Chris D'Elia vs Bryan Callen | Volume 1-4 | The Complete Collection
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Channel: The Fighter and The Kid Clips
Views: 1,242,422
Rating: 4.8306451 out of 5
Keywords: the fighter and the kid, fighter, kid, the fighter, the kid, brendan schaub, bryan callen, brendan and bryan, podcast, vodcast, podcasting, fox, fox sports, ufc, mma, ultimate fighting, mixed martial arts, Big Brown Breakdown, Brendan Schaub comedy, Brendan Schaub stand up, Chris D'Elia, Bobby Lee, Joe Rogan, Tom Segura, YMH, JRE, Your Mom's House, Highlight, Clip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Huh, uploaded today. Guess they saw the numbers going down.
see brandon this his how you play off of brying being the heel
I read somewhere Brendan said he doesn't want them doing TMP on TFATK. Is that true?
Thank you for this!
Conpete colession, B?! Gahd Dawg!
How many of these are they gonna upload...they already have like 3 different "best of" compilations with delia lmao.
more like "making shwab sound even cringier somehow" compilation
I really think the lack of good guest is going to start hurting the podcast.