen, Fruit (CSA Product), World, Restaurant, Chicken, Recipes, Bbq, Meat, Dinner, Barbecue (Cuisine), Cuisine, Vegetarian, Merry, Sauce, Salad, Eating, Healthy, Foods, Beef, Pasta, Rice, Soup, Pizza, Grill, Pork, Friend, Bread, Moments, Potatoes, Best Friend, Curry, Lunch, Cheese, Easy, Vegetables, Dining, Chef Ricardo Cooking, Jamaican, Caribbean Food, Book, How To, London, UK, Barbecue Cuisine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2013
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