Street Food in China - ULTIMATE 14-HOUR SICHUAN Chinese Food Tour in Chengdu! (Part 1)

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Chengdu Sichuan China which is one of the greatest food cities on earth known for mouths numbing citron peppercorns and spicy chilies and today we're gonna go on an ultimate Chinese Sichuan street food tour of Chengdu I'm gonna meet up with Jordan and Anita from Chengdu Food Tours who have arranged you should see this list of food that they have lined up it's gonna encompass some of the best and like a full range of citron street food in Chengdu and so if you watch this entire video make sure you watch this entire video all the way through to see all of the food to get the full range of situation ease Street food in Chengdu [Music] [Music] we're starting at 8 a.m. this is gonna be a long day of food we're gonna eat throughout the entire day starting from 8 a.m. all the way until tonight it's going to be a lot of food and we're on our way to go eat breakfast Jordan hey good how are you good nice to meet you nice to meet you all all right so we met up with Jordan from Chengdu Food Tours what's up Jordan where we going first we're going to place called char Chow balsa so Bowser it's like the steam stuff bus I'm just on the corner here super popular morning spot okay like uh let's go over after the first location and we're gonna meet up with our new tech gear hey Mark nice to meet you thank you do they have a special type of Bowser here I usually love the Shambo which is like all needs Oh awesome but they have a couple of different way different kind like they have a sweet kind and then they have like some side dishes like this is a like some saw you being soy bean milk and like kanji it's an amazing little kind of shop house Bowser restaurant and in the back they're making the bow sell fresh that you know your to get it's so fresh they're cutting up the go and they go at the main version that you get is like a full meat bow subversion so they fill it up they put it on to the steamers looks like a mix of you know whatever meat is this pork your main onions 14:13 onions they mix it into the little buns and then steamed them and then they sell it at the front of the shop they do have some seats here but I imagine a lot of people take away as well yeah definitely a big big take away culture and then another big thing about chungu yes but every meal is homemade pickles okay every shop has like homemade pickles and there's like a free [Music] and so we got two different versions the main version is that like just pure meat for closet but then they also have a sweet version let's try the meat first you can kind of break it up or you can just like eat the whole thing oh we could just see like the the juices and the oily meats kind of like squeezing out as you pull it out open oh yeah it smells so good it's kind of fatty meat so it's like oily and juicy on the inside it's salty and then you got the crunch of the green onions in there well it's incredible and the fluffy like gooey steamed bread that specialty here is also the dough the the batter the I guess the dough the bread because it's like slightly fermented and they keep it going with the next batch for the next day so that just keeps it alive its alive it's a living though living the bread move oh well and that's incredibly tasty yeah again I love that Rachel with so much meat and the perfect amount of bread to go with it I think it's a mix with mostly cabbage cabbage radish in there every place has their own mix too so it sometimes changes season to season based on what's available okay and then finally the the soy milk to chase it down [Music] and that just like completes the entire trio the bowels of the pickles the soymilk wash it down it's slightly sweet so that also contrasts the saltiness of the bowels and the fattiness it's good it's a perfect combination like this is exactly what you want to be eating for breakfast for your first bite in chendo in the morning probably the best boss I've ever had that mix of me and I think their bread actually is the real highlight that that bread and if you I went back and saw him making a new fresh batch of the bread of the dough and he makes this like massive like the the entire back kitchen and counter is just filled with this dough and it's really wobbly it's really soft it's so supple he like needs it down and it is like it is like fists and fingers just like sink and do the dough that was delicious we are now moving on we're off to a great start this is an amazing city we've jumped out of the van now and we are on our way to one of the fresh local markets Jordan says as one of his favorite markets in central Tunde are gonna see some of the ingredients that are essential for situation especially citron peppercorns in the full array and then there's also going to be a lot of snacks and things to eat within the market as well there's another Bowser spot man there's just like food just pouring onto the sidewalks and just like through the lanes and streets of chunder this is a food paradise before we've even arrived at the market there's a man on a motorbike cart and he has what is probably the biggest can swimming pool of coagulated duck blood that I've ever seen it's just a swimming pool of duck blood congeal the blood of and so what you do and you order he'd grab he fishes out some of the duck blood chunks I hads on some spring onions he adds and I believe like some garlic oil and then some situatio and that does other places in there it's inside of that chili off yep cool another common situation do stupid snack yeah absolutely love a little duck butt for breakfast dig in and get some that chili oil - for sure yeah the further you go down easier it gets cheers with all that oil look incredible it's just straight up like jello all over 51 oil if your texture experience with the chili oil and like you barely even need to cue it's one of those things that you can kind of like push between your teeth and it dissolves oh it's so good the chili always the texture the helps was like and the garlic enos - well that's delicious do not let like the thought of duck blood turn you away from this spectacular sunmo supersoft with something crunchy exactly and yeah you catch the essence of the bay leaf in there too and then just like that as you go further down it gets juicier and oilier and more flavorful [Music] okay so we've actually stepped down that alley that is the fresh market but just lumps of ingredients on either side the fresh fruit that fresh meat fresh vegetables everything's seasonal what's the name of the market there's a ching-ching shell true market there's a market in every neighborhood because people shop every day you never need to like stock up too many ingredients in your fridge because you can always just come downstairs to the market to buy fresh ingredients it's just one each garlic so I actually call this guy like another garlic click on big garlic so many vibrant amazing ingredients and one thing that we've just checked out is six one type of garlic which is just like a it looks like a shallot but it is like a straight-up chunk of garlic and he has made a friend over here oh man yeah this market is absolutely superb the variety of ingredients and one thing I love is just how its outdoor it fills the lane so you've got the natural light it's busy but at the same time it's people are so cool people are so friendly its vibrant its energetic the trees in like power lines are overhead and another thing that I love that I've learned to love in China is just the quietness I mean you hear people's voices but because a lot of the motorbikes are electric as a parts to other parts of Asia where you hear little odd motorbikes like crackling through the lanes in the markets it's so quiet in China that's something I notice and that helps you to even pick up more on the sounds of people the sounds of people calling the food the sounds of the market you hear the chopping from far away as opposed by the [Music] [Music] citron peppercorn harvest right now so we have like peppercorns are usually dried before you use them but this is the fresh on the mine stuff so there's a lot of different types but basics green and red and have this amazing zesty flavor and again one of the most essential ingredient since each one quiz zine is situation that recording and like Jordan was just explaining it's actually not a peppercorn it's not related to pepper but it's actually a type of citrus and that's why you when your tasted it has this burst of citrusy numbing this but now since its season we normally they're dried too to use but these are fresh we have both green and red because we're gonna try the red citron pepper floor first the Chinese called like flower pepper you know that really you can eat the whole thing right it's an like immediate burst of like ultra citrus eNOS floral eNOS and they actually say I was reading about this I tried peppercorn they say like it actually like confuses your nourish in their nervous system right yeah to make it feel like whatever the chemicals touching is is vibrating so it's not the numbing is a little bit of misnomer too because there's tingling sensations right it is active it's like something's dancing on your tongue and lips I love it well that's so precious battery exactly those are so intense they're so strong so powerful I'm just like juicing my mouth but sometimes it's almost so intense that like like I guess your palate is producing so much saliva you can barely talk and you're good like you can barely swallow it's amazing but you can comment it with a sweetness like a persimmon oh yeah oh wow the sugar immediates the tingle so that immediately combats the tingle of your mouth very cool so same different variety like maybe 60 plus different types but effectively the same thing like you can taste this is him but a total different flavor it's like unbelievably say Tracy it's like the moat but you it also has like this bitterness like the almost like wow that is an intensity of flavor the best thing about it is then mixing it with the oil mixing it with chili mixing it with dishes to like harness that flavor into an entire dish of citron food I meant it together we've stopped by at the market their favorite by Joe stall which is local liquor I think it's time to taste a little bit after that search one pepper I get that keep the juices flowing this morning so this is like sour plums basically they put a little sugar in there to help it go it smells really good like berry yeah this is easy to sip it's not too strong it's very very fruity tastes like juice almost yeah sour sweet one goes like very well a food is like easy easy intro into the video category so you can infuse with like different things from like fruits to flowers to like Chinese Maddie says so they do all do it like different things the oldest mantis flowers are blooming right now used by Joe Jordan is at home here I think he's he's serving himself another cup the bartender thank you [Music] citron sausages and citron smoked meat its smoky it's really soft and tender it is fatty mmm smells very like smoky oh it's so good okay my taste buds are not fully functioning at the moment I don't know I can taste the whole thing okay and then this one is the situation for that big fat cap on top - like total different texture but like the softness of that it's not chewy like some preserved smoked meat it's just like crumbly in your mouth such a burst of smoke in it it's incredibly tasty [Music] next up we are stopping at a little cell she has some fermented rice but it's like it's just like the initial stage of fermentation where it starts to turn a bit alcoholic but it's almost like a pudding you can actually still see the grains of rice so we're just gonna have a little taste test of it okay conveniently I still have my spoon from the duck blood in the wintertime you boil beer with it and drink hot beer you mix it into some sweets as well mmm well it's cool nice and cool that's really sweet at first and sour and then you taste like a little kernels of rice but the rice has totally like transformed into like cottony they're almost cockney is what it is the texture of it and it's just so juicy it is like sugar juice and so one of the most common street food snacks in ton do is roast rabbit and rabbit is actually a very very common protein in citron as well so what they do is they roast the whole rabbit then what's convenient is that they they don't just serve it to you hole on the spit on the what they do is they shred the entire rabbit bones in all and they put it into this mixing bowl and add in again that sitchin Kilis ass mixture they added some oils they add in some sesame seeds she tosses that up like a like a shredded rabbit salad mixture and then serves it to you in the back and here it is it's ready man and so there's chilies in there there's peanuts garlic commendeth soybeans everything is unbelievable you've got the smokiness of the rabbit and the rabbit is so like stringy tender but crispy on the the skin and then the way they mixed in that oil it just kind of like soaks in it just absorbs into the wrap like a sponge of juicy oil chilies and peanuts peanut the nuttiness of it something you could just like snack on without even thinking about it until you finish the whole rabbit or two and like because it's reddish some of the pieces are boneless but then you get to nan some of the bones when you get one it's like that hmm I've kind of cartilage II but again you've got just that contrast and diversity of textures and flavors all at the same time which is what makes it exciting [Music] from here I think we are moving on out of the market the market has been this is an exceptional must-visit market when you're in Chengdu there's so much action and at the same time there's like still plenty of space to walk around and this is where you can really see the ingredients in full bloom of Sichuan Chinese Street food we have emerged into a totally different area of Chun do now and anita was explaining to me that this is an area that she used to live in and there's this noodle spot kind of behind the parking lot that she's taking us to now that she used to come to frequently when she lived in this area [Music] yeah sure they'd be great [Music] okay so they have this massive like steaming wok full of boiling water and the fresh noodles and we're just waiting for them to cook but they in the bowls they actually dish out the sauces the chili oil the green onions the different seasonings and then he's I think we're to go I think we're waiting on the noodles to finish cooking and that he's gonna scoop that into the bowl so all the toppings are the on the bottom as well but that is just the again like a massive bubbling block of just floating stringy tingly tingly noodles and that's gonna be so good and then yeah like Anita was explaining she guards that other pot of the meat there that you can add extra toppings on which is optional but for us it's mandatory let's sit down let's turn left like we said earlier every restaurant every new those shops they have their own homemade pickles people go cabbages and then you do a sound like adding extra topping okay and we got a now run to the table because those are hot and fresh across the strip we got a table you want to mix it up when it's hot and fresh at its finest when those noodles or so and that's smells so good it is absolutely crucial to mix the noodles fast because all that sauce is on the bottom and we want to mix it while it's hot and fresh so that otherwise you'll get a clumpy noodle so we got to mix it fast and you can really taste it feel the difference between those two different meats one is almost like beanie it almost looks like like starchy whereas the meat that sheet guards at the end is more like crunchy meat oh it's so hot and fresh and it looks so good okay I think I'm fully mixed I cannot wait for my first bite could help juicy oily needy that is not chewy starchiness of those noodles yeah it's more like a chili fragrance and like a oily meatiness and I love the different textures of meat too that they top on to the noodles at first crunches in your teeth you've got the multiple textures with a gooey noodles that's delicious and so you have the pickles to kind of cut the grease cut to change it up mm-hmm yeah it's almost like a salad like just barely cured cabbage I got drizzled in chili oil because you need that flavor so that's like same style as kimchi or sauerkraut it's like again this intron is store where originates from but the bacteria that ferments with is lactobacillus which is probiotic so it's good for you but also they figured in Chinese medicine a long time ago that helps of digestion so you get carbs you have pickles and then it's gonna like help you while you do you more okay so additionally it's also common and you see people what's amusing is you can go up with your own bolt through the to the noodle wok and dish yourself some of the noodle water as a soup yeah it's just plain I mean it just has a little bit of that starch from the noodles that has boiled out a little bit milky but mostly just like hot water and that just that does it's very like soothing because the noodles are so flavorful and so rich and then as you get to the bottom of your bowl it just starts getting more and more rich because all that like oil has accumulated down there it's even more flavorful yeah slurp down the oil no super it's so good the texture of the noodles and you can tell that this is the type of place that has a lot of loyal neighborhood people I mean you just come straight down from your condo this is exactly what you want to be eating and I'm sure like if I lived in that condo right there I would be down here every single morning for that bowl of noodles it's extremely tasty extremely flavorful filling because of that starch in that oil and that meat that was good our walking next to go eat some dumplings before we go eat lunch a dumpling spot is in like apartment complex and there's some guards some dogs kind of guarding our entrance that we're gonna pass by yeah they're pretty they're pretty chill out this is so great entering into a neighborhood apartment complex and I mean one of the signs of food at a place like this is just you know it's gonna be comfort food you know it's going to be like everyday just delicious food that people again come straight out of their condo out of their apartment downstairs eat very cool spot so yeah we're on the bottom of the apartment complex and then and they have a small little dining room here but we're here to eat the dumplings she's boiling the dumplings she's also just explaining that's a little bit about her story and how she comes from such a food oriented family she was the young age to do as a kid so she learned to cook from her father so she's she's an expert she specializes in dumplings these are like traditional situations boiled with pork and ginger on the inside and that you can see that noodle starchy wrapper yes kayo telling [Music] okay after she boils the dumplings he puts them into a bowl and then they're like the real Scituate is the toppings because then she adds on some soy sauce which is a homemade soy sauce she adds on a spoonful of raw garlic which you can smell and homemade chili oil and then of course like the rest of the dishes you got to stir it up fast coat you want that sauce to just coat everything that you eat and I love these massive chopsticks these are like these are like noodle chopsticks Delta homesick afternoon that would sit over show you for you mark just a minute okay and I love these mega mega chopsticks [Music] the balance of flavor on that it's like it is a little bit sweet it's really garlicky and then like the meat is almost like it almost tastes like scrambled eggs kind of on the inside because it I mean like crumbly and then just thing on that sauce coating got oiliness that's so tasty and there's sesame flavor let's new those super nice it's like fake and true three and spicy of same time these have to be some of the like most thickest angriest like hardiest noodles I've ever seen and they're just like giant strands it's like it's like a tangle a boiled loaf of bread in sauce you really can't step swing us but it looks you know you really can't stuff suing us and then what surprises me is also how nutty it is it's not really spicy but it is Frigga from the oil you taste the sesame seeds in those look those are really really doughy thick noodles and as auntie said you have to like slurp up as much sauce as possible this one here and then this is the screen and is awesome and just resize it think it in your mouth people are slides down and it's definitely okay intended to have some chili oil on your chin it's like a it's a yeah that's a sign that you've been eating well okay so these are heels and yeah these well they're just a total different texture they're more jelly ish there the sauce is also more liquidy rather than thicker and you can smell the vinegar yeah that vinegar like cut Giada the flavor that kilee the nuttiness of the special mood and those noodle just kind of dissolve in your mouth okay and then to finish off this large snack meal of a snack it's like a sweet warm kind of liquid thickened liquid with a fungus and goji berries as well I'm just gonna have a taste of this hmm yeah it's not too sweet I probably still have some chili oil on my chain it's not too sweet but it's kind of like kind of like tastes like melted jelly with the slight like tiny bit of like a cartilage II feel to those mushrooms though it's fungus and then the goji berry and it's good it's very refreshing the restaurant is just filled up and he is busy now making dumplings final dumpling before we actually go to eat that was like real apartment home cooking by Andy some of the best dumplings so home cook didn't puts at all just it and she's so nice she's so friendly and I was relieving she's so busy this place is when we came in here like 10 minutes ago it was empty now it's just packed but that tells you Jordan and Anita we're actually now moving on for the real lunch number one but we've had some unbelievable snacks is it that's her window right there oh it was satisfying [Music]
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,374,639
Rating: 4.8133774 out of 5
Keywords: Chinese food, street food, Chinese street food, China, Chengdu, Sichuan, Sichuan food, street food in China, Sichuan street food, Chengdu food tour, Chengdu street food, Chengdu food, things to do in Chengdu, Mark Wiens, best Chinese food, chili oil, best Chinese food in Chengdu, baozi, street food videos, best street food, noodles, Chinese noodles, noodles tour
Id: A91yUNwkQGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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