Gold Nuggets every two steps! Metal Detecting on the next level!

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we are in the middle of our gold  prospecting trip and so far we are   quite happy with the gold return from  an older patch so by the sounds of it   Krissy might have the best sounding one for  the day can see it yeah it's gold new patch today we're going to metal detect a  new area in which Clint has found a   couple of nice sized pieces of gold  the previous day equipped with our   detecting gear we head back out to this remote  area hoping to find more gold here today yeah the weather has changed dramatically we  haven't seen the sun yet it's not going to be too   good for our solar setup but we are going to spend  some time detecting out here before we go back and   uh turn the solar panels over we might even have  to start the generator but before we do that we   are back out on Clint's newly discovered  patch he picked up two pieces of gold in   spot here just below this uh quartz out crop and  he let me have first dips today so I'm going to   detect around his holes and see if I can get  any more targets and Clint has got the bigger   coil on that gives him a better chance of picking  something up by walking in the surrounding here   yeah I should mention this area is not exactly  a patch yet because so far Clint only has scored   two pieces of gold from this spot but today we're  trying to make it a patch so six pieces or more morning on guys we're at the little patch  where I found a couple yesterday I know   you probably won't see the bike  it's probably 100 m away didn't   really find any more around there  but just looking around I got a signal this the first signal I've had  this morning hopefully it's a bit of gold   and the Flies are just as good as they  were yesterday hopefully that pays off there the tiny little one first one for  the day and opens up the area a bit more finally I've been detecting for  about half an hour but finally   I've got my first signal not far  from Clint's gold find yesterday oh did I see it there it is yeah nice chunky bit have a look  at this one nice I was almost starting to think   that uh Clint only got two pieces off here and  that's it finally nice one not very deep at all we've got another Target sounds a bit better than last one could be just sitting on top another little one shows the DD coil  is still pretty sensitive picking up those   Target number three it seems I'm on a bit of a run  so I'm going to take all this bit of this weight off yeah I got another one just a little faint one should be a gold I   haven't had any rubbish or  many Hot Rocks just flies yeah it is Little dry blowing gold tiny that's the  last one was right near my pick   first one was there should be able  to walk around here for a bit longer yeah I widened up my search area a bit and  now I've got another screaming signal here it sounds big no way it's massive unreal that'll  be a five or six grammer have a look at it what a nice chunk and how shallow look at it   it's actually a bit more worn than  I expected oh look at it where's Clint he's not here unreal what a monster of a  nugget I can say because this size we haven't   found for a long time that is unreal what  a nice chunk it's beautiful the gold that   we sold from this area here last time it  was tested in the shop at the Gold Buyer   and it went 99% pure that is very very pure  for gold to be found in nature raw as it is   unrefined and 99% pure and what a big chunk  that'll have to be 5 grams if not even six   it's been such a long time that I found a nice  chunk like this so I can't even estimate the   weight unreal can't wait to show Clint when he  comes back that'll add some weight to the kitty Clint never came back he was busy digging one  nugget after the other a run of gold which we   both haven't seen for quite a while tiny  one not complaining little one little one   of course there's a signal under the karara bush I don't know what's worse  the net or the Flies definitely   better than the first few it'll  add the Tally up a bit quicker nice sounds good probably a grammer not complaining  that's for sure a few more of them be good   they're sort of in a saddle I was on the other  side and they just come over this side oh getting better the further we go down I hope it  keeps going and the Run kept on going Clint got   more signals all of them were gold nuggets  one after the other he kept on digging them   out of the shallow ground another little one  not too bad I haven't seen Krissy yet she'd   be still looking around when I see her at the  bike I'll call her over here hopefully she's   found a patch like this as well you  never know all just shallow adding up like a shotgun pellet that one I believe  one reason why we are finding chunky gold   very shallow so it's very noisy and obvious  on the detectors I think it's because these   areas are so remote that it's just so hard to  get to you can't even get a car in here it is   unreal to find chunky gold that shallow and  with such an obvious signal on the detector   but also in these areas you might spend  weeks without finding anything that is   always possible as well now we can draw a line  from one well this is not quite a patch yet I   think four bits we got off here but from this  gold area back to the other one and then also   towards the areas where we haven't detected  yet we don't even know if we can get there   but we'll find out first we're going to detect  a bit more around here and yeah these flies flies are a shocker once again not very pleasant unbelievable got another one here but you see  I've just walked in a straight line there's a   hole there one bit further I haven't even done  anything yet but just walking down towards the   little fully hopefully it goes all the way down  there we got another one yes we'll dig that up another little one one under the Tree again  about 2 m from the last one that's not a bad   one best one yet bit hard to show you in  this tree getting better heaps of them   another wobbly one they're the best oh I can  actually see it oh look didn't even have to dig that's a good bit over a gram that one ah  yeah beautiful got another one right next   to that sunbaker sunbaker was about there  we just have a little scratch by hand might   not even be buried still in there mustn't have been buried very deep good spot oh another good one yeah the weight's  starting to add up a bit now getting a bit   chunkier awesome Krissy is still out wandering  around somewhere oh she'll come here eventually I just didn't want to leave this  spot the gold here may not be as   plentyful as in Clint's area but  it was bigger and you might know   the saying that the next big one  could only be one coil Swing Away we haven't got any single rubbish pieces here  yet and the signal is very strong coming from   here so if that's a piece of gold it sounds  pretty big again I don't know I haven't spotted anything yeah I can see it wow it's massive so I'll just dig  in behind it there it's popping out already Yes unreal that's number five of  this area and another shallow nugget here   beautiful pieces of gold and they are quite  large compared to what we've been finding   lately so that is awesome that is really  good news I've been circling around for   2 to 3 hours I'd say haven't seen Clint for  a while how nice how shallow and the other   pieces came from on the other side of this Reef  here so we're thinking it might be a shear going   through from the other patch down to here and  who knows what's coming up that way we haven't   been there yet but yeah gold on that side and  gold on this side that's the big one down there that's a good one biggest yet one and a  half maybe nice still only walked in a   straight line so there's all this to cover yet  hopefully it's all like that would be a good day they're getting bigger as we go  down which is usually the case Big ones in the creek ah these flies insane sorry that one took a while  5 minutes to get that nearly   at the creek still walking in that straight line adding up I'm pretty happy with a double D  I still find the little ones but   it's a but heavy got little chicken  arms saw Krissy at the bike so I   just waved her down just going to come  over here and then both of us can start   working it see how many get off it the feeling of getting a Target   every 10 steps or something that's  awesome that's a little bomb going off sounds massive it's not bad nice looks like green on it on the  other side oh that does look green   couple like that one the last time we were here second line all I've done  is walk in a straight line   down the hill and a little bit on the other side no way for real I haven't even I've walked in a  straight line you can see I walk this hole   hole hole hole hole like on the other side  it goes down I was finding some little ones   so I'll just check this side and I walk  in a straight line we got some as well in that spot in that spot holy [ __ ] nice yeah I just found it like 10 minutes ago was   it close to the quartz or not uh it was  on that brown stuff on sort of like this unreal isn't it that's a chunk yeah that   I don't know what would you say six eight you  got more than me in two Bits no I reckon it's   pretty even even got more than that I don't know  chunky biggest one yet yeah well it's officially   a patch yeah you got we got four bits here  we got five bits and i'd usually say six but   we'll call it a patch when I've been calling  a patch after two bits when there's a five   gram Plus in there oh rain Krissy just showed me  that chunk she got so she doesn't have to come   over here she can she can stay over there so I've  actually just hooked the chain on I'll start um   gridding it a little bit we got another one here  first line just starting to rain a little bit so I've decided to pull up in between  the two patches now and I'm going to   give it a go around here I can see the  other area just behind this bush here   so it's just about approaching the area  from a different angle and it's so good   to see that Clint is finding gold over there  as well some good amounts too I've literally   just turned on the detector I've walked  two steps and I'm getting a screaming Target not a sunbaker sounds buried but I'm  still going to say it's gold and that means   that the patches are almost connected  now so who knows what's in between these I can see it ooh nice shiny bit not as big as the first ones   but I'll take it nice shiny bit and also  I'm going to mark this hole now because   it's sort of not really on either  of the patches somewhere in between another bit of gold not as big as Krissy's but I'll take it any day not too far from the first  hole just in front of the tree there oh I can see it yeah it's good these bigger pieces  are easy to spot with those little bits   we've been finding lately like  those 0.1 of a gram and such and   yeah it's always hard to see them  in the dirt and these ones really   stand out not only with their color but also  with the noise they produce very good to see lovely day but you might know the saying no flies   no Hot Rocks no gold got no  Hot Rocks plenty of flies sounds like a good one solid little bugger I think we're on to another one there it is finally got him another small little shiny bit  little tooth nugget it's also in the line with   the other two I am actually on my way back  after circling around this whole flat here   without a single Target and now I'm walking  back towards the other holes here and I'm   picking this one up on the way there so this  is where I'm going to concentrate my search now this one sounds pretty good very wobbly see it chunk nice little chunk what a good  spot still down at the bottom working way   back up to where we started Fair way to go  it's probably going to take a few days I don't   mind it's been sitting there for millions  of years got plenty of time to dig it up breeze is picking up I think we're  going to get more rain but I'm just   in between my old two detector  holds here with another signal come on where is it yeah there  another subgrammer another tooth nice right next to the sub grammer hole here I've got the next signal just filled this hole in oh I saw it there yes another small bit tiny little shiny one must  have been sitting on top there are the two holes just there and believe it  or not here's another one might be a bit bigger I saw it here nice chunky bit  another beautiful bit of this spot unreal I love it it's fun when it's like that a fly just went up my nose certain insect repellents work little and  only temporarily plus you can't apply it to   the spots the Flies love the most your eyes  nose mouth and ears the fly net still works   best for us but it gets too hot under them  and you can't see very well through the mesh another little nuggy I lost count now there's been a few  not as many nuggets as flies anyway I can see it got it already another bit of this  little area here so I think that's   number seven we can definitely call  this one here another little patch   I haven't seen Clint anymore so  he's probably busy digging holes another one heaps like that oh  dropped it heaps of little ones here oh yes so much fun every Target is a nugget no rubbish   yet at all and probably a dozen  nuggets in the jar here look at it it's gotta be good I reckon that is still in the ground it's a good one nice long bit of  weight to it yeah that's a nice chunk I see it there it'll be another one all adding  up very quickly here I'm actually on my way   back to the quad because I've had enough  and now I've got a screaming Target here that sounds massive can we see it I can't no way that'll go over a gram easily nice  one beautiful piece of gold and how shallow   where are my other holes they're back there  yeah okay I'll continue the run this way then   how nice and I haven't even had any Targets for  a while and I was on the way back to the quad   because I'm a bit buggered so I was going to ride  over to Clint and see how he's going over there   there is so much gold here it's unbelievable  cuz it seems like no other detector operator   has ever been here and swung his coil over  this ground here so yeah absolutely amazing does your back hurt as well yeah coil  is heavy but it's wicked for gridding sounds like the best one it'll be gold not a bad one that's at least one gram you reckon you brought all your flies with you yeah  probably there's hundreds on you thousands thousands under the net boy haven't even half done the patch how many is   that that'll be an ounce has to be  an ounce wouldn't it it's over an   ounce I reckon good job and that's not  even half still a few days left here easily wao you got an ounce as well  you reckon gotta be close I think you got more you really pulled your finger   didn't you yeah I know I had to lift my game  yeah hold that put that in there what a morning it's a lot better patch than the  last one we found oh definitely  I did one walk all the way to the quartz  there and found three bits there so   most of them I've only done halfway about there  yeah okay but there's still bits out there oh   and then there will be bits in between here  and there because I just found another patch   in between the two patches here yeah there was  at least 12 15 bits of that so the rest of the   week's going to be here yeah probably more  that way as well who knows we'll find out tiny little one nice number 101 probably I think yours is heavier both feel good definitely you definitely got  the biggest one yeah monster should we just   spread them out here see what we've got boy what  a pile what a day's work yeah what a nice looking   pile I like that one that yeah my Pile is a  bit smaller but it's got a bigger Chunk on it  how many holes did you dig Lots that's why I'm a  bit sore yeah heaps every 2 m there is a signal 8 grammer I hope you're right my guess was sort  of five or six but I think I was under I hope   we'll save that for last okay and since I think  you've got more I'm just going to start with my   smaller ones here we'll put the big one on  and then we'll do yours right yeah do it so all these small ones they all add up what was your guess for the total  oh I don't even know yeah I was   hoping half an ounce 15 yeah yeah you've  probably got 20 to 25 there actually but   yeah half an ounce for this  or yeah hoping for let's see oh went up went up again oh close to half an ounce nearly half an ounce so  how much is the big one seven and seven grammer   seven grammer yeah haven't seen one of those  for a while it's such a worn chunk as well nice Well we just load it on yeah  there's no bigger and smaller ones   really it's all probably the  biggest there and that one there's heaps of little ones 20 Grams more it's   got to be an ounce doesn't it  25 at least oh that's 20 there 25 so that's going very close to an ounce of gold  within one day here not quite an Ounce not quite oh another one 28 Grams 28 g day that's  a good day plus what I got should we all   put it on there yeah have you ever had a 28  g day before no I have before in one bit but got a fly in my shirt we got over an ounce between us anyway yes  way over an ounce 41 Grams good day of work   awesome day and there's still more to be found  there definitely I'll try and do some chaining   tomorrow try and do it properly and there should  be more in between the holes you did a very good   job starting like that already this is probably  still another 2 days doing that yeah and then go   wider and who knows in between good day very good  day and those virgin areas Unfortunately they are   so hard to come by it's not like this is a normal  thing it is very rare to find an area like this   with one patch after the other just because  it's so remote and yeah nobody's detected it well there was a few really old holes so  maybe someone old timers with a 2100 or   2,000 or something yeah they'd only find the  bits like like that they probably picked up   all the good ones out there and left all the  tiny stuff well I'm not complaining no all   adds up as you can see yeah we definitely paid  for the trip that's the good news we're going   way up here with our plus now yep let's  see if it continues like that hopefully and if you want to find out how  our prospecting trip goes on   Please Subscribe and give this video the  thumbs up thanks guys stay safe out there
Channel: Outback Gold Fever
Views: 32,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aussie Gold, detecting, gold, gold fever, gold nugget, gold nuggets, gold prospecting, gold rush, metal detecting, metal detector, Minelab, off grid, outback, outback gold fever, Western Australia, GPX 6000
Id: wOsWrkpAfWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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