Christine Makes A Big Announcement While Metal Detecting!

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[Music] [Music] ready now hunt so cringy I found a lid look at how exciting this is guys are you excited I'm so excited this is supposed to be like riding a bike you're not supposed to forget how okay we all know how I am with a bike so that's a horrible analogy all right this keep going you're killing me he's so cranky today gosh and you got breakfast this morning you literally have no reason to be cranky no no well you woke up above ground and not 6 feet under you have a lot to be grateful for I know maybe I'm getting older it's not good enough that's a pole shush shush you o now that's a Target dance girl tell me what to do what is this my shorts are falling down I got to fix my shorts hold on I got to stand up your shorts my pants you got what is it flip it over hold it hold it that's a little lady at least there's one lady in the park I'm lady you're a frog I hear a frog is that a frog maybe it's a frog ring stop there's your first prize those frog rings are so gross how cute look at her Hey get your clothes back on don't play with the Frog tragic I'd ride this but it's wet you know what's funny I don't have to medal Tex I can beat you look at this you're so annoying dude oh it's missing whatever was on top hey Christine go away I find a Bling Ring and I'm not even detecting you're annoying yep just call me the ring Master still I'll put that in my bag why do you even have a bag because when you're done here I'm going to out in the grass oo copycat or gosh gosh they would have an umbrella CU all it does is rain over there strange not really that's just the way the weather is over there very cool but why here someone must have visited Oregon I guess I mean that's kind of what happens yeah M's I got a ring der der yeah just walking around keep my eyes open yeah you're a weirdo dude I'm always looking see and now I do it too when whenever I'm walking anywhere oh no huh oh look at this plane hit by a it's awfully low you can do whatever he want that's you think you found a coin fun look at how fun this looks that would be fun you know a little scary cuz there's no it's not like a Traditional Swing you know you fall backwards on that one woo wait a minute are you supposed to put your hands up here and then your fees go there I don't dude I think that's how that goes do it try it oh try ity you're going to get me killed here no you won't you usually hit your head on your own too so I I would you think I should surf oh bust my teeth on this thing we whoa yeah this isn't really something I want to do I'm going to smack my face on this one yeah first thing I time I got on I almost hit my head right here went pow Christine William you see what I see come here should we leave him there or you want to take him well pick him up at least take a look at him some kid left his cars c [Music] wow um we can put them on here some kid will be fortun enough to get them I put them on the blue well you can put them there if you want you're going to fall off but that's okay that's cute C oh my gosh oh huh oh did you take one huh you took one no I you know what I think it fell down underneath over there oh okay yeah wow hey what's that over there that was a police car wow hey hey you can have that that's the ring that you can have pull tab I'll take the pull tab I like pull tabs huh oh what's it do oh there we go that's what it does woo hey don't no I oh good thing I'm heavy cuz it leans one way okay we're done keep hunting keep hunting stop oh my god oh I'm going to get sick oh Christine what are you doing to me you going get our audience sick stop stop stop okay hold on hold on I got you oh here's all jacked up A Star is Born all right catch it where do they go oh quicker than that [Music] H all right you got a star in the pocket 8384 right your age that's impressive I feel it it's a c a lid I think yep gross sounded really good good job yeah I stole the extera pro you didn't yours look at these little berries look at the berries how ber cute chickes anyway um CH don't we had one heck of a storm yesterday that was a strange one I'll show a little clip of it I think people have seen weather before not in Southern California that was not normal weather for us and the lightning you want to talk about the lightning that lightning hit almost hit my truck it was so loud I've never seen a bright flash in the loudest instantaneously the loudest Thunder ever yeah it shook the house car alarms were going off for a block that was awesome that was awesome I was scared actually and I was standing outside at the time yeah I was outside too but I was under the carport that's just one of these Lids a what's that from I don't know oh where this clothes there's a bottle cap right there you're a bottle cap Seahawks gross just kidding 602 65 see what this is I should put my gloves on but yeah you should dirty hands put your glovies on put the gloves on oh it's a quarter no it's not it's a penny it's a penny that's what I said yeah you just take the penny huh I put in the pity Bank the pity Bank pity Bank this is very wet well it did rain yesterday you just stabbed the ground yeah cuz I have to glove up so there we're going to go out the field here a little bit and then we'll where's your hat I'm in the shade I don't need a hat in the shade yeah I'm pretty sure you're going to go over here somewhere no maybe a little bit over here maybe a little bit over there no right there possibly a little bit over there beep beep beep beep Wow real load up bug on me I don't [Music] know there's something right here it was like 7 12 grass I'm not I'm not used to your numbers on the extera that's probably garbage look at that Dome what is this yep junk Gage junk and floof don't forget the flo there we are perfect perfect what are you doing fluffing is overrated floing is not overrated look at the difference in the flu perfect should we hint that we might be talking about something in the near future you just did no I didn't that was a hint no it wasn't H 7s 80s should we talk about it officially not officially but like talk about talking about it you talk about whatever you want to talk about you got the camera all right so we're going to be doing something like hunting a good goly that grass is stubborn we have an announcement that we will announce at a later date wow look look at me look at me how good was that let me get this garbage out of here first oh look oh my gosh oh wow ooh it's a quarter yeah it is it's a state quarter yeah can you see it sure that'll be mine oh that's not all that's in here look at that Dome look at this huh oh my gosh another one no it's not another one it's a dime it's a dime it's another coin is that's 35 cents in this hole good job let's see if I got them all oh it's a coin spill it's a coin spill is a spill of coins feuring the chickes close to the chicka Dons there it is a nickel oh my gosh if we don't we just need a penny I know a check the dirt check the dirt that you pulled out I am you're not checking hard enough stop rookie numbers you need to beep up those numbers how's 40 cents in this hole all right dome third view of the Dome 40 Cent find okay let's talk about it without talking about it excuse me are you listening yeah that's four four times Dome is mentioned oh I did look at this oh my gosh I did knock another one out Ah that's 50 cents in there then he good job all right so look at me yes ma'am do we want to unofficially talk about what we're going to talk about later you already left the cat out of the bag oo 90 try this first je what's a 90 on your machine [Music] I see you know sometimes it's trash taking way too much up here you should be wearing a hat right now I know we're not going out here long I need the tan oh I think I see it or it's a coin yeah another quarter I'm getting rich good job is that the only one in this hole y probably you didn't Flo that one I'm not done I'm getting smooshed first you guys no you have to floop with your hands no flooping with your hands is like flooping with your heart okay let's walk over to the work our way to the shade we have nothing to add on what we were talking about that we're later going to talk about I'm going to do it in the shade we got to turn the camera off and have a discussion because Christine has a huge announcement and we're discussing if we're going to announce it now that's disgusting or later but I think um let's hunt for a little bit then we'll go over to the table and put the camera up on the table so we can both be in the video for your announcement how does that sound sounds good okay let me find five more targets oh jeez you heard it here first five tar targets unconditional awardwinning targets No actually they're all award-winning 70s 60s 50 40 I smell a p a bottle cap speaking of smelling a bottle cap wouldn't it be cool if you just smell your target I wonder if a dog could tell you what you're digging up I can train a dog to find the oh look at this it's a penny that's right o like I said didn't seem like that was the target I was looking for oh there look another Penny oh my gosh check again oh my gosh hey I'm getting multiples in these holes it's pretty cool gosh honey hole honey hole Dome leave my Dome alone you're not wearing a hat today dude it's not hot out it doesn't matter the sun is out which means you can get sunburn three pennies in that hole honey hole which means every time you go to bend down I'm going to get a view of the Dome ' 80s 90s Dome this is number six no it's oh there it is Daren bottle cap gosh my allergies are gone that doesn't count you know what it is cuz it rained and now like all the flowers are blooming that was loud oh my gosh 70s right there oo doggy wow that's a big uh lumpy that was a lumper yeah it was there there you go D oh my gosh I'm raking in the dough Dome only one seven wait more than one whoops look at that Penny how was that it eight yep getting shiny now o what is that don't I hit something what's under here I got so distracted I was just sh of how you didn't bottle cap you did not stomp on this I'm not done I got sidetracked yeah she get Stompy stomp stomp stomp and then flu just there we go perfect it's all about the flu hey hey hey hey now it has a family speaking of family buddy was so cute today I hate when they're this jumpy cuz it's usually a bottle cap Dome leave my Dome alone if you got down a bit lower you wouldn't see my Dome Domo arato Mr robato [Laughter] Domo look at that nice you can look up now I got I got you shaded out hey like an Eclipse which will happen which is going to happen on the e8th more oo I heard it oh yes I got a nickel that's an older one no it's a newer one whatever don't you know your nickels I can't see that far okay that's even Dome hold on o it's shiny like a ball look at that look at this dime third target in that hole and there's [Music] more okay it's going to be over here there it go there it is gosh Penny coin spills everywhere I know more Dome look at this Kenny I'm impressed that's how cute my boots are I think you see have my I'm finding all this stuff yeah that too you must have moved that one there it is look oh my gosh a nickel cut it out okay that's five uh five Treasures you didn't say whether they had to be separate targets or all together we all know the rule Dome like an eightball you're funny there you go time wow wow look there's a guy there's a guy going shopping over there you see him that's guy works for the shopping cart company he's picking up the one people oh he is yeah oh shoot if you pay attention to your surroundings you would know I wasn't I was too busy Dome that's nine I think that's nine domes possibly 10 you know you're done okay I'll see you later so I'm pretty sure you've hit at least two Targets so we're going to count this as number five two this is number three don't lie this is number three okay this is 67 72 should be a coin should be oh I already see one A nickel W doggy what is going on here dude hun hole huny hole oh my gosh it's a button no it's not it's a dime oh it just was really shiny on one side that's why the number was higher it shouldn't oh gosh this is crazy this never happens my God look at this that's a nice Penny wow okay go there's a worm look at this oh oh my gosh I swear you I it's like you're just pulling the same dime out of your bag and then it's like a magic trick right now yeah I'm very good at making things appear look at this oh my God you're too close I'm waiting for that wedi though not a wedi if you want a wedi I can take you to the grocery store and buy a box of them yeah yeah look at me a box of weedies I know what you meant I'm ignoring you [Music] you [Music] mind it's right there dude right there gosh these holes are crazy today okay keep finding more I'm trying leave the worm alone what is going on here this never happens I know oh my gosh watch out for the worms watch out he's right there watch out for him wow all right keep checking the honey hole this is crazy okay you're done yeah you're done did you just kiss that one yeah kiss him for good luck that's disgusting not if you're a worm he probably like he probably liked it you know he probably thought you were the leader leader of worms yes cuz your Dome is so shiny you look like a worm you're Horrible's like I don't look like a worm the new superhero worm [Applause] man sers everywhere ew no oh look at this it's in here we have a penny and it's a normal Penny that's it one one coin really how could I only have one oh you can look up at me now one coin Dome dude Dome they're all multiple coins why do I only get one cuz that's the way it normally is [Music] that's four this is your last Target then we're going to take a Sit Dome stop it's a good angle that's a bad number that's actually good lighting for your Dome this one doesn't count it's a bad number I didn't mean to break the plug [Music] apart aw boogers congratulations you did you did it yuck well Dome you know what comment about how rude she is what's 25 26 for you uh I don't remember probably co could be a penny I'm not sure I'm horrible at the numbers I'm really not the one to ask apparently yeah apparently so hey worm there it is right here a bit y more of the same oh well but you have to check what are you doing noome oh my gosh I have to go pack okay see you later you're done that's five targets you're done let's go you're done you're done you're done why are you going in circles sir take a step back bro Dome you know what what you know I have a broken record that skips that's what you sound like right now huh you're sound like a broken record that keeps skipping you're [Music] mean leave him alone that's not it that's a worm I know what it is aw what is that I don't know piece of metal oh screws onto something maybe for a shelf blue yeah come on oh gosh 90 192 where are you hold on should be in this Chan area ah that I push that into the ground a little bit help pinpoint deeper targets cuz I already have a maximum sensitivity let's get this quarter out of here ooh did something what was that there a shovel scraped against something yeah I saw a bit of it it fell down I thought there it is oh my gosh it's been there a while ni you go back wow I'm having a great hunt out here in the grass me too you did a couple good things in the park and didn't leave those poor toys for those kids what do you mean I saw you pocket them e it's a dirty job it's someone's got to do it that'd be a good episode for them dirty jobs there's a TV show called that that's what I said A good episode for them would be LLY taking it's not really a job it's a job okay relax Karen wow look at that so that was a surface find lame that was a surface find oh my gosh see pick that up yep power pooper that's you dude you're in rare F today it's all the sleep I've been getting look how fast I got this and I've been drinking more water water yeah yeah I'm hydrated actually not I need to drink more water if your tinkle isn't clear you're not drinking enough water really yeah it has to be almost clear if it's dark you're in trouble really you're yeah your your kidneys are working really hard I drink a lot of water so I'm in pretty good shape so as far as water goes not physically you got poop underneath your nails it's okay it's not poop yeah it is my water's clear your water's clear as long as it doesn't break I'm okay you're disgusting your water doesn't break okay what is wrong with you dude 70 what are you doing in that short of time out in that grass it's been half an hour max oh I'm breaking this thing would you please stop okay yes I'm listening 75 cents and4 yes 2 3 4 5 6.70 cents here yes 20 cents there yeah so basically a do 50 65 .75 probably yeah that was fast right yeah very fast all right let's set this up and then we'll have our chat watch the battery go dead it's pretty low cute do off cute yo Focus sorry Focus um I'm leaving for um Tennessee typical I'll be as quick as I can though I don't want to be gone too long this time um it's going to take us three nights and 4 days to get there and by the time you see this I will probably be in Tennessee yeah I'm leaving in the morning I will not I will not be going so here is the dealio you want me to talk about it sure she's shy not um we've been doing a lot of contemplating on the channel and we we have a lot of fun this has been an absolute blast these last we started what 19 but got really took off in 2020 yeah so it's been a great uh ride so far but we feel poor Christine cannot participate enough so we're making some uh major changes in our uh programming we're not going to make videos anymore don't say that I'm kidding um we are considering Christine leaving the County Job and uh possibly shortly after that maybe taking a part-time job it all depends on how the channel goes we're going to try to um get out a lot you like skated over that so quick what that you're leaving yes yeah you can talk about it if you want to so we did talk about it and uh it's uh uh it's been a lot just with the work I can do my job it's just it takes a lot out of me and then when I'm home I'm not really what's it what's the right word a walking zombie I'm not really available like I'm not really myself yeah cuz I just sleep and I have to twist her arms on her one full day off to go hunting and it's not fair to her hard it's sad yeah feel bad actually because I like metal detecting a lot yeah and then nobody wants to see me anyway they want to see you or us they want to see us yes but uh I try to keep it going and it just is a lot of work by myself and I don't have a problem doing it but we're a team and at the end of the day we're enjoying this so much that we want to do this whole time yeah and um we've been saving and saving and saving we haveen money to cover her for maybe 4 months of not working cover me to make up the difference of you not bringing in a check that's called covering you anyway my presence is enough yeah anyway so we're going to try to be a little more active in uh both channels not only Di and SoCal but uh the Dig and SoCal Outdoor Adventures so what he means is we're going to be filming a lot more we're going to be doing a lot more lives on both channels not just digging SoCal but also digging SoCal Outdoor Adventures um so I'm excited I can't wait more hikes I'm just EXC more train watching I'm excit I'm sorry I'm just excited to be able to catch up on sleep so we're not going to detect you're going to sleep I'm going to catch up on sleep and like Sleeping Beauty you get to sleep there for who knows how long until you find some Prince to come kiss you what is wrong with you there's no time for sleep we got work to do okay I'm already working out plans to do things I just need a couple days yeah well I'll be gone so anyway um I'm not leaving yet I know it'll be two to three weeks before she's done but we're kind of excited um and all we ask of people who watch the channel are especially all we have some awesome people that follow us regularly and we do appreciate that the things that would help us are simple watch the channel yeah anytime you watch a video make a comment even if it's just High doesn't even matter as long as you make a comment that'll actually probably help us in the algorithm and then um if they're shorter on the shorter ads first of all on the ads I I'm really careful because when I let the YouTube put the ads in there could be like six sets of ads and I always cut them all out and then I put just two or three in and space them out because I try to stay at least eight minutes apart um and sometimes they're excessive on those ads yeah but the ads are what makes us the money that all her to the views of the ads are what what um uh you know money yeah so that's important if they're short ads 15c 30 second if you don't mind just let them run through that'll really help us out um we'll make our two or three cents per whatever um and that's pretty much it if you are most people already subscribed and we appreciate that and hit the like button those things help the algorithm so liking commenting and um watching the ads will really help keep Christine to work longer if you get tired of her then stop commenting and stop and stop uh that's me if you don't want me around anymore email Bill diin yeah say send her back great now my email's going to blow up absolutely get rid of her get rid of her I'll email you myself anyway so that's our goal is to try to um make this go we're going to I want to push it out to 6 months of her not having to work and then possibly she can do a part-time job just to kind of keep us a float longer but we've been saving for quite a while to make this happen and we're excited to um be able to go out and do some serious adventuring and trying some new areas traveling we're going to do traveling I'm really excited um I haven't been able to travel in uh I don't think we've really traveled since like 2020 no but then that's when I I changed jobs in 2020 so then I couldn't because of Co I couldn't travel I couldn't do a lot of things so anyway that's our big an announcement um it's a huge chapter in our um path that we're taking and hopefully it'll work I hope so so and we're going to be better about when we go live we're going to let you guys know you know several days in advance so if you want to be there for the live you know maybe we'll go and start doing different times for lives yeah especially when we start getting out in the middle of nowhere and we want to hunt and we if we have a signal we want to go live it's kind of fun well not just that we have people that live in other parts of the world and sometimes when we go live at 06 a. yeah 0600 then it's like you know yeah that's night time for them so obviously um any com any questions you have about our plans feel free to you know throw it in a comment or um shoot us an email yeah email is fine we do have some trips a trip planned we're trying to work out a plan to go to Florida which will dip into her not working money so we're trying to be careful about that that's okay we'll have to probably um pitch a tent for you and I'll have to sleep in the truck who put a partition down the middle yeah anyway so that's it that's our big news so wow I can't believe you're doing it I know I'm actually a little I'm a little sad cuz I like my job but it's become so consuming that um the balance between personal and work is gone yeah there is no balance if it was one or two overtime spots a month that'd be cool but not eight to plus and then she does trades yeah it's yeah so like this month was I think 10 wow 10 doubles um and some people max out with their overtime which is 12 spots yeah I I won't do it yeah but um cool yeah if you have any questions comments concerns what ever uh you know I don't mind answering your your emails or whatever or um make sure you comment like subscribe do all that stuff tell your mom tell your dad tell your friends brothers and sisters aunts and uncles everybody anyway we do appreciate the uh all the people who watch us and and especially we have so many people that are consistently on the channel and that is awesome and many sweeties yeah we have some great great um follow and we do appreciate that and if you're new welcome oh yeah anyway we have to go cuz I have to go get ready to load up for a trip I know I have to meal prep for you thank you spoiled yes I'm following my son his wife and three children under five to Tennessee they're getting out of California California a is going to be Mia to them yeah all right goodbye goodbye thank you so much I can film this is your fins cars that you stole which I think we'll still leave here wow this is it you got one you stole the coin from me no wow you poor thing you know what though you Dome you're going to do really well cuz you're going to be doing this fulltime and you're going to start keeping Pace with the king master the king master wait the Ring The Ring The Ring King Master the King Master Ring finder guy oh my gosh all right nice are you really taking these cars yeah okay bye we got to go now what are you doing she's trying to break my camera you were irritated so I wanted to get it on tape she's trying to break the arms on my camera and I'm getting mad at her yes I was I was not I was not stop you're annoying today let me see you're you're stting Loose Hair up there I know it's right here actually what were you telling me what you kept calling my head Dome doome let's get out of [Music] here
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 8,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal christine and bill, diggin socal christine, park metal detecting, metal detecting videos, diggin socal youtube, garrett pinpointer, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, garrett pro pointer, metal detecting parks, metal detector treasure hunting, metal detecting city parks, minelab metal detector, minelab xterra pro, metal detecting, minelab x-terra pro, x-terra pro metal detector, metal detector finds
Id: QpASce0GHcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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