China Mac Reflects on 10-Year Bid Over Shooting Jin's Associate

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we had interviewed gin in the past and there was a situation that happened that you were involved in that you ended up going to prison for so you know I just want you to explain kind of like the whole situation we know what led up to it what happened and kind of the after-effects of it well I mean long story short yeah I'm saying um Jim Joe I had never met Jim before that mention never had really no into action before that day but you know Jim Jim was hanging out we're on we're like you know I wouldn't say they were robbed I mean they were they were rival gang members I'm saying because I was I was part of a gang called ghost shadows and it was part of another set which you know we were it wasn't like it was war but it was like you know it was always like you know uneasy I'm saying so um when I had came home cuz I came home from armed from a three-year bit before that I mean so I came home and then when I came home one of them you know one of them dudes they had state they was starting to get into the rap [ __ ] so I'm saying another Asian doing over Chinese dough he was sawing to get into the into the rapping [ __ ] and on one of the gang members was like you know hit you know they owned the club and you know they was like you know they they was on they were sponsoring him like he was he was he was what I was so jim was hanging out with them so on that particular night that the [ __ ] happened um I was strapped and I had just came from another situation where you know I took my head somewhere else so you know when I went into the bar my head was already gone I'm saying so it wasn't so when I got there I took a couple of drinks I had a couple drinks in my system man and Jen was there so I wasn't really paying on - Jen I'm saying on but my man had came up to me and was like yo you know Jim had on was like you know had all like disrespected one of my homies that was locked up I'm Sam was like yo disrespected one of him by like you know doing something to his girl or something to that effect in reality like normally I wouldn't have even paid that really no mind I would have told them to handle it but because I was like my mom was already gone yeah I'm saying I was just like I would ever like what's up so they went over there they were Jin had walked to the bathroom so the spot it was called yellow yeah I'm saying the spot was a narrow spot in Chinatown and son Jin had walked into the bathroom like so that there's like a you know not before you walk into the bathroom there's like a little area so he walked in through the doors or whatever and my man had went behind him so I'm eating my man like you know number one that was like three of us we went into that little veranda and pressed Jimmy I'm saying so Genesis immediately like he just like you know he jumped up and was like yo yo yo yo yo like you know and then my man was trying to wrestle with him and put him into the bathroom so like while that was happening I kind of like I was standing there and I kind of like grabbed Jin and I kind of like doorman to the bathroom I'm saying he was about to go into the bathroom and then like you know one of the people that he was with you know ran behind like tried to run behind me and my man's that was by the door started tussling with him and I'm saying so when that's Hustle began or like somebody was like yo son got a knife him saying so they're like I turned around I had to hand mommy I'm saying so I pulled out the hammer and then like by that time I was going already it was really like yo I'm saying I was ready to lay something down yeah I'm saying like I was already there I I took myself to a point where I'm just gonna lay somebody down that night yeah I'm saying it wasn't for him it wasn't for Jin it wasn't for others the other door yeah I'm Sam but you know my mom was there ready so my son son say he pulled out the knife I turned around and I pulled out the hammer immediately and then like I had to him him in the back of his head like right you know right where the top of his scarlet like right with her the top of his spine is and I pulled the trigger yeah I'm saying I had the 40 Cal I put the [ __ ] right on his head and I pulled and thank God this [ __ ] Jam I'm saying so like when the jam I I went back I wrote it down and I'm fixing it and then like it got a hairpin trigger I'm saying so like you know anybody that know about that it's like as soon as even such it is going by me I'm saying so like I was already like erratic and then I pulled it up and then I was aiming for his head I was trying to shoot him in the head I'm saying but when I lifted up my finger just like kind of brushed it and then I rang off bomb I'm saying and his son in the back so when I hit him in the back you know Jim was already gone here I ran into the arm he ran into the kitchen he wasn't even nowhere near for that scene I did and then after that you know son hit the floor and then like you know I asked everybody I liked it was a whole club was like probably like 75 people day I'm saying everybody saw my face I'm saying and then I just walked out that [ __ ] so the guy that you shot this was like a friend of gins yeah yeah I mean I don't know if they were friends I'm saying I guess there was acquaintances they was trying to like you know right off the gym co-chair because he was popping at that sound so they was trying to use his fame to get into that you know push there the Chinese gangster movement I guess like you know that type of [ __ ] the guy gets hit you walk out of the club and how soon after that do you get arrested I got the rest of the year later I was on the run for a year they knocked me and on Seattle Washington how did you survive for that year being on the road because it's very different you know being a regular citizen and actually knowing that you're gonna go you know that you're wanted by the police that [ __ ] was rough man I mean like you know cuz at one end it's like you know something's about that and this evil like you won't go you're gonna eventually get not you're gonna go to prison yeah I'm saying at that time I didn't cuz I had to I had to violence strikes already I'm saying in this state like you know three strikes is life I'm saying so at that particular point before I even spoke to a lawyer I already had two violent strikes him saying I had it sent murder not a cutting charge and I'm saying I had a cutting charge from Rikers Island so like on that would have been my third I'm saying that that another sent murder would've made my third and I was like I was looking at it like yo i'ma being here for life yeah I'm saying so it's evil i'ma shoot it out with the police when they when they run down on me or yeah I'm saying I'm going through life or I just keep on escaping and just you know living on on on on nuts and grass and [ __ ] like that I'm saying so you know Chi Chi sat down with me and did his first interview once he got out of prison and he was on the run for a while also he was actually on America's Most Wanted and what he was saying was that he would have to like Rob drug dealers to really kind of get by you know during the time that he was on the run cuz he couldn't just you know you know do the standard illegal thing where you're selling drugs or you know I mean you know doing something of that sort because you get knocked for smoking weed and you're gone for life you have to do something kind of similar now really I'm saying because like on I had I had people I always like had people like that [ __ ] with me man that that like you know and I'm saying it's much bad [ __ ] happen to me I'm saying there's always like supporters I'm saying so like you know throughout that bit throughout that bit you know I mean to what I've run I was able to I'm saying I was able to be okay I mean you know I really didn't do too much and regarded a couple things but nothing too crazy I was just really laid up in spots like I'm saying I really didn't go out too much I just laid up in spots and and just waited and I'm saying I was my plan was to get the [ __ ] out the country I mean so I tried to get to Canada but my [ __ ] was flagged so you got caught trying to go to Canada yeah when they first arrested you did they give you a plea bargain at that point no I was they was they was trying to hit me with the life I'm saying that's what the DEA was running with was like yo they were trying to hit me with the life and [ __ ] and then I had on I hired a lawyer and you know basically what it was was I couldn't get the life because my Jail case the cut-in case like I was sentenced as a felony but they only gave me state time for it so you can you know you you can't you have to have like if you're gonna get felony you have to be charged with a felony in the Sam's and like a violent felony so they charged me as a valid felony but they sentenced me as a misdemeanor I'm saying so I mean they gave me like a year bid or something like that I won't write your salmon that ran concurrent with whatever I was doing so my lawyer was able to argue that and got me to home and got me to lower bed I'm saying um when I went to court yeah I'm saying so I I did like about a year on the island fighting this gin case I mean it wasn't really Jim because you know I didn't shoot Jim I'm saying what fighting that particular case and on and you know I'm saying like um you know I was going through it yeah I'm saying I was on the ammo Valon I'm saying because I thought it was over yeah I'm saying I'm you know I'm doing I'm doing what I'm lashing out I'm saying I'm going out there like you know I'm cutting for phones and and doing all that dumb [ __ ] I'm saying and then like you know but eventually after I realized like you know once they took that that that third felony off that mean that the young Santa the life wolf then I was like I cool I'm saying I could get a flat bit and you know when you were in jail for like big crimes like you dream of a flat bed like [ __ ] would take a 25 the flat like a 25 flat bed and take that [ __ ] like y'all I want that that's what I want yeah I'm saying versus taking a 15 of life because if you take a 15 of life they could just do shoe until you did I'm saying so like you know when they they said I could get a flat I'm just like thank God I'm saying and it was like you always evil from you can either get you know 10 or 15 it's in that range I'm saying so like you know um thank God the lawyer was able to hit me with we were able to all work it down to 11 I got sentenced to 11 years I did on I did 10 I'm saying I just came home and on yeah Jim actually testified at the trial Jen I didn't take it to trial so Jim didn't testify but Jim I seen paperwork Jim definitely told you me um gentle and on the other do at lest oh I'm saying he took the stand I mean I witnessed him take the stand Oh Jen didn't have to take the stand because Jen wasn't you know he wasn't the person that was shot but he did say that it was me he did pick me out of her own out of a photo array I'm saying and um and to talk about that I'm saying cuz I know you gonna talk about anyway so let me just talk about it like on so basically like you know Jen told on me I'm saying so like one of my homies when I came home I'm gonna leave his name you know this clothes I'm not gonna say his name I'm saying but um he's in the game and [ __ ] so when I came home he's salty about Jen you know like yo he ratted on you eh I'm saying something's supposed to rat on you he ratted on you and all that but in my mind like I'm like yo and then I kind of like I never really said anything about it I just let him go cuz I really didn't I'm saying like I was just that's his opinion I'm saying so I let it ride yeah I mean and then like on well I - rewind that like two weeks before I came home Jen wrote me a kite a letter I'm saying and I got the letter and [ __ ] and like you know the letter was from Hong Kong and and Jen I did 10 years Jen never wrote me one letter I'm saying he wrote that letter two weeks before I was able to come up and you know you got you got Internet and all that like everybody know you know everybody know you you can search like and Jen I realized something about Jen Jen is really like he'd be on that he'd be on the internet like he know he'd do his homework I'm saying so like he did his homework and he found out I was poor I was about to come home yeah me and like you know he in a letter I'm saying he was like you know talking about God really God God was like really prevalent in that letter it was like the base of the letter like basically I go you know God has brought me to another situation like another bring me me and to another person and I just wanted to reach out and like cuz God told me to do it and all that and my response to letter was like yo homie like I don't know if it's God or not but I did 10 years I'm saying so you're telling me God told you to holla at me two weeks before I came home like you could told you that five years ago I'm saying so you know that's I mean basically he never admitted it but in my opinion he did it because you know he wanted to make sure that the air was clear I'm saying make sure that you know it ain't no drama yeah I'm saying because he moved on in his life we got kids and he's married like you know I'm saying he don't want no drama yeah I'm saying and I respect that I don't want no drama you feel me so I I respect that he broke me the letter I just wish he would have been like you know more forthcoming with it like you're broke like yeah I'm saying like that instead of really using the Jesus thing I mean but I don't know if he's using it I don't know but that's just what it came to this that's just how I felt about it yeah I'm saying so he hollered at me and then and then on I wrote him back and I told him exactly that I'm saying I told him like yo I told him I don't hold nothing against you I'm saying you told on me but I don't hold that against you because you're not a criminal you're not a gangster you don't live by those codes I'm saying like you know when you're in the street when you pick up that gun you pick up that gang you pick up that drug trade when you get anything with the streets you automatically sign a contract and I'm saying saying that you're gonna live by the street you feel me like yeah I'm saying so I don't know if it's like that now because you know it's a new ever like everybody telling now but this is how it's supposed to be code of the street where soon as you get into that life you supposed to know anything happened like it's on you you made that conscious decision he didn't make a conscious decision to be a gangster so he never really stepped into that thing his fault so I can't really fault him on telling he's a civilian that's like if you know you know that's like if I rob you Vlad for your chain and your violet not run down on you when I run down on you I take his [ __ ] and then I end up clapping you were cutting you or whatever you I'm saying and you tell you go to the police and tell that isn't a rat for that yeah I'm saying Vlad did what Vlad was supposed to do Vlad the civilian they work Vlad the civilian was supposed to do I'm saying so like a lot of people have that rat and [ __ ] twist it I'm saying if you're not into that life and you tell you're just doing your duty as a citizen right yeah I'm Sam but however if you're living that life you serve then you were right yeah I'm saying so like I don't hold gin to that I mean I don't really hold you in I don't hold that gym to that at all so there was no animosity with him like I'm saying like I did what I did which was wrong I'm saying he did what he did I'm saying which was a reaction to what I did I'm saying so like you know and I wrote him back I was like yo it's nothing like I'm saying and then and then like on a while ago like not at the Eminem battle I was I was I was at the Eminem battle and [ __ ] engine like scoping me and [ __ ] and general Jin ran down on me and she he saw me he was kind of like watching me for a little bit I was on line and he kind of like you know he he crossed the street and was like yo yo yo can i holler at you and [ __ ] i'm like yeah we ala I'm saying so they're not we we walk like off the line and I'm with the hot item and he we cleared the air like you know basically me telling them the same thing like you know I ain't got no it ain't nothing like I'm saying I should this over that's water under the bridge I don't moved on I'm a different person now I'm saying and like you know me and Jenna's nothing will it ever be anything will they be like are we gonna be friends like are we gonna do that now we'll never be that I'm saying but we can respect each other on this earth I'm saying if he walked by say what's up I salute him I'm saying and I said like ain't ain't nothing else I'm saying I would never cause no harm to him I wouldn't tell anybody else to calm cause harm to him I went and slammed his name I'm saying like you know
Channel: djvlad
Views: 2,747,276
Rating: 4.6567807 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, China Mac, Jin
Id: GFg66BJO2w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 16 2014
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