Christmas Cupcakes | Full Family Christmas Comedy Drama Movie | Cindy Busby | Family Central

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[Music] [Music] dashing through the [Music] what fun it is to write and sing a slang song tonight over jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way [Music] uncle mario it's pretty dark in here [Music] wow look at this place kim it's like we just walked into a christmas museum look at all the decorations they're the same from when we were little dad really loved christmas yeah i can't believe he's gone just two more weeks and everything will be back to normal hey gina what is it with you and christmas why do you hate it so much i don't hate christmas i just i don't really have a use for it hey uh how about that coffee you promised us uncle mario i'm making you the best coffee you ever had i just got to start the machine wowzer that's new what happened to the old one don't are looking for gifts in the mouth of the horse this is the ferrari of espresso machines this will make it the best coffee in the world [Music] anybody else hungry i make you something gina look oh i love that one [Music] wow oh thank you this is this is so good you know what they say an armlet in the hand is a worth to two birds um and you know what uncle mario you're right this coffee is amazing i told you ferrari scared me what is she doing here what time is it what do you want i see the lights are on you make egg bread we don't have any fresher bread we're not even open where am i supposed to go it's christmas nobody make egg bread like luciano wait here this is luciano's last one i try to make more tomorrow bless you mario i am so sorry about your brother luciano ochiana made the bread you know she does bring up an interesting point oh yeah what what's that well the bakery i mean when are we gonna reopen we well yeah i mean who else is gonna do it you know nothing about running a bakery you're a corporate financial thingy person a financial asset manager exactly and you worked hard for your career i mean you sacrificed everything for it yeah i know and that's why i can't stand it anymore okay i know it sounds romantic to leave everything behind to bake bread and muffins but this isn't us we haven't worked here in 20 years okay you know i am not disagreeing with you gina i'm saying that you're right i just don't think that you're cut out for this well i bet you don't remember how to uh run the cash register i'm gonna go home so i can get some sleep before i have to go to my actual job wait a minute she didn't give you time off what i got the afternoon off uh for the funeral wow yeah no you're right you should really get going i mean it'd be terrible to lose a sweet gig like that i will call you tomorrow thank you so much for the food momo i love you both ciao bella bye don't mess up her coffee hey eat this one excuse me the sugar it's mine okay it's yours as long as you promise to share i'll think about it come on it's christmas wait you don't like christmas it's overrated i don't know music's pretty good life's better with a little big crosby isn't it i'm more of a dean martin fan myself i'm nick gina i'll see you around yeah i hope so you're late yeah i know i'm sorry um it went a little bit later than expected last night clearly do you have any appointments uh yep you have a meeting with the hotel for the christmas ball at 10 30. and the santas are interviewing at 2 p.m do we really need a santa uh well it is a children's benefit for christmas for underprivileged kids but oh i know it's exhausting to care as much as i do yeah and the rest of the day you are free so is there anything else other than the coffee no leave my head hurts oh actually gina there was one more thing i trust this is the last time you'll let your personal life interfere with your work you mean the untimely passing of my father yes your personal life that's what i said this company is like a family and we don't want to be distracted by your problems i promise that won't be an issue music to my ears you make me egg bread hi hey hey what are you doing here oh just wanted to check in really thought you um you had to work well maybe i don't want to work there anymore really we're like okay okay okay this is so crazy hey listen to me i still bake and i know that you do anything that we can't do we've got momo we've got dad's recipes come on scrooge um just a little hike [Music] when the cursor come to every life not the curse again i am so tired of hearing about the cause of course coming to the village we were forced to flee the only thing that made it across to sea was this recipe for egg bread oh okay my italian's a little rusty but does it say knead the dough until it's calm no it says knead the dough over time no it says add a lemon no i don't think so it's a test we should make a bread whoever make it the best is the new king or the queen [Music] interesting [Music] well clearly mine's the best i lost to this game at once never again so who's gonna decide which one is the best bread i do no no no we need somebody who's who's impartial [Music] who make this bread i did i'm not surprised this bread is garbage dry and too salty not enough egg this is like christmas without the presents okay okay i get it not a fan thank you who make this i make you like this bread make me cry because it reminds me of the bread your brother used to make but then i cry because i taste lemon and it make it taste like soap and i hate it it is liver for christmas dinner who make i did you make this bread you make it yourself yep i made it myself you have the gift i still think you need a little lemon in the batter [Music] there's no lemon and egg bread right um excu excuse me why are you taking my bread you said it tasted like garbage and you said that his tasted like soap i use it for my birds you open tomorrow i tell everyone that's okay everything's gonna be great gina you're gonna bake the bread and momo you can make the rest and i will do the financing and the register it's gonna be perfect just need a little um sprucing up like a lot of like a lot of sprucing out actually okay respect right now what's in here uh wow uncle mario can you come here oh my gosh i stay out of my room your room you live here where do you think i live i don't know so where do you bathe i climb in the sink that's disgusting how long have you been sleeping here i don't know 25 years what i mean it can't be comfortable that's a little problem i just took her lap i like this uh that can't be good for you not to mention illegal you can't sleep where you make food oh yeah how come they make a kitchen in the house huh smart the guy you kicking me out on christmas no no no of course not uh look let's just finish cleaning up and we'll get a fresh start in the morning and we'll we'll figure it out i guess trust me gina you won't regret this i immediately regret this oh i'm sorry hey hey we have to stop running into each other like this do we you have time for coffee that's why i'm here let's sit okay thank you that's nice oh so you do have some christmas spirit not just like peppermint mocha you know this used to be my favorite time of the year what happened my dad he always made it magical you know it was the little things like trimming the tree or setting up that little village making popcorn and watching jimmy stewart baking cookies and skating in the park that was my favorite you know i haven't done that since i was a kid yeah i'm sorry sounds like a great dad he was what about you do you have any family nearby uh no just me but you know i really miss them at this time of year yeah even my weird cousin who's probably too old for his blanket you know what's weird is my uncle sleeps in the basement of our family business oh [Music] yeah my boss is probably the older brother i wish i never had i shouldn't say that he's gonna help me realize my dream what's a dream i'm gonna open a food truck that only serves dessert and home-style desserts you know that make you think of grandma's cooking or mom's cooking but with a contemporary twist to it what that is amazing thanks i'm pretty proud yeah you should be [Music] hi how are you so much say hi to scott for me hi how are you thank you [Music] hey kim we're gonna need some more bags all right i know i ordered them good morning how are you thanks so much i love you too merry christmas whoa wow really got quiet i go take a nap what if there's another rash i doubt hey mama where did dad keep his business records who are you texting huh wouldn't you like to know okay so which of the boxes are they in well all of them you can't break an egg without a bird in the bush okay all of them uh well i think i know why mama is so against us taking this place over it's a second mortgage on their house oh it's for a hundred thousand dollars and according to this dad hasn't made a payment in months she wants to pay it off because she's worried that the bank will take the house right why doesn't she just tell us these things i mean doesn't she think that we'd help her how are we gonna help her i mean you do the math i don't think we can pay our own bills let alone dads no we're gonna be okay all right i wouldn't consider this if i didn't have enough savings to you know get us off the ground oh you have a hundred thousand dollars in savings well no but i i i have enough to to make some payments at least for this month and you know what it's going to pick up these things they they just go in waves you know what maybe mom was right maybe it's time to admit that this place is finished hey listen to me okay all we have to do is earn enough money for the banks to to trust us because they're they're understanding kim what you just want to give up before we even start look this community needs us momo he needs this okay and i don't want to go back to that office this is a chance for me to finally do what i want to do do you really think i want to go back to working with that sea witch no no of course not all right we're gonna figure this out yeah okay okay [Music] so community service not exactly peppermint mocha you remembered i did so what are we doing here exactly hmm okay let's do it this is delicious good mm-hmm i'm glad thank you oh oh oh i got you oh i haven't done this in forever oh you're fine you're doing good yeah i'm a regular pro how'd you get so good every christmas season my grandpa would clear the pond behind our house i can't even tell you how many hours i spent back there a pond where was that small town you've never heard of oh a country boy who'da thunk it only at christmas time just imagine a lot more denim and a trucker hat than you're halfway there do you miss it yeah of course i mean now christmas feels like it comes out of a catalog back then it was fun it was bold it was in your face people cared more about how it made them feel rather than how it made them look you would have loved my dad he went all out at christmas tell me about him [Music] oh dad customer lady want to talk to you what customer lady oh hi there can i help you i'm sally durst okay do you have an order no i'm from the great national trust bank oh is there somewhere we could talk uh yeah of course two weeks as i said your father incurred significant debt over the last few years well i understand but i it's not just the two mortgages he took out several small loans using smaller equity such as his car for collateral how much 248 thousand with the amount owing i'm afraid we'll be forced to foreclose i was supposed to start proceedings immediately but i liked mr remo he always brought in freshly baked chocolate chunk cookies the kind with the fudge in the center yeah my favorite two weeks is the best i can do that gives you until the 24th but i mean that's it's christmas eve is there a problem no no no um you'll have it just so we're clear that's four months payments plus interest owing good hi [Music] is everything okay scary bank lady come in to bring back village curse no it's fine really are you sure yeah i don't know it's all good i got it all figured out well finally some good news mm-hmm ah i know that look i've seen that before mom it's fine it's fine oh yeah you worry i thought mom was against this whole thing i think she's keeping an eye on us well from here on in everything is gonna be great um oh speaking of great here comes your ex richard hi what are you what are you guys doing here hey honey look your daughter has something to tell you i told you i was sorry what what happened lee mom it's not a big deal you can barely see it see what she almost wrecked my car what it's not a big deal tony's dad says he can buff it out hey are you okay what happens apparently lee and her friends thought it'd be fun to celebrate the start of christmas break by going on a little joy ride it's not my fault they put fire hydrants so close to the curb the body shop said it's gonna be at least a thousand dollars and i had to walk out on a client to come and get her now i know i'm supposed to have her over christmas but i need a break okay she can't come with us i'll take her and um i'm gonna put you to work though so you can pay your dad back and we could use an extra set of hands sounds fun it's gonna be great perfect richard can we go yeah you should hurry because there is a huge christmas sale at bloomington's right now what christmas sale richard come on richard you never told me about a christmas sale let's go let's go we'll miss you bye bye hey kiddo you hungry do you want me to make you a pb j sandwich really that's like so simple oh i'm trying to check in but you guys have no presents hey don't look at me i i just make the bread presents online presents webpages social media ow oh here's a listing you guys are under tobacco and firearms what and your description is egg bread nobody can i mean can you change it easy okay great we just found you a job you are gonna be our new techie it's gonna be fun yay okay yeah we're gonna have christmas together i don't get it gina what's that how someone like you is still single oh if only you knew i don't know what's worse my uh poor decision-making skills or my lousy taste in the wrong guys oh is that what i am oh no no no you are completely different than anyone i have ever dated really yeah and and that's a good thing trust me i do um i got you something okay wait you made me a christmas mixtape yeah i'm not kind of old school i love it honestly i mean look you even put bing crosby andy martin this is amazing thank you you're welcome a very merry christmas [Music] [Music] is a happy holiday a very merry christmas to you [Music] i keep so near every light [Music] we could use your help [Music] and voila oh great let me have a look lee this is amazing wow you did this by yourself yeah this is gonna work i just i have a good feeling so what do you think lee i mean you're obviously the brains of the operation i don't know this stuff will help but there's like a hundred bakeries in the city but there's that many yeah what you guys need is a promotion to get the word out sure but that requires money which we don't have well have you thought about entering the grand prix the what the dessert grand prix i loved that show okay what is it it's like a contest on tv here started by the celebrity chef dude a few years back it's like a huge show now three days of cooking awesomeness and the finals always on christmas eve um it says that the grand prize is a hundred thousand dollars is that right holy cannoli these are the guys who won last year well that he looks familiar their bakery is always packed but you've been there yeah a bunch of times we should go check it out no chance it's not that far from here come on it'll be fun you know you keep saying the word fun but i'm starting to think you don't really know what that word means well we can go undercover okay that's fun i just i want to see what makes it so popular gina we got to try something fine awesome okay great i will see you there in an hour bye momo ciao do um know [Music] excuse me you look like a crazy person i said we were going undercover where's your disguise no one on this earth would have thought you were serious okay nobody here knows us at least let's get our backstory straight okay i am a claudette von steenberger attorney at law i have two children for my first marriage one for my second hi there you see my first husband he died in a tragic mission to the west at ease well hello claudette i'm crazy liz and i was just released early from jail okay let's just get this over with that wow this place is a really fancy just needed music oh no oh no no no no no no no oh right nose gentlemen hello my name is claudette van steinberger and this is my sister crazy liz gina wait what wow andy i thought you look familiar it's andrew so you recognize me i knew you'd come crawling back one day so you two know each other kind of our souls intertwined on a celestial plane gross wait what we went on one date you guys went on a date okay great well we were wondering if we could um purchase some of your famous chai tea micro cakes [Laughter] you're not serious right is that the last one that you have this no that is a paraffin wax rendering of one of our micro cakes by fabricio sagrita oh you can't eat this it'll hurt your tummy so so you're saying you have no labs we make a limited number of these every day these are artisanal cakes available only through pre-order wow you have not changed at all thank you now is there anything else are you just here to waste my time yep same old gina just drifting through life no idea what she wants oh really don't talk to her i'm sorry do you like your job there food trucker yeah wait gina gina wait great crazy liz crazy thanks for standing up for me back there i'm sorry i need my job i don't want to live in a basement like your uncle mario leave my uncle out of this you're right sorry i didn't mean it that way can we talk about this somewhere else please no you i'll tell you where i won't be anywhere near you come on claudette let's go is that gina thank you merci okay okay here goes nothing [Music] wow wow fancy fancy oh yep don't really know what to do with this okay thank you cheers cheers hmm that's good all right it's fine well like i don't see what the fuss is about right i bet you can make something way better oh why do people go there i mean those guys were pretentious and rude i don't know that one guy seemed kind of nice he wasn't well he did give us this cake oh yeah he's a real gentleman well they were very busy i mean it had to be the grand prix right they had signs up all over bragging about it and i bet you get a ton more customers if you win gina this this is what we've been waiting for okay we can save the bakery we can save mom's house and as much as it pains me to admit it you obviously have dad's gift don't do this kim okay you always set your mind on one thing and then you think it's gonna fix everything yeah but this will fix everything gina this is your christmas miracle just give me a second to think about it okay yeah sure ah take a couple days thank you hmm and you have to promise me that no matter what we decide that you won't take this too seriously totally yeah shame to waste these totally you know yeah [Music] hey what are you doing here so early after what happened to richard's car mom won't let me out of her sight well you can help me with the bread [Music] oh i love that smell we made it into the grand prix you guys are totally gonna win what huh we got in oh you entered us into the grand prix without talking to me well i look i knew that you would say yes but i told you that i needed time to think about it i know but i had to get the entrance on time and it's not really a big deal you just know everything don't you at least i'm trying to do something to save this place gina gina gina gina wait wait wait wait wait junior tina please please please stop stop i'm sorry i'm sorry listen you have absolutely every right to be mad okay but i had to do it typical kim always knows better than her irresponsible little sister no no that's not at all honestly we need the money what do you mean like we're really really in the hole and i thought that we could turn things around i honestly did with you with your baking and and my accounting but it's not enough and i mean we could do it if we had more time but two weeks what are you talking about you told me everything was cool with the bank i know i didn't know what else to say and i'm sorry i just i was so scared that you would leave why do you care so much at least you have a job to go back to you know what i mean i just i've spent my entire life making other people's dreams come true and i'm sick of it i'm flying around everywhere and i'm sick of the 80 hour work weeks and this is a chance for me to do what i want to do and most importantly for me to be here for lee and i can't do it without you fine i'll do it for leigh but only because richard wears his pants really high and i just can't have my niece around that so thank you thank you i'm sorry but just don't expect a gift from a horse's mouth or whatever i'll see you tomorrow okay i love you hey kiddo everything is fine that was awesome i want to help you guys really kind of need it yeah yes we do okay so hypothetical question if i wanted some information on the grand prix judges you know just their likes and dislikes is um that's something you could track down consider it done hmm interesting and how long would something like that take hypothetically way ahead of you mom did it while you're outside what you are amazing [Music] don't get it from your dad welcome to day one of chef paulo's dessert grand prix christmas special i'm your host brian ocean and we got an amazing show lined up for you today good luck mom confident gina what are you doing here oh now you have something to say to me look about the other day no you better not talk to me look who's coming this is my space um oh well well well if it isn't uh claudette van steenberger and crazy liz was it right i should have known you guys were just spying we weren't spying i didn't think you were spying it doesn't matter the most they could do is steal some of the things we've already made consider this a warning ladies steel what exactly some of our baked goods our creations our award-winning pieces of edible art wow yeah you are entering a world of hurt you know nothing about this isn't just some game for bored housewives this is baking and you're rolling with the big boys now get out of our face we've got a competition to win that was awesome yeah as you know the competition breaks down into three rounds each with its own main theme or ingredient which must be tied to this year's mystery dessert four teams start but only three move on to day two let's meet our celebrity judges the first is a celebrated chef known as much for his fantastic dishes as for his fiery temper the one the only elliott rosewater hello sir i love it's a show i think gina can give me his autograph our next judge has done it all cooking shows books clothing lines and accessories of all kinds the queen of style aurora meriwether nice to have you i have a spatula collection and finally the brain trust of the dessert grand prix once dubbed the most interesting chef in the world a man who needs no introduction all hail chef paulo merry christmas my friends in the past we have seen some grand spectacles in the forms of torts and cakes and creams and pies impressive creations as much a feast for the eye is for the stomach but this year i decided to go small what is it it is the special and underrated dessert we all know as the cupcake well there you have it cupcakes well i can't wait to see what our contestants come up with chef paulo will you reveal today's key ingredient [Music] nuts a traditional christmas favorite our contestants will be able to choose from the multiple kinds of nuts we have on set today peanuts macadamia nuts almonds i think i see some cashews over there the possibilities seem endless in fact with so many varieties and such a limited amount of time even the most discerning chef could go little squirrely you have two hours for your creations begin okay um uh can you what are we getting i don't know i'm thinking roasted almonds with salted caramel buttercream frosting your chef and a bit of dominican rum for the vanilla okay perfect uh but i don't know what we're gonna make um we'll be fine almonds i don't need these mixed nuts what is this a bar team remo seems a bit scattered there's no time for hesitation i hesitated once on a moving train from budapest [Music] flour needs to be sifted but not in quite that manner we need a fresh bowl a fresh bowl yes chef this is where the drama of pastry chef comes in the drama sometimes you need a little bit of fire oh this is looking good it's good that's [Music] i didn't say anything [Music] interesting have you ever seen anybody crush nuts like that actually two minutes this is your two minute warning chefs tick tock tick tock finishing touches are so important they finish the creation another sprinkle like it's snow snowing and that's time step away bakers from your stations well it's been an exciting competition so far we've seen some fantastic baked goods and culinary competition at its fiercest our reigning champions team sanderson are first up pressure when you're the best you don't feel pressure no i'm saying roasted almond with salted caramel buttercream frosting please wow that's a fantastical cupcake no uncle mario those are the guys we're cheering against right boo terrible cupcake terrible though all of these creations may look amazing our expert panel of judges goes far beyond the aesthetics looking into multiple factors to determine today's cupcake winner marvelous just the right balance of roast almond and salted caramel delicious [Music] the butter cream frosting is inspired great work gentlemen ah success and failure they live next door to each other when you knock you do not always know who will answer you my friend you did not knock he kicked in the door and you screamed we will triumph and so you have triple nines well looks like we have an early favorite let's see how the competition stacks up ah ms remo these look interesting what are they we have for you a a all natural peanut butter with a hint of elderberry honey whipped into a light frosting on top of a wild strawberry jam filled center a p b and j cupcake pb and j what is this recess right a dutch pedestrian don't you think well sometimes simplest things work the past very well i had my doubts about the rather plain ingredients but there's no doubt that this is an amazing cupcake eight points oh you know when our champions presented their last creation i did not think anyone was equal to the task i'm happy to say i was wrong success as roommates today this is the best of today i cannot wait to see what you have next for us oh yes oh this is a sign this is a sign people say that my tastes are too complex sometimes but very few know that i have a secret love for pee pee and jay and this without a doubt is the best i've ever had ah ten he loves peanut butter he love a beer ten you kidding me i'm dead that many ten tens for the first time ever chef rose water gives a perfect ten here in cupcake stadium well talk about an early christmas present we all thought that team sanderson had day one locked down but out of nowhere team remo comes from behind to tie it all up however can they continue this momentum into day two join us tomorrow for the next installment of chef paulo's dessert christmas grand prix and remember sports fans to clinch that all-important win just like a baseball team our team of bakers relies on one thing the batter see you tomorrow that was awesome at 10 can you believe it i told you mom knew you knew elliott like pb and jay well i may have read it on the internet thanks to my favorite daughter hmm well one down two more to go i wonder what tomorrow's ingredient's gonna be yeah don't worry we burn out that bridge when we hear it i wish i could have been there uh i'm i'm sorry we're we're closed merry christmas may i speak with the manager please yeah can i can i help you my name is sam arnold i'm the county health inspector oh is there a problem i'm afraid so we've received a formal complaint about your business and the health code requires an investigation immediately following such action from who i'm sorry but health services protects the anonymity of all complainants i think i have an idea of who this is look this is i mean this is it's crazy may i yes of course i'd like to see the basement wait uh you don't want to open that uh there's a lot of uh dirty mops back there and things hmm i'm sorry i have to look everywhere that's not so bad what i stayed ramada i got the big tv stars you know other than a few minor points i don't see any code violations i see what's happening here you know anyone can file a complaint against any bakery all reports are taken very seriously and investigate it thoroughly hmm you don't say i'd love to see their faces right now as if peanuts hold a candle to roast at almonds talk about low class you shouldn't have done it andrew we're better than that speak for yourself you want to win this thing don't you merry christmas we're closed not for me welcome back to day two just before the break our remaining contestants were given today's secret ingredient it goes hand in hand with christmas and is loved by the cocoa masses it's chocolate great um so uh this is what i'm thinking dark fudge with a caramel frosting or chocolate chip cookie dough with milk chocolate frosting okay but look at what everybody else is getting i mean all the ingredients are the exact same right we need something that's gonna be like completely different i know why don't we make an all-white cupcake a white cake white frosting white cup i love it except the key ingredient is chocolate so oh mm-hmm it's brilliant okay go get all the white white chocolate just we need that we'll get it all what are we using that for just all of it you understand all of it yeah chef okay yeah yeah yeah these ladies think they can come in here and take this championship for me well i'm about to tell them what's up and that that's not gonna happen right you hear me are they listening this isn't live okay uh excuse me i'm trying to get my workspace in order sure gina hey talk for a second please what are you looking for white chocolate white chocolate of course gina here thanks look i need you to know that i had absolutely nothing to do with what happened yesterday i would never do that to you i know okay good revenge though i didn't know andrew had that many shades of red in his face okay messy work but it's fun though definitely hey nick get over here stop fraternizing with the enemy you pull anything like that again you can say goodbye to your dessert truck you got that yeah sure melt some chocolate i think nick is a really great guy and i really enjoy his company and uh he's a great competitor and uh i look forward to seeing what he makes next like she smiled at me did you see that team remo all the way [Music] before we have that one minute remaining i want coils on this one and that's time did you see what gina was making it looked amazing how did you get them to be so brilliantly wide both inside and out we removed the yolks from the eggs in the batter and i think they turned out pretty well if i do say so myself white christmas wonderful but where is the key ingredient white chocolate marvelous marvelous they're so light and airy and the chocolate enhances the fluffiness yes and there's something that just makes it pop i can't put my finger on it i can't believe it it worked what are you talking about what worked just uncle mario you never use enough lemon i didn't put any lemon in these i know but when you're making googling out of the competition i squeeze them in the batter really yes so really now you see mario's the smartest and i told to you another solid round for team remo but will it be enough to propel them into the finals against team sanderson whose chocolate peppermint cupcakes were such a hit today let's find out get out peppermint marvelous this is what it is about my grandfather used to say courage tempered with innovation removes all risk you have surprised us again my friends another ten i don't believe it team sanderson is still up front with a set of straight nines but tim ramo is chocolate chip chip chipping away at their lead our two finalists are set but who will take home the grand prize on christmas eve is it our defending champions team sanderson or our plucky underdogs team remo tune in tomorrow find out i can't believe we made it to the finals you guys are gonna be famous what are you thinking i just had a thought that dad would have won if he knew hmm [Music] he knew what luciano he didn't want to enter he was just scared that he's not good enough oh dad he wasn't good enough oh he was the best just like you gina so how are we gonna win this good question okay we need something that is really gonna impress chef paulo something that's just gonna knock his socks off all right everyone out of my kitchen let's go let's go i guarantee on these cupcakes outta here [Applause] oh so i'm kind of running out of ideas but i decided to try something a little bit out there these are mince meat and rosemary cupcakes i just thought with the christmas season why not try a little something different definitely different well what do you think lee actually it's the first thing i've ever eaten that i didn't like and once i even had a piece of toast which is ketchup and parmesan cheese on it i told you to put the lemon wow everyone's a critic aren't they we're we're not saying that they're bad i am kind of okay well i hope you all have brilliant ideas because i'm done wait wait wait wait wait wait no this was your idea why don't you do it oh don't you think i would if i could i mean come on i've wanted to do this ever since i was a little kid and now that i have the chance you just you breeze in here and bread lady's like oh you have the gift i mean what do you want me to say that that that i'm jealous okay fine because i am all right i am i'm jealous of you i am jealous of your eyebrows and i am jealous of how cool you've always been and yes i am jealous of your stupid egg bread okay you're jealous of me me everyone in this family thinks i'm a failure no that's not true you're always saying how much better you are and and and then you wonder why i didn't want to do this with you well you know what i'm sorry my egg bread was better than yours kim i really am but don't worry because i won't be making it anymore gene really guys oh why are you crying why are you crying i'm not crying my leg hurts it's cold you drive me home no i it's christmas let's go [Music] tears are just your body thing you need food but first you need good cup of coffee thank you next you prepare the bread you sprinkle little bit cinnamon a little bit sugar [Music] thank you wow that is so good i told you you know i make this every day and i never even eat it sometimes the best things in life are right under your nose but you never realize it i used to make this every morning for my husband now he's gone i'm so sorry but your bread keep him alive here uh uh what i'm talking you have to go no no your family needs you thank you this has been perfect i would like to come see you again sometime oh yes please thank you very much um merry christmas merry christmas i watch you on tv okay wow your aunt really made a mess coming through okay thanks honey uh lee honey could you give us a minute hey hi hun uh i just wanted to say good luck tomorrow and to make a little confession what's that after the first day with you guys i was ready to give up and sell this place i mean i didn't think you had a clue as to what you were doing until i had a chat with lee that is and she filled me in on this contest and what it meant for you and for all of us at first i thought it was nuts i mean a shot in the dark christmas contest is no way to make a business plan like but then she gave me one of the cupcakes to try kim those things are amazing right right it's gina oh i'm sorry i was such a skeptic you have something special here so go out and show the world so they can see it too i am so proud of you hun thank you mom that means the world to me i love you i love you too sweetheart and that is one awesome kid you've got i know well got any extra cupcakes uh no shortage of cupcakes i think we have ten different kinds sounds good here let me grab them merry christmas everyone and welcome back now forget everything you've seen in previous rounds they were good enough to get our contestants this far but the real contest starts now in this our final round when anything goes uniquely dude and eccentricity will be rewarded cowardice will leave you lying in the dust it's no place for the meek and champions will prevail in what some have dug the dessert thunderdome wow melodramatic much i'm so happy you're here i'm so sorry let's just get ready okay we got a contest to win yeah we do as always the key vote lies with chef paulo himself his palette changes with the season so just because something performed well in previous years does not mean it will do well again originality is key so let's find out what today's secret ingredient is for this our championship round at this special time of year when people gather to celebrate their beliefs their hopes their well wishes to one another a sense of community permeates the festivities but one thing remains true the importance of family and so for this year's championship round i have decided that the key ingredient should be just that family [Music] well there you have it not an ingredient but a theme and an important one at that especially at christmas time now let's go and see what our finalists can come up with what kind of theme is that we could literally make anything well i kind of think that's the idea i'll be back hurry time to waste no time to waste this could be disastrous um is there uh water around is it hot in here what was that about you'll find out okay so what are we gonna make what our family makes best [Music] [Music] so [Music] only five minutes left to go what about the frosting you don't even have time to wipe it out oh i'll be right back gina gina okay okay oh yes yes yes what this is no time for a coffee break [Music] hmm team sanderson is already into their finishing touches but team remo has fallen way behind it looks like there's some confusion on their side they have no frosting prepared and time is almost up tick-tock yo coming come on guys hurry okay i got it i got it look at this smell that i i don't believe it team remo is using espresso glaze as the icing for their cupcakes i have never seen that before that's it wait some of this that's it again that's time and it's just like i i don't know the time it went so fast and it was like it was over and we did it i think we did it let's go to our panel of judges our defending champions have the honor of going first this year's contest is one of the finest we have ever seen you make us proud but here only the best survive for this championship i have decided on a more personal approach with each dessert must come its mules its inspiration teams are you ready to impress us our creation check our creation um where did they get those lights is what i'd like to know enjoy our creations spectacular it's sort of like if it's a wonderful life and miracle on 34th street had a baby but that baby was a cupcake that's what it's like just don't eat the lights good one don't eat the lights for our cupcake we decided to embrace the challenge by creating something totally groundbreaking we call it a christmas cupcake part cupcake part croissant all christmas tree we think it's the finest thing we've ever created for what is family if not two things coming together to create something new something something beautiful i'm sorry christmas gets me really misty enjoy please bon appetit so [Music] gentlemen as you know i am a woman of few words so i'll keep this short and sweet to win the dessert grand prix two years in a row is unprecedented we had all hoped you would be equal to this task and you did not disappoint another masterpiece ten points ten yes sir as a boy i used to collect shells and i would sell them to tourists i would look at their bellies and i would dream of this land of the succulent foods that must exist here so full of flavor so packed with the taste of freedom this is the food i dreamt of nine points thank you chef this cupcake has its all ten points two tens well for the second time chef rose water has given a perfect 10 here at cupcake stadium which leaves the sandersons with a nearly flawless score yeah team remo you have consistently impressed us in this contest what do you have for us today these cupcakes survived a curse that's right when our grandmother was chased out of her village by a terrible curse the only thing that made it to this country was a recipe a recipe for a very special bread a bread that that built a family a tradition that was passed on from mother to son to daughter and it is that special recipe that made these cupcakes so on this christmas eve we we share our family history with you enjoy really that's it after such a heartfelt speech i expected more just try it [Music] so [Music] this is amazing it it really is those are my girls i knew they could do it what is it why do they taste so different they're so good it's egg bread i put it in the cupcake tins and i made an espresso glaze instead of the icing marvelous i'm really happy that you're enjoying them enjoying it i love them are there any more i want another one if heaven had a bakery and it only made one cupcake this would be it now your father would be proud and i'm proud to give it points [Applause] thank you thank you you know some people think i'm a cold person i don't blame them when it comes to my craft i can be demanding but it is because i love what i do that i take this approach we are here today to find the best cupcake this is the best cupcake of the year 10 points 10 points all right settle down everyone i swam six miles through crocodile-infested waters to escape the rebels from my country but you have shown more perseverance and commitment to one another and to the cupcakes to move me deeply before me stands a team with more determination than we have seen in years i think i speak for the rest of the panel when i say well done my friends it has been a pleasure to taste your creations you have outdone yourselves with each and every around and you have exceeded our expectations nothing would give me more joy than to award you the championship [Music] please if i may oh nothing would give me more joy but my tasker is to judge the cupcakes and judge them i must as amazing as these cupcakes taste this this is a glaze this is not icing icing is not only what makes a cupcake a cupcake but it is also my favorite part i'm sorry my friends oh uh eight points i don't believe it that close the championship goes to team sanderson [Applause] congratulations my friends you are the dessert grand prix champions again get your jackets home where are we going our girls need us thank you chef paulo uh better luck next year but thank you for the whoo gina check it out we got it yes well we tried our best i know i'm ready i'm part of the us number one to number two two years in a row yes uh he's getting champagne everybody ladies that was amazing well my name's bonnie bonnie brello i work for chef paulo at yummy tubby tv has anyone approached you about doing a show yet no great listen we're gonna want to get you started right away i'll draft up the papers call you in about 24 hours and whatever you do do not sign anything with anyone else okay sounds good oh wait i'm i'm not agreeing to anything for all we know we might not even have a bakery in a month it doesn't matter we'll build you a fake bakery in the studio all that matters is that the two of you do the show together mr losing thank you very much but gina's right the um the bakery is our first priority and i don't have any interest in being on television i understand but here's what we can offer you 150 000 each for a season we shoot three weeks 30 episodes you'd have plenty of time for your bakery we look forward to doing business with you miss brillo absolutely excellent mm-hmm i'll call you ladies uh-huh great yep thank you guys i never thought that i would get my own baking show but i am so excited to do that with my sister and i know that my my dad is looking down on us and is so proud and the fact that we're able to save our bakery and keep the remo dream alive and and share that dream with everybody on tv is so exciting and stay tuned cause the remotes have got more for you out there so let's get bacon so yeah we're gonna we're gonna give it a give it a go see and uh you know we can bake obviously so you know they're lucky to have us [Music] thank you for being here you guys were amazing your dad would be so proud of i become a bigger star look at that guy that says a bam huh gina um shouldn't you be celebrating with your boss he's not my boss anymore what do you mean i can't go back gina but what about your dessert truck not if it means losing you [Music] well i'm sure we could figure something out we mm-hmm i like the sound of that uh i know it's not your traditional family christmas but do you want to join us i'd love to uh guys this is nick nick this is my crazy wonderful family hi you like egg bread i uh haven't had the honor yet let me tell you where egg bread had come from once upon a time that there was a disappears again [Music] here comes [Music] for me [Music] for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] that someone swears [Music] can we you
Channel: Family Central
Views: 836,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Faith movies for families, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Family Safe Movies, Latest Family Movies, Christmas Movies, Christmas gathering, Family reunion, Romantic comedy movies, Comedy movies, Movies about baking, Baking movie, Christmas Cupcakes, christmas movies full movies free hallmark, Baking competition, Cindy Busby, Erin Karpluk, Corey Loranger, hallmark christmas movies, christmas
Id: PLfY5kkilDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 22sec (5302 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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