11 Cheap and Easy Fishing hacks (everyone should know)

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[Music] today I got 11 paper clip packs for you they're going to help you save money and they're pretty dang cool so if we don't got any more questions let's get on with these wait wait wait I got a joke oh my God where does paper get his haircut what are you talking about at paper clips of course you know you're stupid right no you're stupid anyway let's get on with these hats paperclip act number one he these two Bobbers right here are pretty dang old because these are the Bobbers that I used back when I cfish look like that one got a hole in it h maybe this one right here I made on a different ha video but I'm putting it on this video because you use a paperclip to do it and this is one of my favorite hacks but what this is is a flag bobber when you got your roding a stand like a horizontal stand you know what I'm talking about got lots of videos where I made those but if you do have it in that that stand you can point your rod down towards the water I actually like to put my tip in the water and if you have a bobber on your line if the wind blows you'll still know whether you getting a bite or not because if it swings this way it just means the wind is boiling your bobber when the bobber raises straight up well that means you done CAU you a fish but this is really simple to do so let's put one together you push this out clip it off with some pliers once you clip it off it comes apart and it's only three pieces of spring the end and the bobber then I take a paper clip straighten it out and put it back through it you make the little hook on one end and on the other end you make a bigger hook now the reason that we put a paper clip in it you see that little bitty hook right there well you can make it to where it stays open but that ledge is so small if it slips off of it and it closes on your line it's just going to stretch your line and burn it then you're going to end up losing your fish paper clip pack number two now if you're stranded out on a really big lake or out in the ocean and you're lost one thing you going to have plenty of is water I'm in my shop so I'm just going to pour some water in this bucket lid and now we can see if this trick actually works now for this hack I got a little piece of sterofoam it's just a little thin piece of sterofoam that I cut out of a big piece of sterofoam I had but a lot of people uses a regular old leaf for this just a leaf off a tree but it's winter and it's hard to find leaves so I'm using a piece of sterofoam and I took a regular old paper clip I took my paper clip I bend it straight then I cut it down to where it's about the size of my sterofoam then we're going to take our paper clip and we're going to take our knife and we're going to rub it 50 to 100 times supposedly that'll magnetize the end that you rub and and we can use this paper clip as a compass so let's get to rubbing okay I'm going to put it on here sideways cuz I know North is towards my door oh my gosh check this out that's North that is freaking crazy it works it freaking works I'm going to turn it Southwest it go back to North I cannot believe that that really works that's a cool trick right there I mean if you're stranded out in the ocean or something you might want to know that one day so you can find your way back you know what I'm saying hack number three now on this hack we're going to make a jig head out of a regular old hook the difference between a hook and a jig head you see how the ey sticking out the front of this hook on jig head the eye would be sticking up right here on the point side this is not a jig head but we're going to make a jig head with a paper clip the first thing you want to do is straighten out your paper clip just like just like this right here now the second thing we're going to have to do is tie a snail knot on this hook just like this right here this right here is a snail knot if you don't know how to tie a snail knot then you need to go watch my video and you'll learn learn how to tie a snail knot you know what I'm saying but before you tie your snail knot make sure you put a sinker on your line just a tiny little Sinker next we're going to take our straightened out paper clip and we're going to stick it through the eye of the hook right here like that right there to get through the eye then I'm going to grab this bottom part with my needle nose and I'm going to twist it around the shank of the hook just like that right there keep up people this ain't hard and make sure you got it tight you see how my hook ain't wiggling paper clips twist really easy by the way the next step you want to bend your paper clip straight up just like the eye on a jig head would be all right so the next step take a sinker that's on your line slide it back down your line but bring it over the paper clip when you do it until it comes in contact with the hook clip off your paper clip and bend the end over so it doesn't move anymore see what I'm saying you know what I'm saying and now you made yourself a jig head out a regular old hook look at that action look at it now when you catch a fishing reel in it may be your Sinker over like that but all you got to do is bend it right back and then you're ready to jig again that right there is kind of cool if I don't say so myself paper clip pack number four now just like the jig head on the last hack I've seen Bas guys take paper clips and wrap them around a regular smooth shank hook and it acts like a little Barb that'll hold your soft plastic on so it'll quit slipping down your shank of your hook that's actually not a bad idea hack number five now on this next hack we're going to start with a paper clip and we're just going to straighten that thing out now after you get your paper clip straightened out I got a pair of these jewelry pliers and I got them off Amazon and they wasn't too expensive but they're pretty cool I actually had them on a hack video before but honestly paper clips have such soft metal in them you could do this with needl noose pliers but since I already got these I'm using these you see this clamp right here and over here and then you see this little shaft sticking out well when you close these pliers they close around that shaft you see what I'm saying what they do is make a little eye on the end of your wire so what you want to do is stick your wire across the top of this and the top of this you get in there like that you don't want want sticking over cuz it's going to hit this hook right here you get it in there like that then you start to close it and it'll wrap around that little shaft once you get it wrapped around that little shaft and you pull it out you'll have yourself an eye on the end of your wire now after you get your little eye bent in your wire you want to take a small Sinker these are 1/8 oz egg sinkers stick your egg Sinker on the end you hadn't bent yet then put a little bend on the straight end so that your Sinker can't come back off of it next we're going to take a bass hook and we're going to get a split ring use your split ring pliers and connect these two together just like that after you finish you have yourself a Tokyo rig that means it's [Music] Japanese way see I told you you were stupid this is a really cool rig you can tie your line onto your Hook when you reeling this thing in and the bait won't drag on the bottom but the Sinker right here will keep the rig on the bottom it's actually pretty dang cool and making this out of a paperclip it's going to save you a whole lot of money I'm just saying paperclip pack number six so this next hack is the same as our Tokyo rig except you're going to have to make one of those eyes on both ends of your paperclip and you're going to need two split rings for this one and after you get both eyes on both ends of your paper clip we're going to put a penny on the bottom and yes my Penny's got an extra hole CU I used this Penny on another heck a long time ago how can you be a 25 cent lure with a 1 cent lure that's how you get it in the 1 cent in there mind after you connect your penny to your paper clip then you connect your paper clip to your hook so basically you still got a Tokyo rig but if you have a penny on the bottom instead of a lead weight it's going to make all kind of weird movements and it's going to cause you your bait to have a lot more action number seven seven you know the swivels that has the little interlock snaps those type of swivels are pretty dang handy actually and you can just buy the interlock snaps by theirself well a paper clip is really good for replacing interlock snaps my favorite thing to do with these interlock snaps is to use them to hold my dragon weights on personally because I can put a dragon weight on my line and then if I want to switch over an anchor fish I can just unlock this thing take my dragon weight off and put a regular Sinker on it they are very handy well a paper clip takes the place of an interlock snap perfectly you can throw it on your swivel so you can put weights on Fast and take them off fast and the thing I like about a paper clip instead of those snaps this is not going to come off of there easy but if you put enough pressure on it and I mean a lot of pressure it will come off and all you'll lose is your Sinker and you'll save the rest of your rig paper clip pack number eight now most of us use Plano boxes to hold our fishing gear in and I do too because I mostly Boat fish but if you was backpack fishing or if you was bank fishing or if you just got a small tackle box I'm sure you've seen people take safety pins and use them for hook holders well a paperclip also makes a good hook holder I'm just saying hack number nine I've made several DIY synchros on my channel hey one of them I even made a Sur fishing Sinker out of a step drill bit it actually turned out pretty cool but like I said I've made several of these videos and on all of them but one the egg synchr mode and there was nobody making egg synchr Ms and you know why because it's freaking hard ask that's why it's freaking hard anyway if you make your own sinkers like these over here you're going to need these little eyelets to go in them you can buy these eyelets and bags and they're not super expensive but they ain't cheap either but now paper clips I got these at the Dollar Tree or the do25 C tree whatever they call it now but I got 250 paper clips for one of those you know what I'm saying and I got this box at Walmart for $3 which is actually cheaper because you get four times as many there's a th000 paper clips in this thing but all I'm saying is you can take a paper clip and you can make your own eyes for your DIY sinkers and that'll save you a little bit of money paper clip pack number 10 they have these Rod tip kits and basically they come with a stick of hot glue that you can melt with your cigarette lighter and of course they come with some tips now the difference in these tips is the size of the holes you see how that one's got a tiny little hole but if you break your Rod off two for down none of these are going to fit it but again you can take a paper clip get you a set of any of those flers and you can bend it make you a tip for the end of your rod these two little prongs on the end you can open up and you can stick it inside the tip use some of your hot glue to make it stay then you'll have a temporary tip for your Rod paper clip pack number 11 11 yeah 11 I really like these little fishing pouches because you can put all kinds of stuff in these things and I actually made some out of pencil pouches a long time ago but these things are really cool for fishing unless you break your zipper then ain't cool no more well you can take a paper clip and you can replace that little tab that broke off and now our zipper works again well there you have it 11 paperclip packs that'll save you some money and it'll probably help you fishing especially if you're stranded on the island or something just saying hey if you like this video then you should probably go check out this video because you probably going to like it too and if you don't I don't know what to do for you I don't know what to do for you I tell you what just go check it out anyway because this video is over it's over people go on and check out out it's [Music] over
Channel: Fishin N Stuff
Views: 87,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z3ms8BJa7gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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