Chilling Security Camera Footage Confirms What They'd Feared All Along CCTV Cameras

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well I'm as surprised as you are that we're having this conversation I mean and it's not even so much about the fact that we're releasing this information as it is that we have this information to release but when you pick this up from three different locations on your property you can't deny the evidence any longer it's right there and it's not just from one angle and from one location is from three different locations I I agree I'm I can't say I'm I'm as shocked as you are but I'm nearly as shocked as you are yes I know I can't believe we're having this conversation right now [Music] exactly I was drinking coffee it's like I am now the first time I saw that video you just saw and as you can imagine I'm I Spit coffee on myself and it was hot and it burned and I didn't want to believe what I saw but then you know we got the same thing from a different angle from a completely different location and my mind told me it was time to believe something that my heart didn't want to this last angle this was just when we knew without a doubt we had to do something and you'll see it in this one as plainly as you saw in the other two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well in the end we did the same thing you would have done we did the same thing anybody would have done it had to be done no we don't have any regrets we thought we would but we don't I mean I think about it but I can honestly say I mean nothing more needs to be said we have no regrets life goes on and on
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 351,500
Rating: 2.9949892 out of 5
Keywords: CCTV, security, camera, cameras, fear, feared, all, along, chilling, chill, scared, scary, scarey, caught, ghost, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, monster, mystery, creature, footage, family, farm, woods, forest, field, interview, decision, homestead, homesteading, off, grid, off grid
Id: GCbi9d1e3Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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