Jim Carrey - Best Speech EVER [INSPIRATIONAL]

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I mean The Truman Show was a was a another moment where you know I had to kind of deal with well you're not allowed to do that you know you've presented yourself one way and you know it's it's a tough thing to convince people that there's something more or that they might want to see something different but I've always believed all the way along I believed that that it was about a spark right it was about who you are as a person it's about your soul it's about not necessary I mean you do what you do so well but there is something about you that that is attractive to people in a way that they want to sit and watch you for an hour and and listen to you and listen to your insights but it's about you and who you are what is it worth what is it worth it that's that's what I've come to so many times in my career in my life is that I've I've said the safe road is is is gonna pay off there are there are many payoffs to it but I can't be there and and and have my soul be on a completely different track I just it's always worth losing missing me it's always worth risking and if if if this other side of me is not a popular one in in the scheme of things as far as movie tickets go then you know what I'll find a way to sneak it in there out out though I'll make a plan I will I will show myself you know I will find a way and even if even if I'm not as popular I will live in that area who I will expand myself I mean I have I started out with many many desires as far as as far as this business goes and I've so surpassed all of them that I that it's uh it's not as meaningful to me anymore I really love the work itself I've examined myself on several occasions why am I really doing this am I doing this because I want to be famous I think there was an element to that when I started out I wanted to be a Rainmaker and we should talk about battling it further because what does that mean that means I think I wasn't necessarily seen as much or as intently as I wanted to be when I was a kid I had I had a job at least in my own mind and that was to make my mother feel better she was kind of a very ill in many ways and so it was to make her feel better and I think ultimately I imitated my father he was a very funny guy but also I some need and maybe I don't know whether they created it or I created it but I felt a need to make them feel that their life was worthwhile that they did something special just by the very fact that they brought me into the world so from a very young age I wanted to convince them that I was a miracle and then I wanted to convince the world that I was a miracle and and now I want to convince the world that I'm just like them so you went from commissioned first-year miracle and then you are just like them yes and how does that play out today in terms of convincing the world you are just like them that you are well what I'm finding is is an interesting thing because I have a lot of people asking me why are you are you afraid that people won't accept you and I know that in my life and at least in my you know the circle people I know and know my friends that know my work it seems like an even people I talk to like you it seems like people are almost waiting for it that they suspected that there's another level to me in there and they're kind of intrigued and interested in what that might be it's it's it's that and it's an addiction obviously I mean I'd love an addiction to didn't knowing yourself yeah an addiction to trying to figure out and maybe this is an impossible task but you know everybody's looking for bliss you know in some way or another and I think I've come to the realization lately that that that bliss comes in waves and there and everybody but he gets a certain amount of it but but in between it's just hard work being in this body and that it is the unwise person to expect bliss will be there all salute Lee absolutely but you look for it you look for and you wonder why you're off the beam all the time whatever so I'm constantly examining myself I probably do it too much I've always over thought everything and then you're reading them or soon and you read yeah yeah right which is the big the big the big thing for me you know in life right now is the the excerpt from compensation yes a he did on compensation where it talks about that man would I recognize I would see the mermaids head but not the dragon's tail and these are this is something that happens over and over and over in my life in relationships and in in choices that I make professionally you know a lot of times you just don't want to believe in the bad but the bad is there you know the negativity is there or the the the obvious drawback to the situation is there but you just go I want and and that's that comes down to thy will be done and everything biblical it's you know it's so I'm always struggling with these concepts it's to my desire is my only problem in this world your desire yes it to do your appetite my appetite yeah absolutely yeah to prove everything and to be everything but you it's our intention our intention is everything nothing happens on this planet without it not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention so I started thinking about my life and I started thinking about this conference and what we're about and and I looked back and I thought well I was two people my whole life I was in the living room entertaining people being a monkey you know doing my thing for the company and and trying to relieve my mother who was suffered she had arthritis and Vitus and everything everything under the Sun that was nagging at her and she was depressed and I wanted her to be free and I wanted her to realize that her life was worth something because she gave birth to someone who's worth something and then I would go into my room and I would sit with a legal pad I was a little kid I would sit there and I would try to figure out what it meant what it was all about why are we here what is this and one day I read something from Buddha that said that all spirituality is about relieving suffering and I suddenly realized that's what I'm doing in the other room and and I'm aligned you know this my purpose is aligned with this so I felt incredibly lucky I lose sight of that all the time I get caught up in different concerns and ego concerns but I'm so lucky to be a part of this community and to to do something that has a value and really cherish that and we are all one thing it really is true can I speak to the person in the last row in the very last seat against the wall is that is there someone back there that can say hello what's your name Andrea are you aware that do you have the distinct palpable feeling that your intention created this evening as well as Melissa's do you understand that that all of this this entire event is happening inside you [Applause] [Music] we'll just try to feel it for a second cuz it's a trip man some people go to the Super Bowl I am the Super Bowl man I swear my friends are all going to see that play that was great I'm like yeah but the energy coming out of me right now man is unbelievable I'm just sitting there I'm the stadium on the vendors outside I'm the crack dealer on the corner I'm everything man there's no end to it and it's so much fun it's so much fun so I hope you can feel that and I hope you understand that you are one of the creators of this evening that your intentions and your desires created this evening as well and then I hope you are able to ask yourself why did I get such a crappy seat and be okay with it I mean you're in the last row in the last seat and yet you created this that's gotta be it's a really selfless thing to do so understand based on some things that I read about you you know that in the end it's really a lot about self-respect yes it is because you know yourself yeah and it is well yeah and self-respect is certainly one of the major problems in the world self-esteem is is the reason for most ills and you know desiring what we don't have I mean some old earnest me or I am Peter Ashe Hilton yes how did you mean that well in in the respect that he has this yearning this yearning that that is more important to him again false gods right when you put something so in the forefront of your life some desire in the forefront of your life that everything else starts to suffer I understand that I understand that because I've gone that way and had to pull myself back or whatever but it's the yearning that that that is can be something very positive it can create wonderful things but when it when it makes you negate your life and the people in your life it becomes or you know again like when it makes you bear false witness you know and sell somebody out it's it's just not worth having you know that that yearning is the tough part the yearning to kind of have that but not make it completely consuming and that would be the selling out of his friend out of his friends we're not guilty of anything and he's living it up and no he's living in a place of fear of loss right you know and that's always a dangerous character the guy who's afraid of loss is a dangerous guy because he's the guy in Hollywood the stabs you in the back or you know turns on somebody or whatever they you know trying to protect it's you know story if you know a man's fear then you can conquer him some say truly I mean that's what the blacklist era was about some somebody you know McCarthy sat back and said my gosh what a what a wonderful fear to take advantage of and and to bring myself to power through it you know what I believe in the universe I believe in the horn of plenty I believe in the cornucopia you know so I'm not afraid of Tom Cruise and what his movies do and I can enjoy it and I can enjoy Russell Crowe and because there is so much in the universe we all you know can feed from it and we all we all you know there's enough for everybody is that where you are in your head at this yes absolute some season they've got a Russell Crowe as a movie I don't pose as a movie yet you're saying there's enough I'm perfectly happy with what absolutely Jim has been given so much I mean I would be a green boar at the trough of life you know if I if I question if you wanted at all oh my gosh I mean you know I I sit down with with friends of mine who are in the perfectly in the acting profession and and they say you know these are really good actors and they say man no one's really getting the chance to do what you're getting to do you know I mean this is a it's quite an arc what's going on here trying to that time and time again I feel so lucky to have it but you had to bring something otherwise they would not continue to give you the chance and you obviously recognize that you have to allow yourself to be seen that's a risk the risk is especially for somebody who's comedic yeah who has that that weapon and its disposal just to go off into the rift yeah yeah to to risk being seen is the toughest thing in the world we're all very shy people you know people who do comedy were shy and the emotion is right there on the surface if you prick me with a pin I would fly around the room you know so that's the risk is that you are showing them yourself you're your true authentic self and the chances of being rejected are much more important you know much more terrifying my father could have been a great comedian but he didn't believe that that was possible for him and so he made a conservative choice instead he got a safe job as an accountant and when I was 12 years old he was let go from that safe job and our family had to do whatever we could to survive I learned many great lessons from my father not the least of which was that you can fail and when you don't want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love that piece that we're after lies somewhere beyond personality [Music] whereas I can tell it's just about letting the universe know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass when I say life doesn't happen to you it happens for you really don't know I'm just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way you'll come up with your own style that's part of the fun like many of you I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself you are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world and after you walk through those doors today we'll only ever have two choices love choose love and don't ever let fear turn you against your playful heart [Music] you can spend your whole life imagining ghosts worrying about the pathway to the future but all there will ever be is what's happening in the decisions we make in this moment which are based in either law so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality we really want seem to possibly outraged and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for I'm saying I'm the proof that you can ask the universe I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency they're immunes yeah I would visualize yeah this is her life well good for right having directors interested in me and people that I respected saying you know I like your work or whatever that is and and I would visualize things coming to me that I wanted or whatever this was in like 1987 85 yeah and I had nothing at that time so it was like but it just made me feel better it made me at that time all it really was for me was kind of making me feel better I would drive home and think well I do have these things and they're out there I just don't have a hold of them yet but they're out there I wrote myself a check for ten million dollars for acting services rendered and I gave myself five years there were three years maybe and and I dated at Thanksgiving 1995 and I put it in my wallet and I kept it there and it deteriorated and deteriorated and stuff and and but then just before Thanksgiving 1995 I found out that I was gonna make ten million dollars on it's all a risk but ya know going on stage would be wonderful I I I used to you know I did some 15 years in the comedy clubs before I really started acting one-on-one you stand up it's just a TV of some kind HD of being able to relate to an audience for sheer cliff yeah yeah you know and then handling drunks this isn't a thing it's like 'hey god you better own it you know whatever it is you better own it you know of this need her stuff I'm always like afraid almost it don't know I like st. prayers you know make sure you know that I still have something to do here because well I really believe in the idea that if you don't have something to do here you call well there's no such that you said something about your parents that is fascinated me at a certain point they were just waiting for the end yeah yeah and absolutely lovely people right but kind of lost heart you know my father lost his job and that her attrition of life had taken its toll yes absolutely and I think at a certain point they weren't enjoying it anymore they weren't they were just kind of waiting around and I saw that early on and I said no I can't I can't have that I have to break that cycle you know so I'm fascinated with that myself and I'm kind of wary of it myself about my motivations about my allegiances about what I'm expressing in the world you know just my day-to-day contact with people the idea that you know people come up to me and say I love you you know I I I try extra hard to give them energy you know to make it something that isn't about me it's about them and this moment whatever it is yeah you know I'm constantly you know trying to figure out where I'm at and whether I'm whether I'm corrupting myself or or not or I probably just you know really too much about this but it weighs heavy on me alone I believe in manifestation I believe in you know putting a rocket of desire out into the universe and and you get it when you believe it you get it when you believe you have it and that's the key is like people still they sit around going when's it gonna come when's it gonna come when they're gonna come when's it gonna come and that's the wrong way your your face in the wrong way you're facing away from it you have to go it's here it's here I used to open my arms I used to sit up there you know and open my arms and imagine a giant funnel of gifts would come right into the universe to God I you could you know cut to me there I'm like like this and and if nothing else it made me feel more positive about where I was I I drove down from a Holland Drive every every night you know that I went up there feeling that I was one of the biggest detectors in Hollywood I was doing wonderful work that made people happy I was you know I owned all that that was it I guess you know what I own when you think about it is is my faith that's what I hope that's about it because I started thinking materially and you know those your faith in yourself or you have faith in some a thin the universe faith in myself yeah that's it that is at the end what you want that's the sense so that's all I have that you could that's exactly right mr. Palmer stuff away and right and if you have that that sense of age that's huge and it's the biggest is what the huge you know for the most I've seen mountains move in my life so I've had just endless gifts and they've all been things that I have at some point sat in and made myself believe were possible and you did with the check four years earlier you did yes right I wrote myself a check when I saw phantom Oh hall and dry I wrote myself a post-dated check Thanksgiving 1995 for the sum of ten million dollars and again it wasn't about the money it was about where you are if you're gonna see anybody right what you're doing because I've examined that all the way along you know when all this twenty million dollar man business was happening you know I've examined what my motivations are and the fact is I'm addicted to expressing myself in in certain ways and and I have to do it and I would do it if I was making twenty cents so it's really about that especially now I have enough money to live 20 lives so i i i I can't stop I'm fascinated by what creates characters you know what what what defines people what what creates them what puts them together everybody's Frankenstein and they just like as life goes on you either you either lose pieces of yourself gain other pieces and just that's the fascinating thing about acting it's like somebody like Andy Kaufman what is it and I stood by his gravesite you know with his sister and and and she said one thing to me that cleared it all up and that was that Andy wasn't ever part of the club so he created his own Club that no one else could be a part of because I was fully you know compared to just play out you know stand-up comedy and comedy clubs yeah but there's something within you that constantly pushed the edges of the envelope wherever you were well or at least took advantage of the opportunities that came around and a lot of it has to do with you know just the courage to jump in I mean you know to do films that are out of your so-called power Ally as they call it is it takes nerve you know so I have the nerve you know and we'll see if I have the goods but I have the nerve and I I'm just excited really about always changing about crossing me back and forth across the river and throwing the hounds off the trail I love that just when I think that just when we think we've got you we know you you're off on another route absolutely and if I feel like I've been figured out boy look out I will become something completely different you know maybe I might might not want to become something completely different but Express something completely different I always felt like if the world is going crazy I'll be calm and if and if they're come I'll be the one hanging off the chandelier
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Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech, jim carrey, jim carrey motivational speech, jim carrey speech, jim carrey - motivational speech.mp4, speech, commencement speech, jim carrey inspiring, jim carrey inspirational video, jim carrey motivation, motivational video, jim carrey's commencement address at the 2014 mum graduation, success, motivational, inspirational, success motivational speech
Id: aWTH7Kp2lfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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