Former Satanic Priest Shares How Christians Can Overcome Fear || John Ramirez

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Whatever your belief this man has a powerful message.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/parishhills 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
there's an enemy of our souls and fear is one of his favorite tactics against us our next Gus knows very well the strategies of the enemy because he was once a high-ranking satanic priests in his new book destroying fear John Ramirez brings us strategies to overthrow the enemy so we can walk in total freedom John just saying that alone just gave you so much credibility here you know all the way from the 70s you know all the way the black and gold but I'm here and I'm praising God for this opportunity to really be a blessing not only to the body of Christ but beets are blessing to people that out there done believers that are struggling with so much especially fear fears like a spiritual cancer because in one point you know you were on the kingdom of darkness as a satanic priests and now you're on the good side you're on the winning side and the kingdom of God tell us about that you know it is amazing because I you know we start somewhere and when we open the eyes twenty-five years went by I was 25 years engrossed in darkness and spiritual demonic warfare I put in witchcraft on people putting tormenting spirits on people and one of the tools that I will use is a spirit of fear release it on people to torment them and try to control them and manipulate them because fear opens door the paralyzed people's lives and one thing is in life that we can't lose time and opportunities that God has given us into fear made me many great people out there today they can do so much but they stuck and they closed down and shut down and they can't move forward tell me what what fear is how would you describe fear what does it look like and taste like and feel like and how does it paralyze people in their life to me it's like it's like fierce like a spiritual pharaoh you know back in the Old Testament a pharaoh was were plagued the people from Israel a plague fear is a plague it's a tormenting thing is a disaster t-that when it comes upon you it just it grips you it's like a straitjacket it just comes up on you that you know the days seem like weeks that we seemed like month you can't see beyond yourself you can't eat you stuck in a place it's a putting putting a person in a box you know and tormenting the mind and oppression as talented as gifted as beautiful as things this person could do in so many ways they don't see themselves out of that situation because it's like a spiritual cancer it eats away your life cancer how did that spiritual cancer come face to face in your life how did you see fear just manifest well you know one of my things when I left the occult 25 years after the occult I left the devil to sip the devil face to face and get orders from the devil to play neighborhood Astra project cursed neighborhood put spirit spirits fear poverty sickness in neighborhoods release these demons upon neighborhoods and when I laugh because I went to hell came back that's how I got safe so when I left the kingdom of darkness now I was plagued with this demonic fear that came over me because the demons will come at night to try to torment me and I want to follow Jesus a person and I couldn't see when I used to see the devil and this tormenting fear that I had the nighttime is coming I have to go to sleep these demons are coming for me should I sleep during the day step by night and there's 30 days of just tournement I mean I thought I was going to lose my mind and then God completely set me free you talk about fear being like a bully how is that you know it's a bully because it's always trying to push you around manipulate to control you come at you you know when you least expect it you know the bully in the schoolyard is the person that thinks that he can pick on you pick on you every day because he think he has the upper hand he wants to he wants to prove a point he wants to make himself look good until you tell you nothing of bully no more you fear I'm giving you an eviction notice it's time for you to leave and you have that choice enough is enough and you this book to me is like that enough is enough it's like it's serious business like we can't play around with fear you're when you're playing around with fear you're really laying around with a tool of the enemy you can entertain fear you can't you can't sugarcoat it and a lot of time you can't even medicate fear fear has to be cast out you know in the reason I wrote the book because of the fact because I came from the devilish camp I'm writing something from where it really all started where starts were originated right but God has not given us a spirit of fear you know so originated from the devilish camp how he can use in playing you play your family play your marriage play your children I'm some kind of devil try to plague me with fear or you are ministering in London your daughter lives here by herself with your toilet by herself something's gonna happen to her your daughter take the subways in New York City someone's gonna push on the train you know the devil try to torment with these things stop preaching the gospel stop telling people about but the enemy's camp exposing enemy's camp but we're gonna we're gonna come upon your daughter and I don't have a spirit of fear God has not given me that I have overcome fear do the Word of God he was hearing you talk about how the enemy was just like coming at your mind like those thoughts it's like because it's all about territory when it comes to play because all about gaining rights a devil one legal rights over your life over fear just try to destroy you try to manipulate you try to control you try to steal God's best out of your life just tormenting fear whether you believe or not fear comes in every way fear I say reigns and adjusting the unjust fear of range and other people that are safe and you know it's amazing because I wrote this book because I I've been I've been preaching in London and people in London saying they come to 8:00 at attempt eight out of ten people come to the altar John I don't know how to say this but I can move forward I have lost five years of my life because of fear I have I I can't even handle my marriage I can't handle my children because of fear and this is across the pond people are struggling here in the states in New York people struggling with fear so it's everywhere so how do you do it how you get rid of Ixion's order how you become free how do you live for it someone fear come knocking on your door one more time you're like I'm not opening don't you not gonna move me anymore because I have I have conquer fear and the book teaches the prayers the book teaches the insight how to dismantle up low and let that let that fear devil show up and down your life and be free well in every single chapter at the end you have the prayer points and then you have like declarations of this is what you say to renounce to speak over how important is what we say what comes out of our mouth in dealing with fear you know I mean the Bible speaks about it right we gotta go back to the book that knows it all right I mean Bible is an amazing book because the author is still alive right the author is still alive from that book right so 18 proverbs 18:21 say life and death lays in your tongue and we have decorations we have the spiritual warfare press right yes they did in order to defeat fear you need spiritual warfare prayers yes I mean there's some prayers that work if I have a toothache I'm not gonna go to this I meant when I go to the foot doctor you know I'm about I'm about a dentist taking my to fact so the spiritual warfare the prayers are powerful with the with with with the power of the holy spirit behind it and you can destroy dismantle and cancel fear to death declaring they claim victory over the claimed purpose declaring your destiny declaring that you know this situation surpass this is temporary that God has so much for me ahead of me than what I'm dealing with you situation when you claim you put those pray to their you makes your face you beat the devil like a pinata because spiritual warfare I think sometimes they're kind of like oh just prank but it's really like you have to sometimes get ruthless to get in your spirit with the Holy Spirit and really just go to bat because those the spirit of fear and different things that come against us doesn't it necessarily always want to jump off and leave we have some work we have to we got we got to be bold we got to be bold against the enemy we have to be bold as to any of us all we have to be courageous against I mean imagine David came to deliver lunch and a camp and Goliath was right across and Goliath was saying some nasty thing he's the bully in the schoolyard he's the fifth factor he had Israel paralyzed of fear no one wanted to step into the battleground and face this this giant right David hid from me say who who is this guy talking is this guy crazy I got Jesus with me I fear not and he stepped into the battlefield and you know the story Goliath you know a few secondly there were no more Goliath there was no more fear David know how to deal with fear we know how to take care for you do the holy spirit and we need to step in the front of the face of fear your Goliath you need to step in from your girl I get your slingshot ready and get the spiritual warfare press ready and said devil today you never annoy me me my family anymore I'm Micah the fearless to suicide you know sad to say fear is a tormenting devil that if you don't deal with it end up killing you physically one day because fear were tormented to the point that you think you'd rather be dead than live on and I think that we need to cancer that spread of fear well you're talking about David and Goliath David had to know who he was when he was approaching the lion how important is it for us as believers to know who we are that we're not we're not insecure we're not too shy we're not to wound it or talk how important is it to stand up know who we are as believers you know as a worshiper right 25 years in the devil's camp God had a plan for my life as far as my father took in was the car wash and I came from a family of rejection I came from a family of torment and all this fear fact that my family to my dad my dad was overall up-and-coming today in Christ who the loving father who who have took me out of the pits of hell snatched me out of the pit and put me in a safe place put me in a place that you know today he redeemed me from the pawnshop right he redeemed me and not today I have a life that counts and in the life that I'm moving forward in my life that that I understand that if I been with guy who is fear I have I have the boldness and the courage that I seen so much in Jesus Christ in my life for the 20 years that when I look back the only footstep I see understand he says that carry me through so if he's carrying you through he bought you this far he ain't gonna leave you there it's time to fight it's time to be armed and dangerous and be a spiritual sniper and bring down fear out of your family your loved ones your friends your church whoever it is man stand in the gap and be courageous would you say now like this is such a now message and now word for the body of Christ to understand apprehend okay we have the spirit of feared that's like this tormenting spirit that's against us but we have to war be wrong the offense we know we have the victory in Christ but why would you say it's so important for us to grab this revelation so we can walk in that freedom I think because the devil know his time is short the demon of Jesus is coming back so the dev understand that he needs to accomplish his mission the believer he needs to stop you from God's best he needs to stop your purpose in your destiny we have we have created to be unique one-of-a-kind originals in Christ and understand that every person that rise up and defeat fear you can go on and talk to the next person that's being tormented and you can help that person be set free and I think that the time we're in today because at a certain times around the world and around around the times of the signs that are happening not around them on your neighbor in your community we've seen the news we've seen the things that are going that a plaguing us see that the news things that are plaguing us on the radio the devil is using the devil the Bible said that the devil is the Prince of the air the friends of the airway I praise God for holy ground that we are today a man praise God for this holy ground for the show that we we sounding the Trump and with the Watchmen on the walls on this show and we're letting people fear not God as Wishard if he could be with you who can be against you yeah I think about the boldness that you have today and all that you've come through you literally have marks on your body tattooed from on you from the kingdom of darkness hog with razor in the flesh when I saw myself to the devil a razor in the flesh and here you are today facing and fighting fear right in its face how can we pray for for our brothers and sisters to get that same boldness that fear can't control me any longer I'm going to get out of this I think I think one of the things in the book is so unique that whatever you whatever you put whatever you pronounce over your life you have to renounce whatever you accept it you have to now you have to throw in the trash right I'm just giving you so the book brings this this depth into saying if I accepted this now I renounce it because that's not what God has to me God doesn't have that plan for me so today whatever it's tormenting me whatever what is sickness there's people that that are sick people got cancer and you in the devas lining is putting a tormenting fear you're gonna die you know gonna be here next year and all you have diabetes and all your high blood pressures hot you're never going to get healed you're never going to get well and your mind is being plagued by these things and going on and you have to say no you have to draw the line and say I make a choice I will not submit to fear I will submit to God Jesus Christ and once you do that you fear you renounce whether mr. tormenting whatever door you opened whatever part of you open I renounce it I today I divorce it are given an eviction notice and I receive God's best in my life and fill with the Holy Spirit move forward and you could be Wow more than a conquerer Wow that's it man that's it thank you so much John we're actually going to hear more from you in just a minute and I just we will not submit to fear ever we have not been given a spirit if you're a bit of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you so much we're gonna pray for all of your prayer requests call in if you're dealing right now with the spirit of fear we're gonna pray we're gonna believe God with you that you will experience breakthrough and total freedom we'll be right back with John in just a moment right after the good news
Channel: Cornerstone Television Network
Views: 555,194
Rating: 4.9341211 out of 5
Keywords: Pittsburgh, CTVN, Cornerstone Television, Christian TV, Cornerstone Television Network, Christianity, talk show, 700 Club, TV show, John Ramirez, former satanic priest, overcoming fear, enemy, devil, devil worshipper, Jesus, freedom, spiritual warfare
Id: REzFh81t-dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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