Chicken Thighs with Olives & Potatoes

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[Music] braised chicken thighs with some potatoes rosemary olives a little bit of vinegar delicious you know i think thais are underused every part of the chicken except the breast is underused thais are economical they're delicious i love them and so here is a recipe for it a nice large braising pan here i have some vegetable oil because we're going to brown the chicken we're going to brown the potatoes and then we're going to go on and kind of give them the flavors use the chicken some salt just like that so i am looking here if you have if you have a a chicken tie like that and you have these just just cut that off do you like the skin do you leave the skin on i like the skin just cut off this little kind of extra pieces of fat although when you kind of brown them you will lose those those pieces of fat okay i think we are fine let me just lightly flour them okay i think the oil is nice and hot yes skin down first okay all right we're dealing with chicken here so let me go wash my hands a little bit you know a little bowl like this of water and some bleach in there this infects your hands this infects the knife whenever you're cooking or cutting chicken or meat this is a great way to kind of clean things up and disinfect them now we can proceed so while the chicken is browning what else are we going to put in there ah olives the cherry nola this big green olives i love them they're meaty they're flavorful so how do you get this medial you can just kind of cut the meat right off like that or another way to do it is just to kind of whack it like that and you pull the pit out it's not as precise as pretty but it's effective and it's flavorful you know i love it when you go on my social media and because you ask me questions because i have an opportunity to communicate with you and to answer you so here are some of those questions that come to ask lydia this is anna flannery from lewisville kentucky and she wants to know does brazing always have to take such a long time are there any shortcuts well braising in this nature means you know kind of slowly perking away and all the flavors coming together in the sauce and the meat coming uh soft tender falling off the bone but you know you can speed that process up but instead of having one whole piece of meat a whole roast or a piece of shoulder you can cut it up in pieces so in braising it's about the size of the meat the larger the meat and the vegetables the pieces the longer it will take to cook the smaller the pieces of the meat and the vegetable the shorter time it will take to cook the chicken all right here we are the chicken is nice and crispy and we'll put it to the side and you know in this whole process all you need is this one braising pot you don't need anything else and hence we'll be taking things in and out until we get them all at the right kind of crispiness and then we'll build the sauce in here [Music] let's add the potatoes i want them crispy as well you know i leave the the the skin on nice and easy because you don't want it to splatter okay i spread them out i want them to be kind of caramelized on all sides now you notice how the flowering of the chicken you know do we need to do that well i think it seals the some of the juices in but what also happens to the flour is when we make the sauce the flour will break down into the sauce and thicken the sauce and give it more flavor and more body i think we have a nice color on the potatoes and let's fish them out so i will remove this vegetable oil out so a little bit of oil let's get the garlic in there and get the flavors going again garlic you know i love the flavor of garlic but i don't want to eat it so i crack it like that get all the flavors out and then i can remove it when it has released its flavors i'm gonna put in the olives also because i want them to kind of release a little bit of their flavor and now i will return all of this to the pot so let me add the vinegar i wanted to get into the chicken and into the potatoes so i'm looking what i need is the salt for the potatoes i did not do that i salted the chicken but not the potatoes so a little bit of salt and let me put in a rosemary just like that and now we'll put the wine full blast full temperature full heat okay you want to lower the temperature and you want to cover it so it slowly braces so we'll let this brace for 15 or 20 minutes and then we'll be ready to plate it master class braising basics learn how to prepare a meal in one pot choose the right pan to fit your braise understand the technique of making a perfect braising sauce learn how to build layers of flavor [Music] the aroma tells me it's ready let's check sure oh bellissimo uh the sauce is just the right density and you know i'm just tempted to taste here and to let you know and to tell you so i'm looking for the smallest piece of chicken here but i think they're all nice size okay i'll take this one this here and i want some olives a nice potato just like that and just a little bit more of the sauce and you know a nice piece of fresh rosemary like that so let me see where oh yeah yeah it looks beautiful on all sides but maybe this this just a little piece right here nice little piece of meat a little piece of the olive delicious it's good the chicken is soft you know braising does that it still has that crust acidity of the vinegar the olives the potatoes you can still taste the crust but they're soft and they took in the flavors of the rosemary so delicious i think it's ready to bring to the family [Music]
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 104,533
Rating: 4.9148197 out of 5
Id: 8n1oPLT6lLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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