China Mac on Getting Shot in the Chest, Stabbed, Tried to Kill Guy Who Stabbed Him (Part 15)

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t grizzly was just caught up in a really horrible situation mmm his aunt / manager was killed in a car that he was in guess someone actually walked up to the car and just our shooting he hasn't really spoken on it apart from you know his pain from losing losing this family member we don't know what the situation is I believe it happened in Detroit right yeah you know you know we're not gonna play the hypnotized hatred busi clipped like we always to but once again you have the situation once again person goes back to their hometown and you have this level of hatred to the point where they want to kill you very sad ma'am you know I just interviewed slim 400 you know right why did you tell me who got shot nine times on his old block you're in your neighborhood in your car yeah okay and I guess you asked some other people a car with you also right yeah I had two broads in the car but uh my vehicle is had a tenant so when I jump out to go see my family like I guess these dudes are on the block waiting for anybody to pull up to do whatever they was gonna do but I was when they called so as I'm walking they already bought to get the pop so once I hear shots [ __ ] I'll get to trying to run Doug give you our cars to get to my folks like garage and house and within me kind of halfway getting there I kind of fall in my bed one of my relatives come out the house why they still shoot nothing [ __ ] they they pulling me and drag me in talking to me trying to keep me alive you know it worked you feel me so ambulance came and took me from there bro but I still fully ate myself I'm studying I'm out you see me I ain't really know what's going on but like I said I got hit nine times got shot nine times and interviews a few weeks later just [ __ ] I mean thank God he made it you know I mean you know there was a situation where you shot you know Jen's associate which we talked about have you ever been shot at yeah how many times you think I got at least four times never got it all right you got it yeah we're watch this you got shot in the chest I like the the buckshots Oh a shotgun yeah you talk about the situation I mean I rather not okay boy that's fair so you got hit in the chest and let's not talk about situation did you think you were gonna die now because it wasn't a bullet uh it was like I was good though I was just like all right yeah did it penetrate the skin yeah definitely so you had pellets oh really actually pulling out the balls out of you yeah [ __ ] didn't hit your face no just just that [ __ ] was like that that [ __ ] was amazing cuz I don't but I should just hit my my chest that that was the first and only time you ever got shot yeah I'm gonna stab you were stabbed yeah okay when you got shot did that completely change your outlook or did that just make you go harder I didn't even I was just like yo I [ __ ] they ain't even get me like I mean I didn't at that time I was just like like [ __ ] [ __ ] ain't even kill me that's how I felt you know I mean um oh yeah what about the stabbing this stabbing stabbing I got stabbed um I got I got hit I got like like right by my heart I got um a punching lung oh she might hit me so your look your local apps yeah oh my god Jesus [ __ ] from my chess does this [ __ ] from those are three knife wounds yeah and then there was something under your under your throat right there that's another knife wound what but that right there this is the spring oh oh oh that's where you got shot with the shotgun yeah oh there's a little area like that yeah okay I thought it just oh it was close range okay okay so someone just stabbed you three times right you talked about that situation not really but it was some gang [ __ ] yeah I mean it wasn't gang [ __ ] um and I I know that I didn't even know that I got stabbed I was so like so like adrenaline was rushing I didn't know how I got stabbed until I got in the car and I looked at my shoe and my [ __ ] was soaked my whole pant leg everything was soaked in [ __ ] and I [ __ ] was I oh sure I hit and then um once the hospital showed me to hospital and drove me to the hospital and then on I went and got surgery and [ __ ] I was in the hospital for like a week - that is to chew up they had to like they had to they had to own my lung was punctured so the stick tubes in me and and all that how did they how do you fix a punctured lung it just has to heal I guess the lung itself has to reconnect somehow or oh you know boom sounds crazy yeah but I know they stuck to me and [ __ ] and um I was there for I was there for for like about two weeks she was right there my next to my heart - okay did you feel differently about the stabbing than the shooting now I was so young I was like just stupid I'm saying I just I got out that [ __ ] and that was his back home you know okay the guy that shot you did you ever see him again I don't even know who did it you don't know who did it the guy was stabbed you yeah asking him but what happened we said I saw each other um I try to I try to kill him I try to I I didn't get a chance I spoke about that on I spoke about that before okay that was a night that the Djinn should happen oh that was aimed I seen him first oh oh the guy who stabbed you you ended up shooting you know that I did the guy that stabbed me I seen him walking down the street and the people that I was with like I looked and I'm just like cuz I never he didn't stab me from the front he stabbed me from my eyes I've never seen him I didn't know who he was but I seen a picture of him so when he when I stopped and somebody stopped to talk to him I'm just like I looked at my god-mom my bro who knows and I'm just like he just gave me that and then for me I knew who he was and I had to cut him up I had to go to my head and you know he jumped in front of the gun and like jumped in front of a gun and [ __ ] and then I'm like no no no so by that's how he he he bounced like the kid ran and I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't no get him okay so instead of going home I went to Chinatown and that's when I seen you know so that's why and the guys were generally associated with the kind no you were just in a state of anger at that point and you were just out for blood right period that's why I wanted to shoot okay
Channel: djvlad
Views: 354,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, China Mac
Id: Rl3ciBv-eXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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