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I had to leave it all behind all because of the legal things happening in Florida it was over 6 months ago that I finally got my civil protection order from the state of Ohio and I could literally jump on the road and go to Florida and as such I bought this unit uh this was the last storage unit I bought in Ohio patience how long ago was that a long time okay long long time ago literally left it all behind and got on the road all because of all this court stuff in Florida went to the Sheriff's Office and now we're finally going to do what I love doing best treasure hunting okay patience um Christian by the way Christian's with us as well yoink it's nice that you guys it's nice that you guys aren't hiding in a house right now and by the way baby pepper is it's next door it's time to figure out she's the sweetest treasure right yeah yeah is there going to be another baby pepper probably when I don't know we want to know I'm sorry I can't we want to know okay all right let's check all this stuff out oh no my goodness right from the beginning look at this guys I know you haven't been in Florida you guys know nothing of what's been going on in Florida do you no you know nothing okay well here's the deal I technically uh cannot be around cannot have in my possession or or be around anybody with a firearm or with ammunition which obviously we have a tremendous amount of ammo we got some ammo yeah we have some we we got an entire thing of ammo oh there's more right here for the long rifle there's more right there okay look at that full completely and totally full okay all right I'm guessing let's just say I know I'm I'm rounding down but this is easily easily $100 in ammo right yeah okay well unfortunately um I can't hold on to it so we have a table in here right yeah it's right there would we ever holy cow this is heavy patience patience that has to disappear from my presence all right I can't be around any of that but what I can be around what I can be around look at this check this out oh does that say seat belts fastened literally Ohio's asking in the 1973 is your seat belt fastened okay what else we have here Ohio they're so old these you know what this is easily I'm going to say this 69 Ohio can I hand that off yeah um B I was hoping it said B free be free maybe 9483 is free cuz they're trying to put me in jail 71 73 think we can find of 70 77 73 okay these old plates if we went to the flea market we could probably get easy $100 for these old plates as well these have to go these have to go to the Florida Ranch would you agree that's Gooding for your house yeah that's the only thing holding that house up okay look at this that's good for a sore back and Christian knows I have a sore back me too yeah we were busting it yesterday weren't we yep okay I don't know what this is but it looks cool what is it what is it some old old stuff tools this is Place signed oh this is for archery that's that's for a license for uh hunting okay check that out Road Spike railroad spike right there all right patience find me something cool I need some decorations for hails headquarters find me something cool find me something good then we got a double play what year is that 1976 is it a Lottery December 23 1976 Lottery lottery is a winner was it a winner is it a million dollar winner it could be I'm looking for something cool I can't find anything she's she's actually she's finding Family Photos is what she's you want to see what they look like in the 80s that was it one more time like that okay what's in this one wait you're saying you couldn't find anything good in here no nothing I think this is the family section oh that's probably more 80s photo it's all sectioned it's all sectioned out you know family section ammo section tool section okay well what we got here we got to have oh this I don't know what it is but I already love it tins love tins butter mints guys do I need a mint be honest yeah I could use a buttermint right now you know the best butter mints I ever had crayons crayons you know these crayons have a high IQ than some of the people that I know or know of that I've never personally met but um best butter Min I ever had was at your guys's uh was it it was your what do you call it baby shower buttermints those buttermints those are buttermints I didn't know that they're good look at her pulling silver out oh my gosh I thought that was a dead mouse it's not it's just a leaf and the giggling begins this thing's pretty cool Sil it's a wooden handle that looks like it's solid silver is it it doesn't what's it say I don't know maybe I got a flip it do you see anything see any you know what I'm thinking what we need to do an exercis on my neighbors that's they need it the power of Jesus Christ compels you which um I'm not making while I am having fun I am not making fun of Jesus I love Jesus with all my heart and the power of Christ there is no no greater power in this in this world he's out of this world okay okay let's see what else I have in this whoa patience chalk you want some lunch no that one doesn't look good you don't like that kind of chalk just the white one she gave up she gave up chalk she hasn't eaten Chalk in a while well I was pregnant pepper can't eat chalk she's got a she can't wait wait is this she can't be a weirdo like me is this what your mom said when she was pregnant oh I'm pregnant patients can't eat chalk come on seriously okay that's that's a little she's cool um I think her dress is a little too high oh says ma do you think she's cool no she oh you know what looks really cool though look at these look at these antique boxes under here first oh that looks like that's that's a war one open it open it open it it's got hair on it how do I open it so do I in some places oh actually tweezers of course cuz got vix it's got the vix in it vix is the best okay but did you open the vix is it actually in there I don't know this is this is look at it's never goodness it's never been I want smell it yep is it good yeah sniff it whoa that's the good stuff from World War II I bet you this is World War II right now oh yeah does it happened like I didn't know can you find it can you find to see what it is date on it now this old mixer this is a Hamilton Beach mixer now these typically old school like this that's that's probably going for easy $100 right there as well look at the old toggle switch that's called a toggle boom boom bo you knew that right Christian uh I mean he knew yeah totally he knew he knew you find a date no I didn't okay this thing's pretty cool though I thought this might actually have on there all right all right a lot of this stuff oh this is old scale oh okay School scale I wonder if the top is in here somewhere all right you tell me how much pressure I'm putting on it um it's too much 27 yeah look at them guns 27 right there look at that okay okay I see what you that's a little freaky decky it's mask can you put it on patience World's Fair Fram should I look good yeah what sound does it Tiki make is that a tiki maskk oh that's not a tiki mask I think it's I think it's uh I can't stop this feeling deep inside me that's what I think look at this we got stamps from all over the world here it's from France Republic Republic of Korea Knoxville World's Fair these are all from a World's fair energy Exposition 1982 United States I this may maybe this is all about the world's flare okay that's kind of cool there all right whoa some buttons o a creepy doll no more than one creepy doll oh did I say that right you say did I see I would say said doll did he he didn't say Dow you know who loves buttons George yeah buttons old buttons what is this this looks military doesn't it okay Jackson Jackson Hole wyc does that say Butler Creek cour Butler Creek as long as it doesn't say Otter Creek all right let's find out let's find out what is it oh my goodness uhoh uhoh uhoh uh oh you know just one it's just one I think these are the Forbidden ones the hollow points oo wait wait wait there could be something on the other side whoa that's gunpowder I just poured gunpowder all over and I just dropped it that was not smart Okay impact that was not good that was not good okay there are wait there's one clean creepy do kind of kind of I mean her hair is a little it's gun powdery hey I dated a girl with hair like that once so it's got gunpowder that'll clean it right up that'll clean it right up okay oh here's another first date right there oh that's the that's the same one I are you serious yeah did you find a date no I didn't okay well it's super cool and this I think needs to go to hae's headquarters yeah that's pretty cool agree yeah despite all the hair on it yeah that looks like a deer that's a bunny a bunny a deer the bunny to kill bunny I love the bunny okay what else we got patience just a little patience yeah yeah I think I know what it is no you know what this is oh maybe you're right I was thinking it was for shoe polishing oh which by the way look at these snazzy shoes I got on today are those your new ones no way those are got to be the old ones are these my new ones of course I break them in like this dang D old ones these are the storage unit buying shoes okay we got we definitely got old tools I thought this was for um for shoe polishing doesn't this look like a shoe polish box and not a yeah not a toolbox like you would put your foot up here and right yeah never SE never got my shoes polish I've never seen anybody get I've never gotten my shoes polished either but the movies you guys don't watch movies can't really polish those guys you a Polish may actually help them that may be good for them okay what else we got in here what else we got in here I'm getting lazy oh man that thing right there that thing yeah are you kidding do I want that thing it's heavy okay all right open it oh there's some like soap stone in here right is that what this is oh yeah the right that's soap I would think it's soap stone that's what I think it is right there's a lid although I don't man this was so long ago and I left and I don't remember anything no that's pretty isn't it that's pretty incredible and then the box is incredible yeah how much do you think the box is worth I don't know I don't know give me a guess uh oh there's maybe like 150 I think there's a toe broken over here on the back toe broken 50 yep got a broken toe oh no just like I used to have I broke my toe in these shoes as a matter of fact your whole foot that Mark right there is from breaking of the toe that Mark okay that's why you don't get of them can't get rid of those memories those are some of the sweetest memories ever what is this are these magic cards I have no no not Magic card C are they rage rage cards rage rage SE have you heard of rage before no have you I've never heard of you got your phone can you look it up quick yeah ah she's taking Christian's phone do you have your phone yeah yeah I do yeah Christian's got his okay all right so I've never heard of that I wonder if it's worth anything it' be interesting if it is oh my goodness what is all this you love the tins antique Dow house family uhoh p just went running she remembers that I don't get service at the warehouse oh she wasn't searching anything on my phone I got you I thought she heard pepper which pepper is chilling and taking a nap I didn't she's snoozing I didn't hear pepper I thought you were running cuz you heard pepper no his phone doesn't work out here in in the middle of nowhere man that Bible is tore up look at this Oh I thought it was a pack of 9 volts ever ready n no it's is it one battery it's one battery it came in paper cardboard bounces back for extra life recovers power between uses um I don't you would probably use it for honestly I don't know you would probably use it for some kind of toy or some kind of something that makes a lot of sense right you would use it for some kind of something something electrical I think yeah yeah yeah yeah something that needed power that's that's what that thing was used for we definitely have to go through all the rage cards cuz there's some that are worth like $500 and then some that are worth like 50 are you serious so classic collecting cards yeah oh my goodness well we got some money in the rage hopefully look at all this look at all this what is that right there is this his old oh I was wondering if that was like a diary guys let's let's X out this zero and we'll put a 25 and Fraternal Order we we'll be sponsors for Fraternal Order of Police 20125 maybe we won't get any tickets and look this is his black book you think this is all his girlfriends maybe uh I'm gonna say no since the first one is Don I wonder if that's Don the con from Otter Creek how bad do you miss Don the con that man he's out of control is he out of control do you miss him no interact with him I saw him one time during meeting that was it he made the meetings go really slow well they're going to keep going slow cuz he's on the council for two more years they voted him back in no there was actually no vote which I know makes no sense to you right now because you don't watch the videos but um here's the Iliad now first edition books are worth a lot of money what we would want to do even though this is damaged you can see The Binding damaged the cover is bent what we'd want to do is open it up and we want to see is it the first edition printing of The Iliad and if it is we're talking 10 of thousands 1940 now the only way The Iliad for boys and girls the only way we're going to know if it's first edition because I don't know the information off my head is patience is going to look it up later or maybe now okay all right let's see what else we got I'm pretty sure the ilad was written way before 1940 whoa old music look at all this o there's some cars some crazy stuff in here Europe old map of North Europe okay so we got train we got trains those are big ones got trains do we have planes something's crawling on me trains planes lots of automobiles see any red lines in here for coni no not there's fly on it yeah you said you smell good no he was like you smell like doooo oh we got it Planes Trains and Automobiles that counts right though the helicopter yeah little tank right there little tank action we actually got T the tank here at the warehouse right now we are actually at the warehouse which we haven't seen the warehouse in Forever well I haven't you guys have yeah okay this uh this one right here yeah is it a good one I think so I didn't look in it oh of course it's a good one it's got a Nintendo GameCube and they usually have a game in it is there a game no no why is this fly attacking me you said you smell like candy yeah right candy okay okay we got money we got money she was right it was a good one here we go are you ready we have what are those okay okay so these are these are presidential coins that were put out by one of the gas companies and so you would have a full collection of presidential coins they're not it's not like a dollar even though there are some presidential US dollar coins this just a collectible set of coins would you get off of Le fly it literally keeps landing on it's in my face now well we know I need the buttermints the flies in my face there's some other coins here too what's thisen what that oh it's just a chewed up Penny okay all right some pennies in there all right not not a bad box the Nintendo GameCube you guys just sold one didn't you yeah how much uh it was $40 can anybody find a fly swatter oh did you grab him no Oh I thought you had Christian now I thought I had some of them old skills I'm just just had a baby 7 months ago and I'm the one sitting here like I'm dying I'm good now I was sitting down for a long time Christian and I were doing some serious work yesterday did you tell her everything that you did yeah yesterday it was rough like we were doing some crazy stuff okay oh this is looking good look at this down here cast iron they they painted it that sucks but oh it's heavy oh man look at that General Electric right there that's the face of is it a clock it's got to be a clock yeah or timer you pull that straight from your stove that looks so old oh where's that battery we need we need power Christian it's it's gone yeah somewhere okay we got the horses is it made out of marble what is that um obidon I don't you know I don't know I don't know I'm making words up right you think Oban is that what you're thinking of oh you caught on okay okay like I said so I found a watch the other day and I was like spidal have you ever watched um what's the one with with um Mastermind and says spy the way he says spider and so I was making fun of it and everybody wants to correct me you don't know how to say that watch company well I wasn't trying to say the watch company literally goofing around for that's for your you know what this is that's a trivet for your iron oh wow it's an iron trivet I've never seen one before have you seen one either no do you need one I've honestly have never ironed in my life okay well you don't need it we'll we'll find you know what some questions aren't worth waa it's heavy it is heavy okay all right we got more stuff what that paperwork paperwork you can never have enough paperwork right you never know what you're going to find in paperwork KC SSI okay this is where we find a lot of our puppies where we find a lot of collectible dollar bills dollar bills y all but we're probably not going to find it today not today in there okay all right what else cool do we have plates okay are ready I'm not we know Jeremy doesn't like PL how much money did I just break a I don't know it depends could be 50 could be 250 this is probably 250 from this unit probably 250 okay books the something be the Owens quins I don't even know what it is there's the Bible Illustrated nice and these are old aren't they how much money you think we got in here I don't know what's this sorry I was about to sneeze you're allergic to money aren't you y must be a lot of money in there there must be I'm allergic to money too I get it I about Falls all right that that was boring that was boring let's get something that isn't boring like this fur Pur it's a bear bag do you think it's a bear bear bag it might be bear that's a yeah I don't know if it's actually Bear but it looks like bear okay let's see if we can get the zipper undone wow that zipper is um it's on there it's going to need some CLR uh calcium lime and rust removal oh I was know what that was that's fur that is fur that's a hand handbag purse fur handbag okay do you think you'd rock that Christian could rock it I'm definitely not a bag hey do anybody want the um it's gold no what it is is this is the Linette and crook of storage units it stalks you everywhere no matter how much you wash yourself of it and try and rid yourself of it it's everywhere it's a Linette and Crooks look this one is Linette this one is crook this one this one wraps this one wraps itself up to its crop and this one's got three teeth so okay oh my goodness there's a ton of it there actually is a ton of it it is everywhere can't get rid of it check that out old old railroad o oh might need might need a little bit of fixing here and boom just like that we just fixed it maybe I could have Cony restore it something like that oh guys what we've always needed wires no a knife there's a knife in there what is that a multi tool she like it's a gerber and probably we probably get 25 bucks out of it pretty easy a nail file we don't need no stinking kife we need a nail file that's you're good to go you're good to go you f your nails patient no think so terrible okay there's just so much random goodness in this definitely random but it's also cool and good look this is a it's a keychain but why it's an Angel Ball no you know what this is I think this is the Stitch from Harry Potter oh yeah the golden snake the golden yeah definitely is definitely the gold it's a Harry Potter thing Wham what house are you part of Jeremy uh come on I'm Gryffindor man you know that okay okay what's patience Slytherin I'm not a snake you're slyther Slytherin you know I took George I took George to was it Universal or somewhere and we went in and we sat under the Hat the Sorting Hat and they called it on her she's uh she's slithering and I was like trer words have never been spoken and she's like what what and I'm like no nothing nothing she's never ever ever watched Harry Potter she do know right there she has no idea she has no idea good old George Foreman so George is Slytherin and I was Gryffindor I bet Gryffindor that's griffindor that's gind well I mean it might be the hammer that we put it on potentially you think that has nothing to do with it no it broke on its own this is why I have gloves on and oh is a canteen o That's military right there that's pretty cool free with broken glass that's cool okay so Hand care sharp yeah careful there is this comp this is yep that's pter that's a compter piece right there not computer if you're from the south this isn't a computer this is a teapot made out of computer okay and if you call your computer the computer you might be redneck all right basic Optical Mouse right there that's brand new what else we got in here a double day cookbook you can use that Jeremy oh my goodness oh did I tell you I made Jello-O I think I told Christian I made Jello yeah I I made I made blue raspberry Starburst jell Jello-O it was so freaking good I ate it all last night that I went out and made the all pink I made four boxes it's at home waiting for me right now I'm like launch okay don't worry it was already broken I think it was patience cuz we know it wasn't pepper oh she still snoozing what are you guys going to do when pepper breaks something whoops we yeah just say whoops it depends what it is yeah of orent are bearing gift I found baby Jesus Dear baby Jesus that sound like Ricky Bobby Ricky Bobby baby Jesus okay he's the one that says what shake and bake baby oh yeah and he prays to baby Jesus instead of adult Jesus I always think I always get Ricky Bobby and Tommy Boy mixed up oh my goodness both really good movies though whoa whoa whoa what do we got over here look at this old school military black and white oh my goodness look at this one I just tossed it as side some old photos wow look at that car oh man that car is awesome look at that that that's a train he's on a train wow wow that's cool okay super super cool we got another another scale I think right here how hard can you push that one down um this is the way right and probably not at all because the piece isn't there and my fingers too big ah ah I jammed my pinky okay it only take eight PBS of pressure it's still it's still worth something what else we got in here and we got stuff oh oh check this out dinner bell check this out that's pretty sweet no way yeah way baby check that out what's that bottom piece for I think that's way um probably for wind oh or for you to ask what's the bottom piece for okay where do you guys think it goes does this go to hail's headquarters does this stay at the warehouse does it go to Florida I don't know it could it be cool in the the bird a are and I ring it when it's dinner time yeah and then they come running you're good at doing the peacock impression we were trying we were really bad with it when you weren around we we start to the peacocks too we were trying to they were looking at us like what are these two freaks doing yeah we were not okay let's see what else do we have all right this is old empty box I'm just going to set it aside over here one over here as well you you know what I think everybody wants to see right now the Ferrari Harry banana oh hary banana you okay let's go show them here's the old chap Harry banana himself his mustache is a little bleached out he's been hanging out here at the warehouse taking care of all of this grass and field his cap his Cap's looking a little Dapper there too Christian will he still run um not last time I checked uhoh that's not good and look this this grass is literally it's up to my knees it's up to my knees I think you think the tank Harry Banana's girlfriend could actually take care of this grass I think so so that's one of your jobs today this is where all the eBay magic happens so when we find something in a storage unit then Christian impatience sort through it research it for example here's a tote right right here I see Harley-Davidson there's a Harley-Davidson patch right there and you can see this tote is numbered 36 so when they list it on eBay they know everything in that tote they know every item that's in that tote and they can find it and identify it it sells they come in oh and eBay says it's in tote 22 they come they pull that tote oh we got cocacola in here look at that we got some Coca-Cola and these are these are the actual pallet racking that uh that busted my toe my foot was gone but you guys are pretty much you're outgrowing this facility you got you got a lot yeah you got a lot oh my goodness um and in all reality we probably need to build not truth is we do need to build we just can't afford it right now because of all the legal Ridiculousness if that book falls on your foot guess what done broken toe as well holy cow this is all about Ninja Turtles as you can see the complete work of Michelangelo and if we we'll search hopefully we can find Donatello Raphael the whole deal but uh this is ner this is Ninja Turtle this is Ninja Turtle at its best right here hug Do not drop this on anybody's foot all right okay all right boy she actually I thought she was going to do it War save War saving stamps right here wsss sold this is so cool do you know what this is uh advertisement for war saving stamps but what does it mean I okay so when the United States went to war and what they would do to actually generate money for the war they would they would sell bonds they would sell stamps right here and you would get you for some of the Investments you would actually so they would call it an investment and they would give you interest on it and then you could get your interest later and this is an old old very cool sign for that like that that I'm going to want at hail's headquarters cuz this it's too cool all right oh my goodness coffee pot at least it wasn't the Ninja Turtle book yeah so we're doing good there okay all right we got all right I know this isn't just old shoes is it there ain't no way it's just old shoes carbide triple blades and these are that's a $10.50 blade right there when they bought it the cool thing the cool thing is you see that smile smile Cleveland Ohio that's awesome so this is a really cool PE piece that highlights Cleveland Ohio which obviously uh I'm a big fan of the smile Bottling Company and so I already know I'm I'm going to want to hold on to this you guys know where it's going to go in headquarters it's probably on the top pieces above the cabinets I thinking I'm going to put it in the outdoor patio where we film in the in the hammock yeah it has a couple that would be it would match that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking you know this trunk would match too if we could actually get to it this Bell and howl here oh my goodness this Bell and howl if it works which I assume it probably does yeah those things are like tanks okay they are and it's about it's about another hundred bucks right there as well I sold one on Craigslist of all places probably probably around 9 10 years ago for 250 and so now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we may hold on to that we may not I'm not sure yet let's see what's here oh yeah Henry Henry I'm Henry the E I am Henry the E I am I cards what kind of cards are they it's like a camel isn't it something like that I don't know what it is Dishonored tet deck not a parrot it's a tet inaugural Pro Set right there these Arabian cards what's the back look like um like that I don't know what that is he's got hit points and3 4 7 it's got to be for some kind of game huh kind of games was Harry playing baseball basketball and then that game well hand it off patience is chilling actually I told patience I'm like hey unbox stuff with me but the reality is there's probably not much room in there there's and and I'm just throwing stuff everywhere this this stuff has been in this trailer for many many many many months get your hot bags here love you oh you know you know what we should do what you know what we should okay so we got love mhm and then we got trust okay so here's what I'm thinking we should do all right it ain't working I was going to turn it into rust yeah I was going to turn it into rust hey here's that iron that you wanted for your iron trivet that is the wildest looking cord I've ever seen look at that oh my goodness that's that is so weird that's old school right there holy cow got to use the one that you put over your fire on top of your stove o you know we got to have bonfires some baking soda we do we have too much firewood we have a lot of firewood right now we got to burn some okay if I can get this without breaking it look at that you got skills juggling boxes oh it's the rest of the CH that other set right okay what kind is it it's Japanese nor take nor how much patience you love glass it's probably worth $250 like legit keep it out of my hands keep it out of my hands all right let's see what we got here okay these are little people no really so no seriously little people and these little people made by Fisher Price uh are actually really collectible now so this is this is money here as well we got here oh no we've got teeth that's wild we got baby teeth are you guys going to hold on to Pepper's teeth yes I already have a spot in her baby book for him no have you learned nothing from going through storage units that's gross maybe she wants to keep them what is pepper going to do with her own teeth she's going to be like my mom's weird she ate chalk and she kept my teeth I have my teeth I say yeah your mom gave you your teeth yeah they're in my memory box my teeth were they were black then why do you want anybody else's teeth I'm just I don't know mine were so ugly I had to keep them oh check this out you're like for the ugly Factor yeah Christian you'll never believe it my teeth were so ugly Che that old camera H I'm going to hand that off right there I like him I think this is old baby bottle yeah it is Round the Clock with bab the clock with baby that's going to be worth something and and more of this China find that whole set it's going to be hard to find oh boy that chip that one's got a chip it is it is everywhere isn't it okay all right I'm handing it off I'm handing it off all right tell me what to pick tell me what to pick um pick anything Christian pick this this this box right day that one Global meals you're getting hungry aren't you I'm getting starving okay here we go here we go Global meals there's no meals in this who Christian oh my goodness oh my goodness do you know what's in here I saw it at the end yes okay um all right so camera didn't see that right uh I don't know uhoh we got another one all right camera didn't see that right Christian what boxes are you picking listen I thought I was going to get a meal he he got he got more than a meal he got he got a bunch of melons and he can't eat them all all right here we go we got Sidetrack Plano oh man I should take these back to Florida to go fishing with Mark feather oh you can fish in the creek though oh you know we have the Otter Creek you're we have yet to fish in the creek even though there's fish in it we have we've never fished it yet have we nope you think we should yeah yeah give us a nice rainy day and then we'll come down the next day there you go are we going to have to handpick the worms though we got we got lures right here I tell you what when we were moving the wood yesterday I found enough worms we could probably and baby snakes and baby snakes we were finding baby snakes too okay okay okay all right Christian your your picker is off I'm just throwing that out at you without looking at those magazines that I threw one more one more um one more I don't know what looks good let's go with this one that one forehead high five forehead high five okay all right oh no oh no uhoh uhoh uh losing it we're losing it losing it this looks cool okay actually Christian look at that 1968 made by JS ersa pa pa address that's kind of cool that's not what you picked that's not what you picked though it's not what you picked was near this one and you like that one and I like this one that's fine all right here we go here we go oh man I just dumped everything out there's a little lock there's a little everything 1776 do you know what's significant about that day uh it's the year we declared independence man you're good at this this is silver that's going to be sterling silver right there have you ever drank from sterling silver no me either but that is going to be sterling silver which is good there's another purse we got we got a sanding block in here why I don't know um wow all kinds of of different cool things in here cool glass bottles lots of glass bottles I feel like I'm back in outer Creek going through the creek but I'm not I'm at hails headquarters and we've got a lot of cleaning up to do we got to sort through all of this so we can buy our next storage unit because the treasure hunt is going to be extreme this summer
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 114,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I3IgbuoZhRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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