Christine Caine Passion Update August 16, 2018 : God Will Settle Your Issues

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we're doing turn the person next to you and say you are the hottest looking thing I've seen all morning Alex I didn't say kiss them okay now you can turn to your other neighbor your second choice and say you are hotter looking than the other person actually you can obviously see today I am so honored to be here and we we had fun in the first service but you know the most holy service of all of the services at the potter's house North Dallas that most anointed service is the 11:30 o'clock service that's yeah I couldn't I love pastor Cheryl we love Bishop Brady I'm my family and I you know it's it's nice when you could do introductions and you're not just in Australia we would say blowing wind up your skirt I don't know how that translates in America but it means when you really genuinely know that we met at the Hilton Hotel at South Lake when Pastor Cheryl was just coming to plant this congregation and it was such a sovereign thing my girls were a lot littler and that's kind of how and you kind of know when you do what we do for as long as you've been doing it when there's a god connection and it has just done the yards and so whether you like it or not I'm your sister from Down Under and you just have to cope with me and you know you can um you can choose your friends but you're stuck with your relatives and so whether you like me or not this is how it goes but I love this house because I love your pastor and so because of that you just are very dear to me I invited myself actually here I was coming because I've been on tour in Texas or week and I am going to London tomorrow and I landed from Australia so I thought between London Australia and a Texas tour I'll just sit in a service on a Sunday morning and in all of Dallas where would I want to go that's the the truth as I texted pastor Cheryl and said you know I want to come and just sit and just I'm really the truth is because I'm going to a Hillsong conference this week and I needed a new message and I steal all her messages but I preached them all and so I was hoping that she would have another one and so that I could take it that was really the truth of it I mean cuz you know she's so motivating sometimes you don't even know what you got you ought to thank God to a planter in this house under such a great posture seriously she's that good she's that that good and um I got so inspired in the first service where she was just giving the announcements I wanted to run a lap but just like with the announcement so I'm like seriously these are my people and it was awesome but then she kind of said well you have to talk if you come so I'm gonna do that and I'm so glad to have my family I love them with a passion my little Sophie Joyce we were doing the women of faith tour together around America and she would get up and do this little 30 second exhortation and do you want her to do it she's like 9 ok [Applause] this one is I've got my Catherine Bobby who's my teenager and she's named Catherine Bobby after my pasta Bobby and Sofia Joyce's named after my spiritual mama Joyce Meyer and so you gonna say how that everyone first say hi hey okay well I woke up to go get me a cold pop and I thought somebody was barbecuing I said Oh Lord Jesus it's fire and died right now that have something where no sugar no Jesus I ran for my life and then the smoke got me I got bronchitis ain't nobody got time for it [Laughter] ain't nobody got time for that I love this house you make everyone feel good about everything so ain't nobody got time for that so she kind of gets all that side from her father it's hard to keep them all under control I spoke in the first service I'm just gonna continue I've got a plane to catch so I'll just go until we take off so settle in strap yourself in you'll be fine you know so you have to get the CD then because I'm not gonna speak the same message this is part two and if you don't know what part one is then you might be a bit confused with part two you won't be it'll be self-contained but it really will just continue from this morning because I don't get a chance to come that often there's nothing like the local church I've been part of one church for 27 years I said to the first service it's like when you you know I love our house it's it's a normal discussion or house like it one goes my family is dysfunctional I'm like everyone's dysfunctional it's fine the whole and every church is so better the dysfunction that I know than the dysfunction that I don't know so after 27 years I'm just staying where I am I love the house of God the Bible says those that are planted in Psalm 92 in the house of the Lord shall flourish I got that revelation 27 years ago and I walked into our church I've been being sexually abused for 12 years I grew up in the poorest ZIP code in our state I was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted when I was born so I was a mess I was the kind of person that you would have thought there was no hope for there was no future for I I fit every government funding category in Australia a poor marginalised dispossessed ethnic minority abused adopted cheek I could make a fortune on government funding because they fund people like me they give me a label and they say victim and come back every week and get a check to remind you that you're a victim but you see I read the book and my Bible says he's redeemed my life from the pit that I don't need to live as any kind of it you see that I came into my church like that 27 years ago and I say to everyone it wasn't one big zap I wish I could say to you I came out on one altar call someone spat on me I fell over I got back up who I was healed it wasn't like that it was the process of sitting under the word week in and week out being in small groups and being loved and being in community and people go with Christine why are you walking free as you approach nearly 50 and by the grace of God someone with my kind of background got a you know a great marriage for 20 years is a remotely functional mother is able to do what we do in rescuing the victims of human trafficking and doing propel women and the things we do someone like me shouldn't be doing something like that but you see I met Jesus and Jesus does do miracles today you could start that and you could finish good in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ but you got to get planted in the house and the difference is a lot of people that keep doing laps around them out and never get planted and so they never get accountable and they never go through a process there's a process of restoration and so that's why I love the house of God and no matter what I do how many Stadium events I do or you know whatever I do that I will never stop doing Sunday's in church because churches were it's all that so those of you that bothered to get up today to rearrange your life to put God first you watch sometimes you wonder is it worth it it is worth it it is worth it you just keep doing it week in and week out and weekend and week out now God is so faithful so this morning I spoke and began out of Deuteronomy chapter 6 where the Lord said in verse 20 he told Moses when future generations when your son when your sons asked you in the future what happened what is all this about make sure that you tell them that God brought you out of Egypt out of bondage out of slavery to take you in to the promised land the fact is God always takes us out or brings us out to take us in unfortunately many Christians forget somewhere along the journey why God brought us out and they end up doing laps in the desert for 40 years never going in and possessing the promises and then we move to Joshua 5 where we learn five or six things you have to do at every phase of growth and we as a church right here in North in the north of Dallas a possessing land we're moving on we're taking more territory in every realm we are believing God for unprecedented healings for reaching the next generation we are believing God for unprecedented self which we're taking the land we're believing God for blessing and financial prosperity over your life so that everyone say so that I am so gonna write a message on so that all the so that's in the Bibles because a lot of us we think a lot of the blessing the prosperity our Christianity is all about us but in the scripture right from the Abrahamic covenant the Lord said I will bless you so that you will be a blessing to the nation's and so we need to sew that back into the into the body of Christ there's a reason for it when you turn inward what is meant to be outward you will implode and self combust and so God says we're gonna move in and we're going to take the land so we picked up the text in Joshua 5 we're right on the edge of the promised land the Lord told Joshua I want you to circumcise the sons of Israel again the second time which is what he did then he said you know stop and keep the Passover so they filled themselves with Jesus and then he said the manner has ceased I'm not doing what I did before I'm moving on and at every phase you have got to make sure you have a cutting away you've got to make sure that you fool yourself with Jesus you've got to make sure that you understand that God's doing a new thing he says behold I do a new thing do you not perceive it most of the church doesn't and so if we would understand that God's doing a new thing never confused methodology and orthodoxy you don't have to change your Orthodox Christian beliefs to do a new thing in a different way God is the only one that remains entirely the same yet does an entirely different thing that's what God does and so you know I was speaking at a pastors conference once in Australia and I asked the pastor's wife I said what are the pastors and churches like down in this part of Australia and they said well you know what Christine the pastors and churches down here they are a little bit like God they are the same yesterday today and forever and and that's okay for God but it's not okay for the people of God or for the Church of God we are moving forward we've got to keep possessing in Christianity week from faith to faith from grace to grace we go from glory to glory there is nothing stationary about our Christianity we continue to go if you woke up this morning and there was not a white chalk mark around your body just in case you're wondering it means you're alive and it means that God still has a plan for your life God still has a purpose for your life he has not finished with you yet you're not meant to be golfing your way to heaven that effect is that we have got a job to do here on earth you and I have been plucked out of eternity we have been positioned in time God has given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation God is not in heaven freaking out going oh my god no I am God all three of me okay I'm having an existential crisis what am I going to do he didn't go oh I did not know what was gonna happen politically in America in 2015 Gabriel why didn't you tell me Peter did you know what was gonna happen economically throughout the world and that Greece was gonna bankrupt the planet and that mr. tau Jones was gonna have a schizophrenic attack on Wall Street and did you know what was going on he was gonna go down five points up four points down three points up two points even did you know it's not that he's up in heaven freaking out oh did you know how we moral the televisions going to be Oh what am I going to do that's how we trick like as if somehow God's freaking out as if he's like taken by surprise but what's happening economically morally politically socially environmental and God he's not taking this is still part of his sovereign plan and he said I when I'm looking at all of humanity in all of eternity he saw you and he plucked you out of eternity he positioned you in time he put gifts and talents on the inside of you and me that we may serve our generation God is not freaked out so it would be good if the church stopped freaking out cuz God's not freaking out and so he says it's time to move on and then when we move on often and we make a decision that we're gonna take more land and internally we're gonna go further for the purposes of God don't be ever surprised when you're confronted with a wall that's what happens the first thing the children of Israel found in the Promised Land was a stinking huge 30-foot whoa that was the last thing they weren't expecting milk and honey pomegranates big fruit that's what we do awesome god I've been so faithful I've done everything now where's my milk and honey and instead you get a wall awesome welcome to Christianity and that's where a lot of people give up and God says now don't give up take a lap and what do I do and that didn't work take another lap and when that doesn't work take another lap and when that does or what take another lap and then take another lap and then on one day take six laps and guess what that wall will eventually set Church which is taking laps it's okay not in the wilderness in the Promised Land you don't want to be taking laps in the wilderness because you're just gonna die that's not cool and then Peter said to to say what he says he says I want you to not just see the walls of Jericho see beyond the walls - the promise says the walls of Jericho were tightly shut up no one came out no one came in but see I've given you this letter so you've got to see beyond the walls some of you have come to church today and there are walls there are financial walls emotional or spiritual walls relational walls right in front of you they're like the walls of Jericho the most fortified walls of the ancient world they seem impenetrable you do not know how it's gonna come down do you wonder why God's put it on your pastor's heart to believe for miracles because thank God that we have finally come to a place across the world where we are at the end of ourselves where we are finally recognizing that only God can be God and not us but the good news is it doesn't matter how impossible your situation is impossible is where God starts miracles are what God does you don't even need a God while it's still possible see in the church we haven't needed miracles yet because we haven't even been at that stage you go what do I mean what do you mean I need a miracle cuz a lot of the things that we come for and we say I need a miracle they're not miracle issues then management issues let me give you a case in point you go I need a financial miracle and God says no you don't you just need to stop spending more than you earn that's all I'm saying I'll Christina I need a healing miracle no you don't you just need to stop eating the Krispy Kremes and get on the treadmill that's so that's what you need to do okay that's not a miracle issue oh I need a miracle in my marriage no you just need to start being nice in your marriage that would turn things around and so what we we get God's going I can't even start with a miracle yet because you're not even managing right and why would I give you more to mismanage if you can't even manage what I've already given you it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen but we're at a place where we need to see God do the miraculous because we're finally at that place where we're ready and God says oh I'll get ready I've just been waiting for my church because miracles what God does impossible is where he starts he does not need to turn up until it's impossible he doesn't even need to turn up because you don't need God to do the possible you just need to do the possible so saying come on Church would you grow up and do what only you could do so I will do what only I can do I am won't do what only you could do so he goes on and tells them this is what it takes to possess the land so you need to get the 50 minutes of service 1 to get what that was about because now we're gonna move on you know I'm a I love sport I'm pretty obsessed with it and in the Olympic Games the event I particularly love is the women's 4 by 100 meter relay I love all running and track events but because I'm a chick I particularly like the chick events we won the World Cup soccer America I was American for that moment and so in the midst of all that's why I don't wear heels like your posture okay so in the midst of all of that I remember we were in Sydney in the year 2000 Olympics and they built the biggest ever stadium in the history of the Olympic Games 106 will stadium a 116 thousand seat I know your Cowboys Stadium speaker but that's for football but for an Olympic event the previously biggest stadium prior to that was the Atlanta stadium eighty-six thousand seats so this was huge it was a 20,000 seat increase for an Olympic Stadium and Nick and I went to a bunch of different events and one of them was the women's 4 by 100 meter relay now on paper the American 4 by 100 meter women's relay team should have won that race you were the fastest team on paper all of your athletes individually we're the fastest sprinters in hundred meters and put them all together they were the the fastest four by 100 meter relay runners the problem was during the race in one of the exchanges in the 4 by 100 meter relay four runners run for 100 meters each but there is an exchange that happens and it is a 20 meter zone it takes about what it takes about 1.9 seconds in that zone before you transfer the baton and we you know I only decided to do this a minute ago so this is for one of a bit of illustration this is your baton ok so just pretend it's a relay baton and so it's actually printing paper from the office upstairs just in case you're wondering so it's a relay baton there is a 20 meter zone the entire race actually hinges on what they called the exchange zone there's an exchange zone and so you've got a baton and you've got to get it passed seamlessly from one runner to the next in 1.9 seconds in a 20 meter zone and that's what the race hinges on well what happened was in a Sydney the American team was winning but on the final exchange they just got sloppy and all of a sudden while they sort of cruised into the exchange zone got sloppy the Jamaican team and the Bahamas team took over and the runner from each of those nations and then instead of getting the gold medal the American team ended up with the bronze medal but they should have won but one sloppy exchange in the exchange zone resulted in them coming third well then we fast-forward to the 2004 Olympics in Athens Greece again the American team had the fastest team on paper should have won and what happened was as they came into the second exchange if anyone is as old as me and you were born during the dinosaurs you might remember this that they would come in and during the second exchange when Marion Jones came into the exchange zone to give it to Lauren Williams you might remember at that point what happened was Marion Jones had jumped in the long jump 11 times the day before so she was slightly fatigued so they had practiced this exchange for years they could do it with their eyes closed but what happened is as Marion came into the exchange zone she was just a little bit off not noticeable to the naked eye but she wasn't running as fast as she would normally run coming into that exchange zone Lauren Williams had taken off like she normally does had a hand behind you can see it on the replay about three times Marion Jones is yelling I can't get it in I can't get it in by the time she got it into Lauren's hands it was outside of the exchange zone and they were disqualified then you fast forward to the Beijing Olympics 2008 same thing happens but this time it includes Lauren Williams but they came into the third exchange and as they were running they got into the exchange zone handed it over it was clumsy and they dropped the baton the American team was disqualified so in Sydney they got sloppy in Athens it was too late in Beijing they dropped it fastest team on paper every year each of the individual runners prior to the dropping of the baton were handing on too late or being sloppy each one had run then leg of the race the fastest so you can have the fastest the strongest the biggest but the fact is that doesn't matter how big your empire is how fast you run your leg of the race in real a nobody wins until we all cross the line with the baton it's not just up to one runner and it was only in London in 2012 where there was a seamless exchange in every one of the three exchange zones that the American team won the gold medal what's my point with all of that you and I in our Christian faith we are not part of an individual sprint we are part of an eternal divine spiritual relay and nobody wins until everybody crosses the line you and I are responsible for carrying the baton of faith to our generation it's not up to one person to carry the baton of faith every parent is responsible to carry the baton of faith to their child every teacher is responsible to carry the baton of faith to every student every time you go out into the marketplace you are carrying the baton of faith to your generation for your generation every time you keep yourself morally pure you're carrying the baton of faith every time you keep your marriage together you're carrying the baton of faith every time you're in the house of God you're carrying the baton of faith every time you prioritize the Word of God you are carrying the baton of faith every time you pray you're carrying the baton of faith every time you wash it you are carrying the baton of faith every time you don't lie you don't cheat you don't steal you forgive you love you exercise mercy you exercise grace you are carrying the baton of faith to generation it all matters but unfortunately we've gotten sloppy we drop it we hand it on too late and we wonder why America is in the mess that it's in because we the church have not taken responsibility we're saying it's not the government's responsibility it's not the media's responsibility it's not the Education Department's responsibility it's nobody responsibility but the church's responsibility to carry the baton of faith to our generation it's our responsibility so God says you're in an eternal divine relay and we have spent the last few decades of church just building up our sitting watching a race we should be running in going there's a few superstars that will carry the baton of faith for me I'll live the life that I want but you know what it doesn't matter how big my ministry becomes big deal if I do not carry the baton of faith for the next generation or if you don't run your race and finish your course because all of us have a lane to running and all of us are responsible to carry the baton of faith to eris our generation let me tell you how that carries on from this morning's message because Moses obviously carried the baton of faith well in his generation because even though he didn't go into the promised land he'd obviously raised up Joshua and Joshua led a generation into the Promised Land but part one of this message is he brought you out to take you in part two this morning is I wonder if Joshua failed now I'm not hearing too many people preach this because we've all got our sermons and our sermon packs series of how great Joshua was and he was and great leadership principles that we can learn from Joshua but we are at such a pivotal time in church history right now in the 2,000 year history of the church it is so important that we do this right it is so important that we that we flee in fear that we don't begin to freak out and you begin to understand why God has put it so much on your pastor's heart for souls for increase for the next generation you'll see why why we need to keep advance and we need to keep growing why we have no more room or time for optional Christianity for just turning up when we want to because in judges chapter 2 verse 6 I'm gonna read this after Joshua had dismissed the Israelites remember they'd gone in all the tribes have possessed the land after Joshua had dismissed the Israelites they went to take possession of the land each to their own inheritance we've got a generation on the earth in the church busy inheriting the promise for themselves how many more sermons do we need to hear about how to get free how many more sermons do we need to hear about how we're gonna get stuff how much more do we need to hear about me me me me and if you don't tell me more about me I'm gonna enter the church down the road because they'll feed me and they'll tell me more about me and of course it's all about me me me you know when my baby was a baby it was fine for me to give her put her in a little chair and feed her a baby food but if after 10 years she's still saying stick me in the chair and feed me baby food I want the most comfortable parking spot I want the best seat I want the best food I want the best children's were so something is wrong something's wrong there comes a point where you go I've got to go prove a consumer to a contributor I believe the Bible has got a word called servant I believe that's in there and so he says after Joshua dismissed the Israelites they went up to take possession of the land each to their own inheritance the people serve the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua check this out how freaky this is throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had seen everyone say they saw you gonna wonder why your pastor is so passionate about miracles at a moment you were gonna wonder why Kari Jobe and I have decided to just do a signs wonders and miracles all around America no frothing bubbles no no-nothing if God doesn't turn up because I'm over it let me tell you I do all the biggest all the best all or whatever way that's not even trying to make you clap I'm just trying to tell you we're in desperate times that this generation has to know the power of God for themselves they have to know that God still does miracles today for themselves he goes on and it says who outlived him who had seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel cuz when you see it for yourself you can't deny it but when you're hearing a whole lot of people sing and shout and holler about it but not live it it's easy to deny it it's easy to deny Joshua son of nun the servant of the Lord died at the age of 110 and they buried him in the land of his inheritance in the hill country of Ephraim north of Mount gash he read through me is the saddest scripture in the entire Bible after that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and serve the bowels they forsook the Lord the god of their ancestors who had brought them out of Egypt they followed and worshiped various gods of the people's around them they aroused the Lord's anger sounds very much like the world's I'm living in and you see this cycle throughout scripture a generation engages with the Lord and in generation knows in for themselves and then that generation gets self-indulgent self-absorbed self consumed and another generation arise that does not know the Lord what we do is and what we've done is made the Holy Trinity the Father Son and Holy Scripture silence the voice of the Holy Spirit and just kind of gotten on with religious and just religiosity not here but I'm talking on mass the church capital see we've just gotten about dead empty religion and legalism and rules and laws never transform the human heart only the Spirit of God can transform the human at heart and what has happened is a generation is arising and the statistician will tell you that church growth is declining for the first time in the history of this nation now it doesn't freak people like me out that come from Australia or minister in Europe because we've grown up in secular humanism but the fact of the matter is this is the greatest hour for the church it's just that the real church will arise there God's just separating the wheat and the tares and that's what's happening that have been growing together and we're going to go in and and possess the land because God's doing what he's always done he said I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church of the Living God so don't freak out what's gonna happen to the church it's fine I just want you all to know she's fine she's fine but what will happen and what we're increasingly starting to see is a division starting to happen just read the Book of Revelations just read 1 in 2 Thessalonians just read Timothy no one ought to be freaked out about what's happening unless they don't read the Bible if you read the Bible it's all ok because we read the end and we do win just in case you're wondering we're on the winning side it's it's fine but the truth is we're at a pivotal point and the Lord is entrusted to you and to me this baton of faith and every time you're indifferent and you think well it's okay the Christian celebrity will carry it I don't need to than you have basically thrown away the baton of faith in your sphere of influence your workplace your home your street you've just said it doesn't matter just throw away my marriage I'll get another one don't care about my kids they can watch whatever they want to watch on TV I don't want to parent them anywhere Netflix can parent them I don't care about keeping myself morally pure in college no one else's just throw away the baton of faith we just keep throwing it away like it doesn't matter what do you mean go to church come on I just want to go the boat just throw it out what do you mean read the Bible really doesn't matter so then when we're starting to change what the Bible says no one knows cuz they don't really know what's in it then they really don't know what's in it and we just throw it and then we get so angry that the government will dare pass legislation with a church can't live it itself nor believes in itself anyway so what is the difference thank you I think it is - but here's my point we're in such an awesome moment but you get to choose in your family in your sphere of influence in your world what you're gonna do with the baton of faith seeing some churches they're coming into the exchange zone but I'm not willing to make changes and by the time they get the baton of faith into the hands of the next generation it's too late it's outside of the exchange zone and we've lost a whole generation some are coming into the exchange zone and they're just sloppy haven't thought about it haven't processed it haven't really you know didn't really matter and then you wonder whether your family your church or things are just because you just were sloppy and now you're like whoa what why are we not winning like we should be winning why do we lose some ground because we were sloppy in the exchange then we just felt entitled bless God we just felt like we were just too cool favoring fair it's all over me and you lose we took beautiful biblical principles and we turn them all in would have became self-absorbed and self-indulgent and a stench to the world we just made it all about us or we've come in running so hard and a generation who's so entitled it's just standing in the exchange zone going I don't like the look of that baton what do you mean I have to serve in that ministry don't you know I'm the next proper pastor evangelist to the body of Christ I am Benny Hinn meets Kathryn Kuhlman meets Joyce Meyer meets Billy Graham to the body of Christ step aside Jesus the fourth part of the Trinity has arrived I am here thank you very much what do you mean serve in the kids ministry what do you mean come and set up Church on some didn't you hear what the Prophet said I am the next preacher to the but what do you mean I don't want that baton how much you're gonna pay me to carry it what what what benefits do I get to carry that isn't god lucky that i would be carrying his baton to my generation and we're standing still coming into the exchange idea how many batons i've got ready to hand to a generation but i can't hand it to anyone because when you come into an exchange zone if you watch a relay i'm running at full speed and the person that is gonna take the baton is running at full speed and there is a moment in time where i'm running at full speed with the baton in my hand they're running at full speed without anything in their hand and i can't put it into their hand unless they're willing to run without anything purely for the glory of god before our generation that's what's gonna happen we're a generation that doesn't want to do that you give it to me than us that's how I come into the exchange zone when can you ever see one runner running in and the other one just standing still trying to deliberate whether it could it's worthy of me carrying it and then we end up dropping it in the exchange zone and we are right there spiritually we're either handing a too late being too sloppy or dropping it and God says I'm looking for a generation that will just have a seamless X change where one generation will run will get it into the hands that's why we're doing that's why we had VBS that's why we're doing what we're doing because we're saying you know what Isis is having a seamless exchange and I'm not gonna let them have a seamless exchange when you and I know the truth I'm not gonna come out and leave my legacy that well I built this great ministry and then another generation arose that did not know the Lord nor the works that he had done unto a more youth stuff now that I've ever done in my life because I thought I am NOT gonna build an empire that will collapse I want to build the kingdom and that goes forward not up I want to advance the kingdom of God and I want to go forward not up so how do we do that so let me give you some keys for your own life because we have to understand the baton of faith Jesus says in John 17 we're not going there but it's a really good verse I'm just gonna say to Hebrews 12 is where we're gonna camp for about five seconds but in John 17 verse 15 jesus prayed this to the Father in John 17 he said father I do not pray that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one they are not of the world just as I am NOT of the world sanctify them by thy word for your word is truth then he said this as you sent me I send them now I think verse 15 has been taken out of most people's Bible because Jesus says I do not pray that you take him out of the world now when the Jesus is praying to the father and he's telling us what is not praying you oughta pay attention if he's saying I just want you to make sure I'm not praying that my church Rand's away from the world stock piles are a lot of stockpile of water just in case something happens and then what what happens when you run out of the water I can't even get the logic of that but anyway so I'm gonna run away hurry up Jesus it's us for no more I need the rapture what big uns go to hell Jesus saying I'm not praying that you take him out of the world yes the world is in a mess but as you sent me I send them that they are my soul tonight Matthew 5 yeah sort of my two catalytic agents they change the very substance of the thing they come into contact with darkness becomes light when like two steps in you take salton it changes the very substance of what it comes into contact with it adds flavor it preserves it stings if you put it on a wound it adds flavor to a flavorless world it preserves an unjust world it stings the wounds of injustice so for you Chuck that's what it does but this is what we did we read that verse there none of the world justice on over the world Jesus taught me to come out from amongst the most and biggest separatist in odd King Genest English just so we sit here and we go Jesus taught me to come out and be separate I'm not like I don't know what that means okay that means no tattoos that means no makeup that means no pants that no it just depends which tradition you're from cuz the reverse is for what other the Church down the road okay so that means no cussing that means no drinking that means no smoking that okay so my whole Christianity is defined by what I don't do I'm a Christian I don't drink I don't smoke I don't smile I have no personality I'm a Christian I haven't got a clue what I should be doing but I do know what I'm not doing and in fact it's really hard not to do this so Jesus hurry up because all I want to do is have sex hurry hurry hurry [Applause] and which is like I'm just holding on trying not to sin till Jesus comes this awesome Hutu wants to be a Christian and depressed like me yes you - yes that's gonna work for you no clue don't do that it's worldly don't do this it's what everything's worldly worldly worldly now we never read the Bible because if we did it's interesting what what Jesus and the Bible calls worldliness you know things like gossip slander greed Envy lust guile chauvinism sexism racism jussie gets quiet this presbyterian church I know that but I'm just saying it just okay very little has to do with external behavior because Jesus is not about behavior modification is about heart transformation he transforms the heart and then your behavior actually changes but he says I want them to be in but not on and we're like but we came out from amongst them and we be used to separatist over hearest and so we built this artificial social construct some call it the church and we have drawn a circle around us and we're like you cannot come in here unless you sing like me you talk like me you dance like me praise God hallelujah I've been redeemed and sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lamb and of course every non-christian knows what it is to be redeemed and sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lamb and and we're we're just separate from them in that big bad book a monster horrible world and I can come over here away from it and sing about greater is He that is in me and the enemies been defeated it is under my feet as long as he's over there and I'm over here and then what happened was the only problem is not in America just in Australia when we came out from amongst the most to be years separatist we broadest us with us yes that was the problem so we might not have tattoos or drink or smoke but lying gossiping surgery cheating so here is where we are instead of being in the world but not of it we are of the world but not in it now you cannot change a world that you are not in and you cannot especially change a world that you are the same substance as and so every now and again the Evangelist comes to town to it's a guilt trip on us like you know opens the Bible Matthew 28 oh my gosh the great suggestion Jesus is suggesting if I have nothing else to do today that I'm to go into all the world and make disciples not my calling that's not my gift mix that's not where I fit on the disc profile that's not on my strength finder that's not my love language so we write Christian books to excuse Christians have been Christians it's awesome it's also so and then what happens is we go now that's with the Navy SEALs of the Christian Church that's for the elite troops it's for the Joyce Meyer Reinhardt Bonnke Christian it's for those weird ones in the church you know the weird ones so they can do the evangelism on Friday night and so they're gonna have their little four spiritual laws track and they're gonna get in their little holy huddle on a Friday night Sunday Hunter Kawasaki Suzuki they're gonna pray up but they're gonna be like so praying and then we're gonna let that drawbridge down and I'm armed and dangerous' with my track and I'm gonna go into that big bad horrible world of North Dallas and some poor dude I've got zero relationship with him but I but but you know what he just wants to take his girlfriend out to dinner this night but no it's my evangelism right so I'm gonna stop him and shut that track in his face did you know Jesus Christ died for your sin if you don't repent right now you're gonna die go to everlasting Hill I want you to say this incantation or prayer after me oh my gosh it's ten o'clock I'm a Christian I turn into a pumpkin if you want to look like me sing like me dance like me next Sunday 9:30 I'll see you there and we run back over here and we put up our drawbridge and go hallelujah praise God glory to God I've done my evangelism I've got another notch on my Bible and the world just continues we just get on see over here it's a challenge cuz you you you actually do not have to be a Christian to be here you just have to know how to act like one that's it and you just have to know how to act like one normally for about an hour a week most of us consorted almost keep saved for that long I mean you could have been having a full-on fight on the way to work on church today no one knows I mean you said many words for letters none of them are in the Bible and that was all the way to here you almost murdered your children but then as soon as you pulled into the parking lot that's spirit of hypocrisy it just came upon you it was amazing you got into the foyer and they said how are you and you're like I'm blessed [Applause] I've been redeemed and sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lamb but I'm blessed and this is my cherubim and my Seraphim and they're going to children's church and there were like worshipping God and we're seeing no other name and just wait till week at home if he thinks he's getting any for the next month anyway we just go through oh it's amazing it's amazing what you could sing while your hands are raised and you're worshiping the Lord awesome it's awesome and then no sooner will you shut the door in the parking lot you know did you hear what she said every word was for you every word was for you and you might be able to stay saved today but by tomorrow your evil twin is going to appear and that's what we do a whole life we're over here buts need to be over here to be in the world but not of it got to be the real deal ever notice how a non-christian knows how a Christian should be see Christians will excuse what the Bible never does but non-christians will actually call you out on it it's amazing it's amazing and so here is where the church was created to thrive that's why I personally am thrilled with what's happening in this nation thrilled not for the negative connotations that it has but I do I am thrilled in terms of the church because it's disassembling the artificial division between the sacred and the secular it's forcing the church to be in the womb of the world which is where Jesus created us to thrive he said I want you to be in it but not of it I want you in your workplace in your community in your world to be salt and light so you are changing the very substance of the thing that you come into contact with and I want you to stay connected to heaven like in a spiritual umbilical cord the power of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is what brings heaven to earth through us we pray theologically in accurate prayers we pray God send revival to North Dallas and he goes I have it's in you and out of you will flow rivers of living water to the world around us out of you will flow rivers of living water but we'd rather come and shout and scream rather than live real Christianity 24/7 and God says none of them I transform you so that through you I can transform the world around you you are I have no plan B you are the salt of the earth you are the light of the world and so what happens is then you go wow it starts to make everything matter I don't just have a sacred hour and a half a church on Sunday my whole life isn't offering before the Lord that means my conversations my thought life my actions everything that I do that means I don't just go on a mission trip I live my life on mission so I go to work every day and I'm on mission I go to school every day I'm on mission because why would that be because God is obsessed with lost people he always has been in Luke chapter 10 three parables one chapter of Scripture all about the same thing the lost the lost sheep the lost coin the lost son God is obsessed with the lost she sent Jesus to come and seek and save that which was lost for God so loved what the world this world that we've been running from this world that we say all I want to be connected to he goes where is my church you've gone AWOL you've gone AWOL I called you to it I put you in the middle of it but I asked you not to be over and I filled you and empowered you with my Holy Spirit so you do not have to do what the world does you don't have to lie you don't have to sleep around you don't have to cheat you don't have to steal you don't have to be a nap you don't have to because you've got the strength of the Holy Spirit who gives you the fruit of self-control well I'm just so scared what if I like if you haven't got self-control after 20 years in that area what is up with you we have not matured you then I'm not living in fear of a world I want Jesus to change me so I can change my world Susan I am obsessed with the last I don't care if they ended up lost because they just didn't think about it they were just preoccupied shiipa just preoccupied doesn't wake up in the morning go I'm gonna be lost it just gets at the end of the day goes but uh that being interpreted is I'm lost and so it's just lost preoccupied we've got a world that is preoccupied trying to pay the bills trying to keep their kids off drugs just trying to they're just preoccupied they're not bad evil people they're just preoccupied with life or maybe with a woman that lusts the coin the coin didn't get lost on its own she was careless with it I like many of this generation people who should have been better stewards of my life were careless with my life and I've ended up lost a lot of this younger generation because the church has been careless with him have ended up lost well perhaps like the lost son he was of his own volition he chose but God in that parable Jesus in those three parables essentially saying is it doesn't matter how someone got lost whether they would just preoccupied whether someone was careless whether they miss calculus and you and I are God's spiritual GPS system where he's every day when you go to work every day when you're at the supermarket every day you're God's spiritual GPS system and he says I put you there so that you can help reroute people to the purpose for which they were created a relationship with the Living Lord Jesus Christ that's that's our purpose and this is what he sent us to do and we're in the middle of the exchange zone so absorbed with ourself that we're dropping batons were handing them on too late we're being clumsy with them and we're missing a whole generation God saying who will pick up the baton of faith and go you know what whatever my sphere of influence is I I'm just gonna take responsibility for it how do you run Hebrews 12 I didn't even get a chance to get to Hebrews 12 is actually what my notes are about that's where I was gonna go but Hebrews 12 says therefore then since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses therefore then after the great faith chapter Hebrews 11 lists of the great names he says therefore then after all of that since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us run the race that is set before us since we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us run the race that is set before us I'm here to remind you this morning that can we remember that others have gone before us because if you forget that others have gone before you you're likely to forget that others are still to come after you and if you don't remember that we are part of a divine relay we're not in this alone there's a cloud of witnesses and they're cheering us so they would just only wish that they had the access to technology that we have today they would only wish they had the access to the word that we have today the access to the power of the Spirit while we're murmuring grumbling and complaining in this 2,000 year history of church of the of our modern church New Testament church where our winching and whining and god saying I poured out my spirit 2000 years ago I've given you my word I've given you interpretation you've got music you've got books you've never had more you've got more than your Syrian brothers and sisters you've got more than your Chinese brothers and sisters what is wrong with you take it carry the baton of faith and run the race set before you for your generation pick it up and start running pick it up and start running we are not in the grandstands the cloud of witnesses is so many Christians are living a spectator Christianity I like I'll watch you do it Chris knock yourself out sweetheart you're not meant to you're not dead you don't get in the grandstand till you die you're not in the cloud of witnesses till you die you cannot get to heaven and go will you know pastor Brady or did he say excuse me I put you in I gave you a lane I told you to run your race and to finish your course what were you doing watching the race that you should have been running in I gave you a baton of faith but I'm just a mother it's your baton of faith but I'm just a teacher it's your baton of faith I'm a doctor it's your baton of faith I'm a lawyer it's a baton of faith you're carrying the baton of faith to your world in your generation you don't need a prophet to come in and gate thus saith the Lord this is your time such as this sweetheart of your time such as this was 100 years ago you would have been born then if it's got to be 50 years from now you would have been born then so the fact that you woke up today and you were not in a sealed bag in a cold room that means this is your time such as this that's it I don't know what you're waiting for you've got to pick up the baton of Fame you had a cloud of witnesses cheering you on and you got to lay aside the weights in the sins therefore since we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses this is why we've got to lay aside the weight and sins so we can run unhindered some of the stuff that brought you here isn't gonna take you there some of the stuff that was good for now to get you this far these are gonna take you where you're going and so you've got to let it go you've got to lay it aside so that you can run unhindered the race that goddess and it might not be a big sin mostly it's just our comfort our complacency our indifference our apathy I like the way things are I've always done it this way my routine my system my structure my comfort my self-indulgence my self absorption my selfish ambition it's all about me God says you know what you think you might lay aside some of those weights you know the promise you know the words you've got access to it would you now actually do something like carry it to your generation would you take responsibility for it or maybe it's about time we stopped coming to church to get saved every week but could you actually just keep yourself saved according to the word and read the word so that I don't need to come and tell you what you should have already done during that week and then we could prophetically move ahead this week and go on with what it is that God has for us to do would that be okay how many times am I gonna tell you the same old thing it's in the Bible if Christians would just be Christians it would be awesome it'd be awesome because we could actually move on and advance the kingdom and be light in the midst of darkness be salt in the earth and do what we're here to do so that we can assure in the second coming of Christ but we're not gonna do that if we don't mature the bride and we don't get with the program he says lay aside the sin some of you just had this stuff dangling for years for years really and at some point I can't pray it out of you you have to lay it aside you have to lay it aside I mean it's us fixing our eyes on Jesus you know social media obsessed age fix our eyes on everything but Jesus fix our eyes on television fix our eyes on social media some of you need to get you face off Facebook and get your face in the book that's what really needs to happen you need to get you your face in here and the fact is that we fix our eyes on everything else and we full of lust and comparison and envy we look at everyone else's life on Instagram and we look at their highlight reels and we compare it to our behind the scenes and we just feel small and like nothing we read all magazines and stuff that make us want more as if somehow the purpose of life is to acquire more accumulate more amass more as if our image and our self-worth is in some stupid label that's gonna be here today gone tomorrow my self-worth is in one name not the name of some stupid label but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that is above every other name so if we are not going to be the generation that misses it then we have to take seriously the mandate to run the race that is set before us to understand that others have come before us and others are coming after I'm not doing this for me I've got daughters my friends have got grandchildren it's not about now it's about what's to come what we're living in in this moment is the fact that a lot of people in one generation of Christianity just dropped the baton of faith didn't matter so what you're seeing morally politically socially in all those realms is the result of that yelling and screaming and pointing fingers is not gonna be an answer the best thing we can do is reach down pick up the baton of faith for our generation and say even if nobody else does I personally am gonna run my race I am gonna finish my course I am gonna fix my eyes on Jesus the author and the finisher of my faith and if enough churches on the earth do that you will not be able to keep the harvest out of this place we have a world that is literally dying a world that is dying and God says I've got you all you're my combined harvest ding machines you come here to get refueled you come here to get your blades sharpened and then I send you out into the highways and the byways and go and harvest the great end time harvest that is still to come in the church in our generation that's what we are that's what we are and I will not leave my legacy I'm not going to step from here into eternity and say that I missed it that I built this great ministry this social justice international any trafficking organization in 12 countries a huge women's propel women got asked to speak everywhere honestly who cares if I do not hand the baton of faith from one generation to the next and ensure that we are all running our race you have got to move beyond spectating at a Christian event don't turn Church or conferences into a spectator sport where you come to watch Christian Athletes the elite athletes and you get your little rusty dusty out of that grandstand get onto the playing field run your race and finish your course fixing your eyes on Jesus if we do that as a church you won't be able to keep the people of North Dallas out of the house of God this place will explode harvest doesn't just come in the combine harvesting sh machines go out and harvest the harvest and then bring the harvest into this place you are the revival you've been praying for out of you will flow rivers of living water can these dead bones live oh yes they can the rivers are gonna go out into all of the highways and byways and bring life to dead bones the church has just got awakened this is our greatest hour this is our finest moment we are not gonna cower in defeat we're gonna rise up in the full stature of our head the Lord Jesus Christ and we will be salt and light in this nation at this has never seen the enemy has been defeated Jesus Christ is on the throne the Church of Jesus Christ is alive and well and thriving on the earth in Jesus name friend I wonder I wonder if you know this Jesus that I'm talking about not do you know about him but do you know him it's one thing to come to church and yell and shout it's another thing to be in an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ my friend today I want to give you the opportunity to address the spiritual condition of your heart the opportunity to put Jesus Christ first in your life either for the very first time or perhaps you've been away from God cold in your heart and this morning friend it's time to stop running from him to come back to him to make your peace with him to put Jesus Christ first in your life maybe a friend invited you into this place and you're not even quite sure what you're doing here but friend you here in the divine timing the divine plan and the divine purpose of God you were created by God for a relationship with God and it's Jesus that connects us to God and it's Jesus that connects us to the grace of God perhaps you once walked with the Lord but if you're honest today you've been away from him cold hearted backslidden stop running from him come back to him make your peace with him perhaps this morning this is your morning to say I don't want religion anymore I don't want to play the game I might be yelling and shouting but really spiritually I'm in the grandstand I'm just watching turn up for a great game every week yell and shout then I get my car drive away and I've got nothing to do with the game for the rest of the week I have a religious experience weekly but Jesus goes I never called you to a religious experience I called you to an authentic relationship to follow me where in the world to bring transformation where in the world to bring change where in the world religion is one thing relationships an entirely different thing I just want every head bowed and every eye closed wherever you are friend from the front of the back from the left to the right in this moment I'm not speaking to the person next to you I'm just speaking to you and today if you say to me Chris oh I want what you're talking about I want a fresh start with Jesus Christ either for the very first time or you've been away from God cold in your heart but you say Chris this morning I want what you're talking about I want a fresh start with Jesus let me pray for you just a simple but powerful prayer right there and if you say yes include me in that prayer for a fresh start with Jesus then just so that I know who I'm praying for right now would you just raise your hand wherever you are and say Chris pray for me I'm seeing hands every way keep him going up keep them going up I see you right across this auditorium every section of the room I'm seeing hands raised I'm seeing men and women young people and older people that's awesome keep your hands going up ten more seconds yes Chris yes Chris yes Chris I want to say yes to Jesus this morning I want a fresh start with Jesus crime seeing you all across the room keep your hand up really high the rest of us are gonna pray with you out loud in agreement with conviction Church you with your hands raise your hand up in the air this is your sign Jesus I am so serious about this prayer and the rest of us are praying it to agree with you so Church let's pray this right now dear Jesus I've raised my hand this morning because I recognize my need for you I ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins that you would give me a fresh start today and a hope for the future I want to be a Christian a follower of Jesus Christ every single day for the rest of my life in Jesus name Amen amen come on let's thank God for people saying yes to Jesus [Applause]
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 23,841
Rating: 4.8387909 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine passion, christine caine a21, christine caine shame, christine caine lost and found, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine break camp, christine caine identity, christine caine liberty university, christine caine, christine caine 2018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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