Satan asked producer to Sell His Soul to the Music Business (Koa Jerome Testimony)

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what's up everybody my name is coach wrong singer songwriter producer businessman entrepreneur for Christ now you know I want to give you guys my testimony and let you guys know what led me away from second was the secular music business to serving Christ with everything that I do I have my phone out because if I want to start in chronological order and I don't want to miss anything and before we get started I just want to pray and you know pray that this touches you know everybody who was supposed to touch him reach so bear with me for a second did Heavenly Father we thank you for bringing us together Heavenly Father I asked this video touches in inhales Lord God and changes the minds and hearts of people that are struggling with business decisions got people that are struggling with you know entertainment decisions on what to do what not to do people that are trying to figure out are they contradicting that walk with you by making certain decisions Heavenly Father I ask that this hill and lead souls to Christ people that are just completely lost Lord God asked if this does that Lord God take over Lord have your way through this video Lord God I am a vessel and I want to be used while you Heavenly Father in Jesus name we pray thank God amen all right back to you guys I started off in a Christian group around an age of 17 or brother or not we were ministering on fire for Jesus until you know a moment came where we went to a church and the pastor had called us out after we have the minister for about a year a pastor has said something like you guys are he will he didn't say directly tools we had just gotten off the stage you know after we're done ministering and he basically told the crowd that you guys are I hate when people get on my stage make them day Chris Brown and it's the Senedd of my church and it was like whoa and obviously it was us we just got off the stage and we were not arrogant at all we were just you know young guys trying to do God's work and that was a that's what made my brother and I leave the industry ultimately we didn't have a mentor that was tighten it enough with us to guide us you know in the right direction to help us grow in Christ and you know we were dealing with a lot of negative influences around us and not only that we were young like I said we were we were we were performing it would end up in the wrong places we perform and go to school and half the struggle with violence in our lifestyle with Christ and it was just with us at that time were mature so you know that ultimately led to us you know going into the secular music business said I'm looking down because like I said I'm trying to give you guys the chronological order of what happened so from there you know I have always had this gift you know singing spiritual things God at the age of five I had you know I was able to see demons and and things that most kids my age weren't able to see so I always knew God had a call over my life I had a lot of supernatural experiences but we can get into those later right now when he gets a you know kind of the journey but it was it was always crazy for me I was I never really had a normal life when it came to like you know spiritual things so it was it was tough for me my whole life you know just being a normal kid and trying to do what everybody else does what God wouldn't let me because of what I was singing and different things that are happened in my life and you know you know like I said I'll tell you guys know more about those different stories as we grow together so yeah so we ended up leaving the Christian music business at that age and we ended up signing a contract with a subsidiary of Capitol Records under under I don't want to drop names because I don't want to influence anybody that go towards these people but we ended up signing up to a subsidiary of Capitol and you know we were asked to pretty much move to New York at like we were still in high school he goes 17 my brother was 15 it was just I come to New York we signed the contract and was like you guys gotta move if you really want to work and so we visited a couple times and didn't work out my mom was livid she was managing us from the Christian and she was she was really upset because we have to start writing different we have left the industry that we were in and you know so it was a bit more than that because we left because not only that we would have a problem serving after after that happened we were having problems like serving Christ completely as kids you know being individuals and being young it was it was very very tough to to stay on that path for us without having a male mentor in our life that was constantly on us if I was staying and guys will we struggled a lot you know with the everyday struggles of teenage kids you know what I mean in high school the girls the the not drugs we didn't weren't in the drugs but girls parties and stuff like that temptations of hanging out with your friends and instead of standing and reading your Bible back then I didn't know what it really took to serve God hello so that's why I say you need a mentor anytime you're a young kid trying to serve God you need a strong mentor and sometimes like I say have the same sex they can guide you who understand the struggles that you go through that's actually living completely righteous and holy but yeah so we signed to Capitol Records we were mentored and we became better songwriters and like I said the move to New York was a very we we didn't we weren't able to do that but we just visited and it was kind of hard to do that when you didn't have we didn't have the money to find ourselves we didn't want to go to school out there and just leave our life behind our parents behind so we ended up standing hazy and we signed a management deal we ended up putting out some records with a couple major artists and you know they came out they hit radio but they didn't do anything major so you know we were we were going you know born with emotions and still pushing for our dreams shooting independent videos we had we were fully secular artists and we were ratchet y'all I'm talking we I've taken all the videos down of our past but we you know we were out there man and you know I regret it you know completely but you know it was a part of my journey and this is a testimony this is to help somebody else change so you know it was a very very you know very tough transition you know being out there and being secular and you know from there we were discovered you know by by some people when we took a trip to LA and you know that was basically our next move and this from the ages of 17 till about 23 was this whole transition of going from Christian to secular and from New York to the LA move so la was closer it was still in the industry and was at the time we were excited manager picked us up out there and this specific manager was pretty pretty crazy our manager before that was a male he ended up being a bright he was like a brother things just didn't grow at the level we wanted them to he had a big radio plug so we were on ready I was some some decent records and decent artists you know they just didn't didn't take off like we wanted them to so we ended up going to LA and we met a new manager she was a female and this is when I started to realize what the music business was and how easy it is to get sucked into the lifestyle when I moved my brother and I had moved to LA originally with a female manager she had moved us into the house me and her had developed a kind of intimate relationship and it kind of started to interfere with business I didn't want that to happen but it happened and it was it was you know this is it was one of the biggest mistakes you know one of the one of the biggest mistakes is to mix business and pleasure and and it went horrible but it you know then come to find out you know she was that way with a lot of other business partners so ruined a lot of business for us and one day I was in the house and like I said I had so many you know supernatural experiences in my life has been normal but you know one night I was in a house and I don't know if it will be called a succubus or Incubus but a sex demon had jumped on top of me and pretty much chained me to the bed and started pretty much grinding on me like in a sexual way and it happened at the same time she had walked through the door and it freaked me out you know such a crazy way I was just like oh my you know even in the midst of you know my lifestyle God was still trying to warn me and allow things that happened to let me know that he's there he's watching and you know that was like the start because I still I still rejected God and I still you know continue to chase to chase that dream out here in LA and that was kind of like that was when I first started things that first started rolling forcing like okay we need to sever ties with this manager and eventually she has started managing his celebrity's kid and blue are getting ready to do his project and she started dating his um she started dating his older cousin and that led to them kind of moving in and her kind of separating from us and giving us a warning that we didn't have much time with her as a manager so one day she came and we had left literally my brother and I that night when we found out that she was ready to several times we had prayed we're like God can you give us a chance to get stuff right out here we don't want to go home you know we didn't want to be homeless so you know this was it was in our contract that housing was in our contracting um you know we were really nervous about what our next step would be so from there we ended up going to we had a really close friend who lived in North Hollywood and we ended up going to his place and there was a party that was going on a networking event pool party and we ended up going there and we have met you know another guy and he was he was a millionaire and we just we just hit it off just started talking about life and he was talking about his pride he needed producers and my brother and I were I told me we were available to help and you know literally 24 hours after we had left the house we got another place so you know God he still looks out for your well-being when you have a calling over your life he's not happy all the time but even in the midst of that he still takes care of you and that was something interesting that I learned about his grace and mercy and so we ended up you know in this situation and so literally she was gone out on a date one day and our partner my brother Steve one of my my guys who came to LA with us he was a producer engineer he was out of town at the time so literally moves his motorcycle on a dolly literally took the dolly put his bike on the dolly and stroller it off so we moved the whole house ourselves all our stuff out of the house there literally in like 24 hours so we ended up at this studio we were standing the studio now - within 24 hours we had a new place to live so you know that like I said that was a sign of you know how God still looks out for you regardless you know what you're doing sometimes it doesn't mean it doesn't mean he's gonna do everything for you but he still takes care of your daily needs sometimes that's justice grace and mercy so we moved into this situation and quickly we found out literally the first day we the first week we literally got in a fistfight before the guy just baby we were some lawyer guys so if anything happened you know my brother and I was he was on it we went to this apartment building and we got in a fight and this I regret it because I found out you know what this person was about and you know it really it literally had you broke my heart you know what we did after I found you know how scandalous of a person we were working for you know a lot of a lot of things you know loyal you know god bless him I hope you know you know he's delivering now but back then you know it that side and the industry showed we'd agree like being with this person going from seeing a female perspective from a meet a female as a manager how said they use seduction this was like the perfect example from a male's perspective of the same thing she she could do anything she wanted out of man out of a man you know based off her using her body and we went over to this guy you know he took over managing us and you know control of our business and he was pretty much doing the same thing we're using kind of using money as well over females heads to get him to do certain things because he knew you know certain girls were struggling and stuff and I literally saw him run through a whole family a daughter a cousin pretty much told him if you got if you want them to be successful this is what you have to do I found out you know the inside school from the artists so you know I became really disturbed because even though I wasn't living in God's will I wasn't trying to be a wicked person I was just trying to provide for my family so when it got into the negative the negativity the the wicked side of the industry I wasn't into that you know what I mean and this person had it all you know he had Lamborghinis Ferraris Mercedes and everything sitting outside the studio and it was just like you know we thought you were going down the right direction you know but the Bible says you know seek ye the kingdom of God first and all things will be handed on to you we were seeking the money first thinking that that was God you know and that was backwards but that's literally how people that's how people mess up in his entertainment since they have no limitations to what they do it will do for money so you know the girls were giving it up to this guy this guy was holding that over their head I literally got my first placement with Melanie Fiona my first whoa not my first placement but it was a major you knows a big placement but and then you know I found out that certain things that had happened because he tried to sleep with her and also sleep with her manager which was like horrible we're trying to do business with a artist I also even tried to take credit for the song that I wrote so it was it was a really really tough time for me and it we ended up clashing hands and you know I went and got a gun and came back he threatened to kill me and you know so we was just ready to go it was all-out war and you know this is over years this is just happening like this you know that situation there was another situation that God said no and you know I couldn't figure out why so much stuff was worn backwards but as I got more mature in Christ you know later down the line I started to understand so from there you know the blessing out of that situation is I met my girlfriend ended up being my wife today so the night that everything went down and I want to get the gun she was actually the one that took me to get the gun um she wasn't a follower of Christ at that time and I'll tell you more about that later the story's getting it's gonna get better so she took me to get that gun I came back the situation escalated he had hit his wife or his baby mother and you know it was just so much stuff wrapped up in that studio he witness smashed all the cameras out because he don't want any evidence there and so much stuff had escalated it was crazy so overnight literally I thank God once again in about 48 hours we had another new place I don't know why but we you know we didn't have time I'm saying those are telling that ganas transition but you know we were gifted and you know another thing about guy he doesn't always take away the nineteen eighties giving you whether it's a music business whatever he's giving you a blessing in he doesn't always take that gift away from you so that's why you see so many people who go into the music business who are successful and you're like you're your artist a struggling because you want to serve God but you're like why is this person blowing up because he doesn't always take away that gift just like an Satan got kicked out of heaven he still uses music he was an angel that use music as his power in heaviness God would walk through he would be alone playing on her music behind God as he walked through heaven he got jealous when he was kicked out of heaven basically he has those those same tools so you can choose who you want to serve you know with your gift so your give to other people are great I mean whether they serve God or not those gifts are still can be great in the eyes of a man even though God despises it when we don't use our tools and our gifts for him he hates it but you know in the eyes of man if you have a great gift like any like any artist a great musician songwriter actor biz like I said businessperson whatever the field you're in people can love your gift and make you feel a certain way and if you get caught up in the way people make you feel you can kind of grow up arrogance about yourself and you know kind of forget who God is so our gifts led to us getting somebody else that picked us up and it was kind of the same deal it wanted us to do production form and write form and kind of glow around with them in shop records and work with that team so we got the contracts ever we always have lawyers on deck so we got the contract suffered with the last person and then we have moved in to his one-bedroom apartment and it was all of us like literally sleeping on the floors it was a hustle out here I mean that's that's normal here about that story and I laid out of time too so you know my girlfriend I had literally moved out probably about a week into living in the apartment and I moved in with her and you know we were you know we were kind of we were kind of getting it together it was just kind of crazy you know a crazy transition in life and so we continued to to push for we had a big opportunity we had a home a multi-million dollar contract with a corporation I'm not allowed to disclose till today that was on a table for us and so we left we were still kind of like everything is good we have this on the table were gonna be alright so you know we had moved into we have moved into you know that situation and I eventually my brother got tired of living you know with the team and he wanted to come with me I tried to bring the whole team but that's when we are separated it was four of us no one's from Indiana of three was from Chicago and we had moved to Arizona before we went to California and so we once stayed in LA when his self away and he got some big records that came out with some different artists and one of them just what he went back home but we stayed out here went into work we got some some small placements and you know I'll talk about those later but we got some more records that came out so we were making it you know I'm saying we have money and we were doing our thing but it wasn't we weren't what we wanted to be but we had a like I said we had a multi-million dollar contract on the table we had thought we secured some records with Nicki Minaj was some other artists egg Minaj tail crews and some different people and so we left arrogantly thinking everything was gonna go through we had like three records song coming out on her and so we kind of thought we were set we find out months later that Youngberg he was yeah just got a Love & hip-hop plug and his records took knocked all records off because him and Nicky were close so our records got knocked off and they were certified and you had multi-million dollar dealing a publishing deal on the table because we knew some high up people and because we had these records you know they was walking the sand everywhere and we were sad to have a crazy air was the biggest thing going on in the game at the time and stuff just got blocked and it didn't happen once again I think it was God and I'll tell you why later on so that like I said we had a big another multi-million dollar deal with corporation I was on the table that we were trying to close so we were still good one me and my brother my brother and I were not worried at all we were also it right after we left one of my closest friends at the time was signed to dr. Luke and we were working with him on closing down some stuff over there and if anybody knew who dr. Luke was around 2015-2016 years for one of the biggest no 2015 2014 he was still like that dude you know the music business so so after um you know Nicki Minaj stuff felt though we were still doing good cuz we had a multi-million dollar opportunity on the table with a big corporation you know around this time God really started dealing with me on another level spiritually and you know it started to get my life started to get very interesting because now that he sat kind of separating me from everybody and you know the media my girlfriend at that time it was a lot that was what start revealing itself you started working on me personally on my flaws in the midst of you know joining this music business I started developing habits I started developing addictions to women and certain things I was going on in my life and I wasn't ready to be in a relationship at that time and neither was you know my wife but we had we were kind of forced to make it work and you know not only that we ended up we moving from downtown LA to a place called Marina del Rey we moved into we had we had got a two-bedroom apartment my brother had a room with me and my girl shadow room and then you know one of our business partners came came along and and you know we were working on closing that multimillion-dollar deal in the midst of this happening I had a dream and in this dream you know I had a situation once before and I woke up I'm gonna get to that dream a second but I woke up in the middle of the night at home back in um Arizona when I woke up there was a big 10-foot tall man standing in my room with a suit and tie on and I knew he was satanic and you know later on I found out that was one of saving some forces who won't force you to sign off you know in the contract when it's time to sell your soul so you know when I was back in back to California I had a dream and I had woke up in his mansion and it was really heavy the room got thick I couldn't move and I was walking around and snakes and tigers and all these exotic animals came up and women and I was being seduced by animals women and everything and I knew I was saying about it Jesus it was a beautiful mansion ours is he under the blood of Jesus because I knew what was coming and then the devil came up to me with a contract at the end of it and I said no and I woke up from that dream and I was like the first time that I had you know officially had an experience I was probably the second time but the first time it was really clear that the devil was trying to give me the sign off and sell my soul and you hear about this happen in the music business a lot with people who are musically inclined who are on the border of making it in that business super heavily and I didn't believe it existed and so happens to me but the devil does come to people about selling their souls it's real you know what I'm saying and I rejected it you know so when that happened you know it was really weird because you know my business partner had moved in and he wasn't quite a believer he wasn't he was he wasn't a believer he believed in some weird stuff and in ever it didn't really sit well with me you know he believed them but we never got too far in it at first because it was all about closing deals and this time I'm still struggling but God like I told you our God really was starting to work on me in nitpick at my life and like I said I developed an addiction of women you know because of my lifestyle and I was now fall then the music business will change you you're always around women women are always in the studio's drinking having a good time and you get used to that so when it's time to meet again the relationships so quick it was really hard for me to settle down right away and him me and you know my wife today my girlfriend at the time we were having trust issues because she was a businesswoman I didn't like her job or she was doing so it was just like we didn't trust each other when we first got together so we were having issues and then from there my partner had partners I said well one of the worst people you could work with he's plugged out of this world but at the same time he you know this person was involved he was a big he was known as a notorious pimp you know I'm saying and he had a lot of stuff going on on his in you know that was very very contradictory to the lifestyle I was living so I started working this guy in the midst of bottling my demons and the thing that just had happened in my dream and you know me and my wife was clashing like this like this and you know my life was just kidding out of control but all alone I felt my life was getting out of control God was was really coming in and I was starting to get convicted with everything that I was doing in my life no matter what I was doing the details on the table the progression else happening moving forward I felt depressed because I couldn't I didn't feel happy with what I was doing so I was coming home from the studio and I felt like a dark presence around me and come to find out the person that I told you guys about was really plugs who was high up in the industry he was he's in a witchcraft so he was doing very very interesting things as well and you know a business partner wasn't strong in Christ so I didn't have at this time I felt so far away from God and I was only being motivated by money and I didn't have dill at this time a contract was offered but it wasn't what I wanted and then I didn't want to sign because of the corporate contract I I had you know so it's just like what do I do you know I'm kind of standing still and you know this company they were close to my family so I wasn't able to to sign with them unless it was a contract they could get out of so I was kind of under the I was in a bad position because it didn't protect me so I was working so hard for them and I wasn't guaranteed to get paid that million dollars that they had on the table so it was a tough situation for me because they could just get out of it and eventually they did so it was just it was really hard for me to at this point in my life it was really unstable when I was really you know nervous you know for what's coming next because I knew what I was capable of I knew that opportunities that was in front of me and it goes solo and become an artist as well the deals that are on the table when people who wanted me to come that way I just have to finish my album but I didn't know if I'm going to be that person because I know if I got sucked in what I'm struggling with now with women and drinking and partying now if I got sucked all the way in I would never be the same person again so I was really really struggling with with fixing Who I am my relationship was in shambles my life which is really gonna stable and but looking around well we're living what we you know was going on you would have never known it but that's how you know none of that matters when it comes to God is spiritual he's working an insight nothing on that outside matters so I was just you know I was at a tough tough place and so would this happen in I got really depressed and I had neighbors below me that I was really into drugs now before I get in this this part of the story this is where it gets crazy I told you guys I've had many of the experiences where I had experiences with angels demons Christ on a spiritual level where I saw things that most people don't see I never did drugs in my life so back to where I'm at now I have this night where I call the guys up who live below me they come up and where they bring edibles and weed and you know different things and drinks and we were just chilling in and we had a little kick back at my house my wife wasn't really filling them so she kind of stepped back and she just let me kind of vent and you're talking about God the whole time smoking weed and eating edibles and drinking we were talking about Christ the whole time which is crazy right so when this happened I finally with the wake I was working on me it was getting crazy for me so this thing happens we're not when I haven't experienced that with God I see a calendar right this calendar starts spinning the room starts spinning everything is very very heavy we're in like the spiritual realm everything is like tightness weird feeling I don't know how to explain it but everything was heavy and so I get done you know don't know what I was doing and I had a life probably I think I did it and I went to well I know I had a lot and then I went I went to I went to bed and usually I sleep in my boxers I'm not trying to get on those visual but I see from my boxers before I went to bed this time I was freezing cold so I kept all my sweats too like I have now except it was the thing and I went to bed and this I had socks on I I hate sleeping with stuff on but I had socks on everything I was just you know really um cold when I laid down this which I got to know about drugs people can say whatever they want people can say how high you're on drugs all you want but people don't know drugs are a portal to another realm because I'm spiritually inclined and I know what goes on there in that realm because all the experiences I've had with God I know what drugs are you guys can say whatever you want about them you can say you know you just off drugs I don't care what you say about me but drugs open up a door to the spiritual realm some people can come back from it and some people can and not all people are gonna experience you know supernatural things on drugs but some of them do you guys can't just run them off the run a testimony off because drugs were made if you look into CIA whatever they they say they were made to make you hallucinate go to different places but we call it hallucination when there really is a spiritual realm that gets opened up leading to drugs that's the point of so you know back to this point I'm back in the room I'm laying down and that kind of just thought that calendar comes in the room spinning and I'm with my wife and I'm like I say get out because I know something's coming and I don't know what it is I don't know where it's coming from but I know something's coming for me and then I hear Satan's voice go he's mines now and at this moment I'm like get up and get off the road and I can't get out and she leaves the ring and my brother she goes I go get my brother my brother comes in wrong so I know he's seen me you know go through spiritual things before so he starts praying and the saying of blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus I you know I'm kind of in and out kind of back into the room and I'm going to a different place I don't know where I'm headed to and then I hear Christ say know Christ pretty much tells the devil he's not yours so people are around watching this occur so at this point my brothers in a room and I'm in a different place I'm in and now I'm back and forth to the room and I'm back to this very very very dark place and I can see pins and needles pans and needles and I could feel the pins and needles going into my skin every single every single part of my body I felt it I felt myself it is tight this tight crazy cloudy room and I was stuck I was stuck on my knees and when I was on this room I saw God at the throne I saw Jesus right here on the side of me and then every demon that had ever manifested at some point in my life something that somehow was behind me I was that some sort of Judgment Day and God had told me if you don't confess all your sins and everything that you've done tonight you're gonna die you're gonna jump over the balcony and you're gonna kill yourself because the devil is gonna make you do it and so I'm laying in bed and my brother's holding me down because I'm saying like yo stop I'm coming in and out I'm like bro like I'm not controlling my body I don't know what's happening I'll never kill myself is gonna tell my brother I had no reason to I'm not trying to kill myself but I can't control my body right now so I was telling my brother and he was holding me down on the bed and I was going back and forth from my room to this spiritual place where I was and you know I start to confess I start to tell my wife Mike she was my girlfriend at the time I start to tell her about my escapades at the studio all the things that I struggle with all my bad habits and everything I was going on and you know I'm just confessing confessing in front of all these people who don't know these things about your world we were struggling with so she's brokenhearted she was like shocked you know what I'm saying and you know god damn started to speak into my life and tell me you know certain things that's gonna happen you know because you did this and if you live right this is what's gonna happen he started saying he started telling me that I'll be successful in this how I be successful in this is what's gonna happen speak it out to people he made me speak into their lives you know I thought I was done confessing and you know the repented gave my life to him I did it all in so you know people were thinking thoughts and I could actually hear the thoughts and say things to him and they were breaking out into tears and shock that I knew people who were in the room because that was working for me and so it just was really really amazing this experience and it changed my life and this is the key point this is how you know it was crazy my wife was never a believer in Christ she didn't do the drugs that night she did it like she had like one little candy she had a cat a little tiny candy but she didn't do she's not into drugs and she said she went to the bathroom and threw it up because she didn't feel right about it so she also had a spiritual calling day at the time like I said she wasn't a believer so she um was struggling you know leaving me after this occurred you know what I'm saying after this crazy situation occurred and I finally came to life it felt like I was gone I felt like I was going thirty minutes and I woke up and it was I was pretty much gone about ten hours it happened in about ten I didn't wake up to like what 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 about 6 a.m. next day my mom had came in from out of town and they were praying for me it was crazy a lot of stuff happened that was crazy and um so I continued after I came back to I'm still you know I don't know how to just let go my music business everything that I was doing I don't know how to just instantly cut it out like no I'm not I can't work so I'm still going to the studio trying to figure out how I'm gonna break the news that things are changing for me my mind for struggling you know my girl is strutting she want me to go out you don't me do nothing in it and at the same time she's struggling with staying with me after everything that I had to tell her because I had to be I had to repent of my sins I had to confess everything I had ever done to to move forward and water for guys I really saved my life so you know I'm at the studio and I'm struggling with this you know I'm telling the guys like yo man I don't know something about the change like I gotta change it and they like y'all you know they're like yeah things gonna be cool it kind of motor cuz I'm a writer like I'm kind of needed on the team you know and it was like if he leave it's gonna be kind of hard to work so I knew what I was up against it was it was a tough battle for me so while I'm at the studio my wife gets a visit from Michael to Archangel so Michael comes visits her and tells her you can stay or you can leave this batter that he's going through is something he has to fight and he has to want to beat it but you can support him or you can leave because it's gonna take a while for him to change and you know back in that experience guy had told me that she was meant to be my wife as well that's another thing that happened so you know I did tell her all of this and she was like okay I believe you because you were speaking stuff that I was thinking so I know was guy like I wasn't saying anything I was scared and I was supposed to be praying and I was cussing in my head and you knew what was going on and and God God had pretty much spoke to me through you and it was exactly what was going on in my mind so she knew it was real what happened and at Ang's when she woke up from the from from asleep to angel sitting at her the foot of her bed telling her fear not this is what it is you got an option to leave or you can stay and then after that she had a visit from two other people who were ancient biblical people she doesn't know who they were but they told her everything is gonna be okay like calm down like what you experienced was real this was not on drugs so if you aren't thinking if you're out there you tryna say yeah you were just some drugs no I was it and she was never doing drugs so when this happened to her she was completely sober so for those of you who have a truck who have trouble believing I'm giving you facts and I hope that this helps you you know fix your life but we have to understand is that God does work through people and he gives us a job to speak out because he says we are we overcome by our testimonies we have to tell people and we help other people get over word they're going through and they hear these stories and hear these different for example guy use parables so it's just like Christ use parables so well we're telling you these things is up to you to take them in and change or you continue to live your lifestyle because it doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to have the same experience I had so it could be my job to tell somebody else who are struggling externally and internally but not having the kind of experiences that I had so my job is to tell you so it could possibly help you and change you know what you're going through and it's up to you to even to the car so you know it was really really crazy you know that it got to this point and that's what my wife had you know give her her life to Christ after this happening she was like oh my god this is real and we struggled you know it was kind of a growth period with us you know getting back into you know church and I started getting conflicted on every song I write God wouldn't let me write certain things every time I write some rachet I couldn't move it I wouldn't send it to the labels I would have send it to my team and start placing records I would get scared and nervous you know God started to reveal to me that any song that you put out that causes other people with a sin that's blood on your hands so then I started getting convicted so I started jumping to this positivity around and back and forth and trying to to make you know make this work somehow and you can't serve two masters so my whole life was just literally changing in front of my mom in front of my face and it was like my brother and everybody my whole team was you know getting let down because this is what God was doing with you know which is the greatest thing that could ever happen to me as we'd given my life to him but when you when this is the way you make your living in a way you make money it's like oh my god what do you do so at this time you know by starting to turn on me you know you know we trying to you know figure it out stuff is falling through and you know life is just getting really difficult and crazy but you know I was growing in Christ and that was the most important thing to me so you know now you know it's getting to the point to where more dreams and visions I'm starting to happen I'm getting back into the point of prayer and really trying to work on my relationship with Christ but I'm not fully there I'm growing you know growing up growing in it you know at this time of my life and you know my brother comes to me he says he has a dream and God came to him on the cloud and he's floating on his cloud he said he's searching for one searching for one person because that's how wicked the world is like when we took it as one we thought one percent not just one individual but one percent of the world literally and then I saw there's this vision that somebody else had and they were saying that I have a thousand people that are lined up on Judgment Day every thousand only one person that led into heaven because that's how wicked you know the world is right now so you know yeah that dream so you know it was really really you know life was really really getting crazy but I was starting to grow on Christ and have an understanding of what God wanted for my life and this is starting to lead up to where I am today so I met a growth period like I said I'm at a growth period with Christ at this moment in my life and I'm continuing when you grow my wife and I we stay together we moved to Porter Ranch California so we moved into our house our first house together and you know now we're pregnant with our daughter so now we're closer to today there's still years though about a year probably a year and a half before now and you know I'm doing good now I am now working on my krishna project I started the tech company my wife is in real estate so we're doing good you know what I'm saying we have investors things are moving forward and you know we're in a great place my whole team is kind of separated now so I'm not being tempted to really write you know for the enemy no more God was kind of eliminated things out so when God is calling you to do something he will help you if you show him that you're gonna work just as hard to get back right with him so he started eliminating all other things that was going on in my life and open opening other doors so you know as a businessman I didn't let the fact that I had to commit a hundred percent to Christ change the fact that I could still work hard and make things happen so I started coming up with app ideas I started coming up with with project ideas tours like tour ideas different things that could be successful and I was like helping me flourish we would get in business meetings investor stuff is still moving for us so even after the fact that you know the corporate project didn't fall through my career had taken a total you know Turner we still have business flourishing and we were growing as individuals and a couple so you know fast forward to where we are now and at this point um god I still wasn't satisfied I felt like there was something that I needed to do so you know they're not created I haven't called positivity I felt like God would allow me to make positive music like you didn't know I couldn't customer music I came to this I couldn't do that but I could speak on certain things so I created this out I'm thinking I'm good and then God speaks to me he goes the music is great but it's not good enough so what I took that ass is he was telling me that his name needs to be in the music so I need to full-on become artist that is motivating people to turn their lives around and go focus on Christ because positivity doesn't get you into heaven it could be a great person a great great person but not know who Christ is and Christ came as a you can say if we if I put this into the most simple terms for people who don't believe Christ is our lawyer so without him as our lawyer it's like the government giving you a public defender Christ is our public defender he's the only way that we can get into heaven so he's the best public defender you that is the only one you have if Christ is not blowing you're in a corner God doesn't want her with your behinds in heaven because we're filthy even our good works are filthy our minds that everything we do as people naturally we're insane like that's who we are naturally so without Christ walking us into the gates that can't happen so we need God and people don't know that they think is also so simple it doesn't exist but that's not the case people I know must be people that have died went to heaven and came back so many things I study and I know what people that I've met and that my wife has meant that God is real you can't stop it Pleasant experiences out of that so you know I just want you if you you know guy used to say crisis to say something like he who has ears let him hear if you have ears let them hear meaning that if your ears are open to him you're gonna change when you hear this testimony you and you want to change and you're kind of on a surface you're gonna change if you don't there's nothing I can do for you it's nothing he can do for you cuz he wants to help us get into that place heaven is better than anything we can imagine so he tells you that positivity isn't good enough and that I need some place name on music so here I fully go Krishna as an artist I completely eliminate everything you know I'm now working on starting my label Christian label I know so many Christian artists regular stations I'm looking back at my rolodex at all my relationships for my past you know when I was when I was on that realm and people are so responsive and excited that my testimony is gonna be out there to help lead people that are struggling right now what are struggling with then so you know God is truly blessing so then I uh in but I'm not it's not good enough for me because I don't want specifics from God so I'm crying and we've been praying and asking God what do I have to do to let people know that you are God and you're the one you know because there's so much going on in the world so many people are dying because of terrorism so many people are dying because of poison that we put in our bodies on a daily basis so many people are dying just because of a lack of knowledge not knowing some people are dying because of their life situations being put in a bad neighborhood where they're pumping poisonous water into him I just ask God what do you want me to do how can I have the impact you want me to have in such a world you know full of confusion and you know then you know I'm on the phone so I'm gonna phone Minister talking someone about what I'm talking to you guys about right now and you know I'm talking about you know how men have to play a better role in their families and no matter what circumstances you are in life as man it's our job to guide our families in the right direction so yes at this moment on speaking against divorce I'm speaking against you know deadbeat that I'm speaking that this day and age men have to be in a kid's life is you have to be a family man you have to be able to you have to guide your family because it's the the the separation that we have nowadays this man's who our families are now leading to opening the door for the devil to come in and manipulate your children manipulate the women your sons your daughters in a going different directions we play an important role in our his lives so you know I was really trying to figure out from God what do you want me to do to help you know different people in them on this conversation on the phone and I'm like when I die I wanna hear some well done I get off the phone and my wife is in tears broken down on the floor crying she said that as I was talking on the phone and I said son well done God yelled at her and said that's it that's what you need to do you need to write a book you need to go to social media you need to use every platform you have every ability in you to push that message and that's what I found out what God wants me to do he said he wants me to Pastor minister to my music through this book there are different things that I need you to do under this premise cause son well done and that's where I met today and that came from a journey of getting beat down by God and him working on which is the reason he protected me and kept me going from house to house protected me from being homeless protecting me from the streets from from them from being a person that could have went any way so God had revealed to me that you know through my wife he had spoke to her and told her son well done was the name of the book the youtube series the radio everything that I wanted to do in life he told me that's a series that he wanted to wanted it to be under and he wants me to speak out to men about the roles they have to play in their families to take lead and help guide them in a heaven with such an important role that's why you see society eliminating eliminating men pushing the the gay agenda and pushing so much stuff that makes men look weak because we're such an important role to our families our children and so God was letting me know that you know this is what I want you release released to help people give back to the tradition a foundation of what I did and overall give their families in he wants to see whole families go to heaven as impossible as the same she wants everybody there so we really have to give back you know to the basics and do what we have to do to make God happy and make Christ happen we have to accept them into our lives and create biblical foundations around our families I serve him to the day that we die and this is a story I'm glad you guys got to hear it this is my story my testimony and I hope that it touches every single person either was supposed to touch in the name of Jesus I love you guys and I thank you guys for for paying attention and listening to this story spending this time with me god bless you all and I hope that you guys tune in and stay tuned for the books on low done and also stay tuned for the album that's coming to you some well done as well I love you guys god bless you
Channel: BLSSD Music
Views: 1,362,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koa jerome, koa jerome testamony, selling soul, selling your soul to the devil music industry, blssd music, blssd, koa jerome blssd, music business, christian music, christian music 2018
Id: HYiTej1vFhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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