Vertical BBQ - 13 Goat Legs Kebabs!!🔥MOST UNIQUE Iranian Food! | Baluchestan, Iran!🇮🇷

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Don’t forget the salt. Whiskey and water get me to my happy place but water alone doesn’t always work so well.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/two-thumbs-one-mouth 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

So they make biltong/jerky, dried in the sun

Dried pomegranate arils are a spice called anardana.

In Persia and around the Arabian peninsula they also use dried limes which are ground up (they’re whole dried fruit, hard like rocks) and called loomi, they’re fragrant and spicey

Also dried green (unripe) mangoes called amchoor are cool spices you won’t see in western world countries

Great video, I’m glad I watched it and thanks for posting it!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Gr0und0ne 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

@19:42 they talk about it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BeachSamurai 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

The sun before consuming it.

Talk about heartburn, amirite? I'll be here all week. Seriously, we're quarantined.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Landlubber77 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

And now I’m slightly afraid of pomegranates...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Yestattooshurt 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

That sounds...bad

But I am very curious about it, if it works it works and I would love to try it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Latyon 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Good morning, hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens, I'm in the beautiful Baluchestan Province of Iran, in a place called Chabahar, and today, we have the special opportunity. They're gonna prepare three full goats Baluchi style, where they set up the meat on the open pit fire, using date palm stakes, and so we're gonna see the whole process, we're gonna watch them as they cook, and then, we're gonna enjoy a spectacular traditional meal. But this place is just beautiful, and we are starting the morning now. (upbeat music) Because it's such a beautiful day, I think before we get started, we're gonna take a little walk up kinda the rock section near to the lodge here, and then, just get kind of an overview of this entire, I wanna see it from above, I wanna see this entire area. Should we go up the, up the mountain a little bit? (gravel crunching) Oh man, and it really it is, the lodge is really like a little oasis in the palm trees, surrounded by just desert rocks and dry, but beautiful. (ground crunching) - [Man] That's the Buniken Mountain. - Just a really short walk up here. This is the oasis, and then, there's just so many rock formations, the terrain. And then, over on the left hand side, that is just an amazing rock formation that looks, called Mars Mountain. It looks a little bit like Mars, the formation, the ruggedness of it, and the jagged cliffs of that is impressive. (upbeat music) The stones are almost, you can feel it, it feels like sandpaper. (upbeat music) Such a cool textural landscape, and I'm loving the fresh air, as well. (upbeat music) (man speaking in foreign language) Okay. Excellent to walk around this morning. I think it's time to get started on the goats. (upbeat music) (children chattering) But before we get started, it's time to change into something much more comfortable. (upbeat music) Ah, the pants. (Mark laughing) Oh, perfect fit. This is just, it's so much more comfortable than jeans and a t-shirt. Like the air flow, the bagginess, like drapes, ah, you just feel free and alive. And then, (laughing) traditional greeting style. (men speaking in foreign language) Now we are really ready to start the day. (upbeat music) He just explained to us that the goats, they come from about 500 kilometers away in the mountains, and that's why they have long hair, but the goats are more delicious because they eat the natural mountain herbs, the medicinal herbs, which gives the meat more flavor, and more medicinal value. And so, that's also why they have long hair. Can I see your hair? (Mark laughing) - Good morning, good morning. - Ah, whoa! Micah, look at Mommy. Look at Mommy. - Nice, huh? - [Mark] Beautiful. Look at the women's, local Baluchi women's dress. - Yeah. - Yeah, look at the colors on that, look at that stitching, look at the design and the contrast of colors is beautiful. The contrast of the desert. Yeah, that's beautiful. - Nice, yeah. - Micah, look at Mommy. (men speaking in foreign language) (upbeat percussion music) (man speaking in foreign language) The best way to sit ever. So what we're doing right now is just kind of relaxing, lounging around as they prepare the process of the goats. (upbeat percussion music) Ah, that's wonderful. That's like black tea with mint in it. - [Micah] Mommy, look at me. - Micah. (laughing) This is just the absolute lounging extreme life. - [Micah] Mama, look at Daddy. - The comfort, the breeze, the weather is perfect here right now, but just the hospitality of the Baluchi culture, the friendliness, the warmth, and it's just the lounging atmosphere is unparalleled. (woman speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) Loaded into the wheelbarrow, and we are on our way to the desert, to begin the process. (man speaking in foreign language) Very small fridge. (upbeat music) (men speaking in foreign language) Hello, how are you? (men speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) He is a master butcher, and just his experience, he knows exactly where to, using a razor-sharp knife, he knows exactly where to cut, where to make the slits, how to part them out for the unique process of grilling, Baluchi-style that they're gonna do next. (upbeat music) (men speaking in foreign language) And I love that, that standing move on the brick. (men speaking in foreign language) (meat clattering) (bone crunching) (meat thumping) Now that is a sharp knife. (man speaking in foreign language) (meat thumping) Insane knife skills. Literally, in less than 10 minutes, all three goats parted out, just sliced like butter through the bone. That expertise, that experience is unbelievable. (meat thumping) (metallic banging) On our way next to the date palm, to cut down some stakes for the goat roast. (men speaking in foreign language) (knife sawing) That's okay, that's okay. - Sorry for this. (men speaking in foreign language) (palm leaves swishing) Dangerous. - Very sharp, very sharp. - Oh, sharp. - Yeah. You have to be very careful with the date palm fronds, because the bottom leaves are extremely sharp, like needle-sharp, so we got some of the date palm fronds, and then, there's also some more, whoa. There's also some more already that they brought. But just the importance of the date palm, in this area, for the fruit, for the fronds, for the, everything is used, everything is so important and they're also very, I think compared to coconut trees, compared to other palms-- - Palm Baluchistan. - Palm Baluchistan, yes. - Palm Baluchistan. (Mark laughing) - They're very strong and very durable, and you can just feel that in the leaves. - Yes. - And the fronds. But before they start making the date palm stakes, we're gonna build the fire first, to prepare the first so it's ready. (men speaking in foreign language) I can't understand, but I can see their motions, they're feeling the wind, the wind direction for the fire also, which they need to take into account. (men speaking in foreign language) Of all the methods of cooking, open fire tops them all. (men speaking in foreign language) (wood thumping) Yes. - Okay! - Okay. (group laughing) Yes. Changed into something much more comfortable. - Blue football team and a red one. This is very important. (Mark laughing) - I can't even imagine how big the fire's gonna be, or how they're gonna light it on fire, 'cause there's full logs, and the dryness of it. (leaves rustling) - [Man] Ah! (group laughing) (men speaking in foreign language) (fire crackling) (fire roaring) (branches rustling) - The name of this style-- (speaking in foreign language) (Mark speaking in foreign language) - Yeah. - Which means like, hunting and cooking? - Yeah. (speaking in foreign language) means hunting. - Hunting and cooking, and that's exactly like, you can just imagine how it was invented. It's just straight sand, desert, fresh meat, dry wood, bonfire. (upbeat percussion music) Seasoning with salt, making sure to get the salt into every little cut and crevice that he made in the meat before. (bones banging) (palm fronds rustling) (knife sawing) (palm fronds rustling) (man speaking in foreign language) (metallic slicing) (man speaking in foreign language) Just trimming up the fronds now, taking off the leaves, taking off those razor-sharp needle spikes. (knife sawing) (wind rustling) (fire crackling) (knife slicing) All of the stakes, all of the date stakes into razor sharp at the tip. (men speaking foreign language) All natural skewering, and Hamid is waving away the flies. (both laughing) Spears, he's spearing the meat. (men speaking in foreign language) This technique, it's an all-day process, and we're not gonna eat the goat until this evening, because then, it's gonna roast for three hours. So we're having a snack. (men speaking in foreign language) We're all hungry. (laughing) Bread, there's lentils, there's chickpeas, there's some vegetables, and I think some cheese. (men speaking in foreign language) Mm. Oh, that's good. Like tomatoey, Baluchi spices in there. And lentils. (men speaking in foreign language) Mm, yeah. Hungry. And back to the fire, the massive barbecue, and walking up to it, you can just feel the heat coming off of it. You can even feel the sand is hot all around it, the fire's died down, and it's just, he's kind of building it up again, though, and then, the flame has died down. You've got coals, the logs are, coal's now hot embers, oh, man, it's just like a wall of heat, a square wall of heat just blasting in your face. (upbeat music) (metallic clattering) Okay, it's time. Run as that first skewer goes in. (fire crackling) (men speaking in foreign language) Right here, you can feel the heat just coming in, and they're also doing it by the wind, so you can feel the heat just radiating. Okay, next one, in. Gotta be fast. Ooh, yeah, that smoke. Burn the camera? Yeah, melted the camera. - Is melting right now? - No, it's okay. (both laughing) (fire roaring) Yeah, you can hear that. (men speaking in foreign language) (child chattering) My face is on fire, but he's like sprinting through the whole line of fire, through the lane of fire, lane of flame, setting them up in a line, so they get heat on both sides, and they also get smoke, and it's actually a really slow roast because it's not direct fire. It's, the fire is quite a ways distance from the meat, as well. And so, that's, they said it's actually gonna take three hours, but what an outstanding process. You are amazing, amazing. And he's just walking through that lane. If you've walked through that lane, oh man, that flame, that smoke, that, wow, that's amazing. What a technique. (men speaking in foreign language) (fire crackling) (men speaking in foreign language) (Hakim laughing) How does it feel down there? - It's hot. - Roasting. Ooh, that's hot, yeah. (upbeat percussion music) I think they're all on the grill now. I think that's everything, the ribs, the legs. You can see the fat starting to melt into the sand. That hiss, that smoke, the whistle of the fire, it's gonna be in the, we're gonna call it the lane or the alley, the lane of fire for three hours, slow roasting. (upbeat percussion music) Oh, the three heads, which they're gonna also do a very, very special, very unique cooking method, underground, wrapped in its own stomach, I believe, like a football. Cooking technique. (man speaking in foreign language) (foil rustling) (people speaking in foreign language) (wind rustling) - Which is? (man speaking in foreign language) Intestine. - One of the intestines, right? (intestines squelching) (metallic banging) He takes the stomach, stuffs in the head, and then, stuffs in the intestines and the trotters, the hoofs, it's like a goat football. (Hamid yelling) (Mark laughing) (upbeat music) (men speaking in foreign language) The heads under the hot sand, where the coals were before, and then, piling some of the coals on top, piling, now, some of the sand on top. Just bury, they're gonna bake until they're completely soft meltedness. - Goat football! (both laughing) (men speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (men speaking in foreign language) - He is the man, he is the chef, absolute. The absolute hero of the day. (group laughing) (men speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) So the goat skewers are still slow grilling, slow roasting, barbecue. The heads are in. I've never anticipated roasted meat so much in my life. It's been an entire day-long process. We started in the morning at like 8:00 a.m., and now it's almost probably 4:00, 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. already. (metallic clanging) (fire crackling) And what's the name of the dish? - Kabbab Khaddi. - Kabbab Khaddi. - Kabbab Khaddi, yeah. - Kabbab Khaddi. Pomegranate and lemons? - And lemons. - Okay, so-- - And some spices. - One more dish, they actually saved two pieces of the, that's why there's only 11 legs on the barbecue. They saved one leg, and also, a ribcage, I think and they made this paste of dried pomegranate and lemon juice, which they're gonna, and pepper, dried pepper, which they're gonna rub onto the lamb, onto the goat, sorry, and then, that's another dish that we're gonna eat. (child yelling) (man speaking foreign language) - [Man] So it was for ages ago, when they didn't have the electricity. - Ah. - To keep the meat. - It preserves it. - Yeah. So they mix it with dried pomegranates and salt, and then, they put it in front of the sun, and they keep it for two years, one year, just to make sure the meat is drying, as well. - Especially the dried pomegranate, it acts to preserve the meat and they say they rub it on there, they leave it in the sun for two days, that dries, that dehydrates, that preserves it, and they said they can keep it for up to two years, so we're actually not gonna eat this meat. They're just showing us the process, but they have another one that's already been dried that's ready to eat, that we're also gonna try tonight. What a very cool, ancient Baluchi technique. (men speaking in foreign language) Oh, prepared, as well. - The rice. - The rice. - And you have it with ham. - Yes, for sure. Oh. (both laughing) Mm. - Mm. - Mm. - Mm. - Oh wow. Oh, it's incredible. He already had a pan prepared. - It's sour. - Mm. What? - (speaking in foreign language) means it's sour. - Sour and jerky, salty. - More. - Yeah, see, (mumbling) (both laughing) So he is an expert on-- - And he's, both. - They're experts on it. (both laughing) (people speaking in foreign language) (meat banging) (people speaking in foreign language) We're on our way to go eat. Oh, oh, oh. (man speaking in foreign language) (Mark muttering) Oh, that is hot. (man speaking in foreign language) Mm, oh, wow. - Okay? - That is so tender. (man speaking in foreign language) And crunchy. Oh, that's insane. That is so good. Oh, the herbs, and the natural flavor of that. That is, wow, that's good. (upbeat percussion music) (men speaking in foreign language) - Mark, come and sit. - Okay. - Give it to (speaking in foreign language). (men speaking in foreign language) - Yes? - Yes. Yes, see what I'm doing. Okay. (Hamid speaking in foreign language) - Okay. - Yes. - Yes? - Yes. - Okay. (men speaking in foreign language) - Wow. (men speaking in foreign language) Oh, that part was so tasty. It was so tasty. Okay, so you can. Oh, yes, thank you. Yes. It's like food by the, masses of food. Oh, wow. (men speaking in foreign language) Sword fight, we could sword fight with this. Our own drumsticks. (men speaking in foreign language) Look at the fatty tenderness of that. It's just oozing with natural juices. (people speaking in foreign language) Oh, that's hot. Mm. - Yours is so fatty. - So fatty. You can literally taste every herb, you can taste the mountain in that goat, just the naturalness in it. (men speaking foreign language) Mm, the fat is where the flavor is. Mm, mm. Oh, and mixed with that green chili flavor, the fumes of the green chili just kinda go up your nose. Oh, Hamid, I'm gonna have a souvenir to remember. (Hamid laughing) Look at that bite. Finger licking, finger licking. Thanks for holding the light. And just look at me. This is an ultimate Baluchi feast. Just the outside has fully crisp-- (meat crunching) listen to that crunch. Listen to the crispiness and then, you get in the center, and it's just perfect. Look, oh, look at that fattiness. Oh, unbelievable, look at that piece. The glisten, and that's just crunchy goat with fat. Wait, look at that. Mr. Taster. Oh, wow. That is luscious. - It's for you, here you go, man. - Oh man, thank you. (people speaking in foreign language) - I'm experienced in finding the best pieces. - Mm, look at that piece. - Yeah! (laughs) - Mm, wow. Oh, that tastes like, what's amazing about this technique, of the way they've grilled it, is that the outside of it is crispy, and again, the inside remains so fatty and juicy. Oh, and that's the rice. - This is the (speaking in foreign language. - (speaking in foreign language) rice. - [Hakim] The pomegranate meat. - And every now and then, a bite does taste really good with a little lemon on it, fresh lemon. Mm. (men speaking in foreign language) The fluffiness of that rice, and it's cooked down with the, with that dried preserved-- - Yeah. - Oh. Mm. Yeah, the sourness of the rice from the meat, and then it's herbal, too, like minty or something. - Mm. Yes, because that's the pomegranates. It's sour. - Oh, and there's, oh, yeah. - Can see the meat, yeah. - Yes, it's kinda like shredded in there. And it's oily, too, from the goat, too. Wow, it's amazing. With the best, the best drumstick ever. (people speaking in foreign language) Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh! - [Man] Right there, okay. - That will make it digest easier. (both laughing) (group speaking in foreign language) Wow. Worth the wait. That was worth every second of the wait. (metallic clattering) (both laughing) Do you see that? The joint, and. (both laughing) (metallic rattling) (goat crunching) Oh, wow, this is just, look at that. Look at that mixture. (group speaking in foreign language) (upbeat percussion music) - Mark. - Mm-hmm? - [Hakim] You ready for a sheep's head? - Oh yes. (Hakim laughing) Yes, I am. We still have sheep's head. (upbeat percussion music) - [Hakim] Do you think this one was the best? - Yeah, this is the best. - I mean, the whole service, yeah? (men speaking in foreign language) - Check this out. This is straight up ankle skin, crispy ankle skin. (crunching skin) (upbeat percussion music) We've got about two hours until the goat heads are ready, so we're gonna lounge around, we're gonna relax, and coming up, that's gonna be dessert. (man speaking in foreign language) (ground crunching) Wow. - Wow. - Wow. (laughing) - It's boiling. - Yeah, it's boiling. They just pried it out of the coals. It's been sitting there for like eight hours, in the hot sand, in the hot coals, and it literally, it's boiling inside of that packet. You can hear it just juicing, like the oil just flaming. (men speaking in foreign language) It smells great. You know it's a goat. (metallic crunching) (men speaking in foreign language) (metallic crunching) It's like one of the most goaty smelling things I've ever smelled. It's like, and it's just like, one of them, it looks still like the stomach. The other one is almost transparent, it's been cooking so long. The whole stomach is transparent. It's like a steaming goat sack. (laughing) Oh, you gotta smell that. (men speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (men speaking in foreign language) This is what it comes down to, midnight goat heads. Wow, wow, that's just fatty, even the eyeball is just hanging out. - Yeah. - Look at. - So that's the eye. - Eyeball? - Yeah. It's really hot. (laughing) - [Mark] The fatty oiliness of that, wow. - Go for it. - All right. Wow. Oh, wow. That's just like gelatin. - Yeah. - That just like melting goat. Oh, yeah, that is goaty tasting. Oh, but wow, that's good. Literally just melting, melting. - [Hakim] The best sheep's head I ever had. - Yeah. - Seriously. - Yeah. That's melting socket. (metallic grinding) Is that tongue? - Yeah. - [Mark] Eye socket was fatty. The herbs in this goat is just. Next up for the tongue. - Wow. - Oh, wow. Oh, the tongue is just caramelized and tender. (Hakim laughing) (group muttering) That is so good. You could just squeeze it, and oil would come out, goat oil. And again, even within the head, you taste every herb. - Yeah. - From the mountain. (bones cracking) Wow. - [Hakim] Try this one. - Whoa. That's the most herbal brain I've ever had, too. It's so herbaceous. The best midnight goat head I've ever had in my life. - Yeah. (laughing) Let's-- (dog barking) No, no, no. (speaking in foreign language) - And my final bite, I'm ending with the hoof. Wow, that is just sticky, like gummy gelatin, that, again, tastes like herbs, goat herbs. Wow. It feels like, it's the texture of Vaseline. Literally, like you feel it on your lips. That's just collagen, gelatiny goatiness. - Thanks to Dor Baluch. - Yes. - And thanks to Casa Sitari. - And Salam Jabahad. - And Salam Jabahad. - Thank you. - Don't forget it. - Huge thank you, and also, to the chef, who just-- - Abdurahim. - Abdurahim. - Abdurahim is the chef? Okay, one more bite. Oh. That melts in your mouth. That's like the cheek, right? That's cheek. Oh. - Yes, that's cheek. - Oh, yeah. Wow, okay. Again, best midnight goat head I've ever had in my life, hands down. I love how friendly and how relaxed the culture is here, and the pace of life is here, and that was an entire day process, worth every moment of it and yeah, I'll have all the links in the description box. Go check out Mr. Taster, as well, and I'll have all the information about everything we did today and everyone that hosted us, and everyone that we met and I wanna say a big thank you to you for watching this video. Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, and if you haven't seen the rest of all the videos in this Iran series, be sure to click the link below. I'll have a playlist, where you can watch all of the Iran food and travel videos and that's gonna be it. Goodnight from Chabahar, and I will see you on the next video.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 6,767,148
Rating: 4.7482376 out of 5
Keywords: Iran, Chabahar, Persia, Iranian food, Middle Eastern food, bbq, bbq style, Baluchestan, Balochistan, Mark Wiens, Mr Taster, food videos, street food, food vlog, travel videos, travel vlog, best food videos, food tv, Iranian food videos, Persian food, Balochistan food, Baluchi food, best barbecue, best bbq, Dor Baluch
Id: a4AnLUhO5QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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