Chinese Food - Amazing SICHUAN BBQ in Mountain Village, China!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in situation about two hours outside of Chengdu and we're in the mountains in the lush green mountains the mountains are just blanketed with bamboo and so green and so lush the river is flowing it's a very wet day it is raining but we drove out here because we're here to visit a family a local family who runs a restaurant but more like a family farm house restaurant where they I mean they grow things on the land but they also forage for ingredients bamboo there's chickens there's ducks and we're gonna have I think two meals the first meal is just already ingredients that they have and then the second will be a mule of stuff that we gather if the weather clears up or if we can just walk around here to gather some bamboo maybe a duck or a chicken and then they're gonna cook again that's gonna be two back-to-back mules in the lush forest countryside of Sichuan and I'm gonna share all the situation ease food with you in this video they're lighting up the fires now to get started cooking it's so beautiful here it's so lush and so green [Music] we've been welcomed into their countryside home and I think they just poured some tea man I hope the rain says now it is it is beautiful here it's so incredibly lush and so green and so what [Music] [Applause] well that's wonderful it's really hot it's I believe it's local green tea like from this mountain here she is the coolest yeah she is amazing but so what we're doing today what's the term for where people come from the city in China the countryside these places called Nong Jolla so it's sort of like farmers in if you will it's basically like farmhouse so they've converted to allow city people to come who basically want to escape the heat and get in touch with their food sources so they come for fresh air cooler weather and then fresh food that's all source from the region cool and so that's what we are doing today but it is it I mean it's it's straight family-run it's a straight family home but they've just more opened up their home to serve a home-cooked meal to people that want to come to the countryside yeah to breathe fresh air to experience nature to be with the nature and to get fresh food and that's exactly what we are here for today and so right now grandma's still Fanning the fire we're maintaining the fire and we're gonna he's going to start cooking they're explaining to us that a lot of the ingredients that they use a lot of ingredients that they're gonna cook with are wild ingredients they do grow some ingredients like publicly the eggplant the peas but the bamboo shoots the mushrooms a lot of stuff they forage or they grow naturally they're wild ingredients wild citron Chinese ingredients and what's cool here is that there's no menu so everything is seasonal you just come here or you call ahead and they just make for you the main dishes and they serve that to everybody that comes so one of the dishes that he's making now is I believe chicken with wild bamboo shoots you can smell the sich one peppercorns in there and you can see the chilies floating around that's kind of raising bubbling away boiling away those ingredients are mingling well that smells so good the citrusy aroma of the Sichuan pepper very interesting how he makes the vegetable dish he fried off the beans and oh and then he puts the rice over he fried off the beans and like looks like winter melon in a little bit of oil and ginger stir-fried that boiled it a little bit and then he pours that entire wok full into the boiling water pot here and then put the steaming rice on top so maybe like that the liquid from the rice is gonna poured out into the vegetables that's a so it's like two layers double-decker of vegetables than rice on top steaming and boiling [Music] those are just a few of the varieties of meats that he's gonna cook for lunch there's some smoked meat smoked meat in citron is very common but it's smoked in the wintertime when it's colder when it's drier and then preserved throughout the whole year then there's looks like some possibly preserved fat and then some fresh meat and now he's peeling some I believe it's a type of loof enlike a gourd zucchini a type of vegetable but again this is the first meal and he's just cooking the dishes that they prepare this is for lunch and then after lunch we're gonna do a bit of foraging we're gonna hopefully choose a duck and they're gonna grill it their unique stitch one way in the marinade over fire and so that will be only meal number two we're here really to eat two full meals he just handed us Monto right out of the steamer I've got a nice yeasty flavor here I have to fill reduce but so hot [Music] that's going to go great with the food that we're gonna eat kind of shower goo and he's making another dish like an omelet but that's an herb that it's very finely sliced from this region the name is goosefoot translated but with egg I'm interested to see how he's gonna make that into an omelet or how he's gonna fry it you fried that like pancake style in the wok with a lot of oil flipping it rotating at shaking the wok to get that even distribution of heat and just like sizzling with oil that smells and looks so good its crunchy its golden it's cooked with that herb evenly distributed in it so another family has arrived I believe from 10 days and what's cool is the kitchen really is the hangout so usually as they arrive they come here it might even be family of the family here but it's immediately as they are right people just congregated in the kitchen because this is where the conversation happens this is where the cooking happens this is where the fire is and probably even more so in the winter when it's really cold people would just hang out in the kitchen but this is people talk people hang out people converse and smell the aroma of the food before actually being able to eat the food but I think we are getting post like there's at least a few dishes that are finished and he's putting the finishing touches on the rest of them in a bunch of oil he fried off some thin slices of pork he added in a number of vegetables he added in wild mushrooms that they collected here some of the vegetables and that's just like a mix of so many things in a flame of a wok fire with so many sauces that he's adding sesame seeds it's still good that looks like a proper country forest dish with so many of you natural ingredients in it really like six or eight different dishes all like an easy Mountain dish look at that the Monto a double mont oh okay take a bite it's the way you combat the heat of a mondo but so many cool there's so many full encourage something that you notice big-time in this countryside Sichuan meal is there's not so much of the heavy red oil that you see like citron restaurants this is much more countryside much more vegetables much more green a lot more maybe a variety of different ingredients and like but still like the powerful wonderful Sichuan flavors and the ingredients and this looks amazing it's just three of us eating here this piece of them I got ya of course I'll taste everything but I think I got to begin with the pin vanilla vanilla omelette mm-hmm so kind of oily and so it's salty and that that herb is kind of like neutral tasting when it's inside Amla very smoky tation act it's perfect with rice so good yeah okay next up for this bamboo which you can see the chilies in it that's it one pepper the chicken oh wow mm-hmm they're so crisp and juicy and full of flavor with that chicken man with the Citroen pepper and comes in nicely there too in a like very complementing kind of way with the heterogenous okay next dish is the dish that I've been eyeing for the entire time with the port with the green onions with the peppers with all sorts of vegetables from right here [Music] so like needy and partying Rick and the mushrooms have a meeting is that I'm doing the real meanie lives in there the metres per flavoring it's time to try the smoke me and is it a rib of smoked meat well you're gonna be burning in a bite like you're gonna a little bone Jack you can smell the smokiness like it's so smoky it's old mmm it's so fatty but the batter just like gone into the meat minced associations well tenderness of the everything is local everything is from here and it's not like nearly as oily or heavy as some of the seafood I guess much more refreshing I mean these are the exact same dishes that you got okay this one is stir fried duck intestines with chilies that one it's really simple I think just with chilling some Szechuan pepper and just kind of like seared off in the Box walk like really bad well their simplicity who of some of these dishes is what makes it so good like it's a meaty that sauce is so immediately but onion you and the mushroom you say [Music] then the final dish that we're going to try this pennant kind of a stew there's potato in here there's the cucumber and there's the beans green beans and I think some of that is some of the the rice rice boiled because they boiled the rice on top and the dripping went down into soup we used like the boiled rice starching here and I had to finish my my bowl of rice before adding this soup here but this looks really hearty really thick really like warming like drink in there so warming and so like refreshing and the cucumber you just sort of like melted into the whole like to dissolve it in her mouth oh finish spot lunch was incredibly delicious but the rain just is not letting up it's maybe even more cloudy actually it's not raining that that hard it's sprinkling but it's just not letting up at all and it's cloudy decided to take a little walk up the staircase to see some of the ingredients and also kind of like just take around but it is really what its slippery its mossy it's so damp the air flattens out a little bit okay so then up here you just start kind of climbing on the rocks in the mud and it's it's slippery Chile's the Argentine Cal Chile okay made it up that flight of stairs and it's beautiful up here kind of in the clouds the mist there's trees all around there's this is where some of our terracing some of their ingredients that they grow begin there's chiles there's eggplant maybe some type of like the squash the the lupins and then the air is so fresh and so like you can imagine this is the native habitat of pandas and kind of that cloud damp forest so lush so rich so biodiverse diverse yeah you got to be careful where you step and also like your footing here because it is slippery on these rocks and mud and moss okay one of the interesting things and something you often don't even think about is that kiwi fruit is native to Sichuan it's native here and so we were just walking through and we found there's a vine coming kind of coming hanging from this evergreen tree with like blooming with wild Kiwis and that's a tiny little one okay it is edible but look right over there let's see fling oh guys a kind of a drop-off well it's still pretty like rock-hard though that is a fresh Kiwi wild qyy in its native habitat Harry it's most earthy but yeah that's very hard like rock hard not quite ripe yet crunchy like a apple it's so sour whoo yeah it is sour and crunchy Wow but that's really good that's like a it's like a lemon almost but Kiwi native to stitch one that's so cool it's good it's like lemon yeah get like really you could use that as a dress awareness yeah really good oh it's really good okay yes I you got a Kiwi essence but it's almost a completely different flavor too what's amazing is that everybody who comes here eats the lunch first and then after that everybody seems to have girl meat later in the afternoon so we got a duck from him but he also is making a rabbit and another family that came they brought a chicken and some other things to grill as well which is I guess the grilled meat is like the afternoon snack but to prepare the marinade what he did he added in a bunch of ingredients chopped up chilies very fine onions ginger then he added in some of the fermented bean paste then he added in some chili oil soutane chili oil he added in I believe some vinegar some soy sauce mixed that all around a variety of other seasonings as well mix that all around into like this thick paste the rub for the meat marinade and then for then he did our he marinated our duck first so he just kind of like really rubbed it down in that sauce got it coated in everything from the ribs to the beak and now he's working on the rabbit and gonna marinate the other meats as well that's a giant rooster for sure like that has to be like a 4 kilo rooster but yeah the way he diced it up he butterfly cutting he put slipped into it so that all that marinade soaks in and again just like just like our duck he's just rubbing that that's actually for the other family that arrived but men that marinade it smells so good you smell the fermented beans you smell the chili [Music] they're marinating they're ready to go so we're outside now they've got some serious games of Mahjong going on there and then over here they are figuring out the umbrella situation and I think they're gonna start the barbecue pretty soon and start the fire they're cleaning off the grill as well but yeah it is still raining I don't think it's gonna let up today at all we're making progress the umbrella is up now the firewood he just brought a load of firewood in a big bamboo basket so we are we are getting closer to the fire being made which is one step closer to the duck and the rooster being Roe and the rabbit being roasted okay so very surprising to me and different from other BBQ styles or variations is that they haven't even started the fire yet yet he picked the duck he's taking the rabbit and he's gonna put the rooster on to the griddle which rotates but also has different layers before they even start to fire at all so I think I think he's gonna like let that fire really blaze because they've got dry wood they're gonna let that fire burn but they're tying the the meat to the to the griddle and really wiring it on there maybe they're gonna rotate it but yeah that's before even the fire is burning which is that's a cool technique all three in a row there's a rabbit there's a duck there's a massive rooster it smells so good already and they're not even like nothing has been cooked yet you bet you smell the fermented beans you smell the chilies you smelled a citron pepper and the cumin in that mirror Berni it looks like evergreen dry evergreen leaves our needles but it just goes up in a cloud of smoke I'm like nothing down because all the smoke goes up to the umbrella but that's just a cloud of smoke already the meat is smoking in that smoke and then he just starts piling on bamboo and other wood dry wood on there that's gonna be a blazing fire that is gonna roast that meat more of a roast than a girl I think that both those pine needles smell really good I kind of like instance somos this has to be one of the coolest rotisserie zyv ever seen I love how the meat is just strung up on this grill just wired up onto this bill and with the raging fire underneath it's more actually he's still kindling that fire and he's slowly rotating it I don't think they're gonna rotate it the whole thing I think they'll like you've changed the levels but it is cool to see this that is a next-level Chinese stitch one barbecue rotisserie duct rotisserie everybody's I just love how in China we're like in the middle of the wilderness on the mountain in Sichuan in the the rainforest and normally it's just me talking to myself on the camera but like in China it's like everybody's on their phone everybody's live-streaming everybody's taking photos nobody minds love the culture and food is the coolest thing ever man that is an absolute bonfire and it is raging it's so hot but now he's facing it with some oil I think rapeseed oil to keep the juices flowing they gotta give it that golden finish touch I think it's an amazing way to cook over such a hot fire buddy just as he keeps on rotating it he ensures that it doesn't burn but it gets that smoke and that high high level of heat so you get that roasty char on it and it's kind of cutting slits in it here's the men and we're just like I can't even stop filming or watching I'm just completely mesmerized by this grill experience another genius technique and again like fire is one of the original ways to cook anywhere in the world and it's still one of the most fascinating one of the most flavorful one of the best ways to cook anything in my opinion right off the duck this is like chef's table it doesn't get better than this four chef's table the charred duck foot it's so crunchy look hot and good mmm and all that like marinated I was just like caramelized on it it tastes like bacon II almost so like just that the fat all I rendered onto it under grandma's supervision now we're just sitting around here like slicing off chunks of the it's such a daddy juicy I don't know how it's so juicy after roasting at least an hour oh is it what are my students okay that's our duck off the grill running back to the kitchen because they'll probably chop it up within seconds oh this is round number two this is meal number two and along with the centerpiece which is that duck and as he was chopping up oh man just the aromatics were coming out of it but he also made a few vegetable dishes there's some green beans there's some pumpkin there's some more of the wild bamboo shoots which you fried up and then another essential citron dish which is the twice cooked part but we have to begin with the duck look at just fatty shoes some women flavorful duck look at that make sure good but you taste the umami of that fermented paste bean paste get like a slight zenus from the Sichuan pepper which was grounded in the marinade just like salty sill flavorful okay this one is the twice-cooked pork it's like caramelized thinly sliced fatty pork with chilies and chili oil oh it's delicious like that that is a harmony of caramelized meat you taste the ginger in those and the pickled chilies but those bamboo shoots to begin with are some of the best ever the freshness of them and like the the clean crunch to them without being screaming at all okay next up for the green beans it looks like there's a lot of garlic added well amazing yeah so much garlic it almost tingles your tongue like everything is so fresh everything is so vibrant what stands out is everything is taste the way it should taste and he's an amazing cook okay I'm gonna reach any put some of that pumpkin pumpkin soup like a pumpkin boil and it looks like he's like this straight disintegrated pumpkin yeah that's just like falling apart tender there's still pure only pumpkin I think baby fits pretty good pumpkin knives name Cheers Gombe gumbo may actually means like a swing by Joe has offered us some yeah home infused by Joe yes cheers man what a day oh yeah that's good loose we're all sweet and fruity yup okay so at their table they were the ones that had the rabbit on the spit and we gave them some of our duck and they they switched us or some other rabbit a little meat swap and so we're gonna chase the rabbit and this gravel was on the fire for so long and like it is kind of like dehydrated but not in the back kind of way like it it's still moist enough he was telling us like they loved it crispy hi that's the style they like then it does work somehow it just works baste it in oil with that like thick marinade we have come to the end of that meal and for sure the most exciting part of this entire meal experience was the Sichuan Chinese barbecue with the marinade and that technique of roasting it over the open fire spread out the duck was amazing and just yeah the whole like community aspect learning about citron culture and just that how cool people are here I mean they're so chill they're so relaxed playing games hanging out and again I've said this multiple times but just the socializing culture it stands out in see John and I want to say a big thank you to this entire family for hosting us how are you how are you what's your name thank you nice to meet you I also want to say a huge thank you to Jordan from Chengdu Food Tours for arranging this for setting it up for me for joining us he's old he's so knowledgeable about six-one food and I'll have his link in the description box they offer tours in Chengdu yeah I want to see a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click Subscribe and also click little bell icon that way you'll get immediately notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching goodbye from Sichuan China see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,359,026
Rating: 4.8289442 out of 5
Keywords: Chinese food, Chinese street food, Sichuan food, Sichuan Chinese food, food China, village Chinese food, food in China, China, travel China, Mark Wiens, Sichuan China, things to do in Sichuan, Chengdu, Chinese bbq, bbq, barbecue style, how to bbq, food videos, food vlog, travel vlog
Id: v-UOG9lV1gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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