Chicken Valdostana

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hello everybody today we make a chicken [Music] valdosta [Music] for the ingredient we got breast chicken pursuit fontina flour i want to use little wine butter chicken stock salt and black pepper now for starter for the chicken i gotta do the flour and put bacon salted black pepper for the chicken now the flour already i got a salt a black pepper and mix like this now we start with the chicken i pour a little salt each side and we use black pepper okay now we turn the chicken and we put on the other side like this and we do the same like up there on this side okay now it's time to put the chicken bot side flower and we do like this we pack a little bit okay i wanted to be nice the flour like that and we take out yeah put it back over here and we do the same with the rest of the chicken [Music] all right get the chicken ready to go on a stove now okay now we gotta start with the chicken we put the gas on yeah i got over here butter and i got a oil let's just start to put a little oil a water map of the oil okay i got my tongue over here to pick up the chicken okay and now i want to pick up one piece of butter and we put right over here okay now the board is melted it's nice and we started putting the breast chicken and we started [Music] make a nice beautiful color now making sure the gases are not too high i put a million okay you know on the bottom of the chicken because one of the chickens that come out really beautiful all right good okay now we turn on the other side okay beautiful [Music] it will even stay the same a nice color like i got on this side [Music] okay now this is both sides done and now i want to take it out i put right over here in this dish look how beautiful it looks and now we make the sauce i got a flour over here and i want to put a piece of butter the milk and we use a little flour i raise the gas a little bit that's enough the flour the butter i want to use a plastic i gotta want to scratch my pots because you use a steel you scratch the pot so after you got a probably stick okay now i got this we use a little white wine okay you see it made a little thicker and now we got the chicken stock good and now we put the chicken back all right and now we leave a cook a little bit to the chicken with the chicken stock and with the wine okay after we gotta put the pursuit and the fondina okay now this is ready and we're ready they put the pursuit one slide pursuit on the top at the each piece and we do like this now we cover a one of the founding that's a melt the chicken of aldostana be ready one two and three the melt the fontina okay my vulca standard ready to and look how nice he look this chick huh nah it's a time the taste i want to take one piece right over here look how nice take the knife and we move like that and see you want a little bit of sauce on the top or on the side you put it right over here like this when you color the chicken you can dip over there prosciutto crudo this is a really good prosciutto hmm look like to me taste the same when i was working torino de valdostana a little cold glass wine if you really could salute everybody absolutely thank you so much you know when you work you gotta carry everything with you everything you see this pack over here it's about my bottle of wine over here for my beard now when i was in torino this chicken of aldostana it was a dullar everybody get married oh i wanna chicago start really close the friends that's why i learned a little bit about the franchise it
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 65,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chicken Valdostana, valdostana, chicken valdostana recipes, italian cooking, italian recipes, chef pasquale, chicken recipe, cooking show, pasquale sciarappa, orsara recipes, chicken valdostana recipe, italian recipe
Id: cHHQZruWheo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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